Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 67 Cleaning up the battlefield

"Who, what bastard did all this!" The golden lion was like crazy and attacking all the creatures around him. He was going crazy. No one had ever been able to treat him like this and ruin his performance in front of him. Killing his audience and subordinates, making the devil show such an ugly appearance, and most importantly, trampling his dignity on the ground ruthlessly. All this is just like what the Golden Lion himself often does in performances, completely turning his identity around. The Golden Lion lets the beast train the trainer. The dislocation caused by the change of identity position often makes the Golden Lion feel a strange way. The comic joy seems to be mocking the entire human race, allowing this arrogant species to recognize their place.

But this identity dislocation is happening now. This scene seems familiar. The golden lion has done this countless times, creating panic and chaos in the crowd, and then running among the crowd like a real lion, chasing after it wantonly. Playing with humans, picking prey at random and enjoying his fear and despair.

And now this is how the invisible enemy treats him. The demons swarming towards the door are just like the panicked humans.

This scene is too ugly, and the enemy is enjoying admiring his own ugliness, but who can blame him? If you enter this universe according to normal procedures, the Golden Lion's circus can plunge any world into the despair of hell, but those bastards above actually let their entire group pass through an unstable door. And just hiding in a corner of a dead planet, waiting for the door to be fully opened, is too damn nonsense, but the order was clearly given, it is simply too bad, those high-level demons There is simply no humanity at all, although the Golden Lion himself does not have this kind of thing.

The golden lion knew what would happen before he walked into that unlucky space door. The golden lion swore that he had never hated the space door leading to the real universe so much. That damn unstable door could turn his own The circus was torn into pieces, and maybe he would die miserably in the passage. As a result, the golden lion was lucky. He successfully passed through the door, which was simply blessed by the true god of Slaanesh. But his men were not so lucky. The more powerful the demon, the easier it was to be harmed in the unstable passage. The officer class of the Golden Lion Circus seemed to be sifted through a sieve. Before they came over, they were still A ferocious demon circus that would make anyone tremble when they see it. After walking through that damn door, it becomes a fucking group of trash. Those higher-ranking, less trashy demons will Being swept away in this way, only a group of trash can only be used as cannon fodder. Those unlucky ones who disappeared were undoubtedly torn into pieces by the unstable space passage. There is nothing more terrifying than this, maybe those The unlucky guy was completely wiped out like this.

Of course, the golden lion will not feel sympathy for them. This is fate. After all, the true god Slaanesh will not bless everyone, but the problem is that without those officers, the golden lion will directly face those who have the worst thoughts in their minds. They are the lowest level demons of primitive passion. These demons are all mentally retarded, and some of them cannot even tell the difference between left and right. It is painful to communicate with these cannon fodder.

If it hadn't been for that unlucky door, the current situation wouldn't have been so bad. First of all, it wouldn't have been so easily attacked by a sneak attack. Secondly, even if it was attacked by a sneak attack, it wouldn't have been like this. Without the officers, those low-level mentally retarded demons were simply uncontrollable, so the enemy hid in the darkness and laughed sinisterly while admiring their own ugliness.

The raging anger was burning in the golden lion's chest, and only blood could give him some comfort. He grabbed a demon without eyes who ran past him, raised the unfortunate guy above his head, and tore it apart. Split into two pieces, letting the blood drip on his head, the golden lion roared loudly: "Me! Who the hell is it? If you have the guts, come out and fight me! What kind of warrior is he who hides in a dark corner? If you have the guts, come out and fight. !”

Lee just pushed the button.

"Boom!" The golden lion was answered by another explosion, and the demons in the tent were going crazy.

Outside the tent, Elizabeth also felt increasing pressure. The continuous shooting had caused the barrels of several guns to overheat. It was time for the demons to feel the true passion.

"The flamethrower team comes forward!" Under Elizabeth's order, two followers carrying the signature weapons of the Sisters of Battle came to the front row. "When you are ready, let's start the barbecue and let these remnants of chaos feel the judgment. A warm welcome from the court.”

Two flames burst out, and in an instant the door was flooded with golden flames. In the flames, all evil and uncleanness were completely purified. Elizabeth looked at everything in front of her, and then closed her eyes. , she breathed the air deeply into her body, breathed in the air greedily, and used her whole body to feel the taste. She smelled the aroma of barbecue and the screams of demons. There was a sweet smell floating in the air, like mellow wine, which made people intoxicated.

There is no more beautiful moment in life than this, and only when she is brutally slaughtering demons can Elizabeth's empty heart feel a trace of satisfaction. But after the satisfaction, there is a deeper and more empty emptiness, just like a drug addict. However, satisfaction and happiness are always short-lived, and the remaining days are just a pale and painful reality and an empty and boring life. Elizabeth knows this very well. Her desire for the blood and life of Chaos enemies will never end. Those remnants of Chaos have taken away her glory, leaving such an empty and deep hole in her heart, so she will use Chaos to The remaining blood will fill it up throughout his life, never ending.

Maybe I can meet Hishan one day? Yes, I still owe her a bullet. Mistakes will not be tolerated. I can't let her down again. I have to blow her head off accurately.

Elizabeth heard a violent boom and another explosion, even more violent than the previous explosion.

So Elizabeth opened her eyes, and she knew that the battle was gradually coming to an end. After the flamethrower was added, the enemy lost their last hope and they had nowhere to escape. In fact, the outcome was already decided when Li entered the big tent. The enemy was so lax, but we still attacked by surprise. With so many advantages, victory should have come easily. It was a pity that one of the followers was lucky. Unfortunately, she left everyone early and could no longer serve the God Emperor.

The door of the big tent was soon filled with charred corpses. The dead demons piled up into a charred black hill, almost blocking the exit. The demons in the big tent had already noticed that something was wrong, but the order was not They can recover in a short time, and going to Li will not give them this opportunity. Before these demons could react, Li launched his final killing move. A small circle of bombs was placed around the exit. This was the last killing move. The previous explosions were just to drive all the demons near the door. Concentrate, use Elizabeth and her followers to block all these demons, and then blow them all to pieces with a "bomb".

After the final explosion, there were no living creatures standing in the entire big tent. The demons fell to the ground. Occasionally, one or two unlucky demons were seriously injured and were not dead yet, moaning in pain "Ouch!" , but after a slight gunshot, there was the sound of the watermelon exploding, and the painful screams disappeared.

Li was hiding in the dark, killing those demons that were not yet dead. This battle was over, and Li had already begun to do the finishing work.

Just like this, they slowly killed one shot after another. After the fifth shot, the corpses piled up at the gate were moved away. The nuns lined up in battle formation and slowly entered the big tent. There was no trace of anything under their feet. The land, Elizabeth and her followers were almost walking on a carpet paved with demon corpses. Walking at the forefront is the flamethrower team. The flames clear the way for the nuns. There is no way that the creatures under the nuns' feet are still alive. Moreover, every time they walk a certain distance, they will shoot at the ground around them to prevent any survivors. who.

Li shouldered his bolt sniper rifle and started fighting from his hiding place.

"The battle is over, ladies." He did not specifically lower his voice. Even without the communicator, Li's voice could be heard clearly: "Please move quickly when clearing the battlefield. We don't have much time."

"Where's the altar?"

"It should be right in the center of the stage. That table-like stone platform seems suspicious to me."

Elizabeth didn't say much. She tilted the bolt shell in her bolt pistol completely onto the stone platform in the center of the stage, shattering the stone platform into pieces almost in the blink of an eye.

"Yes, this is it," Elizabeth closed her eyes, perceived it for a while, and continued: "The breath of the Chaos Ritual concentrated here has disappeared, but the cracks in the space still exist, and Rosina is not here either. , this thing we encountered should be a fake." After saying that, Elizabeth encouraged the followers beside her: "Sisters, move faster, we need to rush to the next battlefield soon to eliminate more evil! Brace yourselves, the holy emperor is watching us."

"May the God-Emperor protect you!"

"Roar!!!" At this moment, a loud roar suddenly came out, and at the same time, a golden figure suddenly jumped out from behind Li. It was a huge golden lion. The lion's eyes flashed with angry flames, and it opened wide. With a bloody mouth, he vowed to completely destroy these stupid and weak humans!

The first is the young man in front of him. He wants this man who dares to despise the devil to enjoy the taste of hell!

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