Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 69: Hard Fight

"How, how is it possible?" The golden lion looked blankly at his dissected abdomen, and in vain used his claws to pick up his intestines, trying to stuff them back into his stomach, "I, how could I fall down like this? Damn it, you bastard! A mere human being. The legend of the Golden Lion has just begun. I am still leading the circus on a great hunt throughout the universe, and is it going to stop me here? Who is that person? Human being, tell me your name!”

"Why are there so many nonsense?" Li Po was a little surprised. The vitality of this giant lion is too tenacious. "It's all turned into minced meat. It's useless to stuff it back. Why don't you die!"

"Humph, an actor will never fall down before finishing his lines..."

Li stopped talking nonsense and suddenly jumped out like a cheetah. He took a big step and leaped up. He kicked on the golden lion's thigh, jumped up again, and jumped to the golden lion's chest. The claws came out and thrust into the giant lion's left atrium.

"Pfft!" With a sound, both claws sank into the golden lion's chest. At the same time, he exerted force with both arms and twisted hard. The two claws easily circled around the lion's chest, and then pulled out one claw and inserted it into the golden lion's chest. At the chest, his legs stepped directly into the wound on the lion's abdomen. The whole person was fixed on the golden lion's chest. Then he used a claw to dig out the golden lion's chest and easily took out a knife. The lump had skin, muscles, and severed ribs, and then a round hole was dug out. In the round hole was a huge black heart, which was still beating loudly.

Another punch was hammered in through the hole, and with a flick of the wrist, the sharp claws easily pierced the heart. With a slight pick, the heart was taken out of the golden lion's chest. He pulled out the other lightning claw, kicked off his legs, and left the demon with one claw carrying the golden lion's heartbeat.

When Li landed on the ground, the heart pierced in his claws was still beating brightly. Li frowned, shook his hand, and dropped the heart to the ground with a thud, and stepped on it with his foot. , "Poof!", the heart was completely exploded by a kick.

"Shut up and die quietly!"

The golden lion didn't know whether he was angry or in pain. His whole body was trembling, and he fell to the ground with such trembling, "Damn humans, we are not finished. This has just begun, the horror has just begun! Just wait, I remember Stop you! You scumbag! I will come back soon! I want you to..." "Wow, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, will come back soon, I will come back soon! The arrow bullet hit the devil's mouth and blew the devil's tongue into pieces. In the end, the devil could only make meaningless shouts. In the background sound effect of this slightly funny wow, it was weird. Green flames suddenly shot up on the giant lion's body, and the demon's body suddenly ignited spontaneously.

"Your movements are quite fast." Elizabeth then walked to Li's side and stood side by side with him. While staring at the green flames ignited on the demon's body, she said to Li naturally: "I originally wanted to give him You ordered fire support, but you didn't expect that you rushed directly to the demon and killed it in two seconds. To be honest, I am surprised now. I haven't seen such a wonderful battle in a long time. "

"Battle?" Li said: "No, this cannot be considered a battle. I said, the battle is over, we are just cleaning the battlefield now. Let your people hurry up, we don't have much time."

"You don't seem to care at all. Don't you know what you just did? You just personally killed a demon with a real name. He will come back to find you."

"You're too nervous, Elizabeth. That's what the dirty little brat said when he left the stage. Why should you care about such words?"

"Because this is not a dirty little brat, this is a demon with a real name. You saw the death of this lion. It is different from other demons. In fact, the other creatures we killed cannot be regarded as demons in the true sense. , those twisted things are just creatures infected by Chaos, they also have flesh and blood, and will be destroyed. But this demon is different, the body spontaneously ignited in the windless and fireless environment, and it is still so evil and weird. The unclean flames, this shows that this beast will not really die, never, we can't really destroy him, we just expelled it, it just returned to the chaotic space, maybe it was injured and needs to recuperate , and it is possible that this filthy thing will emerge from the chaotic space again soon."

"What are you worried about?" Li said with some displeasure: "Since I can kill this beast once, I can kill it a second time, whether it is a hundred times or a thousand times, no matter how many times it comes, the outcome will be It won't change. Unless this guy is a masochist," Li seemed to suddenly remember something at this point, "Well, it's troublesome. It seems that this beast has this tendency. Forget it, there is nothing to worry about anyway. So what if it’s a demon with a real name? This universe is a human universe, and it’s not the turn of these guys from other dimensions to be arrogant.”

Elizabeth sighed and stared at the green flames, admiring the way the demon burned out. Neither of them spoke anymore. After a while, the huge demon lion turned into a handful of black ashes.

"Let's go to the next target."

The nuns sped up the cleaning of the battlefield. After searching, they unexpectedly found some hot weapons used by demons. Apart from the weapon decorations, these weapons were not much different from those used by Li. What was quite surprising was that the ammunition could be mixed and used. They replenished some ammunition and equipment on the spot, held a short funeral for the sacrificed nun, burned the body of the sacrificed nun on the spot, and sold the ashes. The group began to move forward towards the second target. This time it was not as easy as last time. They encountered various demon attacks along the way.

There were minotaurs, sentinel rabbits, some small demon beasts, dogs, gorillas, lions, and demons of all shapes and sizes. These monsters attacked Li and his party from all strange places. Some of them suddenly jumped out from the shadows and were shot into sieves by the nuns who had been prepared. Some demons suddenly jumped out from under the manhole cover of the sewer. Before the demon lifted the cover and jumped out, Li stuffed a phosphorus explosion grenade with the pin pulled out, and then stepped on the sewer cover back. Some were hidden in the shadows on the street lights and were shot in the head by Li's sniper rifle from a distance. With Li as a sentinel walking in front, there was no need to worry about the safety of the team. Most of the dangers along the way had been removed early. Some troublesome ones were directly marked on the electronic map by Li. The nuns got the hint and knew the hidden location of the evil, so they could easily deal with these demons.

Then it was the road to continue to go down. The stairs down kept spinning, as if there was no end. Moreover, the journey was not smooth, and there were attacks from demons along the way. These demons hid in the dark shadows, at the corners of the stairs, or simply hung upside down on the ceiling above their heads. When the team was relaxed, these demons would suddenly rush out from the blind spot of people's sight and launch an attack. Li was able to inform all the dangers in advance, making the demons' sneak attacks completely lose their concealment, but he could not avoid the constant occurrence of battles. Although these small-scale battles did not cause any damage to the team, they effectively slowed down the pace of travel and consumed the physical strength of the warriors.

The people fighting in this underground city were not supermen, but ordinary people. The nun followers had a firm belief, which made them not afraid of most witchcraft and psychic attacks. Belief was their most solid shield, and their strong spirit and determination to destroy all the filth in front of them were their most powerful weapons, but their bodies were still ordinary people's bodies. Even if they had undergone rigorous training, they could not keep them in a fierce state of combat for a long time.

Considering these problems, Li first took everyone to a hidden place to rest for two hours before reaching the second tent. Except for Li, every warrior got an hour and a half of sleep.

After the break, we headed to the target location, which was still a huge tent. There was no performance in the tent, but various simple fortifications had been built, and sentinel rabbits holding hot weapons were waiting behind the fortifications.

Obviously, these demons were already prepared, but unfortunately, the sentinel rabbits were still unable to defend against Li, who could hide his body. Li, wearing an optical cloak, was like a ghost that came and went without a trace, hiding in the air, making it impossible to find him.

Soon, the battle began again.

First, there was a fierce explosion caused by Li, and then there was a rapid and accurate sniper rifle shooting. The sound of the sniper rifle was "bang bang bang..." with a precise rhythm, like the ticking of a clock, and it kept ringing without any emotion. With each gunshot, a demon's head would explode. Soon, no demon dared to show their heads and shoot. Under the cover of the sniper rifle's accurate shooting, the nuns quickly rushed into the chaotic tent. Before entering the door, they threw a row of phosphorus grenades. Under the cover of flames and high temperatures, the nuns rushed into the big tent and started the massacre. This inhumane massacre almost made the demons have the illusion of "Who the hell is the demon!" After the massacre, the altar was easily destroyed.

Still bad luck.

The altar was still fake.

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