On the way to the third target, Li had to stop the team to rest. The reason was that a nun's entourage suddenly fell to the ground while walking, without any warning, and just fell to the ground. The nuns were panicked and hastily formed a defensive formation. They thought it was a special silent attack from the shadows. After guarding for a while, they did not find the enemy. Finally, after checking, they found that the nun had fallen asleep and her body was too tired.

No rest, lack of sleep, high concentration, continuous fighting, all of these are about to drag down the soldiers' bodies. The nuns' entourage now completely rely on their tenacious will to support their bodies to continue moving forward and fighting.

In this case, they have to rest. If this situation continues, the whole team will lose their combat effectiveness due to fatigue.

At this time, the biggest enemy of Li and his team is no longer the evil demons in the other space, but the increasingly tight time and the tired people.

After walking past several windows, he carefully observed the situation outside the building. Outside the window was a jungle of reinforced concrete. The cold city seemed to be dead, lying in the darkness, motionless. There was no light in the tall buildings. Either all the buildings were abandoned, or everyone had drawn the curtains tightly to avoid being seen by the demons. Either speculation was possible, but no matter which situation, the weirdness of this underground city was revealed.

Looking into the distance in the depths of darkness, there were occasionally a few street lights on a road at the end of the sight. The orange-yellow street lights reflected the empty road. This light did not make people feel hope and warmth, but on the contrary, it felt weird. This light in the distance made the city darker. The sky was still under the dark clouds that had not changed for thousands of years. Occasionally, lightning suddenly pierced through the clouds and flashed over the city, reflecting the city in a pale color in an instant.

After Li checked all the sentries, as he expected, everything was normal. Although the followers were exhausted, they did not complain, and they did not even cry out for tiredness. They just accepted the orders and completed them perfectly. These women are very serious about their work, and Li is relieved to have them as sentries. But out of responsibility and habit, he still checked all the sentries before resting.

It is not necessary to do so. As comrades, they are trustworthy. Elizabeth's followers used to be a whole team of combat nuns. These women have received elite training in the nuns, performed difficult tasks, and have firm beliefs in their hearts. These beliefs make them brave to fight and fearless. In a word, they are all qualified combat nuns and excellent warriors. If it were not for the fact that they were all women, Li would really like these soldiers. They came all the way together. Li sincerely felt that they were all respectable warriors. If Li had more or less contempt and disgust for combat nuns before, then now he must add respect to his views.

No matter what these women have done, one thing has never changed, that is, they fight like all men on the battlefield, and they do it well. Just this point alone is worthy of respect.

Lee kept this little respect deep in his heart, and then looked out the window. He pulled down the single-lens goggles hanging on his forehead and scanned the surrounding darkness with infrared, thermal sensing and other devices. There were no enemies, not even a living creature.

After completing the routine inspection, Lee walked into a room in the abandoned building. The nuns had already chopped up and burned the unnecessary old furniture in the room. A bright bonfire was lit in the center of the room. Elizabeth sat alone in front of the fire and warmed herself.

"You went to do meaningless things again," Elizabeth sighed and said, "My followers are absolutely trustworthy."

"They are all very tired, and I am just doing a routine check. I don't mean to distrust them."

"As long as they are still alive, they are trustworthy." Elizabeth looked at the fire and said faintly, "Although they are my followers, they are still combat nuns. They are still full of glory in their hearts. You should trust them."

"I said this is just a routine check. Forget it, let's not talk about this," Li changed the subject and asked, "How is the progress of the Eldar?"

"What do you hope for?" Elizabeth asked back, "Do you hope that the Eldar will succeed easily, or do you hope that they will fail?"

"It's very contradictory," Li said, "Of course I hope they will succeed, but I don't want them to be too relaxed. Otherwise, even if we kill these demons, we will not have a good life."

"The facts should be as you wish. They succeeded. The progress is the same as ours. They are about to face the last battle."

Elizabeth didn't say much, but Li clearly understood the meaning of her words.

Unlike Li and his group, the Eldar were a team of pure rangers. Each of them could hide their bodies and easily disappear from the eyes of others even in the bright sunshine, let alone in the dark shadows. It was almost impossible for the Eldar rangers to be discovered on the road, so they would not encounter obstacles. Their journey would not be slowed down by constant enemy attacks like Li and his group. But now their progress was the same as theirs. What did this mean? Just thinking about it would make it clear that the Eldar spent more time in the battle than Li and his group, and their battle was not easy.

"Then it will be the last battle soon. Who will win the big prize in the end?" Li smiled easily, "Suddenly it feels very interesting, a bit like gambling, purely buying big or small."

"The Eldar people are not as relaxed as you. They seem to be divided into two factions with different opinions. Some people think that our side should make a tentative attack first to confirm whether there is Rosina among the guardians of the altar. to determine the location of the real altar.”

"It wants us to attack first. If Rosina is in our target, the Eldar people will come to help us. If Rosina is not there, we must break away from the battle as soon as possible, reunite with the Eldar people, and attack their target together." Li shook his head, "It's so stupid. This is really gambling, and the dealer has countless ways to deceive us. Rosina can hide it, and then watch us run to the wrong place, or she doesn't There are so many ways to deceive people when it comes to guarding the real altar, and this is what demons are good at. It seems that even the good Spirit Tribe people have fools, so how could they come up with such a method?"

"I'm afraid a large part of the reason is due to the fear of Rosina and the evil god behind her. The rangers of the Eldar are afraid of her. I can feel this fear from the trembling psychic energy."

"Fear!?" Li said sincerely: "It's such an enviable emotion."

Elizabeth looked at Li strangely and asked, "What is there to envy?"

"Astartes are fearless. Many people think this is good, but I don't think so," Li said. "If you don't understand fear, then you won't understand true bravery. Facing a strong enemy and overcoming the fear in your heart." Fear, conquer yourself, then take up arms, stand up, and fight bravely. This is the real brave warrior. They are worthy of admiration, not because they can defeat the enemy, but because they can defeat themselves. However, this process is missing. Our soldiers do not know what fear is. Although they still perform brave deeds, this is not true bravery. This is the result of chemical and drug control and body modification. There is nothing to be proud of. "When he said this, Li's voice suddenly became horrified, as if he had seen something that frightened Astarte. "What's wrong with you?" Li asked in horror.

Elizabeth stared at the fire blankly, the golden flames dancing, reflecting the flickering light and darkness in the room, but Li could clearly see Elizabeth's face full of tears.

Big tears slipped silently down Elizabeth's cheeks and secretly fell to the ground.

Li was a little panicked. He was not afraid of a powerful judge with psychic powers. Even when faced with the threat of life and death, he never panicked, because once he turned his back, he felt that he could deal with Elizabeth. If it was a fight, then Li would not Afraid of anyone.

But facing the beautiful judge who was shedding tears, no, it had nothing to do with her identity, but did it have anything to do with her beauty? Not sure. In short, even if Elizabeth was just an ordinary tearful woman, Lee would be completely helpless.

What should you say at this time? have no idea.

Why is she crying? have no idea.

Is it because of your own words? have no idea.

It was too painful, and Lee would have preferred Elizabeth to swing the chainsword at him, at least he was good at handling the situation.

"Uh, did I accidentally say something too harsh just now without knowing it?" Elizabeth did not answer, but still looked at the fire and cried silently. Li was awkwardly silent for a while before making a decision. In this situation, no matter whether it is your fault or not, admit it first and then talk about it. "Well, I think my words were indeed a bit excessive. I apologize, please don't, um..."

"I'm sorry, it's not your fault." Elizabeth said softly: "It's my problem. This place is very weird. It has been stimulating my spiritual power and lowered my defense. Many things that I usually don't care about, Things that I don’t think about are remembered here uncontrollably, and the emotions that can be perfectly controlled are also vaguely out of control. You don’t have to apologize. What you said is right. It was me who was wrong. At a certain critical moment, I failed. It was not me. I was defeated by the devil, but by myself. I was trembling like a coward. I felt ashamed, very ashamed, very, very, very ashamed.”

At the end of her speech, tears began to fall down in large drops. Elizabeth covered her face with her hands and cried silently.

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