The red-haired witch let out a horrifying roar because of pain, anger and unspeakable fear. She couldn't bear that the victory she had obtained flew away like this. She was humiliated over and over again by this human being, and this human being actually let him I feel fear! Such a person will never be allowed to exist in the world. The witch jumped back on one leg to keep herself away from the monster Li, while roaring: "Kill him, no matter the cost!"

"Any price?"

"Of course, kill this person at all costs!"

Rosina calmly replied: "Understood!" Then such a genius of the spirit race turned the executioner's sword, and in a flash, she appeared silently behind the witch. She stretched out one hand and gently pushed the witch's back. . Due to this push, the witch couldn't help but scream and jump forward, right in the direction of Li, the person she least wanted to get close to right now.

Amidst the demon's frightened screams, Rosina raised her long knife and pierced the witch's back. The long knife directly pierced the red-haired witch. The blade suddenly stabbed out of the red-haired witch's body, and then quickly Li was pierced through, and then Rosina raised the handle of the knife fiercely, stabbed the long knife downwards, and pierced the long knife into the ground. Li fell to the ground weakly with the blade of the long knife, and the one-legged The witch could not maintain her balance, and fell onto Li. Behind the two of them, the long knife in Rosina's hand pinned both the red-haired witch and Li to the ground.

"What are you doing, you bastard!" The witch was extremely frightened. On the one hand, it was because of the knife that Rosina suddenly stabbed at herself, and on the other hand, because of Li in front of her. She really didn't want to be so far away from this terrifying man in front of her. Nearby, the witch yelled in panic: "Rosina, you bitch! What the hell are you doing! Don't you care about the life of your little lover? How dare you stab me with a knife!? Believe it or not... ahhhhhhhh , It hurts, it hurts!”

"Redhead, calm down, don't get excited, I'm here to help you," Rosina said coldly: "Look carefully, I didn't really hurt you, the blade avoided all the internal organs in your body. Also, you Do you know why you can't beat him? Because all your attacks have been dodged by this human. His steps are amazing, he can always dodge your attacks, and he can always see through you before you attack. If you keep fighting, you'll never touch him, but it's different now."

Now that the two of them were nailed together by a long knife, Li couldn't use it no matter how skilled he was. This was the best response that Rosina thought of.

If the two sides were fighting under normal circumstances, maybe this move would be useful, but now, after the effects of the stimulant have passed, and Li is unable to move, the demon is still too frightened to approach him. The genius of the Spirit Tribe She actually used the devil's body to cover up the sudden thrust of her blade, and specially nailed herself and the devil together on the long knife... Li just wanted to laugh at this, so he laughed out loud, you don't have to I was so nervous that I had really lost my fighting ability and would not be more dangerous than a baby. Li wanted to say this, but he laughed so hard that he burst into tears, so he even said: I can't say a complete sentence.

"Hey, human, you are at the end of your rope, why are you still laughing?"

"Oh, forget it, I'd better not tell you. As a mortal, I scared you two like this. Hehe, I'm just very proud."

"Oh, yes, you should be proud, but you should pay attention. Now I am pressing on you. You have no way to escape. I will, um, eat you." The witch stretched out her long pink tongue and licked Touching her lips, while speaking, the red-haired witch habitually twisted her body on Li's body. She rubbed Li's sensitive parts with her body, "How is it?" The red-haired witch said in a low, magnetic voice. The voice asked: "Facing me so close and feeling the softness of my body, you feel nothing?"

"Oh, God, please spare me, I want to vomit," Li said with a grimace: "Please, can't you look at your own virtue before you tempt someone next time? Only a moment's eyeballs are left, and there is still something on the heart. One arm is hanging, two hands and one leg are missing, stabbed by a long knife, and there is blood dripping from your body. You are more disabled than a disabled person. Don't come out and scare people like this. Besides, you are pressing me. Don't rub it on the wound. I've lost too much blood and I probably have no ability. Speaking of which, devil, are you using a new method of torture?"

"I, I..., you dirty maggot, a low-level existence like mud, I want it! I want... wait, wait, wait, I almost fell into your trap." The red-haired witch suddenly realized, and then smiled proudly. , "You want to die, want to die quickly, right? Haha, you almost succeeded. Oh, look at us now, we are so close, and your face is so charming, it makes me intoxicated, I suddenly Got a great idea.”

Li smiled and said nothing.

"You're not afraid, right? You probably think like this, 'If you're not even afraid of death, what else can you be afraid of?' Oh? Looking at your expression, I seem to be right. You're not really that naive, are you?" The red-haired witch was extremely excited. She was so excited about the wonderful idea she had just thought of. She couldn't wait to say: "I want you to become my subordinate, my slave, and fight for me. What do you think of this idea?" ? There is no doubt about your strength and ability. It is a pity to kill you like this. It is too easy for you to become my slave and be tortured by me forever. To achieve all this, you only need to A kiss."

The witch smiled and lowered her head to kiss Li.

The power of chaos quietly slid into Li's body through this deep kiss through the witch's mouth and tongue. This process did not cause any discomfort. On the contrary, it made people feel a trace of pleasure and passion, as well as a brief, A little dizziness, it feels like a passionate kiss with a lover, it's very wonderful.

This is exactly the power that Slaanesh's group of people with distinctive characteristics often use. Demons always use the various negative emotions in the lives of humans and various creatures to strengthen themselves and at the same time lure others to fall. Most of the worshipers of Slaanesh are hedonists. Under the influence of Slaanesh, their life process is a process of rapid degradation in happiness and intoxication. Compared with the killing of Khorne, the conspiracy of Tzeentch, Nurgle ’s plague, the realm Slaanesh controls is more varied and artistic.

He died from a wonderful kiss, and the person who kissed him turned out to be a enchanting beauty. To be honest, Li didn't dislike this way of death. Compared with being struck to death by lightning in the first place and being tortured countless times by his mentor in the conscious space, this way of death couldn't be more wonderful. However, this woman was beaten into a disability by his own hands. Not being disabled is not enough to describe the current miserable condition of the red-haired witch. Apart from her skin, she is still in good condition, and her entire body is in a miserable condition comparable to that of a zombie, which makes Li somewhat uncomfortable.

Will he die like this?

His former self died, and then a person who became a slave of the devil took control of this body?

Li didn't know much about this process. Psionics were a very dangerous but wonderful ability. Li didn't understand how psionics worked at all. He was a little curious, so he decided to take a look.

Then he saw that the power of chaos entered Li's body and started moving as skillfully as usual.

The red-haired witch has seen this transformation process thousands of times and done it thousands of times, so she is very familiar with it.

The power of chaos will mobilize the deepest darkness in the hearts of humans or other creatures. This hidden darkness cannot be discovered in ordinary times. It is the deepest darkness hidden in the heart that even the owner of the body cannot discover. Under the inducement of the witch, this darkness will suddenly erupt, completely swallowing up the living beings, and finally become slaves of evil.

Not long ago, the witch kissed a soldier of the Defense Force. Under the power of the witch, the evil in the soldier's heart was catalyzed by chaos, turning this glorious soldier into a beast that only knew how to kill. .

Therefore, the witch has nothing to worry about. Everyone who has tasted the taste of her lips has become her slave, without exception.

The power of chaos entered Li's conscious world in the form of a witch. She found the deepest part of Li's heart, where she found a box with colorful ribbons tied on it.

There is no doubt that this is what is hidden in the deepest part of Li's heart. In the world of consciousness, a box is a very common image. Human beings are always used to locking and burying their own darkness and desire, so this Writing things are always put in boxes, boxes, jars, nothing new. But most of them are just a locked box, or something like Pandora's box, and modern safes are also common.

Gift boxes are rare.

But who knows, there are many perverts among humans, and everyone will always have some little preferences of their own, so just get used to them. These special preferences are not even surprising to the red-haired witch.

So the red-haired witch roughly tore open the packaging of the gift box, easily pulled off the ribbon, and opened the box with excitement on her face.

Just as the red-haired witch thought, she saw the aura of darkness, which was pure, real power of darkness.

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