Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 81 Dark Lee

Li's eyes turned pure black in an instant, with no whites or pupils. Looking at Li's eyes, they seemed to be two abyss that could attract the soul.

"Very good, it's done." The red-haired witch smiled with satisfaction, and then said to Rosina behind her: "Then, my lovely collaborator, please pull out the long knife. There is no danger anymore." "Red-haired Witch" , it’s time for you to fulfill your promise.”

"Are you threatening me?" Even though the red-haired witch was so embarrassed, her voice was still full of momentum. The devil sneered and said: "Humph, Rosina, don't challenge the bottom line of my patience again and again. Since I promised you, I won’t regret it. What you did was totally wrong, and you should know that you can’t threaten me at all.”

Even if the red-haired witch is nailed to the ground by Rosina's sword, the witch is not afraid, because the real devil will not die. Even if Rosina kills the red-haired witch, she will not really die, although her power will be weakened. But as long as she cultivates in chaos for a period of time, she will return to her original state.

Killing the red-haired witch here would not help. Rosina gritted her teeth and pulled out the long knife.

The red-haired witch then unscrupulously began to use the power of chaos to repair her body. After the path to chaos was cut off, the red-haired witch's power also lost its source. For today's witches, the power of chaos is to use less.

He took off Li's arm from his chest, regenerated his heart that had been cooked by the lightning claws, and connected it to his severed hands. One leg had been stepped on by Li, and there was no way to continue using it. He could only use more strength to regenerate a brand new leg. One of Li's eyeballs was also picked out, and it had already been crushed. However, the injury did not have much impact on the body. Besides, the red-haired witch didn't want to stay here any longer, so the red-haired witch randomly found a piece. White gauze covered the missing eyes. After a while, the red-haired witch returned to her original appearance, still wearing a long black gauze dress, looking mysterious and sexy. Although one eye was covered with a piece of white gauze and her face looked tired, her face showed excitement and excitement that was difficult to conceal.

The red-haired witch had no reason to be unhappy. Such high-quality slaves were not easy to come across. Not even those high-ranking demons had such slaves. "Stand up, my slave," the red-haired witch's voice was full of excitement, "Tell me, who is your master?"

Li's eyes were like dark abyss. He stared motionlessly at the top of the big tent for a while, without any reaction.

At the moment when the witch frowned, Li sighed, "As soon as I opened my eyes, someone dared to speak to me like this. It's really ironic. Master? Hahaha, who else in this world dares to be my master?" I'm afraid even the corrupt emperor wouldn't dare." Li slowly sat up, and his dark eyes just glanced at the red-haired witch, causing the demon to tremble uncontrollably. "Little girl, you are quite courageous. You dare to talk to me like this. You should have been punished, but since you were the one who released me, I will let you go and spare your life. Now you Kneel down and serve me devoutly from now on, and I will not be stingy with rewards.”

The red-haired witch just wanted to get angry, but the next moment, she clearly felt the oppression coming from Li. She didn't even offer the slightest resistance, and knelt down in front of Li while trembling.

There is a strict hierarchy among demons. The formation of this hierarchy does not rely on meaningless things like simple class and identity like humans, but relies on the simple power of some more intuitive things.

Whether it is the legion under its banner, your own strength or the wisdom in your mind, all of these will be the embodiment of power. The weak will always be bullied and oppressed in the chaos, while the powerful will always be bullied and oppressed in the chaos. He will always sit on the throne of the ruler.

The so-called four evil gods are the four most powerful demons in chaos.

And the power of chaos that Li now displays is already comparable to that of a standard high-level demon. Even in front of evil or Abaddon, these strong men still have a place to speak. Although this power is terrifying, it is not enough to make the red-haired witch tremble in shock. At most, it is just a more powerful demon. The red-haired witch has always believed that she can reach this position one day. So this kind of power is not enough to make the red-haired witch kneel in front of Li.

What really made the red-haired witch unable to resist and make her kneel down in fear was the purity shown in Li's power. That evil power was so pure. Even the power of chaos itself has levels, and the level of the power of chaos around Li has already reached a level that the red-haired witch could not even imagine. Just feeling this power gave the witch the desire to kneel down and worship. impulse.

He actually possesses such pure, powerful, and beautiful power. Who is this man in front of him?

The red-haired witch has never felt such pure power from any demon. If she really wants to say that, I am afraid that only existences at that level can possess such power. An astonishing guess emerged in the red-haired witch's mind. This guess made her back soaked in cold sweat in an instant.

"Please, please forgive my servant for my bold guess. What is in front of me is," the red-haired witch swallowed. She also knew that this kind of guess was ignorant and ridiculous, but other than that, she could no longer think about it for a moment. A more reasonable explanation came up, so the red-haired witch boldly said: "Is the person in front of me His Highness the Prince?"

Slaanesh has many names in Chaos, one of which is the Daemon Prince.

Li Leng was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "I'm not that guy, but it's no wonder you admit your mistake. I'm not the guy you imagined, but if it weren't for that guy, there wouldn't be me. Do you understand? "

The red-haired witch nodded blankly, but in fact she didn't understand at all, "The person in front of me denied that he was the true god of Slaanesh, but he also said that without the true god, there would be no him. So what kind of existence is he? Could it be that he was created by the true god? What came out? "Forget it, the red-haired witch decided not to think about these things. No matter what, the power of this man cannot be faked. That kind of power is naturally oppressive to the red-haired witch. It has nothing to do with the size of power, but the pressure brought about by the differences between power classes. Just like mice are afraid of cats, this is nature, engraved in the flesh and blood, and cannot be faked.

Thanks to the red-haired witch's kiss, the original gift left by Slaanesh was opened.

The evil god placed a curse on Robert. This curse made Robert lie down for nine thousand years. At the last moment, Robert and the evil in his heart died together. The curse dissipated, and the great mentor left his body and many years of combat experience to Li , but the power of the evil god still remains in Li's body. The reason why this power can be called a gift is because what Slaanesh left behind is only pure power, but this gift is not so easy to receive, because this gift comes from the evil god. The power of evil is not pure. When ordinary people use this powerful power, it will be accompanied by strong side effects. The dark power left by Slaanesh can make the dark side of human nature stronger than ever before.

Due to continuous fierce battles, injuries, and the influence of drugs, Li's mental defense had dropped to an all-time low, but it was precisely at this time that the red-haired witch opened the gift from Slaanesh, and the power of darkness burst out instantly. , occupying Li's body.

At the same time, deep in Li's heart, another self also awakened.

Just like Slaanesh's first words, Robert's death was not the end, but just the beginning of the game.

Now Li also encountered the same opponent as his mentor, the most powerful enemy in his life himself.

And how could the witch understand these things? "Forget it, I am me, I am Li. Different from the idiots before, I will become the real Li. I will make my life shine with the most dazzling light. I will let the whole universe shine because of my name. Trembling. And you are my servant, my first, first servant, you just need to know this and be proud of it.”

The red-haired witch trembled and bowed to the ground, bowing to Li, "Yes, slave, I understand."

"You are quite well-behaved. The more I look at you, the more I like you. It's a miracle if you think about it. Without you, I might never have the chance to show up. This guy is so stupid. He doesn't even know that I exist. He even forgot about the gift box." Li shook his head and said with a smile: "The original guy was so stupid. He actually believed in that set of deceitful things and was kicked to such a remote place. This whole thing of loyalty and sacrifice almost killed me. Fortunately, I'm here. Now I'm finally out. It's like God's will. Fortunately, it's not too late. Can correct his mistakes in time." As he said this, Li stood up. The moment he stood up, all the injuries on Li's body disappeared, and his skin was as smooth as ever, without even a scar. Leave. And Li's face became more charming and beautiful, "Okay, now tell me in detail, what is going on in all this, this weird underground city, why you are here, and what Chaos wants to do. ? And what kind of tricks are you playing with these spirit tribesmen? "

The red-haired witch secretly looked up at Rosina. This talented Eldar was holding a long knife and standing in front of Silufu with a vigilant expression. The two Eldar women stared with big eyes and doubts on their faces. Look this way. Obviously, the Eldar people had no idea what happened at this moment. How could the master turn into a servant in the blink of an eye, and the queen just now turned into a maid in an instant. And the man who was supposed to be dying not only stood up again, but all the injuries on his body were healed.

But even people from the Spirit Clan should be able to feel the pure evil power emanating from Li.

"What, is there anything you can't say to me?"

The red-haired witch panicked and said hurriedly: "No, no, no, slave, I was just thinking about where to start and how to explain clearly. Don't worry, I will tell you the whole story clearly."

So the red-haired witch told Li everything that happened in the chaotic space.

"So you came here to pick up something, and Rosina is your vanguard. She came here first to set up the altar and the space transmission coordinates, opening the door for you and letting you come here to pick up something."

"Yes, that's right." "It's really strange," Li frowned, "I also know about the Blackstone Fortress, but isn't this a fortress built by the Eldar? Even if you want to take the key items to activate the Blackstone Fortress, you should go to the Eldar. Why did you come to the lost ancient colony of humans to take things? How can there be what you need here?"

"According to the information I got, this ancient city did not originally belong to humans, and it was not originally a hive city, but an ark world belonging to the Eldar.

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