"Here, under my feet," Li stamped his feet and said, "You said this is an Arkworld?"

"Originally, as far as I know, before the true god Slaanesh was born, some Eldar people had already foreseen their own doom and destruction. All of them arrived to settle on remote planets at the edge of the galaxy, and others People entered the Ark World and wandered in space. Then the true god Slaanesh was born. The birth of the true god was accompanied by the destruction of the Eldar. At the moment the true god was born, a powerful psychic storm swept through most of the galaxy, killing countless people. The Eldar people were destroyed and killed at that moment. Even some of the Eldar people in the Ark world could not escape the disaster. Only a few Eldar people in this Ark world survived. They failed to escape the catastrophe. At the moment of the catastrophe, these Eldar people were all dead. The Ark lost control and fell on the planet 'Aion', and was later discovered by the colonists here. Arkworld is undoubtedly a city suitable for living, so the colonists gradually transformed it and finally turned it into a city for humans. "This is why even though this hive city is a human city, it can always feel some spirit in its bones. The reason for the tribe’s style. Manufacturing Director Gustav had already noticed the difference here at the beginning, but no matter how powerful he was, he would never have imagined that it was because of such a reason.

"Then the indigenous people here are the descendants of the ancient colonists."

"There are no indigenous people here anymore."

"What? The me before clearly met a woman..."

"My master, what you met are not real people, they are just souls," the red-haired witch explained: "The arks of the Eldar are not simple ships. From a certain perspective, those arks themselves are It is alive. The keel of the Ark is made of spiritual bones, which are said to be containers that can hold the soul. After the death of the Eldar people, their souls will enter the Ark World. The ancient colonists did not really die. , they just changed their way and continued to live in this Ark World."

Li suddenly realized that no wonder he saw empty houses along the way, and no wonder he had never seen a large number of people. It turns out that this underground ancient city is a complete ghost town.

"I see, it's interesting." Li nodded, looked at Rosina and Silufu not far away and asked, "Then what is their relationship?"

"Siruf is a ranger. She abandoned her path and wandered alone in the galaxy. However, she was not as strong as she imagined. She was targeted by a demon, and the demon successfully infiltrated her. lurking in her heart."

"Wha, what?" Silufu opened her eyes wide and stared at the red-haired witch in disbelief, "How can this be possible?"

The red-haired witch just smiled contemptuously and ignored it, and continued to explain: "There is a devil lurking in Siluf's heart. Siluf herself does not know this, but her good friend and good lover are not Ordinary Eldar people, after she sees all this, she hopes that I can help her to get the demon out of Siluf's heart. This kind of thing may be very difficult for the Eldar people, but it is nothing more than that for me. It’s just a matter of effort.”

"So you used this as a threat to ask Rosina to do things for you, and Siluf was your hostage."

"My master, how can you say that to others? I am not threatening anything, this is just mutual help between friends. I am a devil. How can a devil help strangers for no reason? Since I think If you want to help Rosina, then Rosina is naturally my good friend. As my good friend, you should naturally help me. This is how good friends should help each other. "

Li smiled and nodded, "That's true. Good friends should help each other."

"To be honest, I didn't expect that a Spirit Tribe person like Rosina would come to me. Whether it's making friends with demons or just doing business, it's an extremely dangerous thing for Spirit Tribe people. "The red-haired witch sneered and said: "Depravity is never a momentary thing, but a step-by-step, slow-down process. At the beginning, the person involved may not be aware of it, but this kind of thing will only happen once it happens. From the beginning, there was no turning back. Rosina’s soul was already destined to belong to the true God.”

If the Eldar people are afraid of Slaanesh the most, it is Slaanesh. After an Eldar dies, if his soul falls into the hands of Slaanesh, then the Eldar can well understand what the ultimate fear is. What is eternal pain. For the Eldar people, this is eternal damnation, which is ten thousand times more terrifying than death itself.

"Rosina, is this all true?" Siluf asked the people around her in horror. She couldn't believe that this person would do this for herself. "You made a deal with the devil for me?"

Rosina was silent for a while, and then laughed out of nowhere: "How could you be so stupid that you would believe the devil's words? How could I do such a terrible thing for you? You think too highly of yourself."

Silufu's eyes looked directly at Rosina, as if she wanted to see into the latter's heart. She asked seriously: "I ask you, is what the devil said is true? You don't need to say anything else, just answer me." ”

Rosina opened her mouth several times but failed to utter a word. Finally, she turned all the words in her heart into a sigh. Rosina's shoulders drooped weakly, and she said: "Why do you think so much? Just hate me as before, and keep working hard to kill me."

"So, it's true!?"

"That's why I said you were too stupid. The path of a ranger is not simple. It is far more difficult than the path in the Ark. If you leave the protection of the path, you will encounter many dangers you have never seen before. Demons lurk in the dark universe and spy on your soul at any time. Out of vanity, I have never taught you these things, and because of me, you easily deviated from the path and embarked on the path of a ranger. This is my fault, and I just want to save you, I have no other thoughts, and I can't find a better way."

"But you killed so many compatriots for this, and you even made a deal with the devil. Don't you know how dangerous such behavior is? Maybe in the future, no This is almost inevitable Of course, your soul will also fall into the hands of Slaanesh. "

"I just wanted to save you," Rosina repeated, "I had no other idea, and I couldn't find a better way."

"You killed so many compatriots who used to respect you and even took you as an example in order to save me? They were our fellow Eldar of Alaitok? You even sacrificed yourself to save me?"

Rosina took a deep breath and said firmly, "Yes, those things are just trivial things in my heart. I don't care how those people think of me or what will happen to Alaitok in the future. As long as I can protect you, I will do everything I can, even if the galaxy is destroyed, even if I fall into darkness forever, I have never hesitated. "

The two looked at each other affectionately, as if they had returned to the moment when they first met. It was in an Eden world, with morning mist lingering in the forest, like a sigh. Not far away was a lake that was not marked on the map and had no name, and the water surface was sleeping quietly.

On such a quiet and lonely morning, the two met by chance in the woods. Like a pebble thrown into a lake, ripples appeared in the hearts of the two people, and the ripples in their hearts spread out. The two people almost discovered at the same time that in their lives, each other was an existence that no one could replace.

But the strict path would not allow this to happen. The "path" of the Eldar is not only the direction of martial arts training, but also the guide of life, and the restraint of the Eldar on their passionate and unrestrained emotions. The existence of the path is to save the Eldar from the brink of racial extinction, so no matter which Ark world or the Eldar exile world, it will never allow two women to fall in love.

Not to mention Alaitok, who is famous for his strictness and old-fashionedness in the Ark world.

This is a very simple truth. The birth rate of the Eldar people is not high. The problem of low birth rate has become a problem related to the survival of the Eldar race. Moreover, the universe is not peaceful, and battles often occur. Although the commanders of the Eldar always try their best to keep casualties to a minimum and strive to eliminate the enemy with zero losses, since it is a war, there will inevitably be casualties. When the number of dead Eldar people is greater than the number of born Eldar people, then the extinction of this race will become inevitable.

In this case, the Eldar people will never allow women to have feelings and love each other, because this seemingly beautiful lesbian love has a fatal flaw, that is, two women cannot have children.

This is the greatest immorality.

Both of them are very clear about this. They buried this love deep in their hearts, but unconsciously, they still can't help but attract each other and secretly pay attention to each other.

This love should have been hidden quietly forever, until Rosina saw that Xilufu fell into danger without knowing it, she decided to live out everything she had, just to protect her lover.

This is a sinful love.

The sin is just that the two are both women.

And this mistake was destined in the morning when the morning mist lingered around the treetops, and the moment the two met by chance.

Rosina had thought more than once how much better it would have been if she had not been born as a woman.

At this moment, the two elves were speechless, with only the too quiet sadness left.

The memories of the two of them had just begun, and everything was about to end.

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