"Elizabeth!?" Li turned around with a horrified look and saw the beautiful female judge who had just walked into the big tent. Then a look of pain quickly appeared on his face, and Li's body shook. It seemed that even standing up was already difficult, and then he covered his chest and knelt down on one leg. "It came just in time," Li Jinhan said, "I fought against the demons with the Spirit Tribe people, but I didn't expect..." Speaking of Here, Li stopped. He looked at the Spirit Tribe people who were pierced by the black spikes and fell into the air, with a sad look on their faces, "They are all brave warriors, and they did not hesitate to sacrifice themselves in order to fight against the evil spirits."

Elizabeth glanced at the Eldar people and the black spikes that connected them, but didn't care. She walked quickly towards Li, and asked with concern as she walked forward: "What about you? Are you okay? It looks like you are injured. ”

"It's okay, it's a small injury. I can still..." Li struggled to stand up, but fell to his knees again because of the pain that didn't exist: "Ugh! The devil is too powerful. I can hardly fight against it. If I weren't heroic, The situation is going to be dire for the Spirit Tribe people.”

Elizabeth looked at the red-haired witch. The red-haired witch was lying on the ground at the moment, with the back of her head facing everyone, but even so, the strange twist on the devil's neck could still be easily seen. "Have the demons been defeated by you?"

"Yes, it's not easy. It's like being immortal. It's really scary. The witch won't recover in a short time. Let's seal her away."

"Just kill her, sealing it is too troublesome." As Elizabeth said this, she took out her bolt pistol from the holster on the outside of her thigh and walked slowly towards the red-haired witch.

Li suddenly became anxious. The red-haired witch was a demon and she would not really die. Li originally wanted to use the power of chaos and special magic to slowly erode the red-haired witch after he had concocted the spirit tribe. Getting rid of her once and for all was a bit troublesome, but it was a last resort in order to protect one's own secrets. If he really wanted to kill the red-haired witch, he could have done it long ago. He could just take off the red-haired witch's head. Why bother? Why do you have to twist her head twice? "No, no, no, don't kill her. Killing her won't solve the problem at all. We have to..."

Li's words stopped abruptly, because Elizabeth suddenly turned around and pointed the bolt pistol directly at Li's forehead. Li wanted to argue and ask "why", but pretended to be shocked and said "what are you doing", but all Without any chance to say these words, Elizabeth pulled the trigger without any hesitation.

The shooting at an extremely close distance gave Li no chance to dodge. The bolt bullet hit directly between Li's eyebrows. The huge momentum of the bullet hit Li's head back, and his whole body was struck by the center of his eyebrows. The blow flew up, and then his whole face was enveloped by a small explosion. This was the second attack of the bolter bomb, which exploded after hitting it.

The bullet attack was over, but Elizabeth's attack had just begun. The attack of the bolt pistol continued, and the bolt bullets shot out from the muzzle of the gun continuously, pouring towards Li like a heavy rain. At the same time, Elizabeth raised her other hand, tiny blue psychic lightning Jumping happily on her fingertips, Elizabeth waved one hand, and a psychic lightning as thick as a bucket flashed out, directly hitting Li who was still in mid-air.

This was not like a flash of natural lightning. The thick psychic lightning continued to attack Li for as long as a breath. It was not until Elizabeth's hands began to tremble that this terrifying lightning disappeared. .

Li fell to the ground. The whole process happened in the blink of an eye. Elizabeth pulled out the bolt pistol from her thigh and walked towards the red-haired witch while talking. Li wanted to get up to stop her, but in this blink of an eye, , Elizabeth suddenly turned around and attacked Li. The first shot hit Li directly between the eyebrows, and the other shot sent Li flying into the air, followed by continuous gunshots and lightning attacks.

Li's entire body was sent flying by this sudden attack. He fell to the ground like a rag bag, rolled several times, and then stopped.

Then Li let out a long sigh and sat up. At this time, Li's hair stood up and his whole body turned burnt black. He looked like he was staring at a black celebrity with an afro hair style. And when he opened his mouth and sighed, black smoke came directly from his mouth.

This look makes people want to laugh, but Li himself doesn't know. "I originally wanted to save your life," Li said with a deep look on his face: "That fool just likes women of your type. To be honest, I don't I like it very much. By the way, I am from the uniform department. Your profession, the judge, has a great advantage in your charm. But you actually saw through my disguise. I think there is no negligence. Can you? Tell me, where did I show my weakness?"

Elizabeth's actions were obviously stagnant. Whether it was Li's current appearance or his words, it was obvious that they had a serious mental impact on her. To be honest, Li looked very stupid and made her want to laugh. , but Elizabeth also knew very well that now was not the time to laugh. If she couldn't help but burst out laughing, the scene would be too embarrassing, so she seemed to be stunned for a moment, as if she was thinking about how to answer such a question. After a while, she answered coldly: " You are full of flaws." After finishing his words, he seemed to feel that the words were not strong enough, so he added: "If the disguise of an ordinary demon is a beautiful dress, then your disguise is a fishing net full of holes. It’s not enough to describe your poor performance just now.”

"There's no way," Li said, covering his face: "The time is too tight, I really didn't expect you to come here so quickly, and I'm not a professional actor, so it's normal for me to behave like this in a hurry. So. Can you tell me specifically where my biggest flaw is?”

"Your biggest flaw is probably that I arrived at the gate a long time ago."

"Ah? Have you arrived a long time ago? When?"

"From the beginning, you said that your dream is to build a big harem."

"There's nothing we can do about it, but I want to make a solemn statement. Yes, even at this time, I have to say that I am not an evil spirit, I am Li."

"At this moment, what nonsense are you talking about?" Elizabeth raised her voice and said, "Evil devil, why don't you get out of this good-for-nothing man?"

As she said this, the vigilance in Elizabeth's heart continued to rise, reaching its highest point in an instant. Obviously, Elizabeth's attack just now did not cause substantial damage to Li. Although his external image looked exaggerated, his whole body was burned black, and his hairstyle became an afro, he was still able to move smoothly without any problems. He was talking to himself with difficulty. When he stood up, his movements were smooth. It was almost impossible to tell that he was an injured person.

The attack just now did not really hurt the demon in front of him, so a more powerful attack must be prepared.

"I am really Li, not some possessed demon," Li continued to argue: "What Li has experienced, I have experienced with him. I also know what Li knows. What Li likes, I also like that I was once a part of Li, and now I have gained power and am proud of the sea of ​​consciousness. Let's put it this way, scientifically speaking, a certain psychologist once had this theory, he will. The 'I' of human nature is divided into three parts, namely the id, the ego and the superego. The id is the true self, which is a collection of various desires and the most primitive impulse in human nature; and the self is the 'self'. This part is the part that you can realize to perform thinking, feeling, judgment, or memory. It follows the 'reality principle' and serves the ego. The superego is the beautiful and moral side of the personality, which is actually the least. This is what is realistic, because morality itself has no rules and no entity. Morality follows social rules, and social morality changes at any time with different times, places, and societies. In short, morality itself is Even the biggest lie, this kind of thing is just to maintain a certain order, and it is completely meaningless to myself, but under normal circumstances, the superego always restrains the former. "

"What the hell are you talking about?" In Elizabeth's hand, lightning began to jump again, and terrifying psychic energy began to accumulate.

"I just want to tell you that I am still the same Li. Using this theory to explain, now the 'superego' part of my body has fallen into a deep sleep. The 'id' has never been stronger. My current behavior Following the 'pleasure principle', I am happy as I please. As for whether it is smart or ethical, these things are no longer considered. To put it simply, rational thinking and moral principles can no longer stop me. . And this should be the purest evil.”

"Evil, your sweet words are of no use. Forget it, it seems you won't come out." Elizabeth took out a chain sword from her waist. She pressed the switch on the hilt, and the serrated edge of the chain sword began. She started spinning wildly. At this moment, Elizabeth's left hand was filled with lightning, and her right hand was holding a spinning chain sword. Her eyes were filled with the will to fight, "Seeing that the negotiations have failed, I can only completely eliminate you first."

"It seems that you are not willing to believe what I said." Li was completely unaware of Elizabeth's fighting posture. "Then let me put it another way. There are two Li's in my body now, like coins. There are two sides. The one on the front has been unconscious due to the fierce battle before, but because of Miss Witch, you can think of me as a dual personality, so in this way, I just have a little brain. Just a special person. So do we have to fight just because I am a patient with dual personality? Don’t you think it’s ridiculous to sit down and talk about it and see if there’s any possibility of cooperation?”

Lee's answer was the oncoming chainsword and Elizabeth's roar: "Devil, die!"

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