Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 85 Hesitation

Li simply raised his arm, with his index and middle fingers together and straightened, his ring finger and little finger bent and clasped in the palm of his hand, his thumb raised, and his entire hand took on the shape of a pistol.

"Bang!" Li said in his mouth. It's like a child's fantasy game, where he uses his hand as a pistol and shoots at the enemy.

Then an incredible scene happened. A black projectile flashed away, leaving only a black message in Elizabeth's eyes. Then she felt a strong force coming from her abdomen. She was wearing power armor. Elizabeth, who was holding a chain sword, was knocked upside down and flew directly out of the center stage, collapsing the stands on one side, and then being buried in various collapsed wastes.

"It seems that there is no possibility of cooperation between the two parties. You have no sincerity at all," Li shrugged and said: "Elizabeth, Elizabeth, tut tut, what do you want me to say to you? No wonder you are in the trial court. The object of rejection, your behavior is not like a member of the Inquisition, you are no different from a nun." As Li said this, he grabbed Elizabeth with a big invisible hand. He dragged Elizabeth out of the ruins, pulled Elizabeth back from the distance, and pulled her in front of Li. Li looked at Elizabeth floating in front of him, shook his head and said: "Not only is it blind, but it is also stupid. Since you have discovered that I am with It was different before. You should have retreated decisively, which might have caused some trouble for me. But now you have rushed in alone and tried to compete with me. You are simply overestimating your capabilities. It is stupid and ridiculous. You have such a small mind. Tricks are a joke to me, do you know why?" As Li said, he fully revealed the spiritual power in his body, and for a moment, the entire big tent was horribly shaken. Suppressed by the power of darkness, this terrifying power shocked everyone present. Elizabeth trembled uncontrollably. Siluf, who was pierced by a forest of black spikes not far away and fell into the air, even cried. Even the red-haired The witches all lay on the ground and curled up into a ball. Facing the powerful force, they could only tremble and were unable to resist.

Elizabeth's face turned pale, and despair came suddenly. At first, she thought that a certain demon had invaded Li's body, but she didn't pay too much attention. Demons are good at charming humans and invading other people's hearts. Besides, even if Li was possessed by a demon, it wouldn't be a big deal. Just kill Li. Elizabeth doesn't even need to think about this decision.

So she went and did it, but she never expected that Li would become so powerful. Her psychic attacks and bolt pistol attacks had no effect at all. By the time she thought of using the more powerful chainsword, she had already lost the chance.

"Really, am I going to kill four beauties in one day?" Li shook his head and said, "This is really unfortunate. Elizabeth, you are a psychic, you should be able to feel my power and yours." There is a huge gap, right? It is the difference between the sun and a firefly. In front of me, you are just a little insect. Your resistance is meaningless. After realizing such power, have you ever changed your mind? I'm very patient today, so don't let this bad luck go to you."

For a moment, Elizabeth felt that the scene in front of her seemed familiar, and she had a familiar feeling, as if she had experienced it before. Then she thought about it and suddenly realized that it took her a while to notice such an obvious thing. This situation was almost exactly the same as when he first encountered the devil.

A powerful and invincible enemy suddenly appeared, and he was also faced with a choice.

Although time, space and scenes have changed, the feeling of despair is no different, and there is no doubt about the strength of the enemy.

Cry cowardly or fight back?

For a moment, Elizabeth's heart surged. There had never been a moment in her life when she was so convinced that the God-Emperor was protecting her, and she had never been so grateful and moved as she is now. .

The Holy Emperor gave himself a second chance, an opportunity to prove himself, and this was the beginning of his glorious return.

As for how to choose, is there any need to think about it?

"Bah!" Elizabeth's hands and feet were restricted, but this still could not stop her from attacking the evil. Her saliva hit Li's face accurately, and she repeated viciously: "Devil! Die!"

Li was stunned. He seemed to be confused by the sudden attack of spittle. He did not expect that Elizabeth would dare to spit on him in this situation. The coercion of power has an impact on psykers. He knew very well that Li didn't need to do anything. Just by showing his power, he could exert absolute suppression on others. This suppression was all-round, extremely harmful to the soul, spirit, and will. A huge burden. Just look at the crying Eldar Ranger not far away to understand how strong this burden is. But it's amazing that Elizabeth can still resist under such pressure. Li blinked, then scraped off the saliva from his face with his hand, looked at it in front of his eyes, and then used his tongue to lick all the liquid in his hand into his stomach. After licking it clean, he casually took it from the He took out a black handkerchief from the void, wiped his mouth, and then said: "I've finished eating your spit, now it's your turn to eat mine..."

Then Li suddenly reached out his hand, grabbed Elizabeth's long hair, and kissed her forcefully.

No matter how Elizabeth struggled, she could not get rid of Li's control. Elizabeth dodged and resisted, but in the end their tongues were entangled together. At the same time, Li's other hand wandered up and down the female judge's body. Elizabeth struggled fiercely, but her twisting body not only failed to resist, but made Li feel more excited. In the face of absolute power, all her resistance was doomed to be useless.

The powerful and beautiful judge was like a weak little lamb stripped of clothes at this time. Her strenuous resistance and struggle could only make the abuser more happy.

After a while, Elizabeth felt strange, no, weird changes from her body.

Elizabeth was surprised that her body had feelings for Li. Elizabeth had never encountered such a situation, but soon, this surprise turned into deep shame.

Li not only has a delicate face that attracts women, but also possesses ** means that ordinary people can't imagine. To some extent, this can no longer be regarded as a simple means. Of course, both of them are gifts from Slaanesh. If a person wants to do evil, then he only needs to have enough malice; but if a person wants to do great evil and pursue evil, then he must have enough strength.

The devil knows this very well, so in many cases, the devil will not do anything directly to the target, they will not make demands, because the devil knows that if you want to get, then you have to give first, and the devil is also proficient in the merchant's tricks.

So in many cases, the devil will always behave very generously, they will readily give others their own power, and this huge power will often bring evil behavior, and even without the guidance of the devil, the power itself can bring evil.

Give a gun to a person who is trapped in hatred, and he will use the gun to take revenge; give a bomb to a person who is trapped in the abyss of despair, and he may detonate the bomb in the downtown area; give an ordinary person power, this power enables this ordinary person to do evil without being punished, then this ordinary person will be severely tested, will he insist on living his ordinary, plain and quiet life, or will he do evil because of this powerful power?

Who knows?

It is precisely because the ending is uncertain that it is interesting. Demons like to see humans fall into torment and choices, and most of the time, they are happy to see a person slowly degenerate under the guidance of power.

And Slaanesh is also known as the god of joy. Her power is said to come from happiness. The believers of Slaanesh are always pursuing various kinds of happiness. Like drug addicts, those believers are always immersed in enjoyment, and eventually lose themselves in pleasure, decline day by day, fall into despair, and eventually lead to self-destruction.

What Li obtained is this kind of power. Although it cannot be compared with the power of evil Slaanesh, it can also bring happiness to others.

Just by gently caressing, Li could bring Elizabeth an unprecedented impact of pleasure. It was a wonderful feeling that the beautiful judge had never experienced in her life. Li's hand gently brushed her skin, and her skin instantly contracted nervously as if it was electrocuted. The wonderful feeling followed the hand wandering on her body, making her deeply immersed in it. Under Li's touch, a door that had never been seen before opened in front of Elizabeth, and a brand new world appeared in front of her.

But there were responsibilities, shame, and enemies, too much happiness, too wonderful feelings, too deep shame, all of which concentrated together, making her unable to think and almost going crazy.

But Li did not stop.

Due to the power of the evil god, Li only needed one glance to understand her body better than Elizabeth. Li knew every hidden and exposed sensitive area of ​​hers. He knew the meaning of every one of her movements. He also knew that this was like the planet of Eden.

The development process should be very interesting, but it was a pity to kill her here.

For a moment, Li actually hesitated.

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