Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 86: The Path

This hesitation did not last long. As Li said, his current actions mostly follow the principle of happiness.

Even if he feels happy, he will do it without considering the harm to others and various moral factors.

Only in a few cases will Li make temporary sacrifices and concessions for his own safety. Of course, he will never sacrifice himself.

Just like the women he wants to kill today, it is already a great sacrifice for Li. These would have been his good toys, but because of the hateful pseudo-emperor and his empire, Li had to disguise himself and hide secrets.

If Elizabeth is left behind, there will be a lot of dangers for no reason, but Li is happy. As for the hidden dangers, they are naturally ignored by Li.

But just when Li hesitated, he relaxed his control over Elizabeth. The pleasure faded, and Elizabeth suddenly woke up. At this time, she had no way to hesitate. She knew that if she continued, she would fall. Lightning gathered at her fingertips, and then she suddenly raised her hand, and the thick lightning suddenly shot out to the side.

"Hey, hey, you're so happy, you're going too far away from the target..." Before he finished speaking, Li realized Elizabeth's true intention. The target of the lightning was not him, but the cage formed by the thin black needles. The silver lightning swept past, and those thin black thorns made of pure energy could not withstand such an attack at all. In the blink of an eye, the thin black thorns like a forest collapsed and disappeared, leaving only Sylph standing there in a daze.

Hmm? Only Sylph?

What about the other one?

Li was not panicked, he laughed instead, "Interesting, Mouse, do you want to resist? But you should all know that in the face of absolute power, all your resistance is meaningless. Rosina, what do you want to do?" As Li said this, he opened his arms and slowly turned himself in an unguarded posture. He was mocking Rosina. Even if he had no resistance, what could Rosina do to him? "You really don't need to hide. Come on, attack me. All your attacks will only make you fall into deeper despair. No one here can compete with me."

"You are wrong. At least there is one person who can subdue you." Suddenly, Rosina rushed out from behind Elizabeth and appeared in front of Li. At the same time, she stretched out one hand and pressed a cold crystal on Li's forehead.

"Is this your attack?" Li frowned, "What are you doing? What on earth are you pressing on my forehead?"

Rosina did not answer this question, but said to Li seriously: "Li, fight like a warrior and defeat yourself."

Of course, this is not what she said to Li now, but to another Li in the enemy's body.

Dark Li suddenly realized that the most powerful enemy is not outside, but in his own body. The most powerful enemy is not others, but himself.

It has always been like this.

A cool feeling flows across Li's forehead, waking him up leisurely from his dream.

Li lives behind the fortress in his heart. This fortress stands in the middle of the sea with white walls. This solid defense line can resist any attack.

Li got up from the bed, poured himself a cup of green tea, and slowly walked to the balcony. Outside the castle, there was a raging sea. Li did not like this ocean because it was not the blue ocean in Li's memory. The sea here was deep black, like the color of ink.

This was a strange scene. Li was also in a surreal environment. In the center of the black sea was a white castle standing alone, and Li was leisurely admiring the raging ocean in the castle.

This scene was like a strange dream. No, Li knew that this was not reality.

Li was now in his heart. What he saw was just the result of the embodiment of some things. Most of them had realistic symbolic meanings. The black ocean should be the spiritual power given by chaos. This power was as vast as the vastness. It could not be seen at a glance, but it was so violent that it repeatedly set off huge waves, trying to swallow everything here. And this white castle is his defense. No matter how turbulent the sea is, the castle still stands in the center of the ocean. No matter how the huge waves keep hitting it, the white castle remains unmoved.

After Li inherited this body, it was the first time that he carefully examined his heart.

Here is the solid defense built with the help of Robert, and there is also the huge power left by the devil. This should be his own treasure house, but he has always been subconsciously ignored.

For Robert, Li has respect, but always feels guilty, because he knows that he can't do what Robert did. He is not so great, and he doesn't want to be a hero. He likes to control the situation under his own control. Often, only when he is forced into a desperate situation, Li will show his most hideous side.

If there is a glimmer of hope, how could he put himself in such a dangerous situation?

Looking back, it is really a step wrong, and every step is wrong. At first, I just thought of Aiweng capturing a few Eldar rangers alive, but I didn't expect that so many things would happen in the end.

But after all, there is no regret in the world. At this point, Li could only accept his fate and let his other self mess around. At first, it was because he clearly saw how Robert died together with the demons contained in the curse, so Li continued to He didn't dare to come into contact with the power of chaos, but he didn't expect that he still underestimated the power of chaos. Now this terrifying power is like the violent ocean in front of Li. It has far exceeded his expectations, and things have become uncontrollable.

"This is not the time to be discouraged. There is still hope." Behind Li, a melodious and magnetic voice said.

Li turned his head in horror, "Is it you? How did you get here?" "I couldn't come in originally. It was only with the help of the inheritance stone that I was able to get here and see you. Don't be too surprised. Many What seems unbelievable to you humans is as normal as the sun, moon and stars in the sky to us Spirit Race people." Rosina sighed and explained, "Come here and do it to me. It’s a huge burden, so I’ll tell you straight away, you are in danger now, and if you don’t control this power, you will be annihilated sooner or later.”

Although the chaotic sea cannot destroy the castle in the center of the sea for a while, it cannot resist the accumulated power over time, and water droplets can penetrate rocks. Although this precaution can ensure that Li is safe for a while, it is hard to say what will happen in the future.

"I may be able to hide for a while, but I can't hide forever." Li nodded and said, "I also know this, but what can I do even if I know? I can't control this huge power. I even doubt that except for God, Emperor, are there still humans who can control this power? I am afraid that even psychics who have undergone cruel training cannot control such a huge power."

"Under normal circumstances, you really can't control this kind of power. Your only end is to be swallowed up by the power, but now the situation is not ordinary," Rosina said: "Because there is still me, if I can teach you a method , so that you can suppress and control this power, then are you willing to accept all the conditions that come with it? "

"I don't quite understand."

"You seem to have some understanding of the spiritual people, so let me explain briefly. All the civilizations of my race are based on spiritual energy. For the use of spiritual energy, except for those demons, the whole universe There is almost no creature that is more advanced than the Eldar. But compared to you humans, the Eldar have a more intense personality. We love like fire, we hate like poison, and our emotions are like storms that come suddenly and cannot be resisted. Many times, we love like fire and hate like poison. , the spirit race people will do very terrible things because of impulse, and such agitated hearts cannot control dangerous spiritual energy. In order to prevent us from falling into self-destruction, the 'Tao' was born. "Rosina said: "There are many kinds of 'paths', various paths of fighting, craftsmen, artists, performers, all kinds of 'paths', but all paths have one thing in common, that is control. Yourself. Control your emotions, control your power, and don’t let power and impulse overwhelm your reason.”

"Are you going to tell me the secret of 'Taotu'? Isn't this the secret of you Spirit Tribe people?"

"You are right, the 'Tao' is the secret of our clan. Even though there are many creatures who know the 'Tao' of our clan, but how to set foot on the 'Tao', the secrets in the Tao are not They can know that the inheritance of the Tao is secret and cannot be easily known to outsiders. "

"Then why did you do this again?"

"I have no choice. Now this is the only way to save Xilufu's life. I want to protect her. If I only need to pay some secrets to prevent her from being harmed, I will be happy to do it."

"It seems that the 'Tao' doesn't work very well on you. I can hardly see any reason in you."

"Yes," Rosina smiled: "The road cannot stop my love for her. I love her, and I can't change it no matter how hard I practice. My reason tells me that this is wrong, but I can't control it. What's the point? Solution? Although I did many wrong things, even though I knew that my ending would be miserable, I didn't regret it. It's strange. I thought I would never say these words in my life, but I didn't expect it here. I can speak to you so naturally under such special circumstances.”

"You should always be more honest with your enemies than with your lovers." Li shook his head and no longer cared about the Lily love between Rosina and Silufu. There are more important things for him now, "Then with the help of Dao Can Tu control this power?"

"I don't know," Rosina said, "but this is the only way. We have no choice."

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