In Li's opinion, the "path" of the spirit people is actually another name for skills. The spirit people may regard the pursuit of skills as a path in life.

There are countless types of paths. Some are rare, such as the path of the prophet, and some are very common, such as the path of the craftsman. Each path provides a complete lifestyle for followers.

It's a bit like the Shaolin martial arts in the martial arts stories. To learn Shaolin Kung Fu, you can't just learn Kung Fu, but also learn the corresponding Buddhist mind method. If you are not good enough, you may have to shave your head and become a monk.

Li is very pessimistic about whether he can control the path.

"I'm not going to let you fully understand what the Tao is," Rosina said bluntly, "and I can't provide you with the complete 'Tao', not only because some of the important secrets cannot be known to you, but also because you can't live according to the guidance of the Tao. In words that humans can understand, the Tao is not only a skill, but also a philosophy of life, a supreme pursuit."

"Now I don't seem to be qualified to be picky, so what are your requirements?"

"You must swear an oath, of course it won't be a simple oath, I don't trust humans. So this will be a special oath, with my cooperation, your oath will definitely be fulfilled. The power of psychic energy will form an oath lock in your heart. As long as you don't break the oath, then this thing is the same as non-existence, but once you break it, "If you take your oath, the oath heart lock will react, and a psychic explosion will occur in your body. The power of the explosion is enough to raze a city to the ground, and you will definitely die."

"What kind of oath?"

"You must promise that from now on, you will never be an enemy of me and Xilufu, and you will never hurt us. In the future, we may not be friends, but we will never be enemies."

"That's good, but what if you attack me?"

"The effect of the oath is mutual. If we take the initiative to attack you, then such a constraint will naturally be cancelled."

Li nodded, "Let's start the inheritance."

Before the class, there was a set of complicated rituals. Li first swore in Gothic, and then repeated the oath in the Eldar language. With Rosina's complicated magic ritual, a strange chain appeared in the castle. After the oath ceremony was completed, the heart lock had formed in Li's soul. After confirming that everything was normal, Rosina opened the inheritance stone with a heavy face. In that spirit stone, the soul of a martial arts master was sleeping.

In an instant, the ancient hero of the Eldar awakened again, but before the hero could see the situation clearly, the power of darkness swept him away. In Li's body, the power of Slaanesh always occupied the most important position, and it rejected all other foreign souls. The consciousness, emotions, ideals and soul of the ancient hero of the Eldar were completely wiped out in the blink of an eye. The hero disappeared completely before he fully woke up, leaving only pure experience and skills in Li's body.

In an instant, Li had become different.

Li was stunned and raised his head. The world in his eyes had become different. Li sighed and said, "General inheritance does not seem to be like this."

Before, Li may have been completely unaware of the inheritance of the Eldar, but now he has inherited the skills and experience of a martial arts master, and he knows no less about the inheritance of the Tao than Rosina.

The general inheritance is composed of teaching, instruction, and a series of practice. After the student walks on the path for many years, he will gradually come into contact with the secret of the soul, and only after becoming the martial arts master of the No Returner on the path, they will come into contact with the soul of the ancient hero. It is always dangerous to rashly attract the ancient soul. Rosina's behavior is too dangerous for students. If it were an ordinary person, they might be directly torn apart by the soul of such a spirit hero.

Rosina was shocked, and then she smiled, "It's not a situation now, and you are not an ordinary person. Even if you are angry, please don't try to hurt me. The chain of the oath is deeply buried in your soul."

"I know, let me finish it now."

Everything that happened in the consciousness space seemed to take no time, but in the real world, it was just a moment. Rosina used the spirit stone to stick to Li's brow, and the soul of the ancient spirit hero emerged from the spirit stone and entered Li's body, and then Li's body began to tremble violently.

"What did you do, you damn bitch, I should have killed you earlier!" Li roared loudly, and he waved his hand to knock away the spiritual stone on his forehead, then raised his fist and hammered towards Rosina, and the black power appeared between his fists. As long as he hit, Rosina would be dead.

But at this moment, a hand suddenly stretched out and easily grabbed Li's wrist, stopping his fist.

Li's left hand grabbed his right hand, and Li stopped his own attack.

"What, what's going on?" Li panicked, but he soon understood, "Asshole, what are you doing? Why are you stopping me? Are you stupid? Everyone here is going to die, they know our secret!"

In Li's left eye, the black mist slowly disappeared, and then the blue spiritual energy burned out of his eyes like an illusory lightning flame.

At this time, Li's eyes were filled with black mist, and blue lightning flames were rising in his eyes. Half of his face was evil and weird, and the other half was solemn and solemn.

"No need to say more." Li said to himself: "There is nothing to say between the two of us." Then Li took a step back, held his right hand in his left hand and released it, and thrust it into his right eye like lightning, and looked It looked like he was going to dig out his right eye that was filled with black mist, but in the blink of an eye his right hand blocked his left hand.

Li said in a strange tone: "You don't need to harm yourself, this is your body, and it is also my body. If you don't cherish yourself, I will know how to cherish myself. The battle between us is meaningless, because victory has already been determined." , even if you defeat me and suppress me now, the result will not change. Even if your body can be immortal, your soul is still just a mortal. You will die, and after you die, I will be reborn. Then no one will stop me. But now, it's not your turn to be arrogant!" Dark Li said, pushing away his left hand and closing his eyes. When he opened his eyes, Li's eyes All returned to darkness.

Li shook his head, waved his hand, and the dark energy spread out like waves. Then a large black door appeared in front of the Red Witch. The black door opened, and inside the door was a chaotic space.

"Let's go, Red Witch, I won't kill you."

The Red Witch stood up, spun her head twice, and then twisted her neck. After a crackling sound, she seemed to recover slightly.

"Then goodbye, this strong man," the red witch looked at the judge not far away from Li, "and Elizabeth, we met so briefly, we didn't even say a word to each other, we were about to separate, I really hope We will never meet again."

Elizabeth was stunned, and then looked at the Red Witch with a frown. After a while, there was only horror on her face: "Xishan?"

The Red Witch didn't answer. She stepped into the black door and returned to the chaos, leaving only a chuckle.

"Then there are the Eldar people." Following Dark Li's words, a door made of pure spiritual energy appeared in front of Silufu. "This door leads to the webway you are familiar with. You can leave. But before you leave, take the judge with you, and you must ensure that Elizabeth can return to where she wants to go alive." As he said this, Li tore off Elizabeth's clothes, revealing her white belly without a trace of fat. , Dark Li slowly stroked Elizabeth's belly, and then suddenly inserted his fingers from the navel into the inquisitor's body. Ignoring Elizabeth's painful wails, he continued to explore her belly, and soon Quickly, Dark Lee reached where he needed to be. He left a little something in Elizabeth's womb, and then withdrew his hand.

"I'm really sorry," Dark Li Chenchen said, "If there is enough time, I will do it in a way that both parties can feel pleasure and affection. Under normal circumstances, I will be very gentle. But there is no time now. So I just have to be rough."

Elizabeth was stunned. She had just met the witch suspected to be Xishan, and her brain was still in a strong shock. For a moment, she didn't understand what Li had just done, but by the time she did, Li had already completed it all.

"Why," Elizabeth almost collapsed, "why did you do this?"

"Killing you, of course, I want to save myself from trouble," Dark Li smiled: "Letting you go, of course, is causing trouble for myself. As for the things I put in your body, those are my It should have been done, and if it weren’t for the twists and turns that shouldn’t have happened, the two of us should have done it all in a more glamorous way.”

Li directly placed his sperm into Elizabeth's womb. Under the power of chaos, Elizabeth would undoubtedly become pregnant.

Rosina and Sylph picked up Elizabeth and dragged her into the webway. Along the way, Elizabeth was cursing. She hated Li so much. The hatred in her voice was so deep, and the dark Li He just smiled and seemed to be enjoying the hatred, "Goodbye, ladies, I didn't kill a single beauty tonight. To be honest, I'm very happy."

The blue door was closed amidst Li's farewell, and only Li was left in the big tent. With a burst of wild laughter, all the darkness and chaos disappeared, as if it were summer. In the sky after a thunderstorm, one moment there were still dark clouds, but the next moment, the dark clouds dissipated, leaving only pure washed air.

The darkness disappeared, and only pieces of ruins were left behind the big tent, and Li stood alone. Suddenly, a heavy sigh came from the center of the stage.

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