Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 88: Five Years Apart (1/2)

"You actually came back alive?" Randall Jonde looked at the woman standing in front of him in shock. He never expected that a person who had long been considered dead would now come back to him alive. In front of me, "Not bad, Elizabeth, did you know you were coming back? You disappeared suddenly without saying a word, and no words were conveyed back in the middle. It has been five years since you disappeared. I thought you were dead long ago, and I even paid for it myself." I bought a tombstone for you in the public cemetery in St. Landau City." Randall Jonde's tone was full of anger. He said: "You better have an explanation that I can accept, otherwise I won't. Mind if I shoot you directly. This will save me a lot of time. If you live like this, do you know how much I have to do on the personnel file? You have sacrificed gloriously for the secrets of the Empire for several years now. You suddenly came back alive."

"Did you pay it out of your own pocket?" Elizabeth casually found a seat in the room and sat down without a trace. "I remember that there should be a pension. After my death, the empire would pay me for my loyalty and bravery. A sum of money, I don’t have any other relatives, let alone my colleagues, where is the money?”

Randall Jondel was stunned for a moment. He suddenly discovered that Elizabeth had changed a lot in five years. She was like a dangerous sharp blade and a simple weapon no matter where she went. So conspicuous, dangerous, deadly, yet beautiful. But now she is no longer the cold female prosecutor. Her lines look softer, and the sharpness and coldness have disappeared. Randall didn't know what had happened to Elizabeth in the past five years, but there was no doubt that she was no longer as innocent as she was back then, and she had become more mature. But this does not mean that she is no longer in danger. Randall Jonde understands that Elizabeth just hides her sharpness. In other words, she becomes more dangerous.

At least in the past, Elizabeth would not have spoken to herself like this, nor would she care about her pension.

Randall Jonde said with emotion: "I haven't seen you for five years, you have changed a lot."

"Of course, you have become more beautiful and attractive. After five years of not seeing you, you have changed a lot."

"Oh, really? Those changes?"

"You're getting fatter." Elizabeth stood up and patted the wall. A secret compartment was opened. In the secret compartment was a small wine cabinet. She ignored Randall Jonde and almost stared out. With the eye sockets and the murderous look in his eyes, he took out a bottle of rum from the wine cabinet, uncorked the bottle, and drank from the bottle.

"Hey, I drank from that bottle!"

"I don't mind," Elizabeth said as she took another sip of wine. Then she took a breath and sighed: "Good wine, boss, the collection is good. Okay, let's get back to the topic. I said, where is the money? Boss, are you pocketing my pension?"

"What are you talking about?" Randall Jonde twisted his fat body uneasily on his chair. "You are the best prosecutor under my command. How can I swallow up your pension?"

"Isn't the money with you?" Elizabeth looked at Randall and smiled, and that sarcastic smile made Randall's heart feel cold.

There is no doubt that Elizabeth already knows, and there is no point in continuing to hide it. "I just, uh, just took you for safekeeping. I thought I would wait for you to come back. Hey, of course, I thought it was impossible for you to come back at the time, so I wanted to help you donate it to a Chungse College nearby. But it turned out that I was busy at the time, As soon as I was busy, I got confused and forgot about this matter. Fortunately, you are back, so naturally this pension is..." At this point, Randall suddenly understood, "Wait, like this It doesn’t seem right. How can you get a pension while you’re still alive? Isn’t this a fraud against the Empire’s pension?”

"It doesn't matter, I don't care. Anyway, I am already dead according to the documents. If I don't get another pension next time I really die, it will be fine. Then will the pension be given to me?"

"Of course." Randall was silent for a while, and then continued: "So you are not going to 'survive'?"

"I don't think I'm suitable for the Tribunal. It's too complicated. Looking back on my original work in the Tribunal, it was a mess. Of course, it mainly depends on how you arrange it, Lord Randall."

"In terms of the system, it is impossible and should not hide the fact that you are alive from the superiors. I must report it to the superiors," Randall said after considering the words: "But as far as the reality is concerned, you who are dead are worse than You are more valuable while you are alive. There are many special jobs here that need new faces to do, but most of the new faces are rookies. There are not many people who are capable but not noticed by others. Just you It’s one of them. To be honest, I’m having a headache, and it’s been a big help since you came back.”

"What about my files? I can't remain a dead person."

"Of course I won't always be a dead person. Just for this mission, after this mission, I will report to the superiors and tell them, 'Your previous death was due to the requirements of the mission. To make the fake death realistic, you must first deceive your own people. So I lied to them. 'Look, your violation of discipline will be revealed."

"I personally have no problem, can you trust me?"

"There is nothing I can't believe, but what have you been doing all these years? Why has there been no news from you?"

"Here," Elizabeth casually threw out a dozen thick documents, "the specific things and my analysis are all here. They are all in the written report. According to the old rules, let's first You understand the last mission.”

"You did a great job last time," Randall Jonde sat behind his desk and praised with a smile. "It makes me happy to think about it. Even though it has been five years since my last mission, I still want to say, It was beautifully done, but if there was any flaw, it would be that you got yourself involved. Your followers later sent several living Eldar prisoners, as well as many Eldar corpses, for our trial. The court is of great help. The Eldar people are very precious to us. Whether they are alive or dead, they can provide us with a lot of precious information, allowing us to know more about this mysterious neighbor in the universe. I have to say, What you did last time was great. Not counting what you’ve given me now, you’re a treasure.”

"Your Excellency, Randall, is very grateful. I was just doing my duty."

"That's right. It's hard to imagine that you still maintain the virtue of humility. This virtue can make our souls nobler," Randall said with appreciation: "If the empire has more outstanding officials like you, then we There is no need to be afraid of other ghosts and strange shapes.”

"Why don't you read my report first before praising me? There are more surprises in it."

"Oh? There's still a surprise?" As he spoke, Randall opened the dozen reports, and the office immediately fell into silence, with only the sound of Elizabeth drinking.

Randall looked at it very carefully. After a full thirty-seven minutes, he raised his head from the document. His fat face was full of surprise and even joy, "Are these all true? ?" Randall asked excitedly: "These are not some random stories in your report, right?"

"You mean I haven't been looking for you for five years because I found a corner to hide in and write a novel?" Elizabeth rolled her eyes, "Of course it's all true. I was chasing the wanted criminal, that soul." My people entered the Webway, but got lost in the Webway. I had conflicts with some Eldar tribes in the Webway, and became friends with other Eldar tribes. It was the God-Emperor’s blessing that I came back alive.”

"I'm not talking about this part, but about Li. Is that part about Captain Li of the Knights Templar true?"

Elizabeth sighed. Now her feelings for Li were a little subtle. On the one hand, she wanted to cut him into pieces. On the other hand, she knew that her hatred for him was unreasonable. But no matter how you put it, what you are doing now is just official business, yes, just because of work. "Of course, there is huge evil hidden in his body. I don't know what to do with him. I can only write it in the report and let the superiors make a decision."

Thinking that she finally submitted this report to the superiors, Elizabeth was still a little disappointed. What was waiting for Li? Are there any other options? No need to think about it, it can only be eliminated.

"Very good, very interesting." Randall turned back to the paragraphs about Li and read it again: "I really didn't expect that I could encounter such a thing. It's amazing."

"Well, I don't quite understand. When encountering this kind of situation, shouldn't we just eliminate it?"

"Ah, eliminate?" Randall was stunned, and then said: "Destroy? Oh, of course, it should be eliminated. This guy is like a time bomb. Who knows when it will explode. How about we lead it to a Detonate in a safe place. Yes, under normal circumstances, we should do this, but unfortunately, we are not under normal circumstances."

"What's going on?"

"Although Captain Li's matter is troublesome, it is not the most troublesome. From the perspective of the crisis situation, Captain Li's matter should be dealt with later. Now I have many things that are ten times more difficult than this. We'll deal with it immediately."

"Ah!?" Elizabeth took a few sips of wine before saying, "I'm not drunk, am I? Why should I leave this kind of thing aside and deal with it later when I have time?"

Elizabeth had been preparing this report for two full years, and the report itself was written quickly, but should she hand it in? She hesitated on this issue for a long time. Many things happened in the past five years. Due to these things, her hatred for Li gradually faded. Moreover, during this period, Li had several exchanges of messages with her through the Ling tribe, which made her Her feelings for Li became more and more complicated.

In Elizabeth's view, this report was a fatal attack. As long as she handed in this report, according to the working methods of the Tribunal, it was almost impossible for Li to survive.

This was also the reason why the demon let her live. The demon possessing Li hoped that she would report Li's secret, and then the people of the Tribunal would come to hunt Li openly.

Once Li dies, the demons in his body will be liberated.

If the demon that possessed Li didn't arrange for him to leave alive that time, would a normal Li kill himself? In the past five years, Elizabeth had asked herself this kind of question more than once. She didn't know the answer, but it was funny to think about it. In the end, the devil helped her survive, while the normal Li might have killed herself.

How absurd.

What’s even funnier is the attitude of his immediate boss towards this report. What does his hesitation mean?

"Yes, let this matter be dealt with later, because Captain Li has been normal and healthy in the past five years, and he will not suddenly die immediately. And he is an Astartes. , Don’t worry about old age and death, even if he is a time bomb, he still has a long countdown, so he doesn’t need to worry about the things we are facing now.”

Elizabeth frowned: "What on earth is going on? Are you so nervous?"

"In fact, it is an internal matter within our Tribunal. It is really unspeakable. Let's put it this way, do you know why you have been unable to be promoted normally? According to normal procedures, your last mission was completed very well. , there should have been generous rewards. Of course, you disappeared without a word, and it lasted five years. According to the rules, you should be given a bullet to your head. In short, you have no reward or punishment now. I also fooled you, but even so, your life will still not be easy after you come back to life, do you know why? "

"Because I'm a beautiful woman?"

"No, uh, don't look at me like that, I know you are a big beauty. I mean, it is not entirely due to gender. Of course, gender is also one of the reasons, but it will definitely not be the main factor. The Inquisitor group has not yet You think you are so superficial," Randall sighed, and then continued: "Actually, you have also felt exclusion and distrust from everywhere before. It is not an argument or quarrel with you, it is just a kind of The subtle lack of cooperation creates all kinds of difficulties for you. You are the first to get unlucky, and you are the last when it comes to promotion. The pressure comes from everywhere, but it seems that there is no pressure. Men’s discrimination against women is so wrong.”

“If it’s not because of my gender, then what is it?”

"If it were you before, I would never say this, but now you have changed, I can see it, so I tell you the truth. You get such treatment because you have no faction." Randall said from the office He walked out from behind the table and walked to the door. He first checked whether the door was closed securely, and then turned around and said: "You come from the Sisters, a pure force group. You were once just a glorious warrior, the Emperor." Daughter. You have been taught that sacrificing yourself for the emperor is the highest honor, and dying with honor on the battlefield is your greatest reward. Innocence is your essence, and even the Inquisitor's training courses cannot change you. Even if your expression is dyed with various protective colors, your essence has not changed. You observe the enemy and the heresy very carefully, and you can see through the illusion covering the evil. Prudence and carefulness are worthy of praise, but you are negligent about things around you and behind you. You were once a soldier, and you are used to leaving your behind to your comrades, because they are your sisters and they are worthy of trust. . But it’s different now, you are no longer a simple soldier, you are a judge. I know your personality has changed a lot now, but if this doesn’t change, you will still be ostracized in the Tribunal. , just like five years ago.”

Faced with such sudden criticism, it should be criticism, Elizabeth was a little at a loss, "I, I'm sorry, Judge Randall, I don't know what you are talking about."

"If you could use half of your powers of observation and insight inside the trial court, then you would not say such words," Judge Randall said seriously: "What I said after that , everything is confidential, you know the rules. When the door opens again, these words will not exist in this world. I have never said those strange words to you, and you have never heard them. "

"I know this without you having to tell me."

"It is a well-known fact that there has never been a lack of differences in the understanding of the Holy Emperor; and our judicial organs should be selflessly dedicated to this, but they will inevitably make personal judgments on the Emperor's original intentions and apparently obvious tasks, and even affect them. to the means that might have been taken or should have been taken. Human beings have always flocked together; the informal groups within the Inquisition that enforce the Emperor's divine sanction are difficult to pinpoint, but there are some groups, or factions to be precise, who "We have a lot of energy in our court, and they have a certain amount of political influence." Randall said, "What are the specific factions? What kind of opinions and energy do they have? It's not suitable for me to tell you." , if you have the chance, you can explore it yourself. In short, you should understand that we are never one person, but a group. Even within the institution of the Tribunal, there are many factions, and you are not in any of them. Among them, it is naturally difficult to gain trust, and for other factions, they do not want to see you, a woman from the Sisters, occupy a higher position in the Tribunal. And this time, what I want to tell you is, 'Beware of the Istvanians'."

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