Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 89 Dances with Wolves (1/2)

"Estvanian faction? I suddenly feel like I have never been in the Tribunal. Can you please explain it in detail? I am really confused."

"This is the most dangerous group among the radicals. There is a group of people in the empire. They firmly believe that disasters are the way to make the empire stronger. A country can thrive from disasters. You should have heard that disasters are the way to make the empire stronger. They had passed this ancient saying, and reality encouraged them to a certain extent, making them more convinced of this statement. It was officially because of the Great Rebellion that the disloyalty of the Space Marines to His Majesty the Emperor was eliminated, and it was officially because of the darkness of the Age of Apostasy. , brought about Sebastian Thor and his reform of the Holy See. During the turbulent period, they achieved a qualitative leap in technology, faith, and control of the galaxy. They claimed that only the most difficult ones were achieved. Only through trials can mankind's true power hidden within itself be inspired, and more disasters can bring more glory to mankind. Therefore, only war, continuous war, can make the empire and mankind stronger. Method. According to this theory, they naturally concluded what they should do to bring mankind to higher glory. So if the empire has no war, then create war; if the empire lacks disaster, then create disaster. ." At this point, Randall stopped suddenly, looked at Elizabeth with sharp eyes and asked loudly: "Elizabeth, what do you think of their statement?"

"This is too strange. It would be okay if ordinary people had such thoughts, but if the inquisitors had such thoughts, it would be terrible. They would even take the initiative to cause trauma and bring disaster to the empire. The God-Emperor is above , I just can’t believe it. It’s hard to say whether this will make the empire stronger or weaken it.”

"Yes, you can even say that the existence of the Istvanian faction is heresy. Their actions may even endanger the foundation of human existence. They are enemies lurking within the Tribunal," Randall lowered his eyelids. He continued in a low voice: "I'm glad that you have a correct view. You are not affected by these fallacies at all. It may be a good thing that you have not been inside the Tribunal for the past five years. You are very clear-headed, and our Tribunal The purpose of existence is to guard the entire empire and the holy emperor, and eliminate any evil that is hostile to the empire. Do you still remember the reason why we came to the Far East in the first place?

"How could I forget."

"The cause of this incident has been confirmed. It was the leakage of confidential information from the Far East Tribunal. This inverted the identities of a large number of judges who were exposed and killed. If no one leaked the secrets, how could the Spirit Race people assassinate us in the Far East with such precision? Of course, a series of important military facilities were destroyed, and this was just the beginning. The losses caused by the Eldar Rangers were far more than that. We were also very passive in the subsequent wars, and we have been very passive until now. We are still at a disadvantage. Whether it is on the frontal battlefield or on the intelligence battlefield, we are led by the Eldar people. And it is very likely that the people from the Estefania faction are the ones who leaked these information. Scum. They deliberately leaked our confidential information to the enemy and then started a war."

"You mean this war was caused by someone within us?"

"Yes, I suspected, no, I am certain now that when the operation started five years ago, there was already a figure of the Estevanian faction behind it. The fight for the planet Eden 5 was just a trigger Suo, the reason why the Eldar people dare to fight our empire is because they know us too well, and even know the house number of our secret place, so they came to the door of the Estefanian sect. Those guys put our old hands on our hands, making us look like a naked chick in front of the Eldar of Alaitok. Even our underwear was stripped off. There was no secret at all, and what they did All this is to enable those timid bean sprouts to fight with us."

"Now our biggest enemy is the Estefanians?"

"Yes, forget about Li for the moment and do something truly meaningful." Randall paused and suddenly asked: "By the way, Elizabeth, this is not the first time you have dealt with the devil. Don't you Is the elimination of demons in itself a meaningless thing? The real demon can never be killed, we can only exorcise it. If this is the case, why should we eliminate the demon? "

"What's the point? You can't say that you don't eat because you're always hungry."

"What I mean is, why can't we use demons to serve us? We can never eliminate demons, and blind confrontation cannot solve the problem, so why not change our thinking?" Randall asked: "Think about it, the different space is full of people. There are all kinds of dangers, and the huge empire exists precisely because of the use of different space navigation. Without the use of different space navigation, the empire would have fallen apart long ago. Just like early nuclear energy, it is also very dangerous. Nuclear leakage will affect the surrounding areas. It will cause a huge blow to people and the ecology, but nuclear energy can also be used to generate electricity. Can we use the power of the devil to serve us just like we use nuclear energy in different spaces? "

"Simply, simply whimsical," Elizabeth said: "Lord Randall, you should know how terrifying the devil is. The power of chaos is not something we can control. That kind of power is too dangerous!"

"Do you know Zaranchiko Santos?"

"who is he?"

"An ancient man was an inquisitor mentor who lived in the thirty-second era. This concept was first proposed by him. Of course, this mentor was later accused of worshiping evil gods and was burned to death. Although he repeatedly defended his innocence, he was eventually burned at the stake by a team of fellow inquisitors. I personally agree with his point of view with caution. If you think about it, we can use chaos as a long-distance spirit between galaxies. Being able to communicate, navigate, and psykers are also serving the Empire very well. These are all brought to us by the Chaos Space. Why can't we use that power? After all, the guns themselves are not guilty, but those who hold them are guilty. people.”

"Human beings are like children, and the power of chaos is too dangerous a weapon. We are not yet capable of controlling this power."

"Then can some of the human beings do it? For example, you are a warrior who has received orthodox training, experienced various cruel tests, and has a firm will. You can control your spiritual power smoothly and freely."

"I, I don't know." Elizabeth looked at the wine in the bottle blankly, and suddenly asked: "Why are you telling me this?"

"Nothing, just a casual chat." Randall said: "Don't come to the trial court these days, and don't come in or out of my office. We will meet at Secret Point No. 3. I will change the code and password back. You You can feel free to use the facilities there. I will give you some information about the 'Estvanian Faction' later. The enemy this time is inside the Tribunal, so you have to be careful."

"I know."

"Then what are you waiting for? Do you want me to treat you to dinner? Come on, I have other things to do."

Elizabeth stood up with the bottle in hand. This was him. Randall seemed to suddenly remember and asked in a casual tone: "By the way, you haven't shown this report to anyone else, have you?"

"How could it be? I'm not an idiot. I also know the rules. Confidential documents cannot be leaked."

"Does anyone else know about the things in the report?"

"there is none left."

"Very well, remember to keep it confidential. Don't mention your report to anyone without permission. You can leave."

Elizabeth staggered out of the door, and the sound of footsteps gradually faded away.

After confirming that Elizabeth had left, Randall took out a stack of documents from his drawer and started working. After marking for half an hour, he took out a psychic tester and scanned the entire room. , making sure that Elizabeth would not use her ability to hide in a corner of the room, then he closed the curtains again, opened the door, and made sure that no one was watching him in the corridor or outside the window, and then he picked up the The phone on the table dialed a special number.

"Is it Master Edward Jenner? Yes, it's me, Randall. There is something special. Please come to my office. There is something important that I want you to take a look at. Yes, this thing is very important. "It's not convenient for me to take it over. It's better to ask you to come and take a look." After hanging up the phone, Randall let out a sigh of relief and took out a bottle of wine from the small wine cabinet hidden in his office. , uncorked the bottle, and without using a cup, imitated Elizabeth and took a big sip at the mouth of the bottle, which made her feel a little more comfortable.

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After a while, there was a knock on the door, "boom boom boom", the standard three sounds.

Randall rushed to the door in three steps, straightened his appearance a little, and then opened the door.

A tall and burly judge walked into the room with his head held high. This judge was at least 2.3 meters tall. He was wearing a black robe with various gold and silver cross decorations hanging on it. If you pay attention, , you can see various esoteric runes embroidered with dark silk thread on his robe.

The judge walked into the room and closed the door behind him.

He is Master Edward. Master Edward has a square face, his face is serious, his head is bare, and he wears a golden psychic headband on his forehead. When Master Edward opens his mouth to speak, his mouth full of steel dentures is exposed. "Randall, I think you should understand that my time is tight and I don't have much time to chat with you."

"I know, I guarantee that you will be interested in this matter." Randall said as he held Elizabeth's documents in front of Master Edward with both hands.

Edward just flipped through it carelessly at first, but soon he found the key point. After a while, Master Edward's hands began to tremble.

"Supreme God Emperor, if this is true, then this will be a blessing for the entire human race, and it will also be a major opportunity that our Santites faction has been waiting for for a long time." Edward walked around the room excitedly , After a while, the serious bald middle-aged man calmed himself down, "The God Emperor is still blessing us. There is no doubt that I must go to see Captain Li. I want to use my eyes." To check whether the narrative in this report is true, who else knows about this document?”

"Only the person who provided the report, Inquisitor Elizabeth, knows."

"Elizabeth? Who is she? Forget it, this is not important. Which side is she on?"

"I don't know, she doesn't belong to any faction."

"An inquisitor who does not belong to any faction? How is that possible? As long as she is an inquisitor, she will have opinions and thoughts. As long as she has opinions, there will be factions."

"Strictly speaking, she should be a chaste person. She comes from the Sisters, but I have tried to test her with words, and she does not seem to be disgusted with the opinions of our Shantites. Although she does not agree with us at present, I think she is a good seedling. I believe that as long as there is time, we can introduce her to our faction."

"Do you think it is necessary?" Edward raised his hand, and the document in his hand burned quietly. After a while, the document written by Elizabeth was burned to ashes. , Edward then said: "The most important thing now is to keep the secret of this report. The fewer people know about it, the safer the secret will be. In any case, we can't let this matter be publicized. Those fanatical idiots will surely be eager to sentence the head of the group. I know what those cowardly fools will say with my eyes closed. We must protect him and observe him. I will try to contact him and even learn from him. I believe that we can get a lot of inspiration from him. We should be able to find a relatively safe way to use the power of the devil."

"What do you mean? To Elizabeth..." Randall made a gesture of wiping his neck.

"I don't mean anything. I just suggest that you do your best to keep the secret. If you really think Elizabeth can keep the secret, then why should we start with our own people. It's just that the matter is of great importance and we can't afford any mistakes. I can't wait any longer. I will leave for Zhiyuan Galaxy immediately. As for how to keep it secret, it's your business."

"Okay, I understand," Randall was silent. His mind was in a fierce struggle. When he suddenly woke up, he was the only one left in the office. Master Edward had already left.

Randall sighed and took out two task-related materials from the office. One was the task he had prepared for Elizabeth to complete. He rated the task as A+. The enemies and dangers were still within the acceptable range. If it was Elizabeth, she should be able to complete the task.

The other was a more dangerous task, with the task risk rating of SSS. This was almost impossible to complete. Even some famous judges who were spread in legends did not dare to easily stop the difficult task. Randall had not thought about sending this task.

But the situation is a little different now.

Mentor Edward was right. The world is dangerous. There is no room for any mistakes these days. Once an accident happens, it will not only be a few people who suffer, but the whole empire will be unlucky.

For the Shantites, Li's existence has a special meaning. Before the mutation, he was not a psychic, but due to some sudden changes, a demon possessed his body, and then the Eldar did something to him, allowing him to suppress the demon in his body.

Simply put, Captain Li successfully imprisoned a demon in his body.

It sounds simple, but it is almost impossible to achieve this. No, ascending to the sky is nothing for the inquisitors of the Shantites. It is too difficult to imprison a demon in their own body while remaining conscious and not being corrupted by the demon in their body.

In the past, the inquisitors and supporters of the Shantites have been working towards this goal. They use demon weapons, study demon altars, and analyze demon magic. They carefully observe and study the behavior of demons, torture and explore the inner world of demon worshipers, and carefully disassemble the religions and various special rituals established by demon worshipers. They treat everything related to demons as a pure subject to study deeply and explore the true appearance under those terrifying appearances.

But it is not easy to do so. In fact, such research is extremely dangerous. Humans now know very little about demons. To rashly study these things is like a person who knows nothing about gunpowder bombs making various dangerous and unstable bombs on the test bench at will. The consequence of doing so is that he will be blown to ashes.

But the pioneers of the Shantites were not afraid of failure and death. If a method failed, it would at least prove that this method did not work. As long as enough information can be left so that later generations do not continue to take their own detours, then the sacrifice is meaningful. As long as there are enough sacrifices, then one day the essence of the demons will be exposed to humans without reservation. They will have no secrets in front of humans. We can use demons to do things for us like using the flames in the stove to keep warm.

This is more like a dream, but you have to know that humans have tamed wolves into dogs as early as the Stone Age.

And now, under the leadership of the God Emperor, humans have re-entered the Milky Way Age for tens of thousands of years. Why is it impossible to tame demons?

Of course, there are dangers in this process, but the savages in the Stone Age had the courage to dance with wolves, so why can't the imperial judge dance with the devil?

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