Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 90 Elimination Camp

Edward had never thought that in the Far Eastern Sector, beyond the remote borders of the empire, there was such a beautiful place. This place was simply like the Eden in fantasy.

There is a complete and balanced ecological environment on Reach. The air here is fresh and natural. There is neither the strong smell of smoke and blood nor the rancid smell of demonic chaos. The sky is blue, the sea is blue, and the waves are soft and gentle. The beach, and above the beach, is white, delicate and soft gravel. The sun warms the beach, and there is a special soft and warm feeling when you step on it with bare feet. Pure, natural, and beautiful, this is the Reach star in Edward's mind. After all, this planet has never suffered a large-scale war in the past nine thousand years. Alien aliens and monsters have not invaded this place on a large scale, and the empire's internal strife has not been able to spread to this remote galaxy. There is a special, addictive taste here that Edward has rarely experienced. This taste is called peace.

Yes, peace, such a longing but unattainable word. Real peace is out of reach, and the peace in front of him is just a false illusion. Even though Edward understands this, he still likes it here.

The special selection camp of the Knights Templar is located here. Not far from the seaside, there is a simple small building made of bamboo. Behind the small building is a row of simple barracks. In the center of the camp is a large playground. At the front is a flagpole on which hangs the regimental flag of the Knights Templar.

Edward glanced at the beautiful ocean with fascination, then turned around and walked slowly towards the training camp. It has been three days since Edward arrived on Reach. When he just arrived on Reach, he was targeted by spies on Reach. Unlike other galaxies, there are not many people entering and exiting the spaceport on Reach. Most of them belong to the people of the Reach Galaxy, and there are too few new faces from the Empire. After leaving the spaceport, Edward took the initiative to find the secret agent. When the secret agent was still surprised, he grabbed the secret agent by the throat and forced the secret agent to give him a message.

Li quickly got the information that a master inquisitor came to his planet and actively sought a meeting, a secret meeting that would not be included in the file.

The meeting was very pleasant. Edward told Li everything frankly. From the moment Edward saw the report and how Li was described in the report, Edward decided to come to see Li with his own eyes.

"In the Empire, most people cannot accept people who are connected to Chaos. Psykers are strictly controlled and monitored. The Navigator family is also firmly in the hands of the Empire. Demonic weapons and knowledge It is regarded as a taboo. Once someone has too much involvement with Chaos, no matter what his starting point is, then he will be burned at the stake. Needless to say, doing so is unreasonable and can even be said to be foolish. Because now, it is impossible for the empire to separate the chaotic space from this universe. If chaos does not exist, then the empire will fall apart. Navigation in different spaces is currently the only way to travel in the galaxy. Under such circumstances, we must have a deeper understanding of chaos and the biological demons in chaos, and only by understanding the enemy can we defeat the enemy. Mr. Li, your situation is very special. For some people in the Tribunal, you are. You are just one of the many heretics infected by Chaos. There will be an extra place for you on the many burning pillars. When the flames light up, they once again defeated the devil and watched you being licked by the flames. Wailing in pain, they will gain supreme enjoyment and happiness, and their self-confidence and self-esteem will be satisfied. However, it is very stupid and meaningless to do so, but your existence is of great significance to our Shantites faction. special meaning.”

Edward remembered that Li just sighed and nodded. The leader was neither ecstatic nor too surprised. It seems like a person who has been waiting for the end for too long. What he is looking forward to is just a result. As for the result, he doesn't care.

Edward felt that his appreciation for Li Tuan began at that time.

"We, the Shantites, still have some power in the Tribunal. The power of our faction will ensure your safety. Of course it will not be full protection, but we can guarantee that secrets about you will never appear. On the desks of other relevant departments, and once more convinced of your value, we will initiate a more complex and sophisticated set of protection measures. Under the protection of our faction, you will never appear at the stake. On the other hand, you will not be attacked and hunted by the idiots of the empire for some stupid reasons, and accordingly, you do not need to pay too much. In fact, you do not need to pay anything, we only need your friendly and sincere cooperation with us. Of course, I will first examine you to determine the authenticity of that report and determine your true value.”

The method of inspection is very simple. Edward will simply follow Li, like the shadow behind Li, inseparable. He will carefully observe Li and record Li's every word and deed for three months.

Li happily accepted.

Today is Edward's third day of observing Li. Edward has special expectations for today, because today, the special selection camp of the Knights Templar opens.

Leaving the beach and walking around the bamboo building, Edward heard Li's voice coming from far away. The soldiers lined up neatly and stood on the playground. Now Li was standing under the regiment's flag and speaking.

"You! You come from various regions and troops on the Reach Star. Some even crossed the sky and came here from the Autumn Star." Li's voice was passionate. "You are the elite among the elite, and you are the warriors among the warriors." ! The reason why you are standing here shows that you are the best! There is no doubt that you are the best men and the strongest warriors in the Zhiyuan Galaxy!"

"I am the strongest! I am the strongest!" The soldiers responded to Li's praise with uniform and passionate shouts.

"But this is not enough. You are already great, but not great enough. You are already strong, but not strong enough. Now, there are 500 people here, but when the elimination camp is over, there will only be 500 people left here. Of the next hundred people, four-fifths will be ruthlessly eliminated. If you are eliminated, there is no other reason than that the people who remain are stronger than you! Do you have the confidence to stay? ? Have the confidence to become a member of the strongest and most honorable group!”

"I am the strongest! I am the strongest!" The soldiers responded to Li's question with louder roars.

"I really hope your confidence can be maintained until a few days later. Feel free to be proud and proud now, because soon, you will feel the real hell, you will be tortured, you will groan in pain, and you will hate your mother. , because she was the one who brought you into this world. I would like to say that you will be pushed to the limit of human beings, but I cannot say that, because this is a complete lie. If you only reach the limit of human beings, Then no one among you can stay. The only thing that can make you pass this training camp is to break through the limits of human beings, use your will, your wisdom, and the friendship between your comrades. You must unite! Overcoming all difficulties will make the impossible possible. Only in this way can you stay. And those who stay will be qualified to enter the Knights Templar, and you will have the opportunity to become people walking in the stars. Become the guardian of mankind, a living legend, and a member of the most honorable group among warriors. Who will be eliminated? And who can stay? "

The strong young men shouted in unison: "Me! Me! Me!"

"Very good, you all have confidence in yourselves. That's all I have to say, but before the training starts, I want to explain one thing in particular. In front of me, there is a big clock. You have all seen it," Li walked to the clock not far from him, reached out and pulled the swing under the bell, pulled the swing, and rang the bell. The bell sounded clear and melodious. "Bronze bells are very ordinary," Li said: "But for you, this bell has a different meaning. As I said before, training is very cruel. If any of you feels that you are no longer good and can't stand it, then he can choose to quit. He just needs to come over and ring this bell. With his mouth bell, he can stay away from this hell and all pain and torture. This is okay. No one can laugh at him, because what is going to happen here will be unbearable pain for ordinary people. As long as you are still an ordinary person, as long as you If you are not completely stupid, then you will choose to stay away from this pain. But now, I ask you to transcend humans, because, what do you want to be?" The soldiers roared in unison: "Astarte!"

"Louder, I can't hear you!"

The warriors used all their strength, cocked their necks, and shouted almost with the power of their souls: "Astarte!"

"Yes, you rookies are starting to look good now, so now I announce that the first phase of the Templar Elimination Battalion has begun. Instructors, take this group of soldiers down. Arrange accommodation, and then start to seize the time to ravage them. Bar."

Under the instructor's order, the soldiers left the playground in neat lines, and what awaited them was a terrifying training schedule full of them.

"What a wonderful and passionate speech. Even I, who was listening in the audience, got excited." Edward walked to Li's side and asked, "Can we talk about it?"

"Let's go to my office."

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