
  Chapter 133 Life-and-Death Battle

"A debtor must pay his debt, this is justified , But which one doesn’t have rat shit? If it is our Fire Cloud Sect dísciple who committed murder, murdering to seize the treasures, take out the iron evidence, the old man can hand it over, don’t tell the old man the who certificate, the old man can also find it Come out, if there is no actual evidence, and rush to attack our Fire Cloud Sect gate, how should this account be calculated?"

Ye Yan's tone was cold, and his eyes showed a bit of cold light.

Of course he can see that it is not these cultivation families that want to kill Fire Cloud Sect, but the Immortal Sects of Seaheed Pavilion.

If he hadn't been promoted to the Core Formation Stage, Fire Cloud Sect would have been destroyed.

Enemies are coming so fiercely and completely destroyed, they will inevitably become stalemate with the forces behind them, and blindly give in, which is easy to be underestimated.

Ye Yan wants to use some people to establish his prestige and kill a hundred people.

"Yes, there is no actual evidence. I rashly attacked the Fire Cloud Sect gate. How do you calculate this?"

A righteous man's voice suddenly sounded.

A black light appeared in the sky in the distance, and the speed of the black light was very fast. It didn't take long for the black light to stop.

Black Dunguang is a five-foot-old Black Crow with four wings on its back. The black crow has only one claw and some golden hairs on its head.

On the back of the black giant crow stood dozens of immortal cultivators, headed by a white-faced middle aged scholar, each of them had a Black Crow pattern on their clothes.

"Black Raven Island Lu family!"

Han Changming was secretly surprised. Lu family is one of the red algae Sea Territory Four Great Influences. Lu family is a cultivation family. It is said that Core Formation There are as many as three cultivators, experts as common as the clouds, powerful, and

Han Changming doesn’t understand, why did the Lu family just appear here? coincide? That would be a coincidence!

The Seaheed Pavilion and the Black Raven Island Lu family have sent a Core Formation cultivator. If Core Formation cultivator hadn't appeared in Fire Cloud Sect, they might not have appeared.

"Fellow Daoist Lu, why are you here?"

Lu Yang browses slightly wrinkle, his eyes a little confused.

The middle aged scholar slightly smiled and said: "Lu is here to support Fire Cloud Sect. Fire Cloud Sect is our Lu family's ally, and our Lu family naturally wants to rescue."

Sun Rong secretly cursed "wily old fox" in her heart. If Ye Yan hadn't appeared, the Lu family might not have appeared.

"Shibo Ye, dísciple asked the Lu family for help in order to retreat, cede more than a dozen islands to the Lu family, and asked Master Lu to condemn it."

Sun Rong sound transmission She explained that she handed over the islands that Sect had worked so hard to beat, and it was not nice to say it.

Ye Yan browses slightly wrinkle and didn't say anything.

"Allies? Your ally came really in time."

Lu Yang laughed, with a look of ridicule from the corner of his mouth.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the Lu family has been hiding in the dark, and the Fire Cloud Sect has appeared in the Core Formation cultivator. This is the Lu family’s appearance.

The middle aged scholar's complexion condensed and said solemnly: "Fellow Daoist Lu, you slap Fire Cloud Sect arbitrarily. As an ally of Fire Cloud Sect, the Lu family will never agree, Fellow Daoist Ye, we The Lu family will support you Fire Cloud Sect."

"What? When did your Lu family wear a pair of pants with Fire Cloud Sect?"

"That is, when did your Lu family become Allies of Fire Cloud Sect? Why don't we know?"

The voices of a man and a woman sounded one after another. Tone barely fell, two rays of different colors appeared in the distance. It didn't take long for the two rays to stop and land on Fire Cloud Island.

A middle-aged beautiful woman in her early thirties, an azure robe old man with a short stature.

"The Fellow Daoist of Great Void Sect and Azure Cloud Sect are here too. Could the three of you make an appointment to deal with Fire Cloud Sect!"

middle aged scholar slightly smiled, meaning Said.

Han Changming frowned, by this time, he already understood that the Core Formation cultivators of the three companies have been watching the excitement in the dark, and the Cultivation Family such as Han Changming are just flag pawns.

"We just happened to pass by, Fellow Daoist Lu, when did your Lu family form an alliance with Fire Cloud Sect? Why don't we know?"

Middle-aged beautiful woman said with a cold laugh.

Seeing so many Core Formation cultivators, Ye Yan frowned, pondered for a moment, and said: "Okay, stop talking nonsense. After all, it's not who has the big fist, who has the final say, so, One of the three of your various sects, a Foundation Establishment Early Stage cultivator, comes out and fights with our Fire Cloud Sect dísciple. If you win, take people away, and lose, you can compensate us Fire Cloud Sect for a sum of money, which is regarded as a crime. If not, then Either the fish dies or the net splits, no one is better, the old man is not interested in telling you about other things."

Seaheed Pavilion, Great Void Sect, Azure Cloud Sect’s Core Formation cultivator have all appeared. Ye Yan didn't do things too well either, but this thing couldn't be forgotten either. The sect general altar was almost breached. He thought of a compromise and started a life-and-death battle.

There are not many Foundation Establishment cultivators of Fire Cloud Sect. Most of them are Foundation Establishment Stage. Chen Hongming, the Foundation Establishment Late Stage cultivator, is powerful and restricts the cultivation base of participants to Foundation Establishment Early Stage and Fire Cloud Sect still has a chance to win. Even if Fire Cloud Sect loses, the loss will not be too great.

The three of Lu Yang would naturally not agree to this loss-making business. After some wrangling, the two sides reached a consensus and a life-and-death battle. If Fire Cloud Sect wins, Fire Cloud Sect will lose one hundred thousand Spirit. As compensation, if Fire Cloud Sect loses, Stone will lease a small island to the winning power for free for a period of 30 years.

On the Chen Family side, except for Chen Hongming, all other Chen Family cultivators have been destroyed.

"Which one of you wants to play? If you win, you will take care of the island."

Lu Yang looked at Han Changming and others and asked.

On the Seaheed Pavilion, there are seven Foundation Establishment Early Stage cultivators. Lu Yang is more optimistic about Han Changming. However, if he loses, he will pay 100,000 Spirit Stone. Seaheed Pavilion does not pay for it. If it wins Now, Seaheed Pavilion will not interfere with the governance of the island. A small island is still rented and returned to Fire Cloud Sect 30 years later. Thirty years is not long for the Core Formation cultivator.

Han Changming was a little moved, but he thought twice and didn't take the initiative to stand up.

It’s okay to say if you win, but you lose! He has already got a lot of property, there is no need to take risks anymore, just return to the family safely, his wife and children are still waiting for him on Bottle Gourd Island.

Other Foundation Establishment cultivators also did not stand up. If they lose, they will lose their lives. Anyway, they have finally reaped some benefits. If they lose, they will lose money and money. One hundred thousand Spirit Stone It is definitely a huge sum of money for Cultivation Family.

Lu Yang is frowned, no one takes the initiative to come forward, so he has to choose someone himself.

"Han Changming Fellow Daoist Han, come on this fight!"

Lu Yang's gaze fell on Han Changming, and his mouth was instructed.

He is not familiar with other Foundation Establishment cultivators. Relatively speaking, he knows more about Han Changming, knowing that Han Changming has killed the same level cultivator.

Lu Yang spoke up, and Han Changming did not dare to refuse even though he did not want to.

In this way, the two sides have chosen the Foundation Establishment cultivator to fight in a clearing.

"Little Friend Han, if you win, the old man will have many rewards."

Lu Yang gave Han Changming a sound transmission, with a harsh tone.

Han Changming was taken aback for a moment, with a wry smile in his heart, he agreed.

It seems that Lu Yang and Ye Yan have other deals, otherwise Lu Yang will not reward Han Changming again.

Even if Lu Yang doesn't say anything, Han Changming will do his best. This is a life-and-death battle, not a discussion.

Han Changming's opponent is a young woman in a red dress in her early thirties. The young woman in a red dress wears a red hosta on her head. She is plump and has a stronger breath than Han Changming.

At first, the young woman in the red skirt patted the Spirit Beast Bag, and hundreds of red ants with big fists flew out.

The red ants have a pair of golden wings and some golden spots on their bodies.

golden wings flame ants, Ranked 1st one hundred and seventy-eight on the Heaven and Earth Strange Insects Name List, live in a place with plenty of Fire Spiritual Qi, feed on metal ore, can breathe demon fire to attack the enemy, impervious to sword and spear, neither water nor fire can approach.

Among them, there is a golden wings flame ant which is relatively large, more than three feet long. This is the golden wings flame ant queen, Second Rank low grade Spirit Insect, equivalent to Foundation Establishment Early Stage cultivator.

Under the leadership of the golden wings flame ant queen, hundreds of golden wings flame ants moved towards Han Changming pounced quickly.

Han Changming looked as usual and released Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion. Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion opened his mouth and spouted a large purple poison mist toward the golden wings flame ant.

Except for the golden wings ant queen, the other golden wings ant are First Rank Spirit Insect, and Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion is ranked 52nd on the Heaven and Earth Strange Insects Name List. It sprays Poison mist is not something that the First Rank golden wings flame ants can resist.



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