
  Chapter 134 Celestial Flame Spirit Technique

The golden wings of the First Rank touch the purple miasma , Falling down one after another, motionless, the body turned black, and the wings were corroded by the poison mist.

"Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion!"

The young woman in the red skirt said silently, browsing tightly knit.

It took her a lot of time and financial resources to cultivate hundreds of golden wings flame ants, and she lost half of them in a single encounter, which made her feel heartache.

With a pinch of her secret art, the golden wings flame ants quickly gathered together and turned into a scarlet Flying Sword about three feet long.

With a muffled sound of "pu chi", a layer of scarlet flame emerged on the surface of the scarlet Flying Sword, emitting a fiery high temperature.

Scarlet Flying Sword, carrying an unbearable heat wave, slashed towards Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion.

The young woman in the red skirt took off the red hosta she was wearing on her head and shook it lightly in front of her. A lot of firelight emerged. Hundreds of fist-sized scarlet Fireballs appeared all over her body. The heat wave was amazing.

The "whiz whiz whiz" broke through the air loudly, and hundreds of scarlet Fireballs slammed into Han Changming.

Han Changming took no hurry and took out three mysterious Spirit Beads, turning them into a thick three-color light curtain to protect himself.

With a pinch of his secret art, a flash of red and yellow aura shines on his body, and his right foot moved towards the ground fiercely.

Boom! The    ground was bumpy, and a yellow soil wall with a zhang high side and a thickness of two feet suddenly stood up and stood in front of Han Changming.

Hundreds of scarlet Fireballs hit the yellow dirt wall. The yellow dirt wall was quickly smashed to pieces by scarlet Fireball. Dozens of scarlet Fireballs hit the three-color light curtain and turned into a raging fire. Live in the silhouette of Han Changming.

Seeing this scene, Han Daobin and other Han Family clansman looked worried.

The sleeves of the young woman in the red dress flicked, and a crystal clear and near-transparent red jade ruler flew out. The top of the red jade ruler was engraved with a lifelike mini sculpture, and a secret art, red The rays of light skyrocketed, and the dazzling red light bloomed.

A crisp bird's song sounded, and a two zhang big scarlet eagle flew out of the red light. The scarlet eagle has two heads and two pairs of red wings, wrapped around its body. A layer of scarlet flames exudes terrifying heat.

"Magical Artifact Transformation!"

Han Changming's voice came from the fire sea, with a heavy tone.

The golden wings flame ant turned into a scarlet Flying Sword, frantically attacking Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion, temporarily dragging Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion.

The scarlet giant vulture uttered a clear cry, with four wings fiercely, blowing an unstoppable hot wind, and rushed towards Han Changming at a very fast speed.

A large swath of white cold air emerged from the fire sea, and the flames flashed violently. A snow-white ball floated above Han Changming's head, exuding a biting cold air.

The scarlet giant eagle rushed over. Before he got close, a shocking heat wave rushed toward his face.

Han Changming calmly raised his hand and took out a slap-sized bottle gourd, and broke into a secret art. The roar was loud, and the bottle gourd soared, and a large piece of scarlet gravel flew out from it. It turns into a huge scarlet net, covering the scarlet giant eagle.

The scarlet giant eagle with four wings fiercely, dozens of scarlet Fireballs flew out instantly, smashing the big scarlet net to pieces, and a large piece of scarlet gravel floated in midair.

Han Changming secret art is pinched, and the scarlet gravel quickly condenses, turning into hundreds of about one chi-long scarlet flying knives, scrambling to slash the scarlet giant vulture, and there is a burst of metal collision. ring.

The scarlet flying knives shattered one after another and turned into a large piece of fine scarlet sand. After a blur, it turned into a giant scarlet net, covering the giant scarlet eagle.

The scarlet giant eagle made a piercing cry, trying to break free, but it was unsuccessful.

Han Changming took out the purple light mirror, and the mirror was aimed at the scarlet Flying Sword transformed by the golden wings. The purple light flashed, and a large purple light mist flew out, rounding the area of ​​the hundred zhang or so It's all covered in it.

The scarlet Flying Sword transformed by the golden wings of the flame ant ran across the purple haze and quickly lost its way.

A weird scream sounded, scarlet Flying Sword stopped, and Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion fell from the sky.

It opened its mouth and sprayed out a large pungent purple liquid, and at the same time, its tail shook and turned into a large black line, hitting the scarlet Flying Sword.

When the scarlet Flying Sword touched the purple liquid, a large piece of blue smoke suddenly appeared, and a large piece of black line hit the scarlet Flying Sword body, making a muffled sound of metal collision, and the scarlet Flying Sword was shattered. Turned into hundreds of slapped red ants.

golden wings The flame ant queen realizes that it’s not good and wants to escape, but she is surrounded by a large purple haze. No matter how hard she tries, she just can’t get out. Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion seizes the opportunity and stabs her tail. With a fiercely sting, a black tail thorn pierced into the body of the golden wings flame ant queen, the flying speed of the golden wings flame ant queen slowed down, swayed up and down, and would fall down at any time.

Golden wings Queen of Fire Ants and Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion are both Second Rank low grade Spirit Insect, but Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion ranks higher, golden wings Queen of Fire Ants is not an opponent of Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion at all .

After a while, the golden wings flame ant queen fell to the ground, her body changed from red to black, looking like she was dead.

The Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion is also welcome, rushing up, waving a pair of tongs, tearing the golden wings queen's body to pieces, efficiently, Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion eats the golden wings flame ant The corpse behind, the golden wings flame ant queen died, the golden wings flame ant colony dragon headless, running around, was wiped out by Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion, and swallowed into the abdomen.

On the other side, the red hosta rays of light in the hands of the young woman in the red dress soared, and the flames all over her body soared into the sky, and a large amount of firelight gathered together to vaguely form a scarlet vortex about one zhang, emitting a monstrous heat wave. Across the distance, Han Changming could feel a blazing high temperature.

Han Changming could see that the young woman in the red dress was performing a certain secret technique, so he would naturally not give the other person a chance.

He squatted down and pressed his hands on the ground. The ground near the young woman in the red dress suddenly turned into soft sand, a big Shifting Sand Spell.

Countless yellow gravel flew up and hit the young woman in the red skirt from all directions.

The purple light mirror in Han Changming's hand was aimed at the young woman in the red dress, and a large cloud of purple light mist flew out, covering the young woman in the red dress.

Boom!    A deafening rumbling sound rang, the purple haze was smashed, and a scarlet luan bird with the size of several feet flew out, and the scarlet luan bird was wrapped in a layer of scarlet flame.

The scarlet Luanniao moved towards Han Changming rushed over, wherever he went along the way, the heat wave rolled.

Han Changming didn't dare to be careless, ten fingers pinched the tactics, several secret art hits the white round bead above surface on the head, a large swath of white cold air surged out and turned into a ten zhang or so long White ice python, the white ice python swallowed the white bead with his mouth open, his body became more solid, and he pounced on the scarlet Luan bird.

Boom! The   white ice python collided with the scarlet luan bird, and the red white beams blazed together, and the air was billowing.

The white ice python is obviously not the opponent of Scarlet Luan Bird. Its size keeps shrinking, and the defeat is only a matter of time.

Han Changming brows tightly knit, he was not so tricky to kill Song Zhe before, how to deal with a Foundation Establishment Early Stage cultivator is so tricky.

What he didn't know was that Scarlet Luan Bird was transformed by the secret technique of Heavenly Flame Spirit Technique. The secret technique of cultivation takes a long time, requires a lot of auxiliary materials, and has a big drawback. , If you can’t kill the enemy, you will die. Even if you kill the enemy, there will be a period of weakness afterwards.

Song Zhe is busy fighting for power and has no interest in spending a lot of time cultivating this secret technique.

Boom!    A deafening rumbling sound rang, the white ice python was torn to pieces by the scarlet luan bird's claws, and a white ball flew out and turned into a large crystal.

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