
  Chapter 144 Heavenly Pill Conference    "grandfather, this is the first Dual Spiritual Roots cultivator in our family, did 't expect is Fuer."

Han Changming said with a smile, his face was full of joy.

Han Daohe shook the head and corrected the facial expression grave: "You are wrong, not the first Dual Spiritual Roots cultivator in our family, but the first Dual Spiritual that appeared in our Han Family for over 600 years. Roots cultivator, we migrated from other places."

Han Changming was taken aback for a moment. He had never talked about this matter before. He thought his family had been living in the red algae Sea Territory.

"I moved here? Grandfather, how come I never heard you talk about this?"

"There is nothing to say, if there is a chance in the future, you can ask patriarch! Don't tell me This is it. I asked patriarch to get a First Rank high grade Magical Artifact. You can bring it to Fuer! You have to take good care of my great-granddaughter and don’t allow her to be aggrieved at all."

Han Daohe said solemnly, taking out a red light gleaming jade pendant with a lifelike scarlet bird on the front.

Han Changming agreed and put away the red jade pendant.

After a few small chats, he left.

On the second day, Han Benfu and other young children who have spirit root Han Family gathered in the family ancestral hall, bowed to their ancestors, bestowed the characters, and the names were written into the genealogy, which is a kind of recognition.

Han Family young children without spirit roots will leave Bottle Gourd Island within a time limit and be sent to other islands to live with mortals.

At noon, Han Changming left Bottle Gourd Island with his wife and children, rushed to Qingluo Island, and told Han Shan the good news.

Of course, Han Shan only knows that his granddaughter has a spirit root, but he doesn't know what kind of spirit root Han Benfu is.

Han Benfu came back when she was one year old, when she was still young, she was a little strange to see her grandfather and grandmother.

Han Shan put on a banquet to celebrate Han Benfu's possession of spirit root.

Three days passed quickly, and the Han Changming family of four was about to leave Bottle Gourd Island.

"Father, mother, take care of yourself. If I have time, I will come back to see you often."

Han Changming took his wife and children down on his knees and gave it to Han Shan The couple kowtow.

The graciousness of raising is so big that Han Changming will never forget it.

"You are busy with you, your mother and I are very good, you are good, we can rest assured, come back!"

Han Changming nodded, took out Feihaizhou, Carrying his wife and children moved towards high altitude.

Back to Bottle Gourd Island, Han Benfu began to enter the family lecture hall and learn cultivation knowledge from the clan elders.

She is Wood Fire Dual Spiritual Roots. The dual-attribute cultivation technique is very rare. There may be Seaheed Pavilion, but it will not be used for Han Family cultivation.

The island that Han Changming won before was exchanged with Seaheed Pavilion. Han Family can rent Seaheed Pavilion a small island for forty years for free. Apart from this, Fire Cloud Sect opened a large market with the Lu family. The city is called Fire Crow market city. The fire is taken from the fire of Fire Cloud Sect, and the crow is taken from the crow of the Lu family on Black Raven Island.

Fire Crow market city is not very far from Fire Cloud Sect. Many preferential policies have been introduced, attracting many businesses to settle in.

Han Family did not settle in Fire Crow market city, nor did Chen Family settle in.

After Han Benfu leaves the preaching hall, Han Changming, Ye Xin and Ye Xue will ask her clan elders about the content, and tell Han Benfu to study hard and not to be lazy. Ye Xue, the biological mother, is responsible for supervision .

The flowers in the greenhouse do not grow big. Han Benfu's aptitude is good. Han Changming will not be used to her, but will demand her severely.

There are many geniuses who cultivate the world, but most of them died. Some geniuses were conspired by others, and some were arrogant and frivolous and killed by opponents.

This morning, Han Zhangxiang sent someone to find Han Changming and let him go there.

Han Changming didn't think much, and immediately rushed to patriarch's residence.

"patriarch, are you looking for me?"

Han Changming stood in front of Han Zhangxiang and asked.

"Heavenly Pill Sect of the Green Carp Sea Territory held the Heavenly Pill Conference. The Heavenly Pill Conference was originally held for the Second Rank Pill Refinement Master to exchange Pill Refinement Techniques. Now it has evolved into a Green Carp Sea Territory. It’s a grand event. You have been promoted to the Foundation Establishment Middle Stage, and the Pill Refinement Technique has not yet been promoted to the Second Rank. You can go to the Heavenly Pill Conference and get to know some Second Rank Pill Refinement Masters. In addition, see if you can find the last main medicine Jade Yang Grass."

Han Zhangxiang slowly said, just short of the last main medicine, he can ask someone to help refine the Detoxification Pill medicine to detoxify the body.

Han Family currently has ten Foundation Establishment cultivators, namely Han Zhangxiang, Han Daobin, Han Daojing, Han Debiao, Han Deling, Han Changwu, Han Changying, Han Changming, Ye Xin and Ye Xue.

Han Deling has been promoted to the Foundation Establishment Middle Stage, hunting demonic beasts with Han Daobin and Han Debiao. In addition to three Foundation Establishment cultivators, there are also ten clansman from Qi Refinement Stage.

Han Changying sits in Kuixing Market City, and Han Changwu sits in Green Turtle Market City.

"Heavenly Pill conference? Okay, let me have a trip! By the way, patriarch, do you have all the pill concocting materials I want?"

Han Changming is very happy On the way, Han Family has never appeared in the Second Rank Pill Refinement Master. Han Changming worked behind closed doors. It doesn't work at all. He has to communicate more with other Pill Refinement Masters.

Han Zhangxiang nodded, took out an azure storage bag, handed it to Han Changming, and said: "Second Rank medicine pill, Heyuan Pill, Spirit Recovery Pill have made up 30 refining materials, Heavenly Pill Conference It’s the exchange meeting of the Second Rank Pill Refinement Master, and it’s also an exchange meeting. You go to the storeroom to pick up some things you might use and bring them together to see if you can exchange something useful. This is my token."

He took out an azure token, with the word "Han" engraved on the front and an azure bottle gourd pattern on the back.

Backing by mountains, mountains and waters, Eastern Sea cultivation world’s immortal cultivator pill concocting, accustomed to monster core pill concocting, Second Rank medicine pill takes Second Rank monster core as the main medicine, and spiritual medicine as the auxiliary medicine. Made.

"Yes, patriarch."

Han Changming accepted the token and turned to leave.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Han Changming appeared in a valley covered by thick white fog. The azure token in his hand moved towards the valley. A flash of azure light flew out and sank within the The valley is gone.

Next moment, the mist within the valley rolled over, and a white ladder of several zhang long flew out of the valley and landed in front of Han Changming.

He stood on the white ladder, and the white ladder involved him within the valley.

He only felt a blur in front of him, and suddenly appeared in a huge zhang or so cave. Not far from the front, there were two clan elders, both of them Qi Refinement Cultivator, with a multi-colored trail behind them. The surface of the light curtain is covered with multi-colored rune. Behind the light curtain is a stone gate about one zhang high. The stone gate is engraved with an azure bottle gourd pattern, and there is a square groove in the lower left corner.

"Grandson visits the two uncles."

Han Changming took out the token given by patriarch and bowed.

Don't look at the two races who are always Qi Refinement Stage. They can control the restrictions here, and the Foundation Establishment cultivator can't stop the restricted formidable power.

A clan elder checked the token. After confirming that it was correct, he took the token. The moved towards the light curtain flickered, an azure light flew out, and the light curtain disappeared in a flash.

A wave of water ripples on the surface of the light curtain, slowly disappeared.

The clan elder puts the token into the groove and injects mana.

The azure bottle gourd pattern on the stone gate suddenly increased the rays of light, and the stone gate opened automatically.

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