
  Chapter 145 Medicine Stone and Secret Fire

A bright stone chamber appeared in front of Han Changming, the stone chamber There are several hundred zhang sizes.

Han Changming followed a clan elder and walked in.

There are a dozen tall shelves in the stone chamber, on which are placed refining materials, pill concocting materials, and talisman materials. The most refining material is bottle gourd, and each rack is covered by an azure. The light curtain was shrouded, and three large wooden boxes were placed in the lower left corner. Inside the wooden boxes were a lot of Spirit Stones.

It was the first time Han Changming came to the family treasure house, and he was dazzled by all kinds of things.

Han Changming walked around carefully. In addition to the second rank materials, there are also some third rank materials, including pill concocting materials, refining materials, and even third rank talisman.

He was secretly surprised that the value of the family treasury should be over one million.

It is not surprising to him that Han Family has developed in the red algae Sea Territory for more than 600 years. If there is no savings, it would be abnormal.

For more than six hundred years, if you save two thousand Spirit Stones a year, you can accumulate more than one million Spirit Stones.

In a sense, Han Changming was able to enter the family treasure house, which was recognized by patriarch.

Han Changming picked six things, a Second Rank high grade Ice Attribute monster core, two 400-year-old spiritual medicines, a bottle of Second Rank spiritual water, an ancient Pill Recipe, A seductive fragrance of Second Rank high grade.

Apart from this, he also took 50,000 Spirit Stone to see if he could buy the Foundation Establishment Pill.

The clan elder records are in the book, and Han Changming is instructed not to exchange it casually, Han Changming nodded agreed.

Back at the place of residence, Han Changming told Ye Xin Ye Xue what happened.

"Xin'er, please run with me! Xueer stay in the clan and take care of Fuer, don't let her be lazy."

Han Changming solemnly warned repeatedly Han Changming couldn't get away from the fault of the son and the father, so Ye Xue had to take care of Han Benfu to avoid her arrogance and laziness in cultivation.

Ye Xue nodded, said: "Okay, Husband, don't worry about you and elder sister! I will take care of Hao Fuer, and you must be careful on the way."

The next day, Han Changming and Ye Xin rushed to the General Affairs Hall, with twenty clansman, rushed to the Qingli Sea Territory.

After being promoted to the Foundation Establishment Middle Stage, Han Changming's mana has become a lot more abundant, driving the speed of Feihaizhou faster.

In less than half a year, they rushed to the green turtle market city and met Han Changwu smoothly.

Han Family currently has three stores in Green Turtle Market City, a raw material purchase store, which mainly purchases demonic beast materials and spiritual medicine. The weapon store is responsible for selling Puppet Beast and Magical Artifact, as well as a pill store.

Han Family's pill store mainly sells First Rank medicine pill, the quantity is not large, but the price is relatively cheap.

Han Changwu’s level of talisman making was originally the highest in the Han Family, but she changed to pill concocting, but she was unsuccessful. She wasted several years of time and a lot of savings. Fortunately, she listened to the advice of the elders. , Close your hands in time, continue to refining talisman.

In the past five years, she has been diligently refining the Second Rank talisman, and has been able to refine five Second Rank low grade talisman. Han Family is considered to be firmly established in the green turtle market city.

Han Family relies on Second Rank talisman to attract business. While selling talisman, it also drives the business of Magical Artifact shop and raw material shop.

Han Changming and Ye Xin passed the green turtle market city and escorted a batch of goods to the green turtle market city, mainly the raw materials Han Family purchased from other places.

The talisman requires talisman paper, Second Rank talisman is refined with Second Rank talisman, generally speaking, Second Rank talisman uses Second Rank demonic beast as the main material, plus animal bones and minerals. Refined, in order to save transportation costs, Han Family rented a secluded small courtyard in Green Turtle Market City for refining blank talisman paper and making Puppet Beast, also to facilitate clansman's rest.

"Sister Si, is the business in the store good?"

Han Changming asked casually.

Han Changwu smiled slightly and said: "It's pretty good, there is Second Rank low grade talisman, we have the capital to compete with other stores, that is, there are fewer types of Second Rank talisman, and I heard that the younger brothers and sisters are also Make Talisman Master, wait until she knows how to refine Second Rank talisman, when the time comes, our business will be better."

"By the way, Brother Nine, you are going to participate in the Heavenly Pill conference! I I got a pill concocting material, maybe you can use it."

Han Changwu suddenly remembered something, took out a palm-sized azure wooden box, and handed it to Han Changming.

Han Changming opened it and saw that there was an egg-sized object inside. The object was multi-colored and exuded bursts of strange fragrance.

Han Changming was taken aback for a while, but couldn't recognize this thing for a while.

"Sister Si, if I read it right, this is a medicinal stone?"

Ye Xin said with a smile, she traveled north and south and had a wide range of knowledge.

Han Changwu nodded, said: "My younger brothers and sisters have good eyesight. This is indeed a medicine stone. It is produced from a Spirit Insect called Colorful Wind Butterfly. This medicine stone is the material of Second Rank pill concocting. The medicine stone is relatively rare. The pill concocting material of the book."

Han Changming suddenly realized that he had read the records of medicine stones in ancient books.

After some spiritual butterflies consume a lot of spiritual honey, medicine stones will be born in their bodies. Medicine stones are good pill concocting materials and are more precious than monster core.

"Medicinal stone! This is really a good thing, Sister Si, where did you get it?" Han Changming asked with a smile.

"It was purchased by the raw material store, and a poor loose cultivator sold it to us. He didn’t know what it was, and the shopkeeper of the material store couldn’t see it. Fortunately, I learned pill concocting before me. I have read about the impact of the medicine stone in the classics, and then I know it is the medicine stone. I spent 400 pieces of the Spirit Stone and bought it."

Store operations must be based on honesty, Han Family’s Affiliated forces or some loose cultivators will sell the raw materials they collect to the raw material store opened by Han Family. In order to have more repeat customers and stabilize the source of customers, Han Changwu asked clansman to purchase raw materials at a high price, provided that there is nothing wrong with the stuff. .

As long as ten or eight pieces of Spirit Stone, loose cultivator or small family are more than other stores, they are happy to sell things to Han Family's raw material store.

Han Changming suddenly realized, nodded said: "Yes, Sister Si, I accepted this medicine stone, this is the receipt."

Han Changming wrote a piece to Han Changwu Collect, this medicine stone was bought by the family, Han Changming used it to exchange with other Pill Refinement Masters, and the exchanged items had to be handed over to the family, unless Han Changming spent the contribution point to redeem this medicine stone.

Medicinal stones are relatively rare, and they are considered to be a relatively popular pill concocting material, and they should be able to be exchanged for suitable things.

"Nine brothers, nine younger siblings, you have worked hard all the way, first take a rest in the green turtle market city, and it won’t be too late to rush the next day."

Han Changwu is enthusiastic. Said.

"Okay, Xin'er, you are chatting with the fourth sister, I will go to the Spirit Pill Hall to have a look."

When I came to the Spirit Pill Hall, Han Changming found that the business in the store was pretty good. , Han Dekun is greeting guests.

"Changming is here, how is the clan?"

Han Dekun asked with a smile, the green turtle market city is too far from Bottle Gourd Island, and the information transmission is not very convenient.

"Very good. Before I left the family, I visited Second Uncle mother. Her complexion is pretty good. Ask me to bring Second Uncle some food."

Han Changming While talking, he took out a beautiful food box and handed it to Han Dekun.

"Your Second Uncle mother is also really true, you are so busy, how can she trouble you so much, let you bring me something! After I go back, I have to talk to her."

Han Dekun said like this, with a smile on his face.

Han Changming indifferently smiled, and said indifferently: "Second Uncle laughed, no effort at all, that's right, where are the 10th Uncle and the 18th brother? Are they pill concocting?"


"They are practicing pill room pill concocting! Changlu has been able to refine the First Rank high-grade pill medicine. He has some innate talents in pill concocting. He is willing to endure hardships. With his status as Pill Refinement Master, I got acquainted with some loose cultivators and asked them to recommend our medicine pill to expand our business."

Han Changming nodded, chatted a few words, and came to the backyard.

The door of the pill room was closed tightly, and Han Changming stood quietly in the courtyard waiting.

After time it takes to drink a cup of tea, the door of the pill room opened, Han Changlu and Han Daochun walked out, Han Daochun’s face was filled with joy, Han Changlu’s face was full of joy The color.

"10th Uncle, brother 18, what's the good thing? Look at you guys."

Han Changming showed a sincere smile on his face, jokingly said.

"Brother Nine, my success rate for refining the First Rank high-grade pill medicine has reached 60%."

Han Changlu said a little excitedly, his eyes showed a bit of pride .

Han Daozhen was fascinated by Pill Dao and missed the opportunity of Foundation Establishment. For this reason, he painstakingly cultivated Han Changlu, smashed a lot of cultivation resources on Han Changlu, and Han Changlu's alchemy level gradually improved. His predecessors planted trees and descendants. To enjoy the cold, if Han Daozhen's painstaking cultivation had not been done, Han Changlu would not have been today.

There is no Second Rank Pill Refinement Master in the clan, and Han Changlu's alchemy level is temporarily the highest in the clan, even higher than Han Changming. It is inevitable that Han Changlu is a little proud.

Han Changming didn't care either. If he weren't busy with cultivation, he should become the Second Rank Pill Refinement Master.

He is already the Foundation Establishment Middle Stage. His next plan is to upgrade his algorithm level to Second Rank and to be promoted to Second Rank Pill Refinement Master.

"Yes, Brother Eighteen, Uncle Jiu would be very happy if he heard about this news."

Han Changming said sincerely, Han Daozhen is very old, so it stands to reason. An enjoys his old age, but he is still teaching his younger generations to cultivate more Pill Refinement Masters for the Han Family. Han Changming admires Han Daozhen from his heart.

Han Changlu nodded, said: "Hehe, when I enter the Foundation Establishment Stage, grandfather will be happier. By the way, Brother Nine, you are going to the Qingli Sea Territory to participate in the Heavenly Pill conference! If you can Just get a Foundation Establishment Pill."

"Do your best! Hope to get a Foundation Establishment Pill."

Han Changming has a Foundation Establishment Pill. , But that was left to his daughter Han Benfu. Which parents don’t expect their sons and daughters to become a phoenix. Han Benfu is a Dual Spiritual Roots. Her aptitude is so good. It’s no problem to enter the Foundation Establishment Stage, but Han Changming doesn’t. I can guarantee that Han Benfu can enter the Foundation Establishment Stage by taking a Foundation Establishment Pill.

Foundation Establishment Pill is a medicine pill after all. It is just a supplementary effect. It does not mean that it can help the immortal cultivator to enter the Foundation Establishment Stage 100%. There is a clansman from the Han Family ancestor who took three Foundation Establishment Pills before and after. , Failed to enter the Foundation Establishment Stage.

Everyone is selfish. Han Changming is just such a daughter. Naturally, he hopes that she can go further on the immortal path. He does not intend to hand over this Foundation Establishment Pill. After all, the Foundation Establishment Pill is his own. He has the right to dispose of it. The Foundation Establishment Pill purchased with family property is naturally distributed by the family.

Their three people chatted, Han Daochun and Han Changlu asked about the family affairs, and Han Changming answered truthfully.

"By the way, Changming, you are going to use pill room pill concocting! We don't need to, you are busy!"

Han Daochun suddenly remembered something, said with a smile.

Han Changming nodded, stepped into the pill room and closed the door.

Han Changming took out Ziyang Furnace, with a mouth, a red yellow light ball flew out and turned into a palm-sized red yellow fire bird, emitting a terrifying high temperature.

As soon as the red yellow fire bird appeared, the indoor temperature suddenly increased.

This is the spiritual fire cultivated by Han Changming using Fire Cloud Sect's secret technique to cultivate spiritual fire. The formidable power is more than twice as large as before.

This group of spiritual fire swallowed the spiritual fire cultivated by Song Zhe, otherwise it would not turn into a bird shape so quickly.

Spirit fire is only initially cultivated, and its formidable power will increase with the improvement of Han Changming cultivation base, which is helpful for pill concocting and refinement.

He pointed his finger at the Ziyang furnace, and the red yellow fire bird flapped its wings and rushed towards the Ziyang furnace, turning into a ball of red yellow flame, enclosing the Ziyang furnace.

Han Changming threw the pill concocting materials into the alchemic furnace one after another, and covered the furnace lid.

It didn't take long for a strange medicinal fragrance to float from the alchemic furnace.

Han Changming was secretly nodded, with a bit of joy in his eyes. The spiritual fire is worthy of the spiritual fire, and it can shorten the pill concocting time. It seems that he needs to spend time getting familiar with the pill concocting.

One day passed quickly.

In the morning of the second day, Han Changming opened the door of the pill room and walked out, with a faint smile on his face.

He refined three medicine pills, all of which ended in failure, but he was not depressed. After all, it was the first time he used spiritual fire to pill concocting.

He is confident that he will succeed if he refines a few more medicine pills.

He bid farewell to Han Changwu and others, and rushed to the shark market city with Ye Xin and ten clansman.

After a little half a month, they rushed to Shark Market City.

Because of the Heavenly Pill conference, the shark market city is much more lively than before, and many Foundation Establishment cultivators appear on the spacious streets.

Han Changming and Ye Xin went to the store run by Han Decan and asked him about the Heavenly Pill conference. Coincidentally, Han Changshuo was also there.

"Second brother, long time no see, it's good these days."

Han Changshuo is very happy to see Han Changming and Ye Xin, said with a smile: "I'm fine Yes, elder brother and elder sister, are you the only one to come here?"

Han Changming made the contribution when besieging Fire Cloud Sect, converted it into a contribution point, and spread it to Han Changshuo. Han Changshuo fought I am grateful to Han Changming.

What he meant was that Ye Xue did not come.

"Xue'er wants to take care of Fu'er, so she didn't come over, just me and Xin'er."

After chatting for a while, Han Changming and Han Changshuo talked about business: "second Brother, do you know the Second Rank Pill Refinement Master? Give me a recommendation?"

It's the same in all walks of life. Without a recommendation, you can't be part of the industry circle.

Han Changshuo has been in Shark Market City for so many years, and he must have his own contacts. Han Changming wants to communicate with other Second Rank Pill Refinement Masters, so he had to ask Han Changshuo for help.

"It's a trivial matter. I know a few Second Rank Pill Refinement Masters. I can take you to visit them now."

Han Changshuo patted his chest and agreed.

Han Changming nodded, exhorted a few words with Ye Xin, and left with Han Changshuo.

A quarter of an hour later, Han Changming appeared in the private room of a teahouse. Han Changshuo took out the communication tray and contacted the Second Rank Pill Refinement Master.

"Senior Liu, take the liberty to interrupt. That's it. I will do a dinner for Senior Sun. If you have time, come over for a drink and meet new friends by the way."

"Okay, the old man will come right away."

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