
  Chapter 151 Ten Thousands Sword Sect

With one mouth, a red yellow flame flew out, enveloping alchemic furnace.

Han Changming refining Song Zhe’s spiritual fire is used for pill concocting, which will increase the pill concocting to a certain extent, but the formidable power of the spiritual fire is relatively large. If the fire is not well controlled, the pill concocting will fail.

Under the action of high temperature, spiritual medicine quickly turns into juice, and the monster core slowly disperses and melts into the juice.

While using Divine Consciousness to observe the inside of the alchemic furnace, he controls the fire.

The monster core is blended into the juice of spiritual medicine, and an attractive medicinal fragrance floats out of the alchemic furnace.

Han Changming didn't dare to neglect, he pinched the secret art and punched a secret art into the alchemic furnace, the flame became smaller.

······In    a secret room, Xu was purple clothed sitting on a green futon, his face was serious, and a layer of fine sweat oozes from his forehead.

Not far in front of her, there is a red alchemic furnace about one zhang high, the alchemic furnace is wrapped in billowing flames, and a thick medicinal fragrance permeates the secret room.

After exchanging spiritual water with Han Changming, she immediately hurried back to her residence to pill concocting, and couldn't wait to see the effect of spiritual water.

After a while, she felt that the fire was almost over, and Fa Jue pinched, the flame under the alchemic furnace flashed wildly, as if it had never appeared before.

She stood up and moved towards the alchemic furnace.

I opened the alchemic furnace and found that there were 24 light azure pills inside. A different color flashed in her eyes, cautiously picked up an azure pill and put it into her mouth.

Medicine pill melts in the mouth, a stream of pure Spiritual Qi rose up on her abdomen and ran across her. She hurriedly sat down and refining this Spiritual Qi.

As time passed, a layer of scarlet glow appeared on Xu's purple clothed body, and a little red aura appeared in the house, faintly with a trace of medicinal fragrance, which was very strange.

After a while, Xu's purple clothed regained his power, and his beautiful eyes were full of joy.

"My previous pill success rate was only 70%, and now I am full of pills, and I have increased my pill success rate by 30%, which is worthy of the third rank spiritual water."

Xu purple clothed said to himself. Muttered to himself, his expression was a little excited.

"If only I could get a few more bottles of spiritual water, I don't know if Fellow Daoist Han still has it."

······   Someone In the secret room, an azure clothed youth and a blue clothed girl with beautiful features are chatting.

"Senior Brother Ye, on the auction day, there was an exchange meeting. I heard that many people participated. Would you like to participate?"

"The exchange meeting? Why did you choose That day?"

Ye Tonghua frowned, wondering.

"I don't know this. Anyway, it will be held on the day the auction is held. Would you like to participate?"

Ye Tonghua pondered for a moment, shook the head, and said, "No, exchange meeting. It’s not that you’ve never been there. You can just go by yourself. Be careful, don’t be fooled. I have a task and must complete the task given to me by the master."

blue clothed girl nodded, said "Okay! I don't think there is any good thing. The cultivation resources of the Green Carp Sea Territory are not many. Heavenly Pill Sect is far behind our Ten Thousands Sword Sect."

Listening to her words, They are the dísciple of Ten Thousands Sword Sect.

Ten Thousands Sword Sect is one of Eastern Sea Ten Great Sects. It has a heritage of tens of thousands of years and has a profound heritage, far from what Heavenly Pill Sect can compare.

Ye Tonghua's face was stern, and he reprimanded: "How many times have I told you, walking outside, don’t mention the name of sect, this sect also has a lot of enemies, we came out this time to experience, not to play Yes, if we let the hostile forces discover our identity, it would be a lot of trouble."

The blue clothed girl spit out her pink tongue, and said disapprovingly: "I know, I know, you have said everything. A hundred times, I remembered it clearly, and it didn’t matter if I said it, I don’t believe it. In Qingli Sea Territory, those Foundation Establishment cultivators will be my opponents, and I still have a third rank spirit talisman!"

Ye Tonghua is lightly sighed and unceremoniously reprimanded: "There is a mountain beyond the mountain, there is Person beyond the Person. You are the first time you have traveled far away. Don't be foolish, otherwise, after returning to the clan, I will report to the master and see his elderly. How to clean up with you."

Upon hearing the word "master", the blue clothed girl's Yurong changed slightly. She smiled and said angrily: "Senior Brother Ye, I know it's wrong, I don't dare anymore, you Don’t tell my dad, because of his old man’s temperament, I have to stay closed for several years."

"It depends on how you do it. If you act in a low-key manner, I will naturally not tell the master. If you don't listen to me, if you don't do anything, then I can only tell the master."

The blue clothed girl quickly promised that she was absolutely obedient, and Ye Tonghua didn't say anything.

······   Pill Pavilion, Han Changshuo is reporting to Yang Yuyun, Yang Yuyun's face is full of joy.

"You did good, Martial Nephew Han, you can actually get the venom sac of the colorful sea urchin. According to the rules, you will be given one thousand and two hundred contribution points."

While talking, Yang Yuyun took out a slap-sized silver disc, whose surface was covered with mysterious runes.

Han Changshuo was taken aback for a moment, and wondered: "Yang Martial Uncle, isn't it a thousand contribution points?"

"That was before, the number of colorful sea urchins was relatively rare and growing In the depths of the seabed, it is difficult to find. Someone collected the inner core before, but no one collected the poison sac. The clan has increased the rewards, so take out your identity token!"

Han Changshuo beamed with joy, took out the identity token, and handed it to Yang Yuyun.

Yang Yuyun posted the token on the plate, the silver light flashed, and a large piece of silver light was submerged in the token. She returned the token to Han Changshuo.

"Yang Martial Uncle, my time in Shark Market City is not long anymore, I want to transfer back to sect, you see?"

Yang Yuyun smiled slightly and said: "Of course you can , Junior Sister Wu, they are here too, when the time comes, you go back with them!"

Han Changshuo turned his eyes and curiously asked: "Martial Uncle Wu? Yang Martial Uncle, you said But it’s Master Lu’s dísciple Martial Uncle Wu?"

"It is, Junior Sister Wu inherited Martial Uncle Lu’s water refining method. This time the Heavenly Pill conference, how could she not come!"

Han Changshuo secretly nodded, the method of water refining is a rare pill concocting technique, and there are very few Pill Refinement Masters who understand this pill concocting technique.

At this moment, there was a slight sound of footsteps, and a young girl and a red clothed youth walked up.

The girl is Wu Xueli, with an indifferent expression, red clothed youth with handsome features, tall, and has several points of Young Master. He follows Wu Xueli closely with a smile on his face.

Wu Xueli has the Foundation Establishment Middle Stage’s cultivation base, and the red clothed youth has the Foundation Establishment Late Stage.

"Hey, Junior Sister Wu, Martial Nephew Han and I just talked about you, you are here, and Senior Brother Sun is also here."

Yang Yuyun slightly smiled, meaningful Looking at the red clothed youth.

She is responsible for the management of Pill Pavilion, and rarely is a great shark market city, but she still knows the situation of sect better.

The red clothed youth is called Sun Siwen, born in the Cultivation Family. He is one of Wu Xueli's suitors. He is very enthusiastic. Like Mucos, Wu Xueli only needs to leave the practice room and go to other places. Sun Siwen Definitely follow.

"Speaking of me? What can I say, yes, surnamed Han, you won't be the brother of Han Changming Fellow Daoist Han!"

Wu Xueli's gaze It fell on Han Changshuo, with a curious look on his face.

Han Changming's performance was eye-catching in the past few years. Wu Xueli has listened to the same sect Senior Brother many times. In addition, she has participated in the fighting convention with Han Changming, and is a little more impressed with Han Changming.

Han Changshuo didn't dare to neglect, he hurriedly bowed to salute, and said: "dísciple Han Changshuo has met Martial Uncle Wu and Uncle Sun. The Han Changming mentioned by Martial Uncle Wu is the younger brother of dísciple."

"I heard that Fellow Daoist Han is also a Pill Refinement Master. Is he in Shark Market City? Tell me about him."

Wu Xueli casually said that Seaheed Pavilion has its own information Tang, it’s not a secret that Han Changming is the Pill Refinement Master. She has heard people talk about it, and she is a little curious. According to the information, Han Changming is a Talisman Master, and later changed to pill concocting, but pill concocting did not Not badly.

"Han Family has never been a Second Rank Pill Refinement Master. Fellow Daoist Han is a bit strong in fighting skills. It does not mean that he is also good at pill concocting. Junior Sister Wu, I just met a few friends. Would you like to participate in the exchange meeting? I heard that there will be a lot of good things."

Sun Siwen said with a smile, with a warm tone.

Wu Xueli willow brows slightly wrinkle, wondering: "Six days later? Isn't that the day when the auction is held? How can I choose to hold the exchange meeting on that day."

"This me I don’t know, maybe it’s a coincidence!"

Wu Xueli nodded, and said to Yang Yuyun: "Senior Sister Yang, how is it? Is there any news about the poison sac of the colorful sea urchin or inner core? The master reminded me. It’s tight."

Yang Yuyun smiled slightly and said: "Junior Sister Wu, you just happened to be here. Martial Nephew Han just got the venom sac of the colorful sea urchin. It’s pretty good."

She took out the poison sac and gave it to Wu Xueli.

Wu Xueli took a closer look, and was nodded satisfied, looked at Han Changshuo, and praised: "Yes, Martial Nephew Han, how did you get the venom sac of the colorful sea urchin? Can you get more of it? Some?"

"Martial Uncle Wu is overpraised. I didn't get the poison sac. It was my ninth brother."

Han Changshuo answered truthfully, the colorful sea urchins are. Second Rank high grade Spirit Insect, he is just Qi Refinement Stage, how is the opponent of colorful sea urchin.

Wu Xueli didn’t feel surprised when he heard this. Han Changshuo’s Qi Refinement Stage, with his cultivation base and ability, is indeed a little reluctant to get the venom sac of the colorful sea urchin, if Han Family did it. Arrived, that's pretty much the same.

"hmph, isn't it a colorful sea urchin? I will grab two and give it to you another day, Junior Sister Wu."

Sun Siwen promised, patting his chest.

Wu Xueli nodded, there is a bit of disgust in the beautiful eyes, Sun Siwen knows to talk big, where she is going, where is Sun Siwen, just like Mucos, Sun Siwen’s clan brother It is also Lu Yun's dísciple, and Wu Xueli is the same sect fellow apprentices. If not, Wu Xueli would be rude to Sun Siwen.

"Okay, Martial Nephew Han, please contact your brother to see if you have time to meet with me. I want to chat with him, Senior Sister Yang, I have something to do, let’s go. "

After saying this, Wu Xueli turned and left, and Sun Siwen quickly followed.

"dísciple many thanks Yang Martial Uncle."

Han Changshuo drove Yang Yuyun deeply to carry out the ceremony and said with gratitude.

"Oh, I didn't do anything, what are you thanking me for?" Yang Yuyun pretended to be confused.

Han Changshuo smiled and said: "Yang Martial Uncle just mentioned the name of dísciple in front of Martial Uncle Wu. If it weren't for this, Martial Uncle Wu might not remember dísciple."

Yang Yuyun's remarks just now pushed him to Wu Xueli, which deepened Wu Xueli's impression of him, which is beneficial to his future development. You must know that there are thousands of Qi Refinement Cultivator in Seaheed Pavilion, which can help Wu Xueli. Remember the name of Qi Refinement Cultivator can be counted on one's fingers.

Yang Yuyun didn't mention Han Changshuo. She collected the venom sac of the colorful sea urchin. This is all her credit. She just did it easily, and also wanted to see if Han Changshuo understood.

Obviously, Han Changshuo is very sensible and knows the way inside.

"Yes, Martial Nephew Han, you are fine, remember Junior Sister Wu's words, contact your clan brother, remember, I will help you now, I hope you will help me in the future."

Yang Yuyun said meaningfully.

"Yes, dísciple remembered."

Han Changshuo agreed and bowed back.

······   Han Changming concentrates on pill concocting and does not know the outside world.

With Xu purple clothed's guidance, he has made rapid progress and can refine Heyuan Pill. The pill success rate is around 20%, which is already pretty good.

As far as he knows, the Second Rank Pill Refinement Master is a beginner in refining Heyuan Dan. The pill success rate is mostly around 10%, a few at 20%, and a few at 30%.

This also shows that spiritual water is not omnipotent. If spiritual water is not added, the pill success rate is greatly improved. The level of the pill success rate has a lot to do with the algorithm level of Pill Refinement Master. , Lingshui is always auxiliary.

He stayed in the pill concocting room for six days and seven nights.

Han Changming extinguished the flame, opened the lid of the alchemic furnace, and quickly walked forward to take a look. In the alchemic furnace were six blue pills with the size of longan cores, and the blue pills exuded a faint fragrance.

He took a blue pill between his fingers and watched it carefully, nodded with satisfaction.

"Calculate the time, the exchange meeting is about to begin."

He put away the medicine pill and the alchemic furnace, changed his clothes, and walked out.

The streets are full of people and it is very lively.

After time it takes to drink a cup of tea, he appeared in a 5-Layer high azure attic with the three characters "Qingfeng Pavilion" written on the plaque.

Han Changming stepped up. There was no one in the lobby. The second and third floors were also empty. The stairs leading to the fifth floor were guarded by two Qi Refinement Cultivators.

"Senior is here to participate in the exchange meeting! Please bring this mask, it will be good for everyone."

A Qi Refinement Cultivator handed Han Changming a grimace mask , Motioned Han Changming to put it on.

Han Changming is not surprised. He put on a mask. According to Ye Xin, the source of the exchange is unknown. Participants must wear masks and leave in batches when they leave. , Good for everyone.

On the fifth floor, thirty Foundation Establishment cultivators have gathered on the fifth floor. They are all tall, short, fat and thin, without exception, they all wear grimace masks, and no one can see who looks like.

Han Changming found an empty table and sat down, one after another Foundation Establishment cultivator came up.

Han Changming was secretly surprised. It stands to reason that Foundation Establishment cultivators should participate in large-scale auctions, which can increase their knowledge. So many Foundation Establishment cultivators gather here to exchange, which shows that the influence of the organizer is not small , Can bring so many Foundation Establishment cultivators together.

Maybe something good will really appear, otherwise these Foundation Establishment cultivators will not abandon the large auction, but instead come to participate in the exchange meeting.

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