
  Chapter 152 Thunder Attribute insect egg and third rank talisman    A round face with fat head and big ears The man walked up. He was wearing a spacious golden daoist robe, his belly bulging, like a huge leather ball.

He came to Han Changming's side and sat down in an empty chair, which made a "zhi zhi" sound.

Han Changming was secretly surprised. This body shape doesn't need to wear a grimace mask. It's useless if you wear it. There are a lot of things that change your appearance in the cultivation world, but he hasn't heard of things that change your body shape.

After time it takes to drink a cup of tea, more than 60 Foundation Establishment cultivators gathered on the fifth floor.

A tall, thin, and elegant middle-aged man walked to the empty table in the center, rushed to the cultivator present, and said politely: "Many thanks Fellow Daoists for participating in this exchange. In the next Zhang Xuan, he was the initiator of the exchange meeting at this time, and exchanged first in the next, and then Fellow Daoists took turns to exchange. The ugly words are the first. The exchange is all voluntary. If you look wrong, you are responsible for yourself."

"This is natural, Fellow Daoist Zhang, let's get started! I will not even go to a large auction for the exchange meeting this time."

Zhang Xuan nodded, took out several materials, and said: "Second Rank Five high-grade monster cores, five 400-year-old spiritual medicine, and a red Gold Jade. You can exchange for 400-year-old spirit bamboo or Earth Attribute materials, and other things of the same value will do."

Han Changming is not interested in these things. He doesn't have many materials that can be exchanged. The most precious thing is undiluted spiritual water.

Immortal cultivator after immortal cultivator stepped forward, took out things to exchange with other immortal cultivators, there were many kinds of things, and there were many good things among them.

There are both raw materials and finished products, refining materials, pill concocting materials, talisman materials, Magical Artifact, alchemic furnace, talisman, Spirit Beast, etc., there are so many things that he is dazzled.

The Foundation Establishment cultivator participating in the exchange meeting, the cultivation base ranges from Foundation Establishment Early Stage to Great Perfection.

"Three Yin Fiend Thunder symbols of Second Rank high grade, with baleful aura attack, in exchange for Wind Attribute refining materials or materials of equivalent value."

The azure clothed man with the grimace mask stepped forward and took out a black wooden box. Inside were three shiny black light talismans. The surface of the talisman was covered with rice-sized silver runes.

"Yin Fiend Thunder Symbol!"

Han Changming is a little excited. The formidable power of Second Rank high grade is comparable to the Foundation Establishment Great Perfection cultivator full strength attack, and the Thunder Attribute spell formidable power is huge It is recognized by the cultivation world. The Yin Fiend Thunder symbol of Second Rank high grade, formidable power is definitely not comparable to the ordinary Second Rank high grade talisman.

He has too few hole cards in his hand, so he can use a Yin Fiend Thunder symbol as his hole card.

There are a lot of cultivators for azure clothed man sound transmission, and one after another they took out things for azure clothed youth to check, azure clothed youth one after another exchanges, it was Han Changming's turn soon.

"I used a 400-year-old Flying Green Spirit Wood for your two Yin Fiend Thunder symbols, how about?"

Han Changming sound transmission said, his voice was a little hoarse.

He got a lot of property from Song Zhe, including monster core and refining materials, general materials, he turned over to the family, exchanged contribution points, better things, he kept for his own use.

Flying Green Spirit Wood is the best material for refining flying Magical Artifact. If it hadn't been for him to have flying Magical Artifact, he would really want to exchange it.

"Four hundred years of flying Green Spirit Wood? Can you show it out?" The tone of the azure clothed youth was a little emotional.

Han Changming took out a piece of dark green wood, two feet long and about one chi wide, and replaced it with two Yin Fiend Thunder symbols, which was not excessive.

He successfully exchanged two Yin Fiend Thunder symbols and returned to his seat.

"Three hundred years of golden sun wood, one piece of Gold Jade stone, Second Rank middle grade monster core, in exchange for Fire Attribute mixing materials..."

Immortal cultivator after immortal cultivator stepped forward to exchange. Han Changming took a fancy to a Second Rank middle grade alchemic furnace, but the other party wanted to exchange the Thunder Attribute refining material for Second Rank. To be honest, if Han Changming had a Second Rank Thunder Attribute refining material will not be exchanged for Second Rank middle grade refining furnace.

After time it takes to drink a cup of tea, Han Changming stepped forward and took out two bottles of diluted spiritual water and a few pieces of ore.

"In exchange for a huge might talisman or a strange insect egg, something of the same value is okay."

"What is in the two blue bottles?" A bar of silver The bell-like voice of the woman suddenly rang.

"The diluted third rank spiritual water has an additive effect on pill concocting."

Han Changming's voice is a bit hoarse, he took a kind of Yi Sheng Dan in advance Medicine pill can change the voice.

In this way, even if Xu was purple clothed, he would not be recognized.

"Diluted third-rank spiritual water? Really?"

Some people don't believe it and raise questions.

Han Changming opened the cork, and a stream of pure Spiritual Qi floated out, and he quickly plugged the cork.

Soon, more than 20 Foundation Establishment cultivators stepped forward and talked with him on sound transmission.

Spiritual Qi is so pure, even if it has no additive effect on pill concocting, it can be taken to increase the cultivation base.

"I'll take two Second Rank high grade Defense Talisman seal Five Elements Heavenly Armor Talisman and a Second Rank middle grade Fire Attribute monster core to exchange spiritual water with you, how about?"

"I will exchange two Second Rank high grade monster cores with you for the spirit water, what do Fellow Daoist think?"

"I will exchange the Second Rank high grade spirit wine with you, how about it?"

······There are    too many Foundation Establishment cultivators for Han Changming sound transmission. After screening, Han Changming exchanged two bottles of dilute spiritual water for two Second Rank high grade Defense Talisman Seal Five Elements Heavenly Armor Talisman, a Fire Attribute monster core of Second Rank middle grade, and three watermelon-sized ice Spirit Crystal.

The two bottles of spiritual water are diluted in a ratio of one to one, which has an addition to the pill concocting mixer.

After the exchange, Han Changming returned to his seat.

Wearing a grimace mask, others can't see the change in his expression. He is full of joy. It is worthwhile to exchange two bottles of spiritual water for so many things.

The golden robed man next to Han Changming stepped forward, resting his bulging belly on the table.

He took out a lot of things, including ore, medicine pill, talisman, and Magical Artifact, and things piled up on the table.

"In exchange for Second Rank Flood Dragon meat or blood essence, if there is third rank Flood Dragon meat or blood essence, it's okay."

When this word fell, everyone was shocked. The needle drop can be heard.

"Second Rank Flood Dragon meat or blood essence? Does this guy take a meal?"

There was a curious look in Han Changming's eyes, Three Thousand Great Dao, eight hundred by the side, cultivation There are many kinds of immortal cultivation techniques in the world, and diet is one of them. This type of immortal cultivator cultivation is unique. They eat a lot of food cooked by spirit materials. In short, their cultivation only needs to eat constantly.

Han Changming has heard the clan elder talk about it before, but he hasn't seen it with his own eyes.

Of course, the exchange of Flood Dragon meat or blood essence does not mean that the golden robed man is taking meals together, it may be used for pill concocting.

Flood Dragon is a treasure. Animal meat and blood essence can refine medicine pill that nourishes qi and blood. For the body cultivator, it is an item of great nourishment.

Han Changming has lived in the Red Algae Sea Territory for so long and has never seen Second Rank Flood Dragon.

Python and Jiao are just a word difference, divine ability the difference between Heaven and Earth.

The Foundation Establishment cultivator that can kill a Second Rank Flood Dragon has long been famous.

Not long after, many Foundation Establishment cultivators stepped forward and talked with golden robed man sound transmission.

In the end, the golden robed man exchanged successfully, and no one else knew what the exchange was.

A blue clothed woman stepped forward and took out a dozen wooden boxes, most of which were monster cores. There were also a few silver white insect eggs. There was a trace of arc beating on the surface of the insect egg.

"These monster cores and Thunder Attribute insect eggs are exchanged for materials for refining Flying Sword or materials of equivalent value."

Han Changming expression moved and asked: "This man Fairy, what Spirit Insect’s insect egg is this?"

"I don’t know, this is what I got from an ancient cultivator Cave Mansion. I have hatched for a few years and haven’t hatched yet, so I don’t know. Can it be hatched, but I can guarantee that it’s definitely not a normal Spirit Insect. Believing or not is up to you."

The blue clothed woman said the truth.

"I use a piece of deep sea cold iron to replace your insect eggs, how about?"

Han Changming stepped forward, sound transmission said, took out an azure wooden box, and handed it to blue clothed woman.

The blue clothed woman opened it, nodded, and agreed to exchange.

The exchange was successful, and Han Changming returned to his seat, feeling a little excited.

It took a few years for blue clothed woman to incubate insect egg. It is definitely not a normal Spirit Insect. As far as he knows, there are not many Spirit Insects of Thunder Attribute. No matter what kind of Spirit Insect, The divine ability is definitely not small, take it back to the family and ask Han Deguang, he may know what Spirit Insect is.

While he was excited, he was also a little curious about the identity of the blue clothed woman. He took out more than a dozen Second Rank monster cores in one go. It was definitely not an ordinary Foundation Establishment cultivator, probably from Heavenly Pill Sect. Cultivator, this is their base camp. With so many monster cores in exchange, there is no need to worry about others murdering to seize the treasures.

After a while, she put away the monster core and returned to her original position.

In the next time, other Foundation Establishment cultivators will come out to exchange things one after another, including Second Rank middle grade spirit wine, Second Rank high grade alchemic furnace, Second Rank high grade talisman, medicine stone and other materials, and even third Rank's refining material is Jin Jing. Unfortunately, the other party wants to exchange five hundred years of Fire Attribute spiritual medicine.

Han Changming was secretly surprised that this exchange meeting came at the right time and exchanged for a lot of useful things.

A short and fat red-clothed man stepped forward and said: "Snowglass stone, golden light jade, Nurturing Spirit Pill two bottles, and third rank talisman, in exchange for the third rank pill concocting Material."

"What? third rank talisman!"

Hearing the words "third rank talisman", the cultivator present had a commotion, and his eyes became fierce.

There are not many life-saving methods for Foundation Establishment cultivator, and the third rank talisman is often bid at a high price. As a life-saving trump card, it is not easy to refine the third rank talisman. Even if you participate in a large auction, it is not necessarily Can be bought by auction.

"It's the Qianyuan escape spirit talisman. This talisman has the effect of hiding the breath. The Core Formation cultivator uses Divine Consciousness to investigate, but it may not be found. The most important thing is that this talisman can be used repeatedly until The power is exhausted, unlike the Offensive Talisman seal, which is gone after one use."

Han Changming was a little disappointed when he heard this. The third-rank talisman, who was hiding his breath, was far from the Offensive Talisman seal.

If you are chased by an enemy who knows that you are hiding in the vicinity, even if there is a hidden talisman, it is useless.

Anyway, it is the third rank talisman after all. Many Foundation Establishment cultivators stepped forward, and the red-clothed men kept shaking their heads, seemingly dissatisfied.

Maybe the red-clothed man's asking price is too high, and the third rank talisman did not exchange it.

Han Changming did not come forward to exchange. He had exchanged a lot of things before. If he exchanged it again, it would be too eye-catching.

"This Fellow Daoist has third-rank pill concocting materials in his hands. If you don't mind, we will meet at the gate of Laixianlou after the exchange meeting." Han Changming gave the red-clothed man sound transmission.

The red-clothed man looked at Han Changming's position, and the sound transmission agreed: "Okay, see you at the gate of Xianlou later."

This exchange meeting continued. More than an hour.

After the exchange meeting ended, numerous cultivators left the meeting place in batches.

After time it takes to drink a cup of tea, Han Changming refitted and appeared at the entrance of Laixianlou.

Not long after, a red-clothed man came over, looked up and down Han Changming, and asked: "This Fellow Daoist, are you waiting here?"

Han Changming nodded, made a please gesture, and said: "Let's talk inside."

The two walked into Xianlou and asked for a private room to negotiate.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Han Changming walked out of Xianlou with a smile on his face.

He used a bottle of undiluted third rank spiritual water and two Second Rank middle grade monster cores to exchange for that third rank talisman.

Han Changming has gained a lot from this exchange meeting.

He wandered down the street. At this time, the auction was over and there were a lot of people on the street.

Two hours later, Han Changming returned to his residence.

Ye Xin has returned, and she is chatting with Han Daogan.

"Xin'er, did you buy the Foundation Establishment Pill?"

Han Changming asked casually, Ye Xin’s first task was to buy the Foundation Establishment Pill, but he couldn’t buy it. For the Foundation Establishment Pill, the huge might talisman or third rank Detoxification Pill medicine is also available.

Ye Xin nodded, said: "Fortunately, I bought a Foundation Establishment Pill and spent 45,000 Spirit Stones. There are too many bidders."

Auctions are like this. The more bidders, the higher the price, which tends to exceed the value of the auction item.

Han Changming didn’t care, said with a smile: “Anyway, it’s a good thing to buy a Foundation Establishment Pill. I plan to stay here for a while and communicate with other Pill Refinement Masters. , Uncle, Xiner, you can help me collect some materials for refining Heyuan Dan."

"It is not difficult to collect materials for refining Heyuan Dan, but we don’t have so many Spirit Stones on hand. I can’t collect much."

Han Dao was embarrassed. Not long ago, the family asked him to purchase some things. There was not much Spirit Stone on the books. Han Changming brought 50,000 Spirit Stones out of the trip and spent money. Buying a Foundation Establishment Pill for 45,000 auctions, there are still 5,000 Spirit Stones left, which is really not enough to buy many materials.

"First use my own private money, when the time comes, the family will put it on, Xiner, pay 10,000 Spirit Stone to the uncle, and keep the account."

Han Changming The cost of pill concocting is all paid by the family, and he has to hand over the refined Heyuan Pill to the family. This is a mutually beneficial relationship.

Ye Xin smiled and said: "I see, Husband, you can rest assured of pill concocting!"

Han Changming handed over half of his family to Ye Xin and let her take care of it. Comfort her, after all, she hasn't given birth to a son and a half, so she must be uncomfortable.

After a few exhortations, Han Changming went back to the room for pill concocting.

He took out the Spirit Beast egg, put it in a water tank, and poured most of the spirit nourishing fluid into the water tank.

I hope that the Spirit Beast egg can incubate after absorbing the nourishing fluid.

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