2021-12-09   Chapter 154 days of wind struck   Han Changming can feel the excitement ice Fire Python convey, evidently, Lingshui is an item of great nourishment to it.

Considering that the Ice Fire Python has just hatched, Han Changming did not continue to feed it with spiritual water, but took it back into the Spirit Beast Bag.

As soon as he walked out of the pill room, he saw Ye Xin. Ye Xin's breath became stronger.

Han Changming exchanged a lot of ice Spirit Crystals, all of which were given to Ye Xin. Ye Xin's cultivation was "Myriad Waves Art". Refining the cold in the ice Spirit Crystal can strengthen the formidable power of spell.

"Husband, you are out."

Han Changming smiled nodded and said: "Madam, it seems that you have already refining the ice Spirit Crystal."

Ye Xin smiled and pinched the secret art. Numerous blue light spots appeared all over his body, which turned into hundreds of slender white ice needles.

Han Changming lightly stepped on the ground with his right foot, there was a muffled noise, and a two-foot-thick yellow earth wall appeared out of thin air.

The sound of "chi chi" breaking through the air was loud. Hundreds of white ice needles hit the yellow soil wall one after another, and failed to defeat the yellow soil wall, but a thin frost appeared on the soil. On the wall surface, ordinary ice needle surgery definitely does not have such a large formidable power.

Han Changming walked to the front to take a look, nodded satisfied, and praised: "Yes, ma'am, it seems that Bing Spirit Crystal is very helpful to you."

"This Thanks to Husband, otherwise I..."

Before Ye Xin's words were finished, a strange roar suddenly sounded.

They looked at each other for a moment.

A light blue water curtain emerged out of thin air, covering the entire shark market city.

On the surface of the blue water curtain, there are a dozen mini sharks swimming around inside the water curtain.

"What happened to a major event that actually started the protection of the island?"

Han Changming was taken aback for a moment, and he took a quick charge ahead.

The cultivator on the street was panicked. They obviously didn't know why this happened.

"The sky is coming, and the sky is coming. Everyone stays in the house and don't go out."

"The sky is coming?"

Han Changming For a moment, a strong sky wind passed through the red algae Sea Territory several decades ago, directly leading to the genocide of a Surnamed Song family.

The shark market city is a large market city. It seems that the wind is not small.

Han Changming and Ye Xin hurriedly walked into a restaurant with a sixth layer high and moved towards the distant sky on the sixth floor.

Heavenly Pill Sect's Core Formation cultivator launched three sets of Formation. With Shark Island as the center, a huge blue vortex appeared in the Sea Territory with a radius of 100 miles, and a powerful air current emerged out of thin air.

Shark Island is completely motionless, vortex is slowly getting bigger, the waves are ten zhang or so high, Shark Island is covered by a light blue water curtain, and the market city is again covered by an earth-yellow light curtain. Living, forming three protection circles, from this point of view, the weather coming this time is definitely not small.

After a quarter of an hour, the sky suddenly darkened, and a white hurricane with a diameter of hundreds of zhang and five-six hundred zhang high appeared in the distant sky. The hurricane rolled up a lot of sea water and quickly moved towards the shark market. The city struck, several ten zhang in an instant, and the speed was quite fast.

Seeing this scene, Han Changming and Ye Xin became nervous. They both saw Tianfeng for the first time. Before that, they might have read Tianfeng records in ancient books. Or I heard others talk about it, but it's far less shocking than what I saw with my own eyes.

It didn't take long for the hurricane to collide with the first ban. The vortex was already three hundred miles long and the speed was extremely fast.

Boom!    a deafening rumbling sound sounded, in front of white hurricane, vortex like tissue paper in general, is white hurricane twist crushing.

The vortex reappeared very quickly, and the speed was so fast that it still failed to block the white hurricane, but it slightly changed the direction of the hurricane.

The white hurricane passed by Shark Island, and the powerful air currents shattered the large array of guarding the island. Fortunately, there is a 3rd ban. Han Changming and others looked at the hurricane going away and sighed by coincidence. in relief,

If it is the resident of Cultivation Family, there is no way to withstand this powerful hurricane. It must be home destruction.

I don’t know where the sky wind came from. It would have passed by the shark market city. If it hadn’t been for Heavenly Pill Sect’s cultivator to spot the sky wind in advance, and defend against it, I am afraid that the shark market city will be hit hard.

The speed of this sky wind is too fast, and the Foundation Establishment cultivator may not be able to catch up with the Second Rank high grade flying Magical Artifact.

"Husband, this sky wind is too terrifying, will it pass through the red algae Sea Territory?"

Ye Xin said with some worry that Heavenly Pill Sect can use the prohibition. To change the direction of the hurricane, Seaheed Pavilion can also be used. The shark market city is located at the junction of the red algae Sea Territory and the green carp Sea Territory. The sky wind is really likely to pass through the red algae Sea Territory. Maybe it will appear in the red algae Sea Territory. of.

This sky wind is too strong. If you pass by Bottle Gourd Island, Bottle Gourd Island will definitely not be able to stop it.

"I don't know, let's go back and take a look! I hope it's okay."

Han Changming said like this, his eyes also showed some worry.

His wife and children are all in Bottle Gourd Island. If Tianfeng passes by Bottle Gourd Island, the trouble will be big.

The cultivators of market city are all discussing the origin of Tianfeng. The cultivator of Cultivation Family considers the safety of wives and children, while the loose cultivator considers whether it can pick up treasure. You must know that Tianfeng will roll up. A lot of sea water, some treasures that fall on the seabed will be rolled onto the island.

As soon as the sky wind passed, a batch of loose cultivators hurriedly left the market city to see if they could find good things.

Back at the residence, Han Changming took out the snail and contacted Xu purple clothed.

"Fellow Daoist Han, what? You got the third rank spirit water again?"

Xu's purple clothed tone is a bit excited, she has confirmed that Han Changming brought out the spirit Water has a great additive effect on pill concocting, but it is too little.

"Xu Fairy, are you the third rank spiritual water as Chinese cabbage? I wish there was a spiritual water cave that produces the third rank Heaven and Earth spiritual water, which specializes in selling spiritual water. It is hard not to make a fortune."

Han Changming gave a wry smile, jokingly said.

"I was joking with you, okay, let's talk about business!"

"How much do you know about this wind? Is it passing through the red algae Sea Territory?"

"I don't know this. Wait a moment. I will ask Martial Uncle Liu and I will answer you later."

Han Changming nodded, thank you: "Okay, thanks Now, I invite you to taste tea another day."

"It doesn't matter if you taste tea. If you get the spirit water again, you must exchange it with me, first."

A little half a quarter of an hour later. , Xu purple clothed contacted Han Changming again.

"Fellow Daoist Han, I asked Martial Uncle Liu, the sky wind did come from the red algae Sea Territory. As for whether it appeared in the red algae Sea Territory, I don't know. "

Han Changming's heart tightened and said: "Thanks, Xu Fairy, next time I get the third rank Lingshui, I will definitely exchange it with you."

"Okay, I'm still busy, so let's do this first."

Han Changming put away the messenger, with a looked thoughtful expression on his face.

"Husband, shall we go back and have a look?"

Ye Xin asked, with a worried expression on his face.

Han Changming solemnly nodded, saying: "Tomorrow, no...I will go back now, I hope there is nothing wrong at home."

He is now with one's heart set on speeding home , Can’t wait to return to Bottle Gourd Island immediately.

Shark market city and Bottle Gourd Island are more than a hundred thousand li apart. It will take half a year to fly. If there is a second rank high grade flying Magical Artifact, it will be faster.

Qingfeng Wing is suitable for personal use, not suitable for multiple people.

He briefly explained to Han Daogan, and Ye Xin left the shark market city with more than a dozen clansman and rushed to Bottle Gourd Island.

He secretly prayed in his heart that there should be nothing to do at home.

too many typhoons along the coast, we encounter a major typhoon, still water and electricity,

      (Chapter End)

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