
  Chapter 155 Call-up   More than four months later, Han Changming and others returned to Bottle Gourd Island.

Han Changming was relieved that Bottle Gourd Island was fine. He briefly reported his experience in Shark Market City to patriarch. Of course, some secret things, such as exchanging spiritual water for cultivation resources, he did not Did not tell patriarch.

"patriarch, this is the Heyuan Pill and Spirit Recovery Pill that I refined, and my pill success rate is close to two percent."

Han Changming took out five porcelain bottles, Pass it to Han Zhangxiang.

In fact, his pill success rate is close to 50%, you know, he went to Shark Market City, and the pill success rate is close to 50%, which is too unreasonable. I am afraid it will expose the spirit water. secret.

The pill success rate of 20% is reasonable.

He asked other Pill Refinement Masters, when they first learned to refine the Heyuan Dan, the pill success rate was only about 20%.

Han Zhangxiang nodded, with a smile of approval, said: "Yes, the pill success rate of 20% is already very good. It seems that you do have innate talent along with the pill concocting, and our Han Family has it. The Second Rank Pill Refinement Master appears."

"By the way, patriarch, how did the wind come so fast this time? Didn't you pass near Bottle Gourd Island?"

"No , Our luck is better. This sky wind is blowing from other Sea Territory. Fortunately, we have no casualties. We don’t know Deling and the others. They hunted the demonic beast outside. The demonic beast encountered this sky wind, thinking You can’t run away."

Han Zhangxiang said with some worry, Han Deling led clansman to hunt and kill demonic beasts outside. The speed of this sky wind is too fast. If Han Deling and others encounter this sky Wind, bode ill rather than well.

"Patriarch, don't worry! I believe Seventh Aunt will be fine. By the way, this is the Foundation Establishment Pill, patriarch, which was bought by the filming. Seventh brother has been closed for a few years. You can let him go. Come out! He is a bit lustful, and just tell him a marriage."

Han Changming took out a white porcelain bottle while interceding for Han Changjiong.

He spent a period of time with Han Changjiong. Knowing that Han Changjiong has color and courage, he dared to have eye addiction and did not dare to mess around. Han Changjiong was detained for several years and should have been awakened. .

Han Zhangxiang nodded, said angrily: “It’s been released long ago. If it weren’t for his grandfather’s face, the old man would really like to shut him down for a few more years, but you’re right, this The child is not young, so he can tell him a marriage, otherwise he may cause a catastrophe."

Han Changming slightly smiled and chatted with Han Zhangxiang.

Han Zhangxiang was very happy to learn that Han Changshuo returned to the Seaheed Pavilion to hit the Foundation Establishment Stage.

After time it takes to drink a cup of tea, Han Changming bid farewell to patriarch and returned to his residence.

Ye Xue is urging Han Benfu to cultivation, and Han Benfu is reviewing his homework.

She is now learning theoretical knowledge, from the origin of the cultivation world to the development history of the Han Family.

She is still young and prefers to play.

"Father, are you back?"

Seeing Han Changming, Han Benfu is about to rush over.

Han Changming's face was flat, said solemnly: "Fuer, Dad told you that cultivation is important. This is how you treat cultivation?"

Seeing Han Changming's fierceness Baba, Han Benfu showed a bitter face and said grievously: "Father, haven't I seen you for a long time?"

"One thing belongs to the same thing, you first Do a review of homework, and I will have an assessment at dinner."

"I see."

Han Benfu stuck out his tongue and said aggrievedly.

Han Changming's face eased, walked over, took out a beautiful food box, and said, "Father bought you some desserts. You can eat some desserts after reviewing your homework. Cher, you have worked hard, try The thousand-layer cake I bought for you."

He opened the food box, took out a piece of pastry, and fed it to Ye Xue.

Ye Xue flew blush on his face, opened his mouth to bite this piece of cake, his face was filled with a happy smile.

"younger sister, Fuer, I bought you some vestments for you, try them at night to see if you like it."

Ye Xin walked over, said with a smile.

Han Changming took out a piece of pastry and fed it to Ye Xin.

Suddenly, there was a sudden screaming sound.

Han Changming brows slightly wrinkle, took out a messenger snail, and entered a secret art. Han Zhangxiang's hasty voice suddenly sounded: "Changming, come over to the chamber and discuss something with you."


He was taken aback for a moment, nodded: "Okay, patriarch, I'll be over right away."

"Xin'er, Xue'er, take good care of Benfu, don't let her be lazy."


After saying this, he hurriedly left.

It didn't take long for him to appear in the chamber. Many Han Family elders gathered in the chamber. Han Zhangxiang sat on the main seat with a solemn expression.

"What's the matter? Patriarch?"

Han Zhangxiang lightly sighed, took out a square token, and engraved the two blue characters "Listen to the sea" on the front.

"Listen to the sea order? Seaheed Pavilion wants to enlist our Han Family?"

Han Changming froze for a moment. Listening to the sea order is a special token issued by Seaheed Pavilion to enlist the affiliates. Cultivation Family.

Generally speaking, if Seaheed Pavilion recruits the affiliated Cultivation Family, it must be a big move.

Han Zhangxiang nodded, solemnly said: "Yes, there was a sky wind not long ago. When the Seaheed Pavilion cultivator was avoiding the sky wind, he found one at the junction of the red algae Sea Territory and the Golden Eagle Sea Territory. The medium-sized Second Rank metal mine originally had no cultivation resources there, and the immortal cultivators of the two Sea Territory did not delimit the boundary. Therefore, whoever takes the first step can occupy that metal mine. Unfortunately, the leaks, the Golden Eagle Sea Territory The Cultivation Family took a forcibly and occupied the metal mine. Seaheed Pavilion issued an order for Han Family to send two Foundation Establishment cultivators and ten Qi Refinement Cultivators to follow the Seaheed Pavilion to fight for that metal mine."

To be honest, if it weren't for the Seaheed Pavilion, he really didn't want to send someone to fight. Han Family finally showed up a few Foundation Establishment cultivators. If they died on the battlefield, they would lose out.

The most important thing is that most of Han Family’s Foundation Establishment cultivators are Foundation Establishment Early Stage, and Foundation Establishment Middle Stage consists of three people, Han Daojing, Han Deling and Han Changming, but Han Daojing is an Array Master, his combat The ability is not very strong. Han Deling hunted the demonic beast outside and has not returned yet.

Han Changming frowned, said: "patriarch, do you want to leave right away?"

"I will send someone to take the order, if you wait for Seventh Aunt and they come back, the day lily will be cold , Our family is the closest to that Second Rank metal mine. According to the Foundation Establishment cultivator of Seaheed Pavilion, in addition to our Han Family, several nearby Cultivation families have received levy orders. We must send people to fight immediately."

Han Changming brows tightly knit. He has just returned home and has not had time to have a hot meal with his wife and daughter. Patriarch is injured and should not play.

"Okay! Patriarch, let me take a trip with Xin'er!"

Han Changming pondered for a moment and offered to ask.

Patriarch said sorry, and Han Changming took the initiative to ask for it. Everyone looks good.

"Changming, thank you for your hard work. By the way, the old man has repaired the blue wind wing, you can take it on the road!"

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