
  Chapter 172   Killing the third rank snake lizard : "Martial Uncle Lu, under this small island, there is indeed a third-rank low-grade snake lizard. It has built a nest on the seabed."

They observed for a long time, only then confirmed that there is a third-rank demonic under the seabed. beast.

Lu Yang's expression became very excited when he heard this.

He patted the Spirit Beast Bag, and a red peacock with several feet long flew out, with a golden flesh crown on its head, and extremely long tail section feather feathers.

Look at its breath, this is a third rank low grade spirit bird.

Lu Yang took out a light blue shell and punched in a secret art. Numerous runes appeared on the surface of the blue shell. He whispered a few words and tied the blue shell to the right of the red peacock. On the paw, instructed: "Go, send the things back to the sect, and give it to Senior Brother Liu."

red The peacock seemed to understand Lu Yang's words, and let out a clear chirp, both wings fiercely. , A gust of wind blew, moved towards high altitude, and it didn't take long before it disappeared into the sky.

The faces of Foundation Establishment cultivators such as Han Zhangxiang showed envy. Lu Yang actually has a third-rank bird, which is really enviable.

"You quickly put these formations down, pay close attention to the movements of the snake lizards, don't disturb them, don't attack them."

Lu Yang took out hundreds of blue formation flags, Distribute it to Direct Disciple and guide them to deploy Formation.

The third rank demonic beast equivalent to Core Formation cultivator, possesses great magical power. Lu Yang alone may not be the opponent of the third rank demonic beast. For the sake of caution, he intends to trap this third rank snake with Formation. The lizard beast, wait for Liu Sheng to come, and then join forces to kill the demon.

There is nothing wrong with being careful, he is more cautious.

In addition to arranging the third rank Formation, Lu Yang commanded Direct Disciple to patrol nearby and strengthened guards to prevent other high-rank cultivators from passing by.

This is the Inland Sea. There are not many third rank demonic beasts. A third rank demonic beast is equal to a small golden mountain. It may come by with luck, but not by searching for it.

After the little half a month, Liu Sheng and Lu Yun arrived, and the three Core Formation cultivators dealt with a third-rank low-grade snake lizard.

After briefly talking about the demonic beast, the three of Liu Sheng began to command Direct Disciple, preparing to trap the snake and lizard beast.

The three of Lu Yang punched a secret art into the array one after another, the array suddenly brightened, and countless blue runes appeared on the surface.

Twenty Foundation Establishment cultivators have injected mana into the formation flag, and the flag suddenly brightened.

With the deserted island as the center, a light blue water curtain covers a radius of ten miles.

Next moment, the sea is violently tumbling and surging. With the deserted island as the center, the sea water all around spins quickly, and a huge vortex appears, and a powerful air current emerges out of thin air.

violent wind erupted, countless gravel was swept high in the sky by the strong air current, and disappeared after being submerged in the vortex.

Soon, each snake lizard rushed out of the cave, moved towards the distance, headed by a giant snake lizard with a body length of ten zhang and a thick water tank. It has a silver crown on its head and some long black beards around its mouth.

The powerful air current swept the snake lizard beasts into the vortex, they let out a strange roar, trying to break free from the shackles of the huge vortex, but it was useless.

The speed of the sea is getting faster and faster, and a ten zhang or so high wall of water rises on the surface of the sea, like a huge blue porcelain bowl, covering a large piece of Sea Territory inside.

roar roar roar!    A weird roar sounded, and the third rank low grade snake lizard came out of the sea, and the deep green eyes stared directly at Lu Yang and others. One snake lizard came out of the sea, but they were no better than upper. The snake-lizard beast of three ranks, unable to stand firm, spins fast with the vortex, dizzy.

Under the action of the powerful air current, some lower-level snake lizards were crushed into pieces of meat by the powerful air current. The blood dyed reddened part of the sea water and quickly disappeared in the huge vortex.

The third rank snake lizard made a strange roar, opened its bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, the air-splitting sound of "chi chi", and hundreds of blue water arrows about one chi Flying out, heading straight for Lu Yang and the others.

Snake lizards emerged from the sea, releasing blue water arrows to attack Lu Yang and others.

The blue arrow that hides the sky and covering the earth is shot in the direction of covering the heavens, shielding the sun, which is a bit scary.

Lu Yang and others have been prepared for a long time. The Foundation Establishment cultivator deployed multiple sets of Second Rank Defensive Arrays on the island. Groups of five, some simple Water Element spells could not hurt them.

Lu Yun flipped over his jade hand, and a crimson jade bottle appeared on his hand. As soon as the jade bottle appeared, the nearby temperature suddenly rose.

With a light sway of her wrist, the scarlet jade bottle took off and flew out. As the rays of light soared, her body size soared.

Lu Yun hit the scarlet jade bottle with a secret art. With a "pu chi", a large scarlet flame flew out and turned into a huge scarlet wall of fire, blocking him.

The densely packed blue water arrows approached the scarlet fire wall five feet long and suddenly turned into a large white mist.

Liu Sheng took out a slap-sized white flag, a little bit of cold air appeared on the flag surface, lightly shaken, a large white cold air flew out, the blue water arrow touched the white cold air, instantly turning The white ice arrows fell to the ground one after another.

Lu Yang took out a red bead, dripping around, countless scarlet flames flew out, and the blue water arrow approached him five feet away, suddenly turning into white mist.

Han Zhangxiang several people were covered by a yellow light curtain. They saw a large swath of blue water arrows attacking, and they quickly put on themselves a body shield, their faces full of guard.

The densely packed blue water arrows hit the yellow light curtain, and there was a muffled sound of rain beating against a banana tree leaves.

The yellow light curtain was very hard and was not destroyed by densely packed blue water arrows, which made Han Zhangxiang and others sighed in relief.

If the Defensive Array is broken, they may lose their lives.

This round of attacks did not injure an immortal cultivator. The three Core Formation cultivators, Lu Yang, Liu Sheng and Lu Yun, looked at each other, nodded each other, and threw the formation in front of them. Almost at the same time a secret art was entered, the rays of light suddenly rose sharply, and a white lotus pattern with a large palm appeared on the surface of the array.

The speed of the vortex has increased more than three times, and white lights are faintly visible. The huge vortex freezes at the speed visible by the naked eye and turns into a huge hockey puck.

The snakes and lizards were frozen and motionless.

If it were not for the help of more than 20 Foundation Establishment cultivators, it would be difficult for the three of Lu Yang to achieve this.

From a high altitude, it seems that there is a funnel-shaped white object floating on the sea. Affected by the cold, the beach began to freeze, and a thin layer of ice spread quickly.

Even though the distance was a little far away, a biting chill passed through the yellow light curtain and floated in. Han Zhangxiang couldn't help but shiver.

The third rank snake-lizard beast is huge, and it was also frozen by the white cold air, turning it into a huge ice sculpture.

Lu Yun's secret art changed, the red light on the body surface was released, and there were countless scarlet Fireballs, hundreds of them.

Hundreds of scarlet Fireballs quickly gathered together and turned into a huge Fireball. With a clear cry, the huge Fireball turned into a huge scarlet fire eagle, carrying an astonishing heat wave. Pounce on the huge ice sculpture.

Lu Yang's right arm was full of red light, and a large scarlet flame emerged. The temperature nearby suddenly rose. He flicked the fingers, a dazzling flame flew out, and went straight to the huge ice sculpture.

Liu Sheng's secret art pinched, the blue light all over his body rose sharply, his right arm moved towards the void, a shot, the huge ice sculpture was distorted in the void, and a five-foot-large blue giant suddenly appeared and quickly took a photo. .

Boom!   A huge rumbling sound rang, the storm fell, and a powerful wave of air moved towards all directions swept away.

The scarlet fire and scarlet fire eagle pounced on the huge ice sculpture. A large area of ​​scarlet fire sea flooded the huge ice sculpture. The nearby ice layer melted quickly and a large white mist appeared at the same time.

At the same time, Han Zhangxiang and others were not idle either. They cast spells and attacked the huge ice sculpture. Blade Qi, sword qi, fire light, wind blade and other spells were like no money, they smashed their heads into the huge ice sculpture. ice sculpture, the momentum is a bit scary.

For a while, the rumbling sound continued and the air waves rolled. A large number of ice chips were swept high in the sky by the powerful air waves, and before they fell, they touched the scarlet flame and turned directly into a large white mist.

A small crack suddenly appeared on the surface of the huge ice layer. At first, the crack was so small that no one noticed it, but the crack spread quickly and became bigger and bigger, too big to be ignored.

"Not good, this evil creature is going to get out of trouble, and increase the attack."

Liu Sheng is frowned, Shen Sheng is instructed, and his majestic mana is injected into the blue flag. , The flag soared, and turned into a huge blue flag. With a light sway, a loud whistling sound, a large swath of cold wind wrapped in white cold air swept out, and went straight to the crack.

Lu Yang and Lu Yun commanded Direct Disciple one after another and controlled Formation. There was a burst of white light on the huge ice layer, a large piece of biting white cold air emerged from the crack, and the crack healed quickly.

Lu Yang and others lightly sighed in relief and increased their attacks one after another.

In Liu Sheng's eyes, the fierce light flashed, right hand turns, a brick with blue light appeared in his hand, the brick was crystal clear and near-transparent, like a fine jade.

He tossed the little blue brick in front of him, and plunged into a secret art. The little blue brick bloomed with dazzling blue light, and his body soared, becoming the size of a hill, exuding an amazing imposing manner. In a low rumbling sound, it hit the huge ice sculpture.

Seeing that the huge brick was about to hit the huge ice sculpture, a weird roar sounded, and the ice layer near the huge ice sculpture quickly cracked and a large long crack appeared.

The third-rank snake-lizard came out, its eyes turned into scarlet, and its mouth sprayed out a cloud of blue light, supporting the blue giant brick, and at the same time, there were countless blue arc flashes in its mouth.

"Not good, this is a mutated snake-lizard beast, it is about to release the secret thunder of the water channel, be careful."

Lu Yang complexion changed, cry out in surprise.

Generally speaking, the snake lizard is a Water Element demonic beast, a few mutations are Fire Element, and a few can mutate into Thunder Element. No wonder this third rank snake lizard can be promoted to the third rank. It turns out that it is The mutated snake lizard is still a very rare Thunder Attribute snake lizard.

After hearing this, Han Zhangxiang and others stepped up their defenses.

Lu Yang hit a secret art on the red bead, releasing a large scarlet flame, which turned into a huge wall of fire ten zhang or so high, blocking him in front.

Boom!    A huge thunder sound rang, and the huge wall of fire was smashed by densely packed blue lightning. Fortunately, Liu Sheng drove the blue flag in his hand to release countless cold air, which turned into a white ice wall and stood in front of him.

The ice wall was also smashed. Fortunately, Lu Yun drove the scarlet jade bottle to release billowing flames, which turned into a larger scarlet wall of fire, blocking the blue lightning.

Han Zhangxiang suddenly noticed that the sky was darkening. He looked up subconsciously. A huge dark cloud floated above their heads, lightning and thunder, and you could vaguely see blue thunder snakes wandering.

"Not good, this evil creature will also release a wide range of Thunder System Magic Technique."

Luyang complexion greatly changed, secret art pinch, red round beads rays of light Soaring, turning around them, turning into a huge red light curtain, covering all of them.

Boom! A    deafening thunder sounded, a large swath of blue lightning flew out of the dark clouds, and the aggressive slashed towards the red light curtain.

The surface of the red light curtain flickers, and the blue lightning is like a sword, slashing on the red light curtain. The red light curtain is very strong and completely motionless.

roar roar roar!    A weird roar sounded, the snake lizard came out of the huge ice layer, and blue electric arcs emerged on its body, smashing the white ice layer on its body.

It turned into a blue light, fiercely pounced on the red light curtain, with its huge size, if it hits the body, it will not die or be maimed.

The Luyang trio complexion greatly changed, they did not expect that the third rank demonic beast is so cruel, the demonic beast is famous for rough skin and thick flesh, they dare not let the third rank snakes and lizards approach The body quickly drove the magic weapon to attack the snake lizard beast.

The scarlet flame, the white cold air, and the Flying Sword hit from all directions, and they have the posture of killing the snake and lizard beasts.

A large blue arc appeared on the surface of the snake lizard, which smashed the scarlet flame and white cold air. The Flying Sword was hit by the blue arc and its speed slowed down.

Liu Sheng complexion greatly changed, the blue banner fiercely in his hand flickered, the cold wind rang loudly, a large white cold air swept out, and went straight to the snake and lizard beast.

The snake lizard opened its bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, spraying out a large blue arc, smashing the white cold air, and sweeping its long tail fiercely, accurately hitting the red light curtain.

Boom!   The earth shook and the mountain quivered, Han Zhangxiang almost couldn't stand steady, his body swayed left and right.

A deafening rumbling sound sounded, and a huge blue lightning struck from a high altitude. The red light curtain was pierced through a large hole, and a large swath of blue lightning struck the red light curtain.

The red light curtain is not transformed by a defensive magic weapon, and the defensive power is not strong.

It didn't take long for the red light curtain to shatter, and some blue lightning struck several Formations.

A few screams sounded, and several Seaheed Pavilion dísciple turned directly into fly ash, and those who died could not die again.

The yellow light curtain where Han Zhangxiang and others are located cannot withstand the blue lightning. Fortunately, Han Zhangxiang crushed a light blue talisman in time, turning it into a thick blue water curtain, covering it All of them, apart from this, each took a picture of the Second Rank Defense Talisman seal on the body.

Boom!    A large piece of blue lightning flooded their silhouette. It didn't take long for the blue lightning to disperse. They were intact, except that their clothes were a little torn.

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