
  Chapter 173 Extinguish the DemonAt   this time, the dark clouds in the sky also disappeared.

Snakes and lizards rushed to the island, frantically attacking the immortal cultivator on the island.

The scene before them was unexpected by the three of Lu Yang. They did not kill the third rank demonic beast. The divine ability of this third rank demonic beast is beyond their imagination. The general third rank demonic The beast is not so strong at all, is it possible that this third rank demonic beast has some kind of powerful bloodline.

"This snake-lizard may have a trace of Flood Dragon bloodline. Don't be careless, Junior Brother Lu, Junior Sister Lu, you should be more careful, and everyone else should be more careful."

Liu Sheng’s facial expression grave’s warned repeatedly, with one mouth, sprayed out a blue light, and after one was blurred, it turned into a small blue print, and the rune on the surface was erratic.

He slapped a secret art on the blue small seal, shouted in a low voice: "Go up."

As soon as this word fell, the blue small seal suddenly ray of light skyrocketed, countless blue Glow flew out, with a biting chill, and went straight to the snake-lizard beast, very fast.

Lu Yang’s secret art changed, the red round bead rays of light flourished, and a large scarlet flame emerged, turning into a huge scarlet Fire Python, scarlet Fire Python opened its bloody mouth wide open like a The sacrificial bowl swallowed the red bead at once, and the palm-sized scarlet scales appeared on the surface of the body, as if it were a real entity.

The scarlet Fire Python let out a strange roar, and rushed towards the snake lizard with a billowing heat wave.

The scarlet flag fiercely in Lu Yun's hand flickered, rolling up a large wave of scarlet fire, a large piece of scarlet flame flew out of the flag, and quickly fell on the ground, spreading, and blocking him. Stop the snake lizard beast from advancing.

The snake lizard opened its bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, a large blue lightning flew out, smashing the blue glow that came, and the scarlet Fire Python rushed over and wrestled with the snake lizard Together.

The scarlet Fire Python spewed out a large piece of scarlet flames and hit the snake lizard accurately. The billowing flames flooded most of the snake lizard body. The snake lizard let out a painful roar and opened its bloody. mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, bite towards scarlet Fire Python.

Boom!    The body of scarlet Fire Python burst open suddenly, a large piece of scarlet fire sea covered the body of the snake lizard, and the temperature nearby suddenly rose.

The sky suddenly darkened, and a small blue seal suddenly appeared over the scarlet fire sea, and it was about to be dropped.

A weird roar sounded, an invisible sound wave flew out of the scarlet flame, the flame flashed wildly, the scarlet flame quickly extinguished, a dozen thick blue lightning flew out, hitting down Blue giant seal.

The blue giant seal was hit by more than a dozen blue lightnings, and its falling speed slowed down.

Taking this opportunity, the snake lizard was about to run away, and a large red bracelet flew over, covering the snake lizard's head like lightning, and tightening its neck tightly.

The blue giant seal rays of light soared, exuding a large piece of bitter cold air, a large piece of blue glow flew out, hitting the snake-lizard, and a large white frost suddenly appeared on the surface of the snake-lizard. Frozen the small half of the snake lizard beast's body.

A large blue arc appeared on the surface of the snake-lizard beast, and the frost on its body was shattered.

At this moment, countless blue mists emerged from the ground, which turned into several large blue hands, pressing the body of the snake lizard beast.

The blue giant seal rays of light soared, fiercely fell.

Boom! The    blue giant seal hit the ground, and the ground shook slightly. The snake lizard’s tail section was not hit by the blue giant seal, and it twisted violently. It didn’t take long for its tail section to stop shaking. breathe one's last.

Seeing this scene, Han Zhangxiang and others sighed in relief, and three Core Formation cultivators joined forces to kill this third-rank snake lizard, and the third rank demonic beast’s divine ability Is it so big?

Han Debiao turned his eyes, he remembered that Liu Sheng just mentioned that this third rank demonic beast may have a trace of Flood Dragon bloodline, he is a body cultivator, if he can get some beast meat, it would be a cultivation for him. It is very good. Thinking of this, he gave Han Zhangxiang a sound transmission: "patriarch, can you ask Senior Liu for some beast meat, which is good for my cultivation."

Han Zhangxiang nodded, promised Come down.

Liu Sheng's secret art pinched, the blue giant seal quickly shrank, and flew back to his hand. There was a huge pit on the ground. Most of the snake-lizard's body became a pile of minced meat and brains. They were all smashed out, and the scene was very bloody.

"Finally, this demon has been killed."

Lu Yang sighed in relief, said with a smile.

He looked at Han Zhangxiang and others, and said kindly: "Little Friend Han, you have done a great job this time. You can make a request that is not excessive, and the old man will try to satisfy you."

Han Zhangxiang pondered for a moment, and said: "Senior Lu also promised to make Changming a request, can Junior say it together?"

Lu Yang's promise to Han Changming, Han Changming intends Please Lu Yun help pill concocting to relieve the residual poison in Han Zhangxiang's body.

Lu Yang nodded, said: "Yes."

"The first request, Junior has collected some pill concocting materials, I would like to ask Senior Lu to help make a medicine pill; Two requirements, Junior wants some snake-lizard beast meat and blood essence, not too much, just a little is enough."

Han Zhangxiang cautiously said, with a look of expectation in his eyes.

In order to dissolve the residual poison in his body, clansman worked hard for a long time before collecting all the pill concocting materials. Because of the problem of the alchemy level, Han Family could not refine it, so I could only ask Lu Yun for help. As for demonic The beast meat, even if the snake lizard does not have Flood Dragon bloodline, the beast meat of the third rank demonic beast is an item of great nourishment to Han Debiao.

"I can give you some beast meat, but pill concocting ······"

Lu Yang looked at Lu Yun, seemingly asking her attitude.

Pill concocting is Lu Yun’s strengths, but they are both Core Formation cultivators, and Lu Yang cannot force Lu Yun to refine medicine pill.

Lu Yun looked at Han Zhangxiang and asked: "It won’t be a third-rank medicine pill! If it is a third-rank medicine pill, you have to prepare a few more materials."

Han Zhangxiang beamed with joy, and said quickly: "It's a second rank medicine pill, not a third rank medicine pill. The materials for Junior are all ready." After hearing this, Lu Yun nodded and said:'That's fine. , In turn, you send the materials, and I will refine them for you. This time, because of the face of Senior Brother Lu, you will not be charged. '

"Many thanks Senior Lu, many thanks, many thanks."

Han Zhangxiang quickly thanked him, looking very excited.

"Dispose of the corpse of the demonic beast, and go back soon."

In addition to this third rank snake lizard, there are also a lot of second rank snake lizards. This But a lot of wealth.

Liu Sheng was in a good mood and allowed Han Zhangxiang and others to collect some Second Rank snake lizard corpses. Han Zhangxiang repeatedly thanked him. The Second Rank snake lizard was also worth a lot of Spirit Stone. The flesh and blood are edible, and the animal skin It can be refined, inner core can be pill concocting, blood essence can be used to make cinnabar.

After one hour, they finished processing, Han Debiao got a piece of third rank snake-lizard beast meat weighing more than a hundred kilograms, and a bottle of blood essence, refining these things, his fleshy body would be even better Strong, strength can be improved a lot.


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