
  Chapter 181 demonic beast is coming.   His fiery eyes scanned Lu Yue’s plump body, The drool is about to flow out.

The true nature of a man, Han Changming has married a pair of sisters. Han Changjiong wants to surpass Han Changming. Three wives and four concubines are what a male cultivator should do. If the cultivation is for being alone, it doesn’t matter if you don’t cultivate!

Who can guarantee that he will go to the end! Han Changjiong didn't think so much either. After the Foundation was established, the elders reminded him less often. He can come by his temper. As long as he doesn't bully the male or female, there is no problem.

Han Changjiong intends to accept Lu Yue as a concubine. Lu Yue neither refuses nor agrees, making Han Changjiong tickled.

"How can anyone dare to regret it, it is my blessing to be able to marry Wang Lang."

Lu Yue said as she put it on Han Changjiong's arm.

Han Changjiong's eyes lit up, and he said seriously: "Buy, this is a thousand Spirit Stone."

He paid off the Spirit Stone happily, Lu Yue put his arms around Han Changjiong's arm, the two left the garment shop.

It didn't take long for them to appear at the door of an Inn, and Han Changjiong pulled Lu Yue inside, but Lu Yue refused to go in.

"Wang Lang, I'm a little tired today, I'll accompany you some time to stroll around."

Lu Yue declined gently, her tone awkwardly.

Han Changjiong complexion turned cold, icily said: "You trick me? Treat me as a fool? It cost me two thousand Spirit Stone, what did you just say?"

"Wang Lang, your servant doesn't mean that. Your servant is not a damsel of the yellow flower. You don't expect the grace to marry into your Han Family, but the wedding must be done! You are like this! Think of your servant as a brothel for everyone. A woman?"

There was a trace of tears in Lu Yue's eyes, and her voice was so loud that people couldn't help but feel pity and love.

Han Changjiong saw Lu Yue cry, and suddenly panicked, and said quickly: "Don't cry! Don't cry! Can't I make a mistake? Can I make a mistake? Don't cry. ."

The most unsightly and beautiful woman he saw cried in front of him, and hurriedly started coaxing Lu Yue.

"Wang Lang, your servant is not playing tricks on you. After you pass the door, what you want, your servant is up to you."

Lu Yue's face is full of flattery, and her peachy eyes seem to know It was the same as the discharge, Han Changjiong's heart was about to melt when he saw Lu Yue's expression, and he repeatedly agreed.

"There is a newly opened pill store in front, Wang Lang, you accompany me to buy a few bottles of medicine pill! If the cultivation base is too low, I won’t be able to help you in the future, and your servant doesn’t want to be yours. Drag."

Lu Yue's plump body almost touched Han Changjiong's body, and a strange fragrance drifted into the tip of Han Changjiong's nose, which made him feel a little confused, and a fire rose in his abdomen.

There is a piece of fat right in front of you, you can only see you can't eat it, Han Changjiong's heart is like itching.

He took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down. This is on the street. If he makes indecent actions, the reputation of the family will be damaged.

"Okay! Let's go!"

Lu Yue looked like Han Changjiong, and Han Changjiong couldn't refuse.

It didn't take long for them to appear in front of a three-story azure loft with three golden characters "Miao Pill Pavilion" written on a rectangular silver plaque.

"Why not go to other pill stores? The newly opened pill store is not much better."

Lu Yue smiled and said empathetically: "your servant is not yet To save you money, the quality of this newly opened pill store is not the best, but the price is cheap, just buy some First Rank medicine pill, there is no problem."

The lobby is spacious and bright, and more than a dozen attendants are working. serve customer.

"I want five bottles of Qi Replenishment Pill."

Lu Yue walked to the counter and said to the azure clothes attendant.

The azure clothes attendant complied, and walked towards the shelf.

"I want two bottles of Qi Replenishment Pill."

A somewhat low male voice suddenly sounded.

Han Changjiong turned his head and saw that he was talking about a white robed old man in his early fifties. The old man was kind-eyed.

"Hey, it's uncle."

Han Changjiong has seen white robed old man, white robed old man named Jiafeng Sun, from Huangfeng Island Sun Family, he is Han Changlu His uncle, when Han Changlu was young, Sun Family Feng did not miss the Han Family. Han Family Sun Family would send people to participate in any celebration. Sun Family Feng would be there every time.

Sun Family Maple has Qi Refinement 7th Layer cultivation base, which is the backbone of Sun Family.

Han Changjiong It’s strange why Sun Family Maple came here to buy medicine pill. You know, Sun Family is only a small family, and the number of immortal cultivators is less than 50 people, so it depends on fish farming. Born, Sun Family Maple is older. Even with the Foundation Establishment Pill, his chances of entering the Foundation Establishment Stage are relatively low. Buying medicine pill to increase the cultivation base is a luxury for Sun Family!   Of course, maybe Sun Family Maple was bought for juniors.

"It's Senior Han! What a coincidence! This is..." Sun Family Feng's eyes fell on Lu Yue and asked casually.

Han Changjiong is famous for her lust, and Sun Family Maple has long heard of it.

"My friend, Fairy Lu, Lu Yue."

The two have not married yet, so Han Changjiong had to call Lu Yue a friend.

Sun Family Maple laughed and didn't say anything.

"Guest, the five bottles of Qi Replenishment Pill you want."

Han Changjiong paid for Spirit Stone, said hello to Sun Family Feng, turned and left.

After time it takes to drink a cup of tea, Han Changjiong returned to the residence and Lu Yue went back to rest.

The business in the store is relatively good. Han Dehao is not there. Han Changjiong shook his head without saying anything. Every time he leaves the spirit talisman hall, Han Deho will sneak out to buy alcohol. Considering his age, Just like to drink some spirit wine, Han Changjiong doesn't want to care about Han Dehao, after all, he is an elder.

During return to house, Han Changjiong took out the talisman making tool and started making talisman. Today, he went shopping with Lu Yue. He spent more than a thousand Spirit Stones and he was bleeding heavily. He wanted to refine a few more Second Ranks. Talisman, let's talk about supplementing blood.

······   Red Scorpion Island, a mountain covered by thick white fog.

In the secret room, Han Deyun is looking through the classics, watching with keen interest pleasure.

After Han Changming was transferred back to the family, Han Deyun was transferred to Red Shrimp Island. He has been cultivated to Qi Refinement 8-Layer, Han Deyun and five clansman from Qi Refinement Stage to guard Red Shrimp Island.

A deep horn suddenly sounded, disturbing Han Deyun's interest.

He was frowned, put down the classics, and went out.

"What's the matter? What happened?"

Han Deyun frowned and said, Red Scorpion Island is located at the junction of Han and Chen's two families, and Red Scorpion Island is the Han Family. Defense Chen The foremost island of the Family.

Every time the Han Family and Chen Family fight, Red Scorpion Island will be attacked. The cultivator stationed on the island has killed and injured dozens of people. It is more dangerous here. Stationed on Red Scorpion Island, there are more contribution points.

"Not good, Brother Eighteenth, the Second Rank demonic beast is coming, they are frantically attacking the island guardian formation, and quickly ask for help from the family."

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