
  Chapter 182 The Magical Uses of Spirit Water

"What? Second Rank demonic beast? It rarely appears around here Second Rank demonic beast, even if there is a Second Rank demonic beast, it will not attack Red Scorpion Island. There are more than a dozen islands here! It won’t be Chen Family who is messing up!"

Han Deyun frowned. Compared with the Second Rank demonic beast, he is more worried that Chen Family is doing the ghost, if Chen Family is doing the ghost, the nature is much worse than the Second Rank demonic beast.

Within a hundred miles of Red Scorpion Island, there are more than a dozen islands, most of which are deserted, for no reason. Why didn’t the demonic beast attack the islands controlled by the Chen Family? Instead, attack the island controlled by the Han Family? This doesn't make sense!

"Summon the family immediately and ask for support. Let's proceed carefully. If it doesn't work, we will run away. We will run away. If one escapes, one is one."

Han Deyun instructed, he took out one Zhang Baili sound transmission talisman, whispered a few words, and threw it out, the sound transmission talisman turned into a light, moved towards high altitude.

What makes Han Deyun a little confused is that after the last Seaheed Pavilion mediation, Chen Family was much more honest. Chen Family caused the war for no reason. Isn't this asking for trouble? You know, in the past few years, Han Family’s Foundation Establishment cultivator has been increasing. Han Changming has made the limelight. Chen Family is quite stupid to provoke Han Family at this time.

A light blue light curtain covers the entire island, and two huge blue crabs are frantically attacking the blue light curtain.

The two blue crabs are blue all over, with some ink-colored patterns on the body surface, and the two giant tongs are covered with spikes. They continuously spray blue water arrows to attack the blue light curtain.

The attack power of the two Second Rank demonic beasts is very strong. They seem to be crazy. Apart from releasing water arrows to attack, they wield a pair of giant tongs and hit the blue light curtain fiercely. Suddenly it sank and returned to normal soon.

As the front line against the Chen Family, Red Scorpion Island is equipped with a large number of attack prohibitions, including the Second Rank prohibition. There are more than 50 acres of spirit farms on the island, and a large number of Spirit Valleys are planted.   If you can't defend the island, Han Deyun will not leave Spirit Valley to Chen Family.

"Brother Eighteenth, they will break Formation soon, I think we should run away! Spirit Valley was set on fire, and the Chen Family cannot be funded."

"Yes, burn After Spirit Valley, Spirit Valley is not mature anyway. Rather than leaving it to Chen Family, it’s better to burn it."

Han Deyun looked at the fifty acres of emerald green spirit farm and browsed tightly knit.


A deafening rumbling sound rang, and the blue light curtain shattered.

"Set fire to Spirit Valley, retreat."

Han Deyun flicked the fingers, a scarlet Fireball flew out and landed in the spirit farm, and the spirit farm quickly ignited There was a raging fire, which spread quickly.

The five Han Deyun took out a bottle gourd Magical Artifact almost at the same time, jumped onto the bottle gourd Magical Artifact, and moved towards different directions.

At this moment, a loud thunder sound rang, and a blue cancer blasted out several blue lightning, hitting Han Family clansman.

Three clansman were struck by blue lightning and fell from a high altitude, breathe one's last.

"Twenty-Ninth Brother!"

Han Deyun shouted with a sorrowful expression on his face.

He knew that this place shouldn't stay for long. With a pinch of secret art, the bottle gourd Magical Artifact rays of light rose sharply and moved towards high altitude.

The two blue cancers did not chase, rushed to the island and destroyed the buildings on the island. During the period, they touched a lot of restrictions, the fire was blazing, and the rumbling sound continued.

There is no human-controlled prohibition, and there is nothing to do with two Second Rank monster crabs.

After they touched several powerful prohibitions, they knew that the island was in danger, returned along the way, and disappeared into the sea.

A blue flying boat quickly passed high above the sky. Han Changming and clansman were standing in the blue flying boat.

They lived in Huangfeng Island for a few days. Sun Mingcheng welcomed them warmly, and Han Changming was not polite.

It didn't take long for an island to look like a bottle gourd in front of it.

Back to Bottle Gourd Island, Han Changming first reported to patriarch what he had seen and heard in the Sun Family.

"Patriarch, Sun Family has good luck, how should we treat Sun Family in the future?"

Since the Foundation Establishment cultivator appears in Sun Family, we naturally cannot treat Sun Family with the same treatment as before, otherwise Sun Family will be separated from Han Family. Apart from anything else, Sun Family’s annual offerings will be reduced. Similarly, if Han Family has a Core Formation cultivator, Seaheed Pavilion will also adjust its strategy to reduce offerings.

"Reduce the offerings and cooperate with them to operate a shop. I just plan to open a restaurant. Sun Family is good at raising spirit fish. Let them provide materials. We provide manpower and have common interests. We are not afraid of Sun Family and Sun Family. Let's renounce our morality."

Han Zhangxiang said with a smile, he had already thought of a countermeasure.

After a few small chats, Han Changming said goodbye and left.

Back at the residence, Han Changming first visited Ye Xin and his two sons.

After Ye Xin became a mother, she had no intention of cultivation. She took care of her two sons wholeheartedly, conceived in October, and finally gave birth to the child. Which mother is willing to leave the child behind and go to retreat, Ye Xin couldn't do it by himself.

She believes that all mothers can't do it, and it's not too late.

Han Family has clansman who specializes in caring for young children, but Ye Xin doesn't want to let others take care of her son. Naturally, she has to take care of her own son.

After becoming a mother, Ye Xin realized how difficult her mother was. He grew up with two daughters alone.

"Whether you are good when Dad is away!"

Han Changming hugged Han Yong and teased Han Yong.

Han Yong is still young and can't understand what Han Changming is saying. Water keeps flowing out of his mouth, which wets Han Changming's clothes.

"Yong'er is still young, how can he understand Husband's words."

Ye Xin said with a smile.

"I don't care about it. If he dares to be disobedient, mischievous, and tired of mother, I must teach him."

"Yong'er and Zhier are the best, they I won’t be naughty."

Han Changming kissed his two sons and said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Sun gave me a piece of Second Rank spirit fish. Let’s drink fish soup tonight, Xiner , You drink more to replenish your body, Xueer also drink more, you usually take care of Benfu, you are exhausted."

After hearing this, Ye Xin's face was tender, and she felt like It's as sweet as honey.

"hmph, my father is partial, so I miss my aunt. Mother and two younger brothers."

Han Benfu snorted lightly, frowned said.

Han Changming hugged Han Benfu and kissed her, said with a smile: "How could Dad forget Benfu! Sun Family is good at fish farming, and Dad ordered some golden spears from Sun Family." Silver carp, you can raise it as a Spirit Beast or eat it."

He turned over the palm, blue light flashed, and a palm-sized blue crystal ball appeared in his hand, inside the blue crystal ball With a lot of clear water, a group of small gold and silver fish swimming around in it, very lively.

Spirit water can be used for pill concocting, brewing, refining, can it be used to raise spirit fish? Han Changming intends to try the spirit water to raise spirit fish. If the effect is good, he can raise a batch of spirit fish to feed Spirit Beast.

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