
  Chapter 194 First Seeing "Chen Yuanhua"

Han Changming has no idea. Over the years, he died There are many Foundation Establishment cultivators in Thousand Toxic Island. A few years ago, Han Deguang, nine clansman and ten Qi Refinement Cultivators were only in peripheral activities. Only Han Dekwang came back alive. Seaheed Pavilion had organized a large number of cultivators and planned to develop Thousand Toxic Island. As a result, lost heavily.

If Seaheed Pavilion needs to use the Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion in Han Changming's hands to let Han Changming accompany him, but he has to bring Chen Hongming, the two Chen Hans are right, and it’s not good to say it. If there is a chance, Chen Hongming will probably kill Han Changming.

Chen Hongming is the sword cultivator of the Foundation Establishment Late Stage. He is strong. Since Han Changming has been promoted to the Foundation Establishment Stage, he has played against the Foundation Establishment Middle Stage cultivator at most. He doesn't think he has played the Foundation Establishment Late Stage. Chen Hongming.

Han Zhangxiang sighed and said: "confront soldiers with generals and stem water with earth, the Seaheed Pavilion's order has come. If you resist the order, our entire Han Family will be unlucky. Debiao has been to Thousand Poison Island. , Let him accompany you! Two people have a caregiver, you go to the treasure house to pick up some life-saving things and Detoxification Pill medicine, go back and say hello to Ye Xin Ye Xue."

The token of the treasure house was handed to Han Changming.

Han Changming agreed, accepted the token and left.

Considering the situation of Thousand Poison Island, Han Changming took four Second Rank high grade Defense Talisman seals and two bottles of Yuludan. Yuludan is the Second Rank Detoxification Pill medicine, which can relieve most of it. poison.

Whenever the red algae Sea Territory has a large auction, the Han Family will send people to participate in bidding for various cultivation materials, especially the detoxification and Healing Medicine Pill of Second Rank high grade talisman and Second Rank. Goods are in short supply, but when there is a war, this kind of material is consumed more.

Han Changming went back to the residence first, and briefly talked about what happened to Ye Xin and Ye Xue.

"Husband, let me accompany you! I went to Thousand Poison Island in the early years, and I can help you."

Ye Xin took the initiative to invite you, with a solemn expression.

Seaheed Pavilion enlists Han Changming and Chen Hongming to accompany. Ye Xin is really worried. In recent years, she has often followed Han Changming to run out. The most important thing is that she has been to Thousand Poison Island.

"Sister, when have you been to Thousand Poison Island? Why didn't I know?"

Ye Xue was taken aback and curiously asked.

Ye Xin sighed and said, "Do you remember that you were seriously injured when you were on the sixth layer of Qi Refinement? At that time, we didn't have many Spirit Stones in our hands. A friend invited me to Thousand Poison Island. Looking for spiritual medicine, he promised to lend me a Spirit Stone. Unfortunately, as soon as we entered Thousand Poison Island, we ran into Second Rank Monster Insect. I ran fast and only then survived."

"I said how you borrowed so many Spirit Stones, just this speaking, you are not considered to have been to Thousand Toxic Island! Let me go with Husband! I have not been active for several years, you stay in the clan, Take care of Benfu and them."

"You haven't been out for years, let me go with Husband!"

"No, I will go, you stay."


Han Changming opened his arms, hugged Ye Xue and Ye Xin, and said with a tender face: "If you have a wife like this, what can you do for your husband? Stop fighting, Xiner and I will go! Xiner Foundation Establishment Earlier, Xueer, stay in the clan and take good care of Benfu and the others."

Ye Xue didn't refute after hearing this. He clenched his red lips and said, "Husband, you must come back safely. If you have an accident, I..."

"pei pei pei, younger sister, you know nonsense."

Han Changming laughed and hugged both of you tightly Sweet wife.

Both sons are six months old, Ye Xin went out with Han Changming, and there was no impact.

After one hour, Han Changming, Ye Xin and Han Debiao followed Shen Tianming and others to leave Bottle Gourd Island and rush to Caixia Island.

Ten days later, they rushed to Caixia Island, and Chen Hongming personally received them.

Chen Hongming sent someone to present the spirit tea, accompanied by a digital Foundation Establishment cultivator.

"Fellow Daoist Shen, Fellow Daoist Han, I wonder if you have any advice on visiting?"

Chen Hongming took a sip of spirit tea and asked politely, his eyes a little surprised.

The dísciple of the Seaheed Pavilion brought Han Changming to visit. It is really strange that the Han and Chen families are feuds. This is a matter of as everyone knows.

Shen Tianming didn't conceal it, and briefly talked about what happened.

"Go to Thousand Poison Island to pick spiritual medicine? With the strength of Your sect, you don't need an old man to help!"

Chen Hongming frowned, he also thinks there is a problem, Seaheed Pavilion The help of Foundation Establishment cultivator is needed, which is understandable, but why should Han Changming and Chen Hongming go with them? murder a person with a borrowed knife? Or is it Han Family's plan?   Be aware that Han Changshuo has been promoted to the Foundation Establishment Stage, and it is possible.

"Fellow Daoist Chen, this is the order of my teacher, please cooperate, frankly, the spiritual medicine we are going to pick has two second rank high grade poison insects. With my own strength, It may not be an opponent. With the help of Fellow Daoist Chen and Fellow Daoist Han, they will definitely win instant success."

Shen Tianming laughed and said with a warm tone.

He moved Lu Yang out, and Chen Hongming did not dare to refuse.

"Fellow Daoist Shen, you sit down for a while, the old man will explain clearly the chores on hand, and set off with you immediately."

Shen Tianming readily agreed to drink tea Wait for it.

Han Changming didn’t even look at the spirit tea in front of him, his eyes moved towards all around. He looked at Chen Family for the first time. If it weren’t for the Seaheed Pavilion, maybe he wouldn’t be able to come in his entire life. here.

"Fellow Daoist Chen rest assured, we have no malice, you can put your heart in your stomach, our Seaheed Pavilion is not that kind of dirty villain."

Shen Tianming puts down the tea cup , Said meaningfully.

"Fellow Daoist Shen, I don't know what Monster Insect those two Monster Insects are? What are the divine ability and where does spiritual medicine grow?"

Han Debiao raised a few questions, He has been to Thousand Poison Island and knows the danger of Thousand Poison Island.

"The specific situation, I will introduce to you on the way, no hurry."

Han Debiao brows slightly wrinkle, seeing the indifferent expression on Shen Tianming's face, Han Debiao did not Ask a lot.

After time it takes to drink a cup of tea, Chen Hongming returned with two Foundation Establishment cultivators.

Chen Hongming pointed to the two clansman behind him, enthusiastically introduced: "Fellow Daoist Shen, the old man has already arranged it. Let me introduce to you. These two are Yufeng and Yuanhua, they will follow me. "

Chen Yufeng is a young woman in a red dress in her early forties, Foundation Establishment Middle Stage. As for Chen Yuanhua, Han Changming has long known his true identity, and Han Family lurks in the highest level of Chen Family. Detective Han Desheng.

Chen Hongming was not sure about the attitude of Seaheed Pavilion, and he dared not go on the road alone, so he took two clansman from the Foundation Establishment Stage.

Shen Tianming nodded, said: "Since the crowd is here, let's get on the road! I will introduce you to Monster Insect and spiritual medicine on the way."

Shen Tianming raised it. With my hand, an azure mist small boat flew out, and it instantly rose to the size of several feet. The rune flashed all over the body, and the glow of the sky was erratic. It was a Second Rank high grade flying Magical Artifact.

Everyone walked to the top of the azure flying boat one after another, Shen Tianming pinched the secret art, and the azure flying boat rays of light burst into the sky and disappeared into the sky.

不会Court Eunuch ,不会Court Eunuch ,不会Court Eunuch ,眼花打错章节名字,改不了,草            

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