
  Chapter 195 Insect-controlling incense

The Sea Territory near Thousand Poison Island is covered with pale sea fog , Does not go away all year round, and there are winds blowing from time to time.

An azure light flew from a distance in the sky and stopped at the periphery of Thousand Poison Island. The light dissipated, revealing an azure mist flying boat. Shen Tianming and other eleven Foundation Establishment cultivators stood on azure On the flying boat, they looked different.

To tell the truth, Han Changming would not want to come if it were not for Seaheed Pavilion’s orders. Thousand Poison Island is a famous and dangerous place in the red algae Sea Territory. Over the years, I don’t know how many Foundation Establishment cultivators have been buried on Thousand Poison Island, Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion is a poison insect, but it is only Second Rank low grade, an immortal cultivator equivalent to Foundation Establishment Early Stage. It is rumored that there is a third rank Monster Insect on Thousand Poison Island. I don’t know whether it is true or false.

Shen Tianming looked at the white sea mist ahead, his face became dignified, opened the mouth and said: "The Thousand Poison Island is in front of you. For the sake of caution, we will be divided into three groups, Fellow Daoist Han, Fellow Daoist Chen, you are divided into a group, we are a group of five."

Acting separately can increase the survival rate. If you act together, it is easy for the whole army to be wiped out, but there are winds blowing here from time to time.

Han Changming and Chen Hongming will naturally not refuse, respectively took out and flew the Magical Artifact, carrying the clansman forward.

On the way here, Shen Tianming gave a detailed introduction of their mission on this trip. They went to Thousand Poison Island to pick fire yan grass. Wing yan 蚣.

The six-winged scorpion is a gregarious Fire Attribute poison insect. It is good at Fire Attribute spell. This kind of poison insect usually grows in hot and humid caves.

A group of loose cultivators risked their lives to enter the Thousand Poison Island to pick spiritual medicine. They accidentally discovered several hundreds of years old fire-stained grass. The fire-stained grass usually grows in the abundant caves of Fire Spiritual Qi. If cultivated artificially, Fire Spiritual Vein is needed. Lu Yang’s cultivation is Fire Attribute cultivation technique. Hundreds of years of fire yan grass can be refining into a pill, which is beneficial to his cultivation base.

Lu Yang sent his own Direct Disciple to pick spiritual medicine. Naturally, he wanted to monopolize the firewood. If he sends a large number of Seaheed Pavilion dísciple, part of the firewood we picked will be handed over to Sect. To send a dísciple to do things, sect must reward a certain contribution point. Sect is impossible to post. If not, every Core Formation cultivator will send a large number of dísciples to serve themselves. If no benefit is given to the sect, the sect must give the dísciple contribution point to the task. , If dísciple suffers casualties, sect will have to allocate a large amount of compensation. If this is done, sect will fall apart a long time ago.

In this way, Lu Yang wanted to send Han Changming and Chen Hongming to help. The matter was done, and some benefit would be given. If Han Changming and Chen Hongming had an accident, even if they had to pay a compensation, it was not as generous as sect disciple. That's it.

The three flying Magical Artifacts are side by side. Shen Tianming and five are in the center, Han Changming is on the left, and Chen Hongming is on the right.

Han Changming controlled the Feihaizhou control artifact for flight, Ye Xin took out a defensive magical artifact, and released a blue colorful shield to live three people. Han Debiao sat in the Feihaizhou, closed his eyes and rested.

After passing through a thick white sea fog, you can vaguely see an emerald green island.

"Everyone, be careful, don't be careless. Every year, less than a dozen Foundation Establishment cultivators die on Thousand Poison Island."

Shen Tianming's face was solemn, if it had not been ordered by Lu Yang himself He was unwilling to venture to Thousand Toxic Island. Seaheed Pavilion once organized a large number of manpower to develop Thousand Toxic Island, but suffered heavy losses. Since then, Thousand Toxic Island has been regarded as the first dangerous place in the red algae Sea Territory.

Eleven people slowly moved towards Thousand Poison Island and flew away, and everyone's face was full of vigilance.

A quarter of an hour later, they landed on the beach. In front of them was a long narrow valley. On both sides of the valley mouth were towering cliffs, covered with thick azure thorns, and there were many growths on both sides of the valley. Multi-colored flowers and plants.

"Junior Brother Sūn, hurry up, insect-controlling incense, those low-level poison insects from the province popped up, delaying our travel speed."

The young man in the golden shirt in his early ten was instructed, and the young man in the golden shirt was 1complied. He took out a metal bead the size of a watermelon. The surface of the golden bead was covered with spiritual patterns. He punched a secret art on the golden bead, and there was a sound of organs, the golden circle The spiritual pattern on the surface of the bead is bright, and it turns into a Puppet Beast, a tall ape, whose whole body is golden-bright and dazzling, as if it were poured out of gold, and the rune is indeterminate.

This is a Second Rank low grade Puppet Beast, an immortal cultivator equivalent to Foundation Establishment Early Stage.

The young man in the golden shirt took out a black sandalwood, lit the sandalwood, let the ape Puppet Beast hold it, and walked in front.

A pungent smell drifted away, the azure thorns on the cliff swayed, and a dozen full-body yellow scorpions moved towards the distance, and a burst of "sha" came from the flowers and plants. With the muffled sound of "sha", you can vaguely see a lot of Monster Insect.

They disappeared one after another as if they had encountered something terrifying.

A surprised look flashed in Han Changming's eyes. If the incense of insect-controlling is in his hand, it will be much easier to explore in the future.

Chen Hongming smiled heartily and asked: "Fellow Daoist Shen, this is the unique spiritual fragrance of Your sect, the insect-controlling fragrance! I heard that even Second Rank poison insect smells the smell of the insect-controlling fragrance, It will also retreat."

"In theory, this is the case, but insect-controlling incense is not effective for all poison insects. At least it is useless for the Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion held by Fellow Daoist Han."


"Let’s hurry up and get on the road! Pick up spiritual medicine early and leave early. This is not a good place. Staying for a quarter of an hour will be more dangerous."

Han Changming urged that he was not interested in discussing these things. He just wanted to finish the task quickly and leave Thousand Poison Island quickly. He was uncomfortable staying for a while.

Shen Tianming was nodded, the young man in a golden shirt controlled the ape Puppet Beast to walk in front. They were divided into three groups of eleven, Shen Tianming five walked in front, Chen Hongming, Chen Yufeng and Chen Yuanhua walked in the middle, Han Changming The three walked at the back.

They walked slowly forward. Wherever the golden ape Puppet Beast passed, poison insects evaded one after another, as if they had encountered something terrifying, let alone attacked Han Changming and others.

Two hours later, they appeared outside the black jungle.

This forest has a large number of towering trees, several ten zhang tall trees abound, luxuriant branches and leaves covering the heavens, shielding the sun, only a small part of the sun can fly into the forest, on the ground Covered with fallen leaves about one chi high, the air exudes a rotten smell.

In such a large forest, no sound came out, quietly terrifying.

The ape Puppet Beast walked into the black forest, his body sank slowly, his legs slowly sinking into the ground.

The man in the golden shirt hurriedly manipulated the ape Puppet Beast to retreat, and the ape Puppet Beast did not continue to sink.

Han Changming moved towards From a distance, you can see many puddles of different sizes, and some puddles are still blistering, which is very strange.

"According to the map, we have to pass through this jungle to reach the nest of the four-winged yan. The environment here is very suitable for hiding poison insects. To be cautious, let's fly over with the imperial weapon! Be careful, there should be no problem."

Shen Tianming said with an azure animal skin in his hand.

Before setting off, Han Zhangxiang asked Han Changming to lead the team. Han Debiao’s personality is a bit impulsive and it is not suitable to take the lead. Han Daobin and others are mining the Spirit Stone Mine and cannot get away. If not, Han Zhangxiang would not Let Han Debiao go with him.

Neither Han Changming nor Chen Hongming have any objection. This forest must be Monster Insect. It is very likely that it is hidden under the ground. Passing through the ground, it will definitely be attacked by Monster Insect.

Shen Tianming, Han Changming, and Chen Hongming took out and flew Magical Artifacts, carrying their companions moved towards high altitude.

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