
  Chapter 346 Disaster to the East (for subscription)

Azure Lotus Island, Chen Hongming and other twelve cultivators The Azure Lotus island is being attacked, and a light azure light curtain covers the Azure Lotus island.

Chen Hongming controls nine Flying Swords of azure mist and releases countless azure Flying Swords, slashing them on the azure light screen, with a muffled sound of "ding-ding".

At this moment, the sea below was violently surging, spinning rapidly, generating a strong suction force, as if to suck them into the vortex.

Starting from the air-splitting sound of "chi chi", a blue water blade with a length of about one chi flew out of the vortex. There were hundreds of them, and they went straight to Chen Hongming and others. .

Chen Hongming sword art pinch, sword cry loudly, a swarm of azure sword qi flies out, slashing towards the blue water blade.

Boom! After    a series of explosions sounded, the blue water blade collided with the azure sword qi and turned into a large piece of sea water.

Suddenly a gust of wind blew, a large swath of white fog suddenly appeared on the sea, and white flying needles of half chi long appeared out of thin air, there were thousands of them.

After a burst of air-splitting sound, thousands of white flying needles flew out and went straight to Chen Hongming and others.

While retreating, Chen Hongming controlled nine azure Flying Swords and released a large swath of light azure sword qi, smashing all the white ice needles that came.

The wind was blowing everywhere, a biting cold wind blew, the sea quickly frozen, and there was a deafening rumbling sound from high above.

A huge black cloud of a thousand zhang or so big suddenly appeared on the heads of Chen Hongming and others. The black clouds were crushed, giving people a serious oppression.

The giant black cloud rolled fiercely like the high tide of sea water, and the white ice ball with the big fist flew out. There were thousands of them, and they hit Chen Hongming and others below.

It’s not over yet, the nearby sea suddenly rolled violently, and vortex with a diameter of about one zhang appeared. Each vortex sprayed out a thick blue water column about one zhang, hitting Chen Hongming and others. .

Chen Hongming's face condensed, Fang Family deserves to be the strongest subsidiary Cultivation Family under the jurisdiction of Great Void Sect, proficient in Formation, the defense of an island is so strong, let alone the defense of Qing Toad Island. No wonder Fang Family can stand for hundreds of years without falling.

His sword art changed, nine Flying Swords of azure mist brightened up one after another, a clear sword cry sounded, countless azure sword qi shot out, moved towards the white ice ball above the head.

The rumbling sound keeps on, one after another white ice ball is smashed by azure sword qi and turned into countless white ice chips.

······    Twenty-six immortal cultivators such as Green Toad Island and Lin Xuan either release spells or manipulate Magical Artifact to attack Green Toad Island.

A cloud of light azure mist covers the entire Qingtoad Island, making it difficult to see what's inside.

Various spells such as scarlet Fireball, white ice hockey, yellow earth spear, golden arrow, blue water blade flew out of the azure fog and hit Lin Xuan and others.

Wu Xueli holds a white flag about one zhang long in his hand, fiercely flicked, violent wind erupted, and a strange cold wind swept out, turning into a thirty zhang or So the high white wind wall, the spell hit on the white wind wall, one after another disappeared.

Wu Xueli frowned and said: "Fellow Daoist Lin, you can't delay too long. Fellow Daoist Han can't hold it for long."

Han Changming and others impossible to hold back There are too many Fang Family cultivators. Once Fang Family cultivator returns, it will be more difficult for them to attack Qingtoad Island.

Lin Xuan also understands this principle, and turned over and took out a silver talisman about one chi. The surface of the talisman was covered with tadpole-sized silver runes, exuding an astonishing Spiritual Qi fluctuation.

With a look of reluctance on his face, he moved the silver talisman towards Qingtoad Island, and the silver talisman turned into a dazzling silver light, which disappeared into the azure mist in a flash.

A dazzling group of silver light suddenly lit up, the azure mist suddenly burst, and disappeared, and a lush and green island appeared. The terrain is high in the east and low in the west. The buildings stand in great numbers, you can see Walk around to a lot of silhouettes.

"Fairy Wu, do it quickly."

Lin Xuan loudly shouted, turned over and took out a folding fan of azure mist, on which was painted a lifelike blue eagle, Qing The eagle spreads its wings high.

Green eagle fan, this is Lin Xuan’s ancestral Magical Artifact, and it is a Magical Artifact made by the Core Formation cultivator.

His mana was injected into the blue eagle fan, the blue eagle on the fan seemed to come alive, his wings flapped constantly, violent wind erupted.

azure light flashed, a thirty zhang or so high azure tornado emerged out of thin air, moved towards swept away on the island.

Where the azure tornado passed, the trees on the island were pulled up by the roots, and the rockery and stone pavilions flew in the wind.

The white banner in Wu Xueli's hand suddenly became white light, and countless white snowflakes flew out. After one blur, the snowflakes turned into white Icicles of about one chi and smashed towards Qingtoad Island. .

Deng Hongfei held an azure longbow in his left hand and pulled the bowstring with his right hand. After letting go, several azure arrows of about one chi flied out, and the cultivator moved towards the island shot away.

Song Zhan took out a palm-sized blue jade bottle, spouting a piece of blue sea water, and turned into a thin zhang blue python, with a thick water tank on the waist, pounced on the cultivator on Qingchan Island.

Others either release spell or manipulate Magical Artifact to attack the cultivator on the island.

For a time, the rumbling sound continued, and the fire blazed into the sky.

The strange thing is that the cultivator on the island did not resist, even if the spell hit the Fang Family cultivator, they did not respond.

Seeing this scene, Lin Xuan and Wu Xueli looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Not good, this is Illusion Technique, it's in the calculation."

Lin Xuan inwardly shouted it's not good, he thought of a terrifying thing, Fang Family is good at Formation Dao, layout There is no problem with a set of imaginary formation.

It’s been a few months since the war, Fang Family prepared in advance, which is not surprising.

The sea below suddenly burst open, and the sea rolled violently, setting off a wave ten zhang or so high, and the volume of the wave was still expanding.

The huge waves were so great that they turned into a high wall, surrounding Lin Xuan and others.

Wu Xueli jade hand flicked, and a gust of wind emerged from the white flag, which turned into a ten zhang or so long white wind python, hitting the place where it was hit by the white wind python. It freezes immediately, and the ice spreads rapidly, until the huge waves are completely transformed into ice walls.

With the "swish" air-splitting sound, a piece of about one chi-long azure wind blade blasted and cut the ice wall into ice chips and floated on the sea.

"Quickly retreat, it's a hit."

Lin Xuan was taken aback and frowned.

He found that he still underestimated Fang Family, Fang Family's Clan Protecting Great Array is so powerful.

"Want to go? It's late, save your life!"

A somewhat indifferent man's voice suddenly sounded, tone barely fell, and there was a deafening thunder in the sky. , A group of several hundred zhang big dark clouds suddenly appeared high in the sky,   A thunderbolt rang out, the dark clouds rolled around, and the center of the dark clouds suddenly turned out of sight, dozens of thick silver thunder and lightning flashed out, and went straight to the forest. Xuan and others left.

The wind was blowing everywhere, and suddenly there were blue vortex about one zhang on the sea. The vortex lined up in a row, blocking their way of retreat.

Boom!    After a loud noise that shook the sky and the earth, the blue water column of 30 Six Paths diameter about one zhang flew out, gathered together and turned into a huge blue water curtain with a gap of several hundred zhang. , There is just a cloud of dark clouds over the gap, which is obviously carefully set up.

······    Bailian Island, Han Changming and others madly attacked Bailian Island, a blue giant standing on the sea, relying on power of formation, the blue giant constantly releases water blades, water guns, etc. Various Water Element spells attacked Han Changming and others, but they were useless. These attacks were easily blocked by Han Changming and others.

"Husband, the situation is a bit wrong. If all five islands are attacked, it stands to reason that Fang Family will either support or withdraw troops. Are they not afraid of someone attacking Qingchan Island?"

Ye Xin frowned, said somewhat puzzled.

Han Changming also found the problem. Five islands were attacked at the same time. Fang Family impossible does not consider the enemy’s attack on Qingchan Island. It either removes the cultivator from the other five islands, or Fang Family sends people to support it. Attack the island and repel the enemy.

There must be a Foundation Establishment cultivator on Bailian Island, otherwise the formidable power of Formation would not be so big.

"Try their details, madam, besieging the Hailing that was transformed by Formation."

Han Changming gave Ye Xin and Ye Xue sound transmission, he wanted to try Try the details of Bailian Island, if you leave here, it is impossible to justify.

With a pinch of Ye Xue secret art, the body of Han Moon Wheel suddenly increased several times and turned into a huge wheel with a diameter of five feet, exuding an astonishing chill.

white light flashed, a white beam of light with a diameter of five feet shot out, hitting the body of the blue giant, and the body of the blue giant instantly froze and turned into an ice sculpture.

After a sharp air-splitting sound, hundreds of about one chi-long blue water blades shot out, and instantly penetrated the body of ice sculpture.

On White Lotus Island, Fang Tianle’s blue array suddenly appeared with several small cracks.

After a loud noise of heaven shaking, earth shattering, the blue array suddenly burst, and a scarlet giant fist with several feet large appeared in the sight of Fang Tianle and others.

The scarlet giant fist was wrapped in a layer of scarlet flames, carrying a monstrous heat wave, and hit it.

Fang Tianle frowned, took out a palm-sized yellow array, and broke into a secret art. Suddenly a gust of wind blew, the ground shook violently, and a large number of rubble moved towards a certain place and turned into A yellow giant ten zhang or so high, the yellow giant moved his arms and smashed the scarlet giant fist.

Boom! The   scarlet giant fist will all split up and in pieces the yellow giant in one face, and the smoke billows.

A pale-yellow light curtain suddenly appeared, covering Fang Tianle and others.

The scarlet giant fist hits the yellow light curtain, there was a muffled sound of "peng", the pale-yellow light curtain shook violently, and the light curtain dimmed.

Han Changming's Divine Consciousness opened wide and quickly passed the White Lotus Island, browsing tightly knit.

Fang Family actually deployed so many cultivators on Bailian Island. If the other four islands have so many cultivators, it would be strange. Does Fang Family not consider the survival of Qingchan Island? Unless there are many Foundation Establishment cultivators on Qingtoad Island and the amount of defensive power is relatively strong, that's not right! Fang Family doesn't support other islands, is it certain that others can't attack it? Or is it that Qingchan Island was attacked, Fang Family unable to attend to other things?

"Damn it, I was fooled by them."

Han Changming suddenly had a bad guess. Wu Xueli and Lin Xuan sent some troops to attack other islands, and they went to attack Qing Toad Island, this project is relatively risky, but Lin Xuan and Wu Xueli are not ordinary Foundation Establishment cultivators. They have Core Formation cultivators behind them, and they are uncertain about what treasures they have.

"Quickly withdraw, the enemy’s reinforcements are here."

Han Changming didn’t want to stay any longer. As soon as the secret art was collected, the dry earth real sun sand flew towards him and disappeared without his sleeves. , Azure bottle gourd rays of light soared, moved towards Golden Lotus Island and flew away.

Within two hours, Han Changming came to Golden Lotus Island. No one attacked Golden Lotus Island. A pale-gold light curtain covered Golden Lotus Island.

"Husband, you really guessed it, Fellow Daoist Lin and Fairy Wu tricked us."

Ye Xin frowned, they tried their best to attack Bailian Island. In the end, they It was just a chess piece in the hands of Lin Xuan and Wu Xueli.

"It shouldn't be. Fairy Wu and Fellow Daoist Lin are not such people. Maybe something was delayed on the road. Let's go back and see."

Han Changming said these words for those Qi Refinement Cultivator heard, he was very annoyed. Needless to say, Lin Xuan and Wu Xueli led people to attack Qingchan Island, and they used Han Changming to hold part of the Fang Family cultivator.

Han Changming simply pretended to be stupid and went back the same way.

With these Qi Refinement Cultivators, Han Changming is very inconvenient to do things. Seaheed Pavilion and Azure Cloud Sect's dísciple are mixed in his team. He can't kill them, otherwise it will be a quarrel with Seaheed Pavilion and Azure Cloud. Sect.

People have to bow their heads under the eaves, and when patriarch cultivation develops divine ability, they don't need to look at people's faces everywhere.

The azure bottle gourd hasn't fly far yet. More than fifty immortal cultivators flew out of Golden Lotus Island, and two Foundation Establishment cultivators led the team.

"There are too many enemies, so let's disperse and run for your lives! You can do it yourself."

Han Changming instructed other people. He can't directly kill other Qi Refinement Cultivator, but he borrows Fang There is no problem with Family's hands.

The dísciple of Seaheed Pavilion and the dísciple of Azure Cloud Sect looked at each other in blank dismay. After hesitating, one after another escaped, eight Qi Refinement Cultivator moved towards different directions.

A blue glow emerged from Ye Xin's palm, and a shot of fiercely moved towards the sea below, a blue light flew out, and disappeared.

Boom! After   a deafening rumbling sound sounded, a blue wave of several ten zhang high rose from the sea, blocking the attacking spell.

Han Changming took out a scarlet flag, released dozens of watermelon-sized scarlet Fireballs, and smashed them to the opposite side. The four Ye Xin also attacked Fang Family cultivator.

The rumbling sound rang out. As soon as the Fang Family cultivator's attack approached Han Changming's five feet, it was blocked by a blue water curtain.

Han Changming estimated that Qi Refinement Cultivator was almost running, saying: "Let’s go! Let’s withdraw too!"

With a pinch of his secret art, azure bottle gourd suddenly azure light Soaring, moved towards far away.

"Do not chase after cornered enemy, according to patriarch's order, let's chase them away."

Fang Family’s Foundation Establishment cultivator did not chase Han Changming and others. According to Fang Shenghong's order, as long as he drives away the enemy, there is no need to chase him.

half a day later, Han Changming five people appeared in the sky above the endless Sea Territory, ten clansman from Qi Refinement Stage, only two stayed with them, the other clansman were scattered, I don’t know They are dead or alive.

At this moment, there was a deafening rumbling sound from the sky in the distance, a thick silver lightning flashed across the sky, and a screaming man screamed vaguely.

The two escape lights quickly moved towards them and flew towards them. Behind the two escape lights, there are seven or eight escape lights.

Han Changming's heart is inwardly shouted, it's not good, he won't run into Lin Xuan, right?

An azure light appeared in Han Changming's sight. It was Lin Xuan, his look pale, and his expression was terrified, as if he had encountered something terrifying.

"Fellow Daoist Han, come and pick us up."

Lin Xuan was loudly shouted, they were attacked by Lei Wentian and others, everyone else died in battle, only him Break through with Wu Xueli.

Han Changming rolled the eyes, unheard of, pinched secret art, moved towards the opposite direction and flew away, what kidding, Lin Xuan used him as a pawn, and now he still wants him to rescue? He has no problem in his mind.

Lin Xuan seems to be Lai Ding Han Changming, moved towards Han Changming flew, Wu Xueli moved towards different directions.

Han Changming frowned, Lin Xuan made it clear that he would cause trouble, and wanted to use them to attract enemies.

He won't be used by Lin Xuan. When the secret art is pinched, the azure bottle gourd suddenly shines. At this moment, an azure light flies and arrives in front of them.

The azure light is an egg-sized azure bead, with rune large rice grains all over the surface, azure light flashed, and the azure bead is turned into a light azure light curtain, covering the five people of Han Changming.

Blue glass beads, trap the enemy Magical Artifact, the unique Magical Artifact of Azure Cloud Sect.

Taking this opportunity, Lin Xuan retreated so much, he passed the five Han Changming, moved towards the distance and flew away.

Han Changming cursed, while taking out the dry earth real sun sand to attack the azure light curtain, Ye Xin and others released spells and attacked the azure light curtain one after another.

"Peng peng" is muffled, and the azure light screen is shaking constantly, which is very strong.

At this time, Qibadao Escape chased up, led by Lei Wentian.

"Han Changming? It's you."

Lei Wentian narrowed his eyes and his face was murderous aura.

He didn't expect to meet Han Changming. Han Changming has been in the limelight several decades ago. He has long wanted to discuss with Han Changming.

朋友来做客,耽搁了,今天没办法万字了,我·····欠着,过两天补上,别打脸,疼            ( End of this chapter)

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