
  Chapter 347 enemies on a narrow road (subscription required)

It’s rare to meet Han Changming, he naturally Will not let it go.

Lei Wentian rubbed his hands, a large arc of silver lightning appeared in his palm, and the five people moved towards Han Changming flew away.

The silver lightning arc hasn't hit the azure light curtain, and the azure light curtain burst open.

Qinglizhu is a Magical Artifact that traps the enemy, but the more the number of Foundation Establishment cultivators trapped, the shorter the trapping time. If not, Lin Xuan would have taken out to trap Lei Wentian.

Two screams sounded, and the silver lightning arc struck the bodies of the two Han Family cultivators. They fell directly from the azure bottle gourd, their bodies were charred and there was no breath.

Han Changming both shocked and angry, without thinking about it, with a pinch of secret art, the azure bottle gourd skyrocketed, and moved towards Lin Xuan and chased him.

Lin Xuan's misfortune was too cruel, no matter what, Lei Wentian would definitely split his forces to pursue him, greatly reducing Lin Xuan's pressure.

The azure bottle gourd hasn’t flew far, a weird scream sounded. Han Changming could no longer be familiar with this sound, his head sank, as if someone was hitting his head with a heavy object. , Dizzy.

There was a deafening thunder from behind, Han Changming inwardly shouted it was not good, but he didn't have time to react.

Fortunately, Lin Xuan only targeted Han Changming, not Ye Xin and Ye Xue. Ye Xin gently shook the blue jade ruler in his hand, and a blue water curtain emerged out of thin air, covering their three people.

The blue water curtain is like thin paper, torn apart by several thick silver lightning, the silver lightning struck Han Changming's body, turning into a large piece of silver lightning, covering the Han Changming and his wife. .

Han Changming let out a scream, his face was murderous aura, Lin Xuan, in order to escape for his life, did not hesitate to plot against him like this, almost killing him.

More than a dozen pieces of shining Magical Artifacts have struck, and Han Changming and his wife are about to be beheaded.

Ye Xue took out the Han Moon Wheel and broke into a secret art. The Han Moon Wheel sprayed out a vast expanse of cold air and greeted him up.

Magical Artifact came into contact with the cold air, the aura dimmed, and it shook up and down.

Occasionally, people near Han Changming are also blocked by a large blue water curtain.

Taking this opportunity, Han Changming secret art pinched, azure bottle gourd azure light rose sharply, and moved towards different directions.

If he continues to follow Lin Xuan, Lin Xuan will continue to target him. If he keeps entangled, it will undoubtedly give Lei Wentian a chance.

"Chasing, you can't let them run."

Lei Wentian said solemnly and was about to chase Han Changming, but Fang Yueqing stopped him.

"Junior Brother Lei, Lin Xuan is already injured, go chase him! Han Changming leave it to us, Junior Brother Sūn will chase Wu Xueli, after you solve Lin Xuan, join us again."

Lei Wentian’s flying Magical Artifact is very fast. He can solve Lin Xuan first, and then return to deal with Han Changming. This is the best policy.

Lei Wentian felt that Fang Yueqing's words made sense. With a pinch of secret art, a large arc of silver lightning emerged from the silver jade shuttle under her body and chased it up.

They were divided into three groups. Lei Wentian chased Lin Xuan, Fang Yueqing led four Foundation Establishment cultivators to chase Han Changming and the other two chased Wu Xueli.

"Husband, Lei Wentian did not chase, five Foundation Establishment cultivators followed us."

Ye Xue has been paying attention to the situation behind him and reminded Han Changming.

Han Changming listened to this and sighed in relief. He could see the enemy's selfish calculations. He made it clear that Lin Xuan should be solved first, and then he would return to solve them.

"Find a place to solve them, dare to chase us, courting death."

Han Changming sound transmission said, he was pitted by Lin Xuan and almost died, holding his stomach. The fire was scattered, and Fang Yueqing's five people hit the muzzle, it was courting death.

"Husband, this is the site of the Great Void Sect after all. I think we still need to escape. They must protect the Fang Family. They won't follow us in the future."

Ye Xin started to persuade, she knew that Han Changming was suffocating, and she couldn't let Han Changming get angry.

She is not like Ye Xue, everything follows Han Changming, she has her own unique insights.

Han Changming was angry just now. Hearing what Ye Xin said, he felt that it made sense and changed his mind. He secretly made up his mind. If he had the opportunity, he would definitely seek revenge from Lin Xuan.

There was a blazing high temperature behind him, and hundreds of scarlet Fireballs with fists smashed over.

Boom! The    scarlet Fireball fell on the sea and splashed dozens of zhang high waves. Han Changming controlled the azure bottle gourd to escape with all his strength. His mana was originally relatively pure, much deeper than the ordinary Foundation Establishment Late Stage cultivator. The flight speed is relatively fast.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Fang Yueqing realized that she could not catch up with Han Changming, so she stopped quickly.

"Forget it, it's important to guard Green Toad Island. Go back first."

Green Toad Island has a Golden Jelly Fruit Tree, which is about to mature. This is more important than killing Han Changming.

Ye Xue long sighed in relief, happily said: "Husband, they haven't chased it, they have gone back."

"Don't be careless, let's find a place to hide for a while Come on!"

With a pinch of Han Changming secret art, the azure bottle gourd speeds up.

After one hour, the azure bottle gourd landed on an island more than thirty miles in size. The island is flat with only two low soil slopes.

Han Changming's body surface lit up with a burst of yellow light, and the three of them escaped underground and disappeared.

It didn't take long for them to appear in several hundred zhang deep underground, and he opened up a ten zhang or so big space.

"Madam, are you all right!"

At this time, Han Changming has time to care about the person next to her pillow.

"We are okay, Husband, you are hurt."

Ye Xue pointed to Han Changming's back and said, beautiful eyes were full of worry.

Han Changming took off his vestment, there was some charred on his back, and the blood turned brown.

He took out a Qi Repairing Pill, swallowed it down, and healed the injury.

After one hour, Han Changming received his strength and vomited a mouthful of impure air. He suffered a big loss this time. Sooner or later, he will get back this account from Lin Xuan.

The two clansman died tragically, but fortunately the two wives were safe and sound.

"Husband, what shall we do next?"

Ye Xue frowned and asked, this time following Han Changming, she knew that Han Changming and Ye Xin were not easy, every time Going out to fight is very dangerous, and you will lose your life if you are careless.

"Leave here first, find a place to hide, try not to conflict with other cultivators."

Han Changming was almost treated as cannon fodder this time. If you can choose, he is Stop working for the Seaheed Pavilion.

At this moment, the space they were in suddenly shook violently.

Ye Xin was surprised and asked: "What's going on?"

"It seems that someone is fighting on the island. You stay here, I will go up and see."

Han Changming releases Stoneman and let it protect Ye Xin and Ye Xue. If an enemy uses a talisman such as an earth-splitting talisman, it will be dangerous. If there is a Stoneman, even if the enemy uses an earth-splittering talisman, that’s it. fine.

It didn't take long for Han Changming to return to the ground, and his head came cautiously out of the ground.

I saw a thick silver thunder and lightning falling from the sky, smashing into the ground not far away, and the ground suddenly exploded a large pit as large as several feet.

"Lei Wentian, do you really want to kill to the last one?"

A flustered and exasperated voice sounded.

Han Changming was taken aback for a moment, then ecstatic, this was Lin Xuan's voice.

Lin Xuan fled for his life, and went around a big circle and appeared near the island where he was hiding.

He quickly took out the concealing yarn, restrained his breath, and hid in a pile of stones, cautiously observing all this.

Lin Xuan descended from the sky and landed on the ground. His face was pale, blood dyed and the clothes on his body were red. He thought that Lei Wentian would chase Han Changming. Who would have thought that Lei Wentian would follow him closely? put.



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