
  Chapter 395 Two Great Divine Ability (seeking subscription for monthly pass)   Han Changming light snorted, right hand A large yellow glow emerged, pressing on the ground.

There was a muffled noise from the ground, and the ground suddenly sank, and a hundred zhang or so sand pit appeared. Han Changming stood in the sand pit, his eyes firm.

With a pinch of his secret art, countless yellow sands flew up and turned into hundreds of yellow sand screens of hundreds of zhang or so high, protecting him inside.

Silver lightning penetrated two yellow sand screens in succession, and then collapsed and disappeared. The gap in the yellow sand screen quickly healed and disappeared.

With Han Changming as the center, the ground around the thousand zhang is all turned into soft quicksand, violent wind erupted, countless yellow sand flying in the wind, keeping Han Changming airtight.

Han Daojing and others were stunned. Han Changming does not use Formation, but uses his own power to resist Thunder Tribulation?

Ye Xin brows tightly knit, she doesn't think that Han Changming is so arrogant, no matter how powerful he is, Formation need not be used in vain.

Soon, white mist gushed from the ground, covering the entire yard, and Han Changming still used Formation.

Boom!   A burst of deafening thunder sounded, and thick silver lightning fell into the white mist, like mud like the sea.

As time goes by, the number of silver lightning is increasing, and the white fog is getting lighter and lighter.

The lake water tumbling violently like boiling water, flew up and turned into a huge blue water curtain covering Han Changming.

Dense silver lightning struck the blue water curtain, the blue water curtain shook slightly, and bursts of white smoke appeared.

It didn't take long for the blue water curtain to burst, and a powerful wave of air erupted. The air wave spread quickly and moved towards all directions.

Where the air wave passed, houses collapsed, stone pavilions burst, Fruit Tree broke down, the rockery turned into powder, and the yard was in a mess.

A huge yellow sand ball covers Han Changming, Han Daojing and others can't see the situation inside.

Boom! There was    a deafening rumbling sound from high above, and the thundercloud rolled violently like a tide, turning into a thirty zhang or so long silver thunder python, and came straight to Han Changming.

The yellow sand ball is like thin paper, torn apart by the silver thunder python, the silhouette of Han Changming appears.

Han Changming wears a pale-yellow armor, which protects the whole body, his eyes are firm.

Silver Thunder Python hit Han Changming's body, and suddenly exploded. A dazzling silver lightning flooded Han Changming's silhouette, and at the same time a powerful wave of air erupted.

The ground tore apart, countless rubble splashed around, the courtyard wall collapsed suddenly, and was shattered by countless rubble.

Ye Xin and Han Benfu were secretly surprised, Ye Xin didn't dare to pant, staring at the location of Han Changming.

After a while, the silver lightning dissipated, revealing a scorched body.

Ye Xin's heart tightened, and the Yu Qi flew over, Han Daojing and others follow closely from behind.

The scorched body all split up and in pieces, Han Changming got out of it, without any injuries on his body.

The defensive power of Extreme Yang Treasure Armor is really good. Han Changming used Extreme Yang Treasure Armor to block the final blow of Thunder Tribulation, survive Thunder Tribulation safely, and step into Core Formation cultivator smoothly.

He felt the majestic true essence in his body, and couldn't help laughing wildly. After decades of hard work, he finally stepped into the Core Formation Stage. After so many hardships, he came to this step.

"Husband (father), are you okay!"

Ye Xin and Han Benfu asked in unison, with expressions of concern on their faces.

"I'm fine, finally Core Formation, haha."

Han Changming smiled boldly and looked excited.

Han Daojing was overjoyed and said: "Okay, haha, this is a good thing. Our family has two Core Formation cultivators. We have to find a way to help you get a magic weapon."

There is no magic weapon in the family treasury of Han Family. In many wars, Han Family has recovered a large amount of property. Buying a magic weapon for Han Changming is not a problem.

"This matter is not in a hurry, Uncle Dao Jing, the news of my Core Formation still needs to be strictly blocked. I will retreat for a period of time and wait for my cultivation to get divine ability, and then go to the open sea to meet with patriarch. ”

Han Changming entered the Core Formation Stage. There is no magic weapon. He can only cultivation divine ability first, master the divine ability, and then go to the open sea to join Han Zhangxiang.

The cultivation resources in the open sea are rich, and there are many magic weapons. It is more difficult to get a magic weapon in the red algae Sea Territory.

"No problem, you can rest assured that the cultivation is that the magic weapon is handed over to us."

Han Dao Jing patted his chest and agreed that the Core Formation cultivator has no magic weapon, and he will tell clansman to inquire. Magic news.

The residence was destroyed, Han Changming temporarily went to live in Qianhu Peak, and Han Daojing sent someone to rebuild the residence for Han Changming.

Han Changming sat cross-legged on the futon, took out a yellow jade slip, and immersed Divine Consciousness in it.

The Core Formation chapter of "Extreme Earth True Yang Art" comes with two divine abilities, namely, the Qianyang Demon Slayer and the Georis, the formidable power of the Qian Yang Demon Slayer is huge, appear and disappear unpredictably , People you can't guard against it, and Geolyte manipulates the soil to create a Geolyte. The deeper the mana of the cultivator, the stronger the strength of Geolyte. It is said that the cultivation reaches the Nascent Soul Late Stage. The cultivator summon produced Geolux is comparable to Nascent Soul Cultivator.

Dry Yang Demon Hand is suitable for sneak attack, but the mana consumed by Geolux is relatively large. It is no wonder that Extreme Yang True Flame has the effect of pure mana, and it is estimated to make up for this defect.

The formidable power of the divine ability of Dotoris is relatively large, but it also has defects. It must be performed on land. The Qianyang Demon Demon Hand does not have this limitation.

Whether Eastern Sea or Southern Sea, the cultivation technique of immortal cultivator cultivation is mostly Water Attribute cultivation technique, and the high-rank cultivator of cultivation Earth Attribute cultivation technique can be counted on one's fingers.

Han Changming took a deep breath, cultivation started to dry the sun and destroy the demon hand, and the whole body was full of yellow light.

······In    a secret room, Han Debiao sits on a futon, both eyes slightly closed, the body surface is covered with a layer of black light, the muscles on the arms and thighs are bulging, The tendons are exposed, as if cast by steel essence, full of power.

After a while, Han Debiao opened his eyes, his eyes shot a gleam, and the sound of "crackle" was heard from his body.

He can clearly feel that his whole body is full of power.

He patted the Spirit Beast Bag, and the golden ape flew out and landed in front of him.

The right hand of the Dali Golden-backed Ape was shaped like a fist and smashed at Han Debiao. Han Debiao was not afraid, and a large black light gushed out from his right fist and greeted him.

With a muffled sound of "peng", the Dali Golden-backed Ape felt a ten thousand zhang mountain hit on him, and his body flew out uncontrollably, making a stern roar.

Han Debiao often fights with him, testing his own strength. Before he could resist, he was directly injured this time.

"haha, well, it is worthy of cultivation to Nascent Soul Stage's Body Refinement Cultivation Art. I now have at least 20,000 catties for a punch."

Han Debiao smiled boldly. It took him seven years to cultivation "Spirit Treasure Code" to Fourth Layer, more than doubled his strength. It is a pity that he ran out of baleful aura and he couldn't continue his cultivation and needed to find baleful aura.

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