
  Chapter 396 third rank Artifact Refinement Master (complement the first update)    With the number of cultivation layers As Han Debiao's strength increases, if he waits for his cultivation to the Core Formation Stage, it is estimated that the third rank demonic beast will not be able to withstand his punch!

Han Debiao gets more excited as he thinks about it. If he had obtained the cultivation technique of "Spirit Treasure" earlier, he would have been cultivated to the Sixth Layer. Anyway, thanks to Han Changming, otherwise he would not have a magic cultivator. Practice the cultivation technique "Spirit Treasure Code of Tiansha Town".

"Seven years have passed, and I don’t know if Changming has been promoted to the Core Formation Stage."

Han Debiao muttered to himself, stepping out, vigorously golden-backed ape Hurriedly followed out.

A group of golden thorns swims around in the lake, and the calm lake surface splashes a wave of ripples.

Han Debiao saw the severe expression flashed past in his eyes, and black air poured out, enveloping his right fist, moved towards the lake surface and smashed into the void.

As the wind broke loudly, a black fist shadow about one zhang flew out and hit the lake.

Boom! There was    a loud noise, and the calm lake surface suddenly burst, splashing a few ten zhang high waves, a dozen golden spinefish turned into a large rain of blood, and the blood dyed reddened the entire lake.

"Haha! Happy, if only you can learn from other body cultivators."

Han Debiao smiled boldly, his eyes were frenzied, and he turned to look at the big golden-backed ape. The Dali Golden-backed Ape was a little dazed, and quickly lowered his head, stepped back two steps, and looked like honest and timid.

The Dali Golden-backed Ape is scared by Han Debiao. Every time, Han Debiao uses it to practice his hand. It used to be able to parry, but now it can't stop it.

Seeing my Spirit Beast a little scared of myself, Han Debiao some didn’t know whether to cry or laugh, and at the same time a sense of pride was born. Seventh Layer, I wonder if I can kill a Second Rank demonic beast with one punch?   "It's not beating you, go! Enjoy your food!"

Han Debiao waved his hand, instructed.

The strong golden-backed ape uttered a cheerful roar, strode towards the lake, jumped into the lake, and caught the golden spine for food.

Han Debiao took out the communication tray and contacted Han Daojing, and asked: "Uncle Daojing, is Changming out of the customs?"

He stayed in Bottle Gourd Island for more than 20 years and was so bored. Panic, planning to go out and look for baleful aura, Han Changming did not leave the customs for a day, he could not leave Bottle Gourd Island casually.

"Changming has just been promoted to the Core Formation Stage, he is secluded cultivation, and the family is preparing to buy a magic weapon for him."

Learned that Han Changming was promoted to the Core Formation Stage, Han Debiao was very happy for Han Changming and said: "Very good, but the magic weapon is not easy to handle. By the way, Uncle Tao Jing, I plan to go out and look for baleful aura, and inquire about the magic weapon by the way."

"Don't leave Bottle Gourd Island first. I'll talk about it after a while. Wait for Changming to consolidate the cultivation base. Don't worry for a while. As for the baleful aura, I will send someone to find it for you."

"I see. , Uncle Dao Jing, if Changming leaves the customs, you must remember to notify me."

Han Debiao put away the communication tray and smiled.

······   Outside the sea, Haoran City.

There is a special earth fire room in Haoran City for immortal cultivator pill concocting, and the rent is expensive.

In a certain earth fire room, the four walls of the earth fire room were carved with crimson runes, spreading to the center of the secret room.

In the center of the secret room, there is a one-person-high three-legged cauldron. The three-legged cauldron is a full-body scarlet. At the bottom is an earth fire pool. A scarlet flame emerges from the earth fire pool, burning the three-legged cauldron into a crime.

Han Zhangxiang sat cross-legged on a red futon, brow beaded with sweat, with some refining materials beside him.

He has never given up on refining magic weapons, but he has never succeeded. The material he lost before and after is worth more than one million Spirit Stones. Even so, Han Zhangxiang insists on refining magic weapons by himself.

Teaching a mermaid to fish is not as good as teaching a man how to fish. He refining a magic weapon will not only benefit himself, but the family will also benefit.

The cultivation resources in the open sea are rich. Every once in a while, Han Zhangxiang takes Han Benfu and others out to hunt the Second Rank demonic beast, yes, it is to hunt the Second Rank demonic beast.

The last time the blue-eyed golden lizard was killed, it was because the blue-eyed golden lizard had little divine ability and was mainly good at earth and water escape.

Everything is difficult at the beginning. The family has established a firm foothold in the open sea. Han Zhangxiang adopts a steady and steady strategy. In a word, it is wretched development.

A third rank demonic beast is worth hundreds of thousands of Spirit Stones. It is good to win. If you lose, it means body dies and Dao disappears. Han Zhangxiang can't afford to lose, and he doesn't want to lose.

Han Changming is attacking the Core Formation Stage in retreat. Han Zhangxiang is waiting for Han Changming to leave the customs. Seven years ago, Han Changying discovered the so-called ancient cultivator Cave Mansion. Han Zhangxiang has not gone to treasure hunt so far. It can be seen that he How cautious.

After a while, Han Zhangxiang's secret art changed. He punched a secret art on the red plate. The earth fire pool was suddenly closed and the scarlet flame disappeared.

He punched a secret art on the scarlet cauldron. With a sound of "peng", the top cover flew up and landed on the ground. The ground shook violently, and a red light flew from Dingnei. Out, one circled, and stopped in front of Han Zhangxiang.

The red light flashed, revealing a long red light shining knife. The blade is three feet long and three inches wide. There is a lifelike red shark engraved on the back of the knife. The red shark opens its bloody mouth wide. open like a sacrificial bowl, do cannibalism.

The blazing shark knife is made from the sharp teeth of the blazing shark.

"Finally refined, haha, finally refined the magic weapon, ancestor bless, ancestor bless."

Han Zhangxiang was overjoyed and wiped his face. Sweat.

The family has been abroad for more than ten years, and most of the profits have been used for refining. Han Changying, Han Changjiong, Han Changwu, and Han Benfu have made great efforts. They pile concocting to make amulets. Spirit Stone, and then use Spirit Stone to purchase third rank demonic beast materials to refine magic weapons for Han Zhangxiang.

The cost of Han Zhangxiang's refining tool cost millions of Spirit Stones, and part of it was brought from the family. If it fails again, he really has no face to see Han Changying and others, but fortunately he finally succeeded.

Han Family's ancestors were born in the Southern Sea, and later encountered a disaster, a branch migrated to the Eastern Sea cultivation world, settled in the red algae Sea Territory, relying on the refining technique and Puppet Beast heirloom, even so, Han Zhangxiang The refining of magic weapons has also failed several times, and the scrapped materials are worth more than one million Spirit Stones, which is enough to show the difficulty of refining magic weapons.

With the successful experience at this time, his confidence has greatly increased. He plans to sell this magic weapon and purchase refining materials to continue refining the magic weapon.

The cost of this Shark Knife does not exceed 80,000 Spirit Stone. It’s not a problem to sell it for 200,000 Spirit Stone. If you change hands, you will earn 120,000 Spirit Stone, which is a big profit. However, he spent millions of Spirit Stones to refine this fierce shark knife, which was still at a loss.

Han Zhangxiang put away the Shark Knife and the refining materials, took out the communication tray, typed in a secret art, and said: "Mrs. Sun, I haven't seen you for a long time, what are you up to!"

"Nothing, Fellow Daoist Hu, listening to your tone, there seems to be something happy, why? Have you refined a magic weapon?"

A tactful woman's voice came from the transmission tray. On the voice side is Sun Li. Han Zhangxiang and Sun Li have killed the third rank demonic beast.



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