2021-12-09   Chapter 543 gold and gold lizard month Sang Yu Ye (seeking monthly subscription required)    "Fifth Uncle this is Purple Moon Island of Fellow Daoist Han, Mrs. Han, this is a Fellow Daoist Han's daughter. "

Han Wenbin opening introduced.

Hanlin Sheng eyes fell Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion body, face expression of interest, he said: "Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion, Spirit Insect feeding of Core Formation cultivator is not much, Fellow Daoist Han actually reared a third rank Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion, this is indeed rare. "

" compared with Fellow Daoist Han far worse, heard Fellow Daoist Han versed in the art of insect-controlling, next to this very sense interest, specifically to the Fellow Daoist Han ask. "

Han Changming modestly said.

" Fellow Daoist Han, you have a colorful cricket is more powerful than the Spirit Insect Why? What allows us to open our eyes?"

Han Fu face this expression of interest, politely asked.

Hanlin Sheng heard this, his face showing a touch of complacency, he nodded, and said: "Yes, but to be fair, Fellow Daoist Han could let me see what else you Spirit Insect breeding. "

Han Family Jinjiao Island Spirit Insect rearing of Core Formation cultivator can be counted on one 's fingers, primarily Spirit Insect divine ability is not very strong, as anti-beat Spirit Beast, easy to cultivate.

Han Changming indifferently smiled, took a waist Spirit Beast Bag, flying out of a silver light, it is mine rhinoceros insects.

"Hey, what is this Spirit Insect? Golden Rhinoceros beetle? like ah! Silverwing rhinoceros? not like ah! What is Spirit Insect?"

Hanlin Sheng's eyes fixed on mine rhinoceros worm, his face curious.

Han Changming shook his head and said: "I do not know, this Spirit Insect resembles horned rhinoceros, I got a rhino named Ray worm, Fellow Daoist Han do not know?"

he has been trying to figure out the origin of insects rhinoceros mine, in order to better cultivate Ray rhinoceros insects, he describes the Spirit insect check a lot of books, we have not found mine rhinoceros insect origin.

"I can fly on hand to make it look carefully at the old man?"

Hanlin Sheng extended right hand, his face looking forward.

Han Changming thoughts move, moved towards Hanlin Sheng Lei rhinoceros insects flew and landed on his hands.

Hanlin Sheng fiery eyes, carefully looked at mine rhinoceros insects, as if looking at a rare treasure same.

Seeing this, Han Wenbin, and Korean clear some did not know whether to cry or laugh , Hanlin Sheng is a family of insects in the crazy names.

"I did not guess wrong, you this Spirit Insect should be the new breed Spirit Insect, and they know it's divine ability, can analyze its parental origin."

Han Lin wins stroking your beard, in their analysis.

Spirit Beast spirit whether poultry, or Spirit Insect, their cultivation processes are traceable throwback, Judgment Spirit Beast Spirit Insect origin, and are generally based on appearance divine ability, divine ability similar, it shows that the two are bloodline relationship.

Ray rhinoceros insect flew to high altitude, surface suddenly emerged numerous silver lightning arc, it emitted a fist-thick silver lightning, split in the ground, the ground burst, the emergence of a large about one zhang giant pit, pit steaming.

Hanlin Sheng thinking like face, one hand under his chin and said: "? Thunder Attribute divine ability, Thunder Element Spirit Insect actually rare that there are other divine ability it"

"no, I checked books, thunder Attribute Spirit insect on that dozen, no Spirit insect beetle class."

Han Changming is puzzling, from the mine rhinoceros worm appearance point of view, it is certainly one of the parents is Spirit Insect beetle class.

"In other words, it may be a new species parent, you are mine rhinoceros insect origin only hard to find out, the descendants of mixed blood of the Spirit Insect, bloodline is more complicated and difficult to train high potential hard to say, waste may grow, there may be more Great Divine Ability. "

Hanlin Sheng analyzed, the descendants of mixed blood Spirit Insect either mediocre or more Great Divine Ability, which can be considered accepted thing.

Han Changming micro nodded with a smile, he put away the insects rhinoceros mine, and asked: "Fellow Daoist Han, you just said that there are more powerful than the colorful cricket Spirit Insect, might show it to us look . "

" old man has been out, and it is in your side, you look for it! "

Hanlin Sheng face the color of pride, said some of the mysterious.

After listening to this, Han Changming six people moved towards all around and looked, but there are a lot Spirit Insect, Hanlin Sheng say they do not know what Spirit Insect.

Han Changming back to the others, her eyes light up while golden light, golden eyes is the real pupil.

He saw a lizard on the stone wall of a pale-gold, long neck all around a half of the film-like, the longer the tail, the body surface there are some red spots, watching the breath, which is a third rank low grade Spirit Insect.

Han Changming 's eyes returned to normal, said with a smile: "May gold lizard, actually this is the Spirit Insect, Fellow Daoist Han big ability, actually keeping this Spirit Insect."

months gold lizard, Heaven and Earth Strange Insects name List 19th place, good at hiding, have see through Illusion Technique of divine ability.

reared a gold lizard month, equivalent to have a pair of spiritual pupil, with Han Changming pupil of golden eyes really have the same purpose, but gold lizard month of divine ability with their other bands have great relation.

This Fu Han, who have moved towards the desired direction Han Changming looked and did not see any Spirit Insect.

Hanlin Sheng color face proudly, beckoned with one hand, lit a golden light on the stone wall, gold lizard a month now out.

"golden month lizard, this is Heaven and Earth Strange Insects Name List 19th place of strange insect, said that Spirit Insect disappeared, did not expect there."

HAN Fu surprised, envy face.

" hehe, into a small family to offer some of the Spirit Insect eggs, life was very weak, with gold Sang Han Family Yuye we soaked for a month, the hatch this one."

Hanlin Sheng laughed, beaming with pride.

Heaven and Earth Strange Insects Name List ranked nineteenth of strange insect, Jinjiao entire island except Hanlin Sheng Han Family reared a gold lizard month.

Han Changming indifferently smiled, virtual yuan insect ranking than gold lizard month ranked higher, divine ability greater.

"Wenbin Wen Ching month have not found gold lizard, Fellow Daoist Han actually be able to find its place, evidently, Fellow Daoist Han of Divine Consciousness more powerful than the Core Formation late cultivator, Heaven and Earth Strange Insects Name List seventeenth Golden Cicada thousands of projects to enhance the Divine Consciousness cultivator, Fellow Daoist Han does raise a thousand projects Golden Cicada? let the old man can enlighten me? "

Han Lin wins meaningful said, eyes glued to the Han Changming waist Spirit Beast Bag, gold lizard does best month to see through Illusion Technique, not hidden, Divine Consciousness powerful cultivator can find its hiding place, and Korean Han Wenbin Ching May have found no gold lizard, found Han Changming of Divine Consciousness more powerful than the Core Formation late cultivator.

Han Wenbin, and Korean Partly this response came, their concerns are Spirit Insect who really forget this crop.

" Fellow Daoist Han joking, and the next bit of Divine Consciousness slightly stronger than the same order cultivator it, I'd want to be able to raise a Qian-mu Golden Cicada."

Han Changming laugh the explained, a film spirit Beast Bag, only five two phoenix Ling butterfly flying, spinning around him uncertain.

"five phoenix Ling butterfly! This Spirit Insect can not have more than Great Divine Ability, sentry is the most appropriate for a five Fung Ling better at hiding than gold butterfly lizard months."

Hanlin Sheng objective review, and he was tone of a turn, said:. "rare Fellow Daoist Han also Spirit Insect interested in, go to the residence old man's drink a few cups of tea"

he He turned away, back to the drill colorful cricket ground, Han Changming put away the Spirit Insect, followed along. After

through several small courtyard, they came to a humble azure bamboo house, near the bamboo house can see a lot of Spirit Insect.

scorpion, centipede, millipede, such as dozens Spirit Insect, but other bands are not high, are the Second Rank.

Han Changming recognized them these Spirit Insect origins, there are many Spirit Insect List is above Heaven and Earth Strange Insects Name Spirit Insect , but after two hundred rankings are ranked relatively low but Hanlin Sheng actually raise so much Spirit Insect, these Spirit Insect can live in harmony, is quite contrary to Han Changming expectations.

into the bamboo house, Hanlin Sheng red corner shouted: "to the guests, come out to greet the guests."

tone barely fell, moving up ten pieces of bamboo, look closely, this is a whole body of azure Spirit insect, how much one person, physically resembles bamboo, which is a Second Rank high grade of Azure bamboo worms, its forelimbs holding a tray, tray above is a fine tea.

Hanlin Sheng hand moved towards Chaguan arrested, and tried to get tea tea.

"Tea such a thing, I came on the line."

Han Wenbin grabbed tea, Hanlin Sheng hands still stained with mud, but he did not mind, guests can Han Changming, Han Wenbin not neglect.

Soon, Han Wenbin to brew good spirit tea, their tea while chatting.

said to be chatting, mainly Han Changming in conversation with Hanlin Sheng, Han Wenbin four fundamental edgeways, this Han Fu'd be able to say a few words.

Han Changming cultivation for the Spirit Insect with Hanlin Sheng, from hatching Spirit Insect, growth environment to advanced are involved, a wide range.

" Fellow Daoist Han, I do have some of the Spirit Insect eggs stored for a long time, has been unable to hatch, to hear you say Kim Sang Yu Ye can hatch spirit transformation insect egg, could sell me some? Price good discussion. "

Han Changming said sincerely, this is his main goal.

"Kim Sang Yu Ye! old man had had a bottle, confidant hard to find, say selling to see outside, and send you! old man to five phoenix butterfly spirit of some interest, you can send a few gold insect egg to the old man? "

Hanlin Sheng out a light azure of the bottle gourd, handed Han Changming.

Han Changming smile promised down, he can not lose the deal, he took out a azure wooden box, and handed Hanlin Sheng.

wooden box filled with more than a dozen five phoenix Ling butterfly insect egg, Hanlin Sheng satisfactory nodded.

unconsciously , on the dark sky down.

"the sky is not late, Fellow Daoist Han, let's send you back and rest!"

Han Wenbin stood up, took Han Changming intend to return to the residence.

Han Changming nodded, to Hanlin Sheng a cup one fist in the other hand, said: "Fellow Daoist Han, next time we talk."

"it's a deal, you follow avian old man's spirit out of it! "

Hanlin Sheng did not retain, let multicolored parrot with Han Changming, who left.

Valley out of a thousand insects, Korean Ching said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Han, did not expect you not only Pill Refinement Master, also proficient in the art of insect-controlling, we have not seen for a long time Fifth Uncle so happy. "

Hanlin Sheng is withdrawn and not several cognate able to talk to him a go.

"next to mention proficient, you Fifth Uncle insect-controlling proficient in the art of the next benefited."

Han Changming sincere tone, he is telling the truth, with Hanlin Sheng some conversation, he really benefited, for keeping the Spirit Insect learned more about some of the problems solved problems for a long time.

returned it, Han Changming Hanlin Sheng immediately taken out to the azure bottle gourd and a cup, pouring some of the pale-gold liquid from inside azure bottle gourd, emitting a burst special aroma, resembles flowers.

He will be charged with these Kinsale Yuye Supreme Unity Spirit Transformation Gourd, let the Supreme Unity Spirit Transformation Gourd purified, and then used to hatch the egg animal spirit transformation.

Before long, this Han Yong, who is also back, they went along with Han Family cultivator Han Family Spirit Beast's garden, an insight into the many strange birds and animals.

"Dad, they breed called blood crown eagle spirit birds, flying very fast, very suitable for travel."

Korea today he has experienced this brave explained in detail again, look excited.

and so there

      (Chapter End)

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