
  Chapter 544 Birthday (please subscribe for monthly pass)    Not long after Han Benyong went to the sea, he followed Han Changming When I went to Jinjiao Island to celebrate my birthday, I saw a lot of novelties and opened my eyes.

"When we leave, we can buy a batch of blood-crowned eagles for transportation."

Ye Xin suggested.

Han Changming nodded, exhorted a few words and told them to go back to rest.

For the next three days, Han Wenbin did not come back, Han Changming and others stayed in Qingbai Pavilion to rest.

Early this morning, the sky was just bright.

There was a deafening Dragon's roar on Jinjiao Island. Han Changming stood by the window and could see a lot of light, moving towards a certain direction, and the speed was very fast.

"Today is the birthday of Han Family patriarch, let's go out! Maybe Fellow Daoist Han is here too."

Han Changming turned and walked out. They just walked out of Qingbai Pavilion. A dozen giant eagles with a scarlet crown on their heads fell from the sky and landed in front of them. Han Wenbin and a dozen cultivators were sitting on the backs of the giant eagles.

The feathers of the giant eagle are azure, with short claws and a long slender neck.

Han Wenbin jumped from the back of the blood crown eagle, said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Han, today is the patriarch birthday, I will take you to the birthday, this is what I told you The blood-crowned eagle."

"Then trouble Fellow Daoist Han."

Han Changming slightly nodded with a smile, causing clansman to jump on the blood-crowned eagle's back.


Han Wenbin shouted in a low voice, dozens of blood-crowned eagles spread their wings and flew high, moved towards high altitude, very fast.

Han Changming has seen a lot of Spirit Beasts. He has not seen many of them. It is probably a new breed cultivated by the Han Family.

A quarter of an hour later, they appeared in a bluestone square with a size of one hundred acres. There were a large number of jade tables and futons on the square. Guests had arrived. Up ahead, there was a pale-gold. The jade table is gleaming.

More than a dozen blood-crowned eagles hovered and landed on the bluestone square.

Han Changming and others jumped off the back of the blood crown eagle and walked towards jade table.

"Fellow Daoist Han, this is your seat. There are too many guests here to celebrate birthdays. There are places where greetings are not good. Please bear with them."

Han Changming and others, he went to pick up other guests.

Han Changming’s location is five feet away from the main seat. The four Core Formation cultivators have their own jade table. As for the Foundation Establishment cultivator, there is a table for two, with one on the table. Die Ling plough and a pot of spirit tea.

Lin Yunxiao and Fan Tingting are sitting opposite Han Changming, their positions are further forward, next to the main seat, and the status of the guests can be seen from the distance.

"Fellow Daoist Lin, you have come so early!"

Han Changming smiled and said hello.

Lin Yunxiao nodded with a smile, chatting with Han Changming.

Guests arrived one after another, the stronger the position, the higher the position, Han Changming saw Liang Youshan and Liang Youhai.

"Hey, Fellow Daoist Han, you guys also come to wish Fellow Daoist Han a birthday."

Liang Youhai was a little surprised when he saw Han Changming and others.

Han Family patriarch has a big birthday. Impossible forces are invited. The forces that can receive the invitation have a good relationship with the Jinjiao Island Han Family. Liang Youhai did not expect to see Han Changming here.

"Fellow Daoist Liang, do you know Fellow Daoist Han?"

Han Wenbin was taken aback for a while, he didn't expect them to know each other.

"I know, Fellow Daoist Liang rescued this Han's daughter-in-law and grandson, speaking of which, Fellow Daoist Liang is the benefactor of this Han."

Han Changming explained with a smile .

"Fellow Daoist Han, haven't your Fifth Uncle come?"

Liang Youshan asked casually.

"No, Fifth Uncle has something to do. This Han brought his wife and children to celebrate birthday."

Han Changming answered honestly.

Liang Youhai and Liang Youshan were nodded. They sat down next to Han Changming and started chatting.

"Today is so lively! Fellow Daoist Lin of Chamber of Commerce and Fellow Daoist Liang of Liulidao are here too."

A gentle man's voice suddenly sounded, tone barely fell, a young man in a golden shirt with sharp eyebrows flew from a distance, and a few flashes fell in front of Lin Yunxiao. The young man in a golden shirt was tall and wore a golden robe.

"Dang Hai Daoist, the eldest disciple of the San Jue Daoist."

Ye Xin had a somewhat surprised look in his eyes, and the San Jue Daoist sent the eldest disciple to Han Family patriarch to celebrate his birthday and give enough. For the sake of Han Family's face, it seems that Sanjue Daoist has a very good relationship with Jinjiao Island Han Family.

Danghai daoist surnamed Zhang is named Yunxuan, and he studied under the daoist of Sanjue.

Zhang Yunxuan rushed to Lin Yunxiao and others to cup one fist in the other hand, said in a tranquil voice: "Zhang has seen Fellow Daoists."

His position is in Lin Yunxiao On the opposite side, next to the main seat, it can be seen that the Han Family attaches great importance to Zhang Yunxuan.

Numerous cultivators started chatting, but Zhang Yunxuan rarely talked to each other. He only answered a question when someone asked him, and he seemed taciturn.

Han Changming chatted with other Core Formation cultivators, Han Benyong and others chatted with other Foundation Establishment cultivators.

After time it takes to drink a cup of tea, a loud Dragon's roar sounded, and all the cultivators were shocked and moved towards the sky.

An azure light appeared in the sky in the distance, and it flew towards here quickly moved towards it.

It didn't take long for azure light to appear in the sky above Qingshi Square. It was a 30 zhang or so Blue Flood Dragon. Han Guanglin and Han Wenlong stood on top of the Blue Flood Dragon.

"third rank Flood Dragon!"

Han Changming narrowed his eyes. With his current strength, the average third rank demonic beast is not his opponent, and the Flood Dragon is not ordinary For the demonic beast, it is very popular to have a third rank Flood Dragon to do Spirit Beast.

He ran into a third-rank high-grade Flood Dragon on the fly immortal island, and he could only escape, and he didn't dare to entangle with him at all.

The Blue Flood Dragon fell on the ground, and the ground shook slightly.

Numerous cultivators stood up one after another and looked at Han Guanglin.

Han Guanglin and Han Wenlong walked to the main seat, and Han Guanglin rushed to the numerous cultivators a cup one fist in the other hand, and said enthusiastically: "Welcome Fellow Daoists to come all the way to celebrate the birthday of the old man, we Han The Family didn’t have much to entertain, so I prepared some drinks and invited Fellow Daoists to enjoy it."

Tone barely fell, a team of female cultivators in uniform azure clothes came out carrying a tray, On the tray is good wine and delicacies.

The meal of the Core Formation cultivator is better, eight dishes and one soup, not much portion, and a pot of spirit wine, the Foundation Establishment cultivator's meal is a bit worse, five dishes, one soup and one pot of spirit wine.

Zhang Yunxuan stood up, holding a glass of wine and said: "I am hereby ordered to come to Fellow Daoist Han to congratulate Fellow Daoist Han, this glass of wine to respect Fellow Daoist Han."

Han Changming and others The guests stood up one after another, picked up their wine glasses, and said in unison: "Fellow Daoist Han (Senior Han)."

Han Guanglin stood up, picked up the wine glasses, said with a smile: "Many thanks. , Fellow Daoists are interested, and the old man will do it first."

He drank the spirit wine in the glass and sat down. Zhang Yunxuan waited for the guests to drank the drinks, and then sat down.

Zhang Yunxuan took out a dainty and delicate blue shield. The rune flashed on the surface of the blue shield. The Spiritual Qi was compelling. It was obviously a middle grade magic weapon.

"This water shield is a congratulatory gift from here. I wish Fellow Daoist Han to climb the peak again and the cultivation base to go further."

Zhang Yunxuan said loudly.

Han Guanglin smiled nodded and said: "Fellow Daoist Zhang is interested, Wen Bin, accept the gift of Fellow Daoist Zhang."

"Our Tianbao Chamber of Commerce gives upper three ranks. One high grade monster core and two agate jade."

"Our Liang Family sent two 700-year-old Jinlin grasses and two third rank middle grade monster cores."

······    Numerous cultivators sent congratulatory gifts one after another, Han Wenbin was responsible for accepting them, all of which were worth more than hundreds of thousands of Spirit Stones.

Soon, I arrived at Han Changming.

Han Benfu stood up, took out two exquisite wine jars, an azure wooden box and a blue wooden box, said with a smile: "My father prepared a jar of third-rank spirit wine and mellow wine. , Three middle grade Ziyang Dan and five high grade Foundation Establishment Pill, I wish Fellow Daoist Han a step further."

Seeing so many Great Influences coming to celebrate Han Guanglin’s birthday, Han Changming exchanged a batch of gifts .

The third rank spirit wine is nothing more than three middle grade medicine pill and five high-grade pill medicines, which really exceeded the expectations of the cultivator present.

Han Guanglin didn’t expect Han Changming’s gift to be so expensive. He was taken aback for a while. He quickly reacted and said with a smile, “Fellow Daoist Han is interested. In a few days, so that we Han Family can do our best as a landlord."

"Okay, then we will bother you."

Han Changming slightly smiled and agreed.

Looking at the shocked expressions on the faces of other cultivators, Han Changming's goal was achieved.

Zhang Yunxuan had a surprised look in his eyes, and he took a few more glances at Han Changming. Lin Yunxiao, Fan Tingting, Liang Youhai and Liang Youshan couldn't help but moved towards Han Changming.

Other guests offered gifts one after another, but they were far from Han Changming's gifts.

After presenting the gift, numerous cultivators pushed their cups and changed their cups, talking and laughing.

"Fellow Daoist Han, I heard that your Han Family's Dao Fa is profound. We brought some clansman over. Why don't we let them learn from each other and make friends with martial arts?"

Liang Youshan smiled sweetly , Suggested.

Each Great Influence holds birthdays or celebrations, and sometimes juniors will learn from each other and come up with something as a reward.

"Yes! It's better than Fellow Daoist Han to take out some animal breeding pills as rewards. This Han is willing to take out some Second Rank high-grade pill medicines to reward younger generations."

Han Changming agreed. He doesn't care about winning or losing, just letting others know that he can get high-grade pill. That's enough.

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