
  Chapter 545 Surprised the audience (subscribe for a monthly pass)    "Fellow Daoist Han can get With so many high-grade pill medicines, it seems that Fellow Daoist Han's alchemy level is not low! No wonder Lingxiao daoist will point you to pill concocting."

Lin Yunxiao praised with a smile.

Han Wenqing turned beautiful eyes, said with a smile: "patriarch, Fellow Daoist Liang's proposal is good, but only the juniors are not interesting to learn from each other. Why not, junior martial arts, let's Core Formation cultivator Wendou."

"Fighting! Wendou! This is Interesting, how to fight?"

Liang Youhai showed an expression of interest on his face.

Han Wenqing looked at Han Guanglin, and Han Guanglin was nodded, expressing acquiescence.

"Martial arts is a comparison of junior fighting techniques, and Wendou is a pill concocting competition. Fellow Daoist Lin, Fellow Daoist Han, Fellow Daoist Sun, Fellow Daoist Yang and the younger sister are all Pill Refinement Masters, and we make each of them. A batch of third-rank medicine pill that she is good at is based on the grade and quantity of medicine pill."

Han Wenqing explained that she mainly wanted to test Han Changming's alchemy level, but also compared with others. Pill Refinement Master communicate to see the gap between yourself and others.

"We Han Family took out something to reward the top ten in martial arts, and the top three in Wendou. The result is not important, it is just to learn from each other."

Han Guanglin's tone Hot, he doesn't care about the competitions of juniors, he cares about the competitions of Core Formation cultivator.

"Fellow Daoist Han is a good suggestion. I have heard about the name of your Han Family Beast Breeding Pill for a long time. I don't know what rewards the first name can get?"

A red light across the whole face , The obese red robed old man squinted his eyes and asked.

Sun Yangming, in the late Core Formation, was born in the Cultivation Family. The Sun Family and the Han Family are family friends, but the overall strength of the Sun Family is not as good as the Han Family. It is a subsidiary force of the Han Family.

"The first name rewards five beast-cultivating pills plus a bottle of golden sangyu liquid. Fellow Daoists can let go of their hands and feet and show off their skills."

Han Guanglin said enthusiastically.

"Okay, then it's settled."

Sun Yangming agreed, for fear that Han Guanglin would regret it.

Han Guanglin sent someone to build the arena. In less than a quarter of an hour, the 20 arenas were set up, and the fighting and fighting took place at the same time.

Han Changming sent three clansman to join the battle, Han Benyong was also inside.

Five Pill Refinement Masters, including Han Changming, Lin Yunxiao, Han Wenqing, and Sun Yangming, competed with pill concocting. They all used Magical Artifact-level alchemic furnace pill concocting.

The fighting started first, with more than one hundred Foundation Establishment cultivators participating, and Han Guanglin and other Core Formation cultivators' eyes fell on the five Han Changming.

What Han Changming wants to refine is Ziyang Pill. He ran out of spiritual medicine before, but on the trip to immortal island, he got a lot of spiritual medicine and collected five furnaces of materials.

Ziyang Pill is most suitable for Han Benfu to take. Her cultivation is Fire Attribute cultivation technique.

He has refined Ziyang Pill for many times, and in the process, he has joined Lingshui without causing anyone's suspicion. Han Wenqing and Lin Yunxiao's pill concocting have also joined Lingshui.

After time it takes to drink a cup of tea, Han Wenqing’s secret art was collected and the technique hit the alchemic furnace, and the flame went out.

The referee stepped forward to check, there were five light blue pills inside, and each medicine pill had a pill pattern.

After a while, Sun Yangming and the two ended up one after another. Sun Yangming refined 16 light azure pills, none of which had a pill pattern. Another Pill Refinement Master refined ten pale-gold pills. , There is no pill pattern, Lin Yunxiao and Han Changming are still pill concocting.

Han Guanglin and other Core Formation cultivators focused their attention on Han Changming and Lin Yunxiao. From the current situation, Han Wenqing has the highest alchemy level and the medicine efficacy of five middle grade medicine pills. Far stronger than sixteen ordinary medicine pills.

Lin Yunxiao sits on an azure futon, and a light azure two-ear three-legged alchemic furnace is placed in front of him. At the bottom of the pill furnace is a group of azure flame, emitting a faint floral fragrance.

After a while, Lin Yunxiao’s secret art was collected, and the azure flame at the bottom of the pill furnace suddenly collapsed. The referee stepped forward to check and saw that there were three soybean-sized blue pills in the alchemic furnace, each on the surface of the pill. They all have red lines, which are obviously middle grade medicine pill.

Not long after, Han Changming's secret art changed. He plunged a secret art into the alchemic furnace. The flame under the alchemic furnace was instantly extinguished, and a strong medicinal scent wafted out.

As soon as Han Changming secret art was retracted, he got up and stood up, and moved towards the alchemic furnace.

He opened the alchemic furnace and saw seven purple pills with the size of longan core lying inside. Each medicine pill had a pill pattern, which was a middle grade medicine pill.

With seven middle grade medicine pills, Han Changming has a smile on his face. Purified by Supreme Unity Spirit Transformation Gourd into high-grade pills, the medicine efficacy will be stronger.

"Seven middle grade medicine pill! Fellow Daoist Han wins."

The referee loudly said, with a respectful look.

Hearing this, Han Wenqing and many other Core Formation cultivators flew over. When they saw the seven middle grade medicine pills in the alchemic furnace, they looked different, envied and surprised. .

Seven middle grade medicine pill can be refined from one furnace of medicine pill. This alchemy level is already very high.

They witnessed the process of Han Changming pill concocting, Han Changming did not cheat at all, he has real talents.

Han Wenqing's face was solemn, and she said in a tone of admiration: "Fellow Daoist Han, my little girl has been taught. Old Ancestor is right. One mountain is still high. No wonder Lingxiao Daoist will Instruct Fellow Daoist Han pill concocting."

She is the Pill Refinement Master trained by the Han Family. She is only Core Formation Early-Stage and can refine the middle grade medicine pill. This is what she believes Regarding Hao, compared with Han Changming, she still has a certain gap.

Lin Yunxiao was nodded and praised: "Fairy Han is right. Fellow Daoist Han’s alchemy level is indeed higher than ours. If Fellow Daoist Han is free, you might as well go to Sifang Island and say Pill. With regard to the number of Refinement Masters, Sifangdao dare to recognize the second place, and no other forces dare to recognize the first."

At the end, Lin Yunxiao was proud.

Sifang Island is a market city opened by HSBC Chamber of Commerce. It has the most abundant cultivation resources and the largest number of skilled talents.

"If you have time, this Han must go to Sifang Island to see it."

Han Changming slightly smiled and agreed.

Many Core Formation cultivators sent invitations to Han Changming. This is to show good wishes to Han Changming. Han Changming did not refuse or agree, but said that he would come to visit him when he was free.

At the end of the literary fight, Han Changming successfully obtained a bottle of animal breeding pill and some golden sangyu liquid.

At this time, the fighting is almost over.

Han Benyong’s opponent is a tall and thin young man in red clothes. Han Benyong drove an eleven shot of the ice flag and released a dense white Icicle to hit the young man in red clothes.

After Ye Xue entered the Core Formation Stage, he gave Han Benyong the eleven stroke ice flag. Han Benyong has taken nine yuan forging divine liquid. Divine Consciousness is stronger than other Foundation Establishment cultivators and drove eleven strokes. The ice flag is not a problem.

The dense white Icicle smashed in, and the red clothes youth hurriedly waved a scarlet flag in his hand and released a billowing flame to greet him.

Boom!   A huge rumbling sound rang out, and a large cloud of white mist erupted and thick smoke billowed.

The cold wind whistling passed by, eleven waves of zhang or so high white cold wind swept in, and the white mist suddenly dissipated.

With a loud noise, the body of the young man's red clothes shattered, and the whole person flew out like a kite with a broken line.

The red clothes youth hasn't landed yet, a huge light blue brick fell from the sky, and the red clothes youth is about to be smashed out of the flesh.

"Stop it, I surrender."

red clothes The youth quickly surrendered.

As soon as Han Benyong’s secret art was collected, the eleven-shot ice cap turned into eleven white lights, and his sleeves disappeared after flying back.

Han Changming was pleased and nodded, and communicated with Lin Yunxiao and others about pill concocting.

During the conversation, Han Changming praised Lingxiao daoist.

After time it takes to drink a cup of tea, the fighting ended, Han Benyong won the eighth place and got a bottle of Spirit Pill. His strength is still a little bit close. The first place is the child of Liang Family. Get a Second Rank high grade Spirit Beast, two to five are the children of Jinjiao Island Han Family, Han Benyong is already very good at eighth.

Talking about the insect-controlling Beast Controlling Technique, Han Changming showed a keen interest, Han Wenlong is proficient in the insect-controlling Beast Controlling Technique, and the two had a very happy conversation.

"Didn't expect Fellow Daoist Han not only is proficient in Alchemy Technique, but also has a lot of knowledge about insect-controlling Beast Controlling Technique."

Han Wenlong praised.

"Fellow Daoist Han is too modest, but I only know the fur below. Your Fifth Uncle is an expert in this area, why didn't he come?"

Han Changming humbled and asked The whereabouts of Han Linsheng.

Han Guanglin's birthday, won't Han Linsheng come to have a drink?

Han Wenlong chuckled and explained: "Fifth Uncle rarely participates in birthdays and celebrations. He has a lot of people who have never left Thousand Insect Valley. He is only interested in Spirit Insect, and there are very few things. It can arouse his interest."

The nickname of "Insect Insect" is not a mess. Han Linsheng's obsession with Spirit Insect has reached the bottom of his madness. Yi Jiazi has not left Thousand Insect Valley and has been raising in his residence. Cultivate Spirit Insect.

Han Changming nodded, looking at Lin Yunxiao, said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Lin, have you ever been to the Zhongtian continent? What strange insects does the Zhongtian continent have?"


He was full of curiosity about the Zhongtian continent, but unfortunately, only people from the HSBC Chamber of Commerce can go to the Zhongtian continent. The HSBC Chamber of Commerce monopolizes this business route.

Lin Yunxiao shook the head and said: "We have never been to Zhongtian continent, but we know that there is a thousand insect daoist in Zhongtian continent, this person is proficient in the technique of insect-controlling, and the cultivator of the same level is rare. "

Han Changming was a little disappointed in his heart, nodded, and did not continue to question.

After more than an hour, the birthday ends, and the guests leave one after another and return to their residences to rest.

Back to Qingbai Pavilion, Han Changming loaded the golden sangyu liquid obtained into Supreme Unity Spirit Transformation Gourd.

"Husband, the results of today's literary fight should come soon. There will definitely be a lot of cultivators and forces who will find your pill concocting in the future. It will be more convenient for us to collect materials."

Ye Xue said with a beautiful smile, a medicine pill produced seven middle grade medicine pills. If this news spreads, there must be many cultivators who want to get acquainted with Han Changming.

"trees seem beautiful in a forest, but are easily toppled by the wind. Too famous is not a good thing. We must guard against being used as a tool."


Ye Xin reminded that people are afraid of being famous and afraid of being strong. For Zhengdao League and Lingxiao daoist, the higher the alchemy level of Han Changming, the better, but for the hostile forces of Zhengdao League and Lingxiao daoist , The higher Han Changming's alchemy level, the greater the threat.

Han Changming nodded, said: "Xin'er is right, we must be careful when we travel in the future, easy to dodge the spear in the open, hard to avoid a stab in the dark, be careful not to make a big mistake "

There are not many enemies of Han Family, Ten Thousand Magics Sect, Harmonious Bond Sect, Lin Xuan, Ten Thousand Magics Sect are the most threatening, but as long as they don’t say it, Ten Thousand Magics Sect impossible knows them. After hundreds of years, the clues have long been broken. The threat of Harmonious Bond Sect is greater. The Harmonious Bond Sect cultivator cultivation that Han Debiao and Han Zhangxiang killed is "Extreme Earth True Yang Art", Han Changming It is not easy to use the unique divine ability of "Extreme Earth True Yang Art" in front of outsiders, otherwise it is easy to be noticed by Harmonious Bond Sect. This is why he vigorously cultivated Spirit Insect, using Spirit Insect to cover up his true divine ability.

Lin Xuan is the least threatening, but the sea is so big and Han Family does not have many manpower. It is not easy to find Lin Xuan.

······   Jin Jiaoge, Han Guanglin, Han Wenlong, Han Wenqing, Han Wenbin and Han Wenyue are talking about what.

"This Han Changming's alchemy level is still above the nine sisters. It seems that we underestimated him before. Under the reputation, there are no illusions, so Ling Xiao daoist can guide the pill concocting. Han Changming really is There is true ability, the previous Soul Pill must be refined by him, Third Brother, you have done a good job."

Han Wenlong said solemnly.

Han Wenbin smiled indifferently, and said: "We didn't expect that this Han Changming's alchemy level is so high, he also surnamed Han, maybe he was the same with us 800 years ago,"

"There are more cultivators of surnamed Han. It may not be our own family. What I worry about is that Han Changming is a bait sent by Ten Thousand Magics Sect. Ten Thousand Magics Sect does this kind of thing. Wen Bin, you Send someone to find out the details of Han Changming, remember, don't disturb him, do it quietly."

Han Guanglin was instructed with a stern tone.

"Yes, patriarch, I will entrust this matter to the forces we control to investigate. Even if he notices it, I don’t know that we sent someone to investigate."

Korean Bin said confidently that Jinjiao Island’s Han Family controlled multiple small forces and was mainly responsible for inquiring about intelligence and dealing with some inconvenient matters for the Han Family. Even the Chief-In-Charge of these forces did not know that they were there. For whom to do things, as long as Spirit Stone gives enough, these forces don't care who they do things for.

"In addition, strengthen the cooperation with the Han Family, and regularly sell them some animal breeding pills. Our two families need to interact more and deepen the friendship. With Han Changming's alchemy level, this person will sooner or later become famous overseas. Good this person, I may use it in the future."

Han Guanglin added.

Han Wenlong nodded, said with a smile: "Han Changming and Han Benfu are very interested in the insect-controlling Beast Controlling Technique, we might as well stay with them for a while to deepen friendship."

In a literary fight, Han Guanglin and others paid special attention to Han Changming.

"He can actually refine so many middle grade medicine pills, I have to ask him for advice."

Han Wenqing modestly said.

······In   a secluded courtyard, Liang Youhai and Liang Youshan sit in the stone pavilion, drinking tea and chatting.

"It's not as good as a meeting. Let's underestimate Han Changming. This person is really talented. With his alchemy level, taking refuge in any force will not be rejected."

Liang Youhai sighed. He was telling the truth. Liang Family inheritance has been for thousands of years. There are only three third-rank Pill Refinement Masters in the family. Only one Pill Refinement Master can refine the middle grade used by the Core Formation cultivator. Medicine pill, Liang Family invested a lot of resources in Pill Dao to cultivate Pill Refinement Master, but the effect was not great.

Liang Youshan solemnly nodded, said: "It’s no wonder that Fifth Uncle took the body refinement path. It is estimated that Han Changming did not help refine the Body Refinement Pill medicine. If Han Changming can enter the Nascent Soul Stage, he said It may be the next Lingxiao daoist."

There are not many third-rank Pill Refinement Masters that can refine middle grade medicine pill in the sea. There are not many Pill Refinement Masters that can refine seven middle grade medicine pills in one furnace. It is very rare, which shows how great the potential of Han Changming is.

"Yes! We have to change our strategy. Now Han Family is still very weak. We help a few, and we may get a huge return in the future. Provide timely help is better than the icing on the cake."

Liang Youhai has made up his mind. After the Hui people, he will try his best to persuade the family to have more contact with Purple Moon Island Han Family, which can help Han Family a little bit, which is regarded as an investment.

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