
  Chapter 556 News (please subscribe for monthly pass)   They just flew out of a hundred miles, Han Debiao brows Tightly knit, stopped.

A black spot appeared in the sky in the distance, and it was very fast. Behind the black spot, there was a white light and a blue light.

Han Debiao's Divine Consciousness clearly sensed that a third rank demon bird moved towards them and flew over, and two Core Formation cultivators follow closely from behind.

This situation is not uncommon, and Han Debiao didn't take it seriously, and took clansman back to the side.

It didn’t take long for Han Debiao to see the true appearance of the black spots. It was an azure giant eagle with wings spread out to three feet. The left wing of the azure giant eagle was a little unnatural, but the right paw was not. Wing and fly, the whole body drenched with blood.

An air-splitting sound came up, and two blue lights lased. The azure giant eagle struggling to flap its wings, avoiding the two blue lights, and the two blue lights were submerged in the sea.

Boom! With   two loud noises, the sea surface burst open, splashing several hundred zhang high waves.

The azure giant eagle flicked its wings and moved towards high altitude.

The emptiness above it fluctuated together, and a translucent white hand appeared out of thin air. It grabbed the left wing of the azure giant eagle like a lightning bolt. The azure giant eagle struggled and struggled to no avail.

"Too virtual to capture the spirit hand! Great Void Sect!"

Han Debiao lightly exclaimed, he recognized that this is the unique divine ability of the red algae Sea Territory Great Void Sect .

A white rainbow lasing came and swept across the head of the azure giant eagle. The head of the azure giant eagle rolled down, and the headless corpse quickly moved towards the sea below.

A blue light flew from here, and it was a blue rope that entangled the corpse of the azure giant eagle.

Two escape lights also arrived in front of Han Debiao. They were two men.

"Fellow Daoist Lu, Fellow Daoist Chen, it's you!"

Han Debiao smiled and said hello. The two men were Lu Haibin and Chen Li.

They are Core Formation cultivators that have been famous for many years, and both have a cultivation base for the late Core Formation. Han Debiao is a rising star, Core Formation Early-Stage.

"Fellow Daoist Han, what a coincidence!"

Lu Haibin smiled slightly, with a sincere tone.

The Great Void Sect and the Lu family also plan to develop in the open sea. The two forces have joined forces to develop in the open sea. They have leased islands and moved sect members and disciple.

They have also been to the offshore development before, but they did their own things and suffered heavy losses. They had to return to the inland sea to recuperate. This time, Great Void Sect and the Lu family joined forces to develop in the offshore seas. It's been six years.

Han Family has developed very well in the open sea, especially Han Changming, the famous Lingxiao daoist of Zhengdao League instructed Han Changming pill concocting, apart from this, Han Changming also went to participate in the Han Family patriarch of Jinjiao Island On birthday, Han Family is no longer what it used to be.

Chen Li cup one fist in the other hand, said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Han, long time no see, how are you patriarch?"

"patriarch It's good. Fellow Daoist Chen is worried. We still have important things to do. See you another day and say goodbye."

Han Debiao said politely and left with clansman.

"Han Family is amazing, Han Debiao is also Core Formation."

Looking at the back of Han Debiao and others, Lu Haibin exclaimed.

As far as they know, Han Family has more Core Formation cultivators than Great Void Sect or Lu Family. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Han Family has a great opportunity and gets a lot of cultivation resources. Otherwise, Han Family impossible has so many Core Formation cultivators.

"Han Family is lucky. The two of us have joined forces and our strength is far better than Han Family. Over time, we will definitely develop better than Han Family."

Chen Li is full of confidence. Said that he has obtained two Core Formation spiritual objects, which should be able to train a Core Formation cultivator.

They put away the corpse of azure giant eagle and returned along the way.

······    Purple Moon Island, Chamber, what Han Daojing is talking to Han Changyan, Han Changyan is currently the Foundation Establishment Middle Stage, he is mainly responsible for inquiring about news, limited by manpower , Han Changyan's intelligence capabilities are limited, and he only operates in Haoran City. He regularly reports to Han Daojing.

"Uncle Daojing, Daoist Zifeng surrendered a third-rank high grade Scarlet-Fire Flood Dragon. I heard that it was surrendered on the immortal island."

Han Changyan said truthfully. , Fei immortal island has been taken over by the Tiansha daoist of Penglai Island, and Harmonious Bond Sect has also obtained a large amount of cultivation resources and territory.

Zifeng Taoist is a Nascent Soul Cultivator, but he was not well-known before. In recent years, he took that third-rank high-grade Scarlet-Fire Flood Dragon to swagger through the market, and his reputation spread. Up.

Owning a third-rank high grade Scarlet-Fire Flood Dragon to do Spirit Beast is a face-to-face thing. The third rank high grade Scarlet-Fire Flood Dragon is the fourth rank Flood Dragon, Flood Dragon. Among the many demonic beasts, it is also among the top races. At the beginning, a third-rank high-grade poisonous worm killed many Core Formation cultivators.

The Qi Family where Qi Dazhi was in suffered heavy losses and had to evacuate from the open sea, leaving behind a large number of mortals without spirit roots.

"Taoist Zifeng? Do you have more news about him?"

Nodded, looked thoughtful, asked Han Daojing.

He knew that the Han Debiao trio had been to fly immortal island to hunt for treasure, and wanted to know more about the Taoist Zifeng.

Han Changyan thought for a while and added: "The Taoist Zifeng and Fairy Maiden Yue have been closer recently. Fairy Maiden Yue is a high-level member of the Righteous League."

Han Fairy Maiden Yue became famous earlier than Lingxiao daoist, but his fame is not as great as Lingxiao daoist.

Han Daojing was nodded, he was about to say something, a faint sound of footsteps came from outside, he moved towards Looking outside, Han Debiao walked in.

"Debiao is back, look at your expression, the rewards are not small!"

Han Daojing asked with a smile, Han Debiao must have no problem with his career.

"Hunted a group of tortoises and turtles. By the way, we ran into Chen Li from Great Void Sect and Lu Haibin from the Lu family on the way back. We didn't expect them to come to the sea too."

Han Debiao slowly said, after returning from Penglai market city, Han Debiao mostly cultivated in Purple Moon Island and did not pay much attention to other Core Formation cultivators.

"I already know that they rented Golden Wind Island, which is more than 10 million miles away from Purple Moon Island. It is hard to come across."

Han Daojing disagrees. , Golden Wind Island is much larger than Purple Moon Island, and the grade of spirit vein is also very high, but the two islands are far apart, so there is no conflict.

With the help of Han Changming's superb alchemy level, the Han Family has been able to make friends with many forces, such as Liulidao Liang Family, Baifengdao Zhoujia, Baishamen, etc. The development prospects of Han Family are very good.

"Calculate the time, Changming and the others should have returned to Bottle Gourd Island too!" Han Debiao suddenly remembered something and asked.

Han Daojing nodded and said: "It should be back, but the journey is long and it’s not convenient to pass the message."

"Uncle Daojing, I plan to stay in seclusion for a period of time. If nothing happens, don’t Excuse me."

Han Debiao said solemnly, body cultivator is much more difficult to advance than ordinary cultivator. He plans to secluded cultivation for a period of time. Now he is only Core Formation Early-Stage, but his strength is no better than Core Formation mid-stage. Weak, but the fly in the ointment is that he does not have Life-Source Magical Treasure.

He now has two high grade magic weapons, the Huoyun Flying Boots and Chilin Knuckles. Chilin Knuckles is a magic tool for augmentation. Han Debiao wants a heavy magic tool as a Life-Source Magical Treasure. , A high probability will be refined by patriarch Han Zhangxiang.

"Don't worry about retreating! The old man and Benfu can handle things well."

Han Daojing promised, Han Zhangxiang, Han Changming, Han Debiao, and Ye Xin were the earliest Cores. Formation, they took care of the family in the early stage, now Han Daojing and Han Benfu Core Formation, they can cultivation at ease and raise high realm.

Back to the residence, Han Debiao released a strong golden-backed ape, instructed: "I want to secluded cultivation, you just stay in the Monkey Valley, don't run around, you know?"

Following the example of Han Changming's Hundred Insect Valley, he built a Monkey Valley near his residence and planted a large number of Spirit Fruit Trees, which are considered as the den of the Great Golden Back Ape. Otherwise, it would be bad for him to stay in the Spirit Beast Bag. The Dali Golden-backed Ape usually stays in the Monkey Valley. Only when Han Debiao is out will he stay in the Spirit Beast Bag.

The furry fists of the vigorous golden-backed ape slapped its chest, nodded, it made a cheerful cry and went out.

Han Debiao sit cross-legged, take out an azure bottle gourd, peel off the cork, a cold baleful aura rushes out, the indoor temperature drops sharply.

With a pinch of his secret art, countless black runes emerged on the surface of his body. Baleful aura seemed to be guided by some kind of guidance, moving towards Han Debiao one after another, quickly.

Han Debiao closed his eyes and started cultivation. From time to time, there was a "crackle" skeleton sound in his body. This is a baleful aura tempering his fleshy body.

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