
  Chapter 557 Twenty Years

Time flies, twenty years have passed very quickly.

Purple Moon Island, an earth fire room.

Han Zhangxiang stood aside, a handsome red clothed youth sitting on the futon, in front of him was a four-legged two-eared red cauldron, the red cauldron carved with a lifelike Red python, the bottom of the cauldron is surrounded by a scarlet flame.

The red clothed youth has a fair complexion and thorough eyes. He concentrated attention completely looking at the red cauldron.

Han Zhongxin, he has Foundation Establishment, and is currently Foundation Establishment Early Stage.

During these two decades, Han Zhangxiang spent other time teaching Han Zhongxin in addition to refining and cultivation. Under his training, Han Zhongxin has been able to refine the Second Rank Magical Artifact, the refining device. The level is higher than Han Zhangxiang in the same period, the student surpasses the master.

Han Zhangxiang is still in the middle stage of Core Formation, but the level of refining has improved a lot.

Han Zhongxin pinched his fingers, breaking into the secret art of red cauldron.

The red python pattern on the surface of the red cauldron suddenly brightened, and it kept walking on the surface of the cauldron.

After a while, the cauldron lid shook, as if something was about to fly out.

Han Zhongxin's secret art changed, the red python stopped moving, and the cauldron lid flew up and landed on the ground.

Three dazzling red lights flew out and landed in front of him. There were three sparkling red light darts. Each red dart looked like a red snake, with its tip being a snake tail. The handle of the dart is the head of a snake, and the blade of the dart is curved like a crawling snake.

A set of Magical Artifact Red Snake Dart, this is the first set of Second Rank Magical Artifact refined by Han Zhongxin. When he is in the Qi Refinement Stage, he can refine a set of Magical Artifact, but the Second Rank’s The complete set of Magical Artifact is more difficult to refine.

At Han Zhongxin’s age, Han Zhangxiang could not produce a complete set of Second Rank Magical Artifact.

"patriarch, I succeeded."

Han Zhongxinxin joyfully said, his face was full of joy.

He turned his head and looked at Han Zhangxiang, his eyes full of expectation.

"Yes, didn't expect you to refine Second Rank's complete set of Magical Artifact so soon."

Han Zhangxiang praised his face with approval.

"Thanks to patriarch's teaching, otherwise grandson will not be able to refining so quickly."

Han Zhongxin said modestly, with a sincere tone.

He is telling the truth, Han Zhangxiang is not his own father, he is more close to him than his son, and he carefully teaches Han Zhongxin.

It is precisely because of Han Zhangxiang's careful teaching that Han Zhongxin's progress can be so fast.

Han Zhangxiang nodded, said gratifyingly: "You have to work harder, don't be arrogant and complacent. You have to refining tools, wide-ranging and profound, and you have to learn a lot."

"Grandson remembers the teachings of patriarch."

Han Zhongxin stood up and said respectfully.

"Okay, I have other things to work on, please do it yourself!"

Han Zhangxiang strode out and left the earth fire room, and Han Zhongxin saw him off in person .

As soon as Han Zhangxiang walked out of the earth fire hall, there was a deafening rumbling sound in his ears. When he looked up subconsciously, a huge black thundercloud appeared high in the sky, lightning and thunder, violent wind erupted .

"This is Core Formation Thunder Tribulation!"

Han Zhangxiang said joyfully, Han Changjiong, Han Changying and Han Changwu are all hitting the Core Formation Stage, they are all skill talents , Have made a lot of contributions to the family, just their refined talisman and Puppet Beast can buy a Core Formation spiritual object.

They can accumulate contribution points in the talisman or refining device, and they can use the accumulated contribution points to exchange for the Core Formation spiritual object.

"It seems to be the Core Formation Thunder Tribulation introduced by Changying. I don't know if she can succeed."

Han Zhangxiang talked to himself, eyes full of expectation.

Boom! The    high-altitude thunderclouds rolled violently, emitting deafening rumbling sound, and countless silver lightning arcs emerged, like a river rushing.

After a huge thunder sound, a two-fingered silver lightning pierced the sky and slashed downward.

In a quiet valley, a thick mist suddenly appeared within the valley, and the silver lightning plunged into the valley, like mud like the sea, and no sound was heard.

Soon, after the thundercloud rolled violently, the second silver lightning struck down, followed by the 3rd silver lightning······The    time passed a little bit, the lightning flashed and thunder, one after another silver lightning Cleaved, the dazzling silver lightning enveloped the entire valley.

time it takes to drink a cup of tea After that, the thundercloud collapsed, as if it had never appeared before.

Han Zhangxiang turned into a red light and walked away. Not long after, he fell in a secluded valley.

Han Changying was sitting on top of a pile of ruined walls, her face pale, and her expression in a trance.

Her Core Formation failed, and it was difficult for her to accept it.

Han Zhangxiang saw the expression on Han Changying's face, lightly sighed, and said: "Changying, don't be too discouraged. If you fail this time, you will fail. You still have a chance. Take care of yourself and spend more. Some time to polish the mana, many cultivators hit the Core Formation Stage twice before they succeeded."

"I see, patriarch."

Han Changying sighed, she promised, she did return It is only a matter of time before she has the opportunity to hit the second time, based on her refinement level, to gather two more Core Formation spiritual objects.

Han Zhangxiang comforted a few words and left a bottle of Qi Repairing Pill to heal Han Changying's injuries and left.

He knows very well that Han Changying is really strong, and Core Formation failed. He couldn't accept it for a while, so she needs to give her some time.

As soon as Han Zhangxiang returned to his residence, there was another deafening thunder from high above the sky. He was shocked and moved towards high above the sky.

A huge group of thunderclouds appeared high in the sky, and the thunderclouds rolled violently, and countless silver thunder snakes emerged, wandering non-stop among the thunderclouds.

"There is clansman again to attract Core Formation Thunder Tribulation! It seems to be a long dance."

Han Zhangxiang said in surprise, brows tightly knit.

Within a day, two clansman attracted Core Formation Thunder Tribulation.

Within a hundred years, two of Han Family’s Core Formation failed. The first was Han Daoxuan, and the second was Han Changying. He hoped that Han Changwu would succeed.

Boom!   In a burst of deafening rumbling sound, a silver lightning pierced the sky and slashed downward.

For a while, thunder and lightning flashed on Purple Moon Island, and a secluded mountain was submerged by the glaring silver lightning.

Han Zhangxiang looked at the thunderclouds in the sky and waited quietly.

A ray of light flies from a distance and falls in front of Han Zhangxiang, which is Han Debiao.

Han Debiao's breath is quite strong. For twenty years of retreat, he used the baleful aura to assist in the cultivation and successfully advanced to the middle stage of Core Formation.

As soon as he left the level, he discovered that clansman was crossing the Core Formation Thunder Tribulation.

"Debiao, you are out, Core Formation mid-term, good, good, good."

Han Zhangxiang felt the powerful breath of Han Debiao, and said three times in a row. A good word.

Han Changming's fighting method relies too much on Spirit Insect. In the eyes of Han Zhangxiang, Han Zhangxiang is more optimistic about Han Debiao when it comes to divine ability alone.

"I didn't expect that as soon as I left the customs, I found clansman was crossing the Core Formation Thunder Tribulation, hoping to succeed."

Han Debiao said with a smile, his eyes filled It is joyful.

After he was promoted to Core Formation in the mid-term, his strength increased a lot.

"By the way, do you have news from Changming?"

Han Debiao asked about the current situation of Han Changming. He needed Han Changming to help him refine the Vajra Bone Tempering Pill.

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