
  Chapter 601 Han Changying Core Formation

Purple Moon Island, high altitude lightning and thunder.

A huge group of dark clouds floated high in the sky, the dark clouds rolled violently, and you could see a series of silver thunder snakes, with great momentum.

Han Debiao stands on the top of a green peak, both of his hands upside down, his eyes solemn.

Han Changying hit the Core Formation Stage again, and Han Debiao does not know whether she will succeed.

A red escape light flew from a distance and landed beside Han Debiao. It was Han Zhangxiang.

Han Zhangxiang has been refining for more than ten years. The level of refining has been continuously improved. The success rate of the middle grade magic weapon he refined is getting higher and higher. As for the high grade magic weapon, there are still some difficulties. Mainly the materials are rare.

The fourth rank refining material is the main material for refining high grade magic weapons. Dry Yang gourd uses Wannian bottle gourd and cotton soil crystal as the main material, so the rank is naturally not low.

The fourth rank refining materials are expensive. A high-grade magic weapon is more than 300,000 materials alone. Han Zhangxiang dare not let go of his hands and try to refine the high grade magic weapon. , Can only refine the middle grade magic weapon first, resell it in exchange for Spirit Stone, and slowly improve the level of the refiner.

If you get enough fourth rank refining materials, Han Zhangxiang is confident that he can refining high grade magic weapons.

"Debiao, how is it, how long has it been?"

Han Zhangxiang asked, his expression a little nervous.

Han Debiao nodded said: "Thunder Tribulation is almost over, this time should be successful."

There were waves of huge rumbling sound from high above, and silver thunder and lightning fell.

After a while, the thundercloud disappeared and Heaven and Earth returned to normal.

Han Debiao and Han Zhangxiang immediately rushed to the residence of Han Changying. Han Changying stood among a pile of stones with agitated expression. Her body exuded a strong spiritual pressure, and she was promoted to Core. Formation Stage.

"patriarch, Fifth Uncle, I succeeded."

Han Changying said excitedly.

"Yes, our family has the second third-rank Artifact Refinement Master."

Han Zhangxiang stroked his beard and smiled.

When Han Changying enters the Core Formation Stage, Han Zhangxiang's pressure will be less, otherwise the Life-Source Magical Treasure of the entire family of Core Formation cultivators will be refined by him, which is too tiring.

"patriarch, I can share some pressure for you in the future, you don't have to work so hard."

Han Changying's tone is full of confidence.

Han Zhangxiang nodded, said gratifyingly: "You will take care of it first, and there will be opportunities in the future."

"Fifth sister has been promoted to the Core Formation Stage? Great happy event, Yongerqian Soon he was promoted to the Core Formation Stage."

A hearty man's voice suddenly sounded, tone barely fell, Han Changming and Ye Xin fell from the sky and landed in front of Han Zhangxiang.

"Changming, where have you been? I went to Qinghudao to find you, and you are not there?"

Han Debiao asked with concern that Vajra Bone Tempering Pill was effective. He wants to ask Han Changming if he has refined Vajra Bone Tempering Pill.

"We went out to hunt for treasure, Duan Rong and the others got an inheritance magic bead, we..."

Han Changming briefly talked about what happened. He didn't Mention the belongings in the evil cultivator storage bag, only that they encountered an ambush and used powerful methods to kill the culprits.

After listening to Han Changming’s statement, Han Zhangxiang frowned, said: "Ten Thousand Magics Sect! If I remember correctly, more than ten years ago, the people from Ten Thousand Magics Sect were looking for who in Haoran City. Could it be that Ten Thousand Magics Sect dísciple died in their hands?"

Han Changming shook his head and said, "It is possible that there are only a few jade slips that record the situation of Ten Thousand Magics Sect. There is no evidence, no confirmation. Their identities."

"Changming, you should sell those unused things as soon as possible, so as not to bother to come to the door."

Han Debiao suggested, with a heavy face.

Han Changming took out a red storage bag and an azure jade bottle, handed them to Han Zhangxiang and Han Debiao, and said, "patriarch, this is the material for the evil cultivator. Take it! Fifth Uncle This is the middle grade Vajra Bone Tempering Pill. There are only seven. I will try to refine the middle grade Vajra Bone Tempering Pill in the future."

"Middle grade Vajra Bone Tempering Pill!"


Han Debiao's eyes lit up and his expression became excited.

The effect of middle grade Vajra Bone Tempering Pill is definitely better. After taking Han Debiao, the Strength of Fleshly Body will definitely be stronger.

Han Zhangxiang and Han Debiao were not polite and accepted them.

"By the way, Ye Xin, these two middle grade magic weapons are the Life-Source Magical Treasure I refined for you."

Han Zhangxiang turned over the palm, a blue A jade box and a blue jade box appeared in the hand.

Ye Xin thanked him and opened the blue jade box and the blue jade box, which contained a steamy blue ball and a steamy blue flag.

There is a cloud pattern on the surface of the blue round bead, the middle grade magic treasure cloud sea bead, and the blue flag's flag pole is engraved with three small characters "Jingshuiqi".

He hasn't been idle for more than ten years. He has refined a Life-Source Magical Treasure for Ye Xin and Ye Xue.

Han Changming gave Han Zhangxiang refining materials and medicine pill, Han Zhangxiang helped them refining Life-Source Magical Treasure and helped each other.

"Many thanks, patriarch."

Ye Xin smiled and accepted two magic weapons.

"When I get the right materials, I will refine Life-Source Magical Treasure for Benfu."

Han Zhangxiang’s tone is warm, he insisted, he took all The younger generations are treated as their descendants, especially Han Benfu and Han Zhongxin.

After chatting for a while, Han Changming and Ye Xin left and returned to Qinghu Island.

They called Han Duanrong to briefly talk about what happened.

Knowing that it was a trap set by the evil cultivator, Han Duanrong was stunned, with an incredible expression on his face.

"Duan Rong, the cultivation world there is no lack of strange things, don’t always think about falling pie in the sky, even if you lose the pie, it’s impossible to fall on you."

Han Changming reprimanded with a straight face. Fortunately, Han Duanrong took the initiative to report. If she took clansman to hunt for treasure, she would definitely not survive.

"There are 30,000 Spirit Stones, you and Maofeng will be divided! It is the trap of the evil cultivator, don't talk about anything else."

Ye Xin Take out an azure storage bag and hand it to Han Duanrong.

The evil cultivator storage bag contains Ten Thousand Magics Sect dísciple, and they cannot determine the identity of the other party. It is better to be cautious, or not to spread it out.

Han Duan Ronglian claimed to be, took the storage bag, and withdrew.

The harvest this time is not small, seven magic weapons, two sets of third rank formations, and a large number of properties. The most precious thing is the ancient treasure Qingyun Mirror, which can hold magic weapons or immortal cultivator. A good treasure.

Han Changming turned over the palm, a red animal skin appeared in the hand. The red animal skin was a Terrain Map, with mountains and waters, and dozens of light spots of different colors. I don't know what it means, it says "Buried Immortals".

The Funeral Ruins is a dangerous place in the open sea. It is said to be an Ancient Battlefield. It is heavily restricted. There are many Heaven and Earth Treasures that are rarely seen by the outside world. Many cultivators go to the Funeral Ruins to hunt for treasures. Died in the funeral fair, just listen to the name, this is the cemetery of the immortal cultivator.

"They may have been to Funeral Ruins, or they may have obtained part of the map of Funeral Ruins from other cultivators. They don't know what these light spots represent."

Han Changming has a looked thoughtful expression on his face. I am afraid that only the owner of the map knows. He is not interested in going to the burial fair. It is too dangerous. Nascent Soul Cultivator will die in the burial fair, let alone the Core Formation cultivator.

"What about those magic weapons? If they are Ten Thousand Magics Sect dísciple, these magic weapons cannot be easily used."

Ye Xin frowned and said, those seven magic weapons are indeed good, take It is worthless to sell.

This kind of magic weapon of unknown origin, especially the magic weapon seized from the evil cultivator, has a great hidden danger.

"Sell the middle grade magic weapon, and keep the high grade magic weapon first."

Han Changming has already decided that high grade magic weapon is rare. Just sell the middle grade magic weapon.

They have repeatedly explored, and none of the seven magic weapons have special marks.

In the morning of the second day, Han Changming and Ye Xin left Qinghudao and rushed to Haoran City.

After half a month, they rushed to Haoran City. Haoran City was still as lively as before. The streets were full of people, traffic, and shouting.

Han Changming and Ye Xin walked into a secluded small courtyard with blue tiles, which is a stronghold of the Han Family.

It didn't take long for a middle-aged man with a short stature and a middle-aged woman with ordinary facial features to come out. It was Han Changming and Ye Xin who had changed faces.

The storage bag of evil cultivator has a cultivation technique-Yixing, which can change height and facial features. Normal cultivator will never find anomalies.

They dispersed and disappeared into the bustling streets.

A quarter of an hour later, Han Changming appeared in a shabby shop ten zhang or so. The owner was an azure robe elder who was over half a hundred years old. His face was wrinkled, his eyes were cloudy, and he was placed on the shelf. With some demonic beast materials, nothing precious.

This is a stronghold in the black market, buying all kinds of materials, regardless of the source, at a fair price.

A similar black market, Haoran City has more than a dozen companies, and Great Influence is behind it.

Han Changming walked in, the old man azure robe squeezed a smile on his face and said, "I don't know what can help the senior?"

"I'll find a friend , His surname is Jin."

Han Changming's tone is calm.

The old man azure robe thought for a while and said: "I haven't heard of this person. But there is a Senior Lin."

"I remembered wrong, he was surnamed Lin."


"That's right, senior, please come with me."

In response to the secret sign, the azure robe old man took Han Changming to the backyard. There is a simple azure stone pavilion in the courtyard. A middle-aged man named red light across the whole face sits in the stone pavilion, holding a thick ancient book in his hand, and reading it with keen interest pleasure.

"Senior Lin, this senior is coming to you."

The old azure robe pointed at Han Changming and said.

The middle-aged man put down the ancient book, nodded, and azure robe. The old man retired with interest.

"Does Fellow Daoist want to buy things or sell things?"

The middle-aged man straight to the point said, buying things from the black market is naturally more expensive than the ones on the market, but as long as Many things are available at affordable prices.

Han Changming didn’t talk nonsense, took out a yellow storage bag, threw it to the middle-aged man, and said: "Fellow Daoist, see how much Spirit Stone these things are worth?"

middle- The aged man Divine Consciousness swept away the contents of the storage bag, pondered for a moment, and said: "Three middle grade magic weapons, 800,000."

If you buy three middle grade magic weapons on the market, the price will definitely not stop. Eight hundred thousand, but the magic weapon that has been acquired must be tempered again and then sold.

"Too few, Haoran City is more than your family. If it is not introduced by a friend, I will not come here."

Han Changming is bargaining, he knows that the black market buys goods The price is very low and the bargaining is easy.

"It turned out to be introduced by a regular customer, 900,000, which is the most favorable price."

said middle-aged man accompany them with a smiling face.

Han Changming nodded, said: "The deal, I want to buy a Fire Attribute fourth rank animal skin and a third rank golden turtle shell, is it in stock?"

Han Benfu and Han Benyong do not have Life-Source Magical Treasure yet. Han Changming intends to purchase some refining materials. Please patriarch to help them refine the Life-Source Magical Treasure.

"There is no tortoise shell of the third-rank golden glass turtle, there is exactly one fourth-rank animal skin of Fire Attribute, 200,000."

The middle-aged man said while talking. Take out a piece of red animal skin that is three feet long and wide. The surface of the animal skin has some golden patterns. Such a large animal skin can be used to refine a set of Fire Attribute magic weapons.

Han Changming stepped forward and checked the hides carefully. After confirming that it was the fourth rank hide, he agreed to trade.

After a while, Han Changming walked out with his usual expression.

He wandered around in the street. Tan Mingyu was also in this business, but they couldn't contact Tan Mingyu, so they traded with other people.

After time it takes to drink a cup of tea, Han Changming appeared at the entrance of a jade pavilion with carved columns. The plaque read the three golden characters "Tianbaolou". Tianbaolou mainly sells a variety of Raw materials, including refining materials.

Han Changming strode in, and oncoming is a spacious and bright hall. Dozens cultivator is shopping for goods. There are a wide range of goods on the shelves, such as minerals, spiritual medicine, spiritual wood, Demonic beast materials and so on are available, and the quantity is so dazzling.

Han Changming let out the breath of Core Formation Stage a little bit. A middle-aged deacon with good eyesight walked over and asked enthusiastically: "Welcome seniors to our store, I don’t know how I can help. It’s senior."

"I want to buy some materials for refining magic weapons, can I introduce them?"

Han Changming asked straight to the point.

"The senior came just right. We just bought a batch of goods, please go upstairs."

The middle-aged deacon smiled and brought Han Changming to the fifth floor. A middle-aged woman with gorgeous facial features is looking through a thick account book.

The middle-aged woman is wearing a purple skirt, her skin is snow-matched, and the twin peaks are towering high, revealing a deep chasm, like an abyss, fascinating.

Looking at the mana fluctuations emanating from his body, he is a Core Formation late cultivator.

"shopkeeper, this senior wants to buy materials for refining magic weapons."

The middle-aged man pointed to Han Changming and said, then bowed and walked back.

"My concubine is Liu Xue, what refining material does Fellow Daoist want to buy?"

The middle-aged woman is full of smiles, and her voice is like a nightingale.

"I want to buy some Fire Attribute spiritual wood or spiritual bamboo, preferably more than a thousand years."

Han Changming asked Han Benfu what magic weapon he wanted, Han Benfu thought If you want the flag to be the Life-Source Magical Treasure, the fourth rank animal skin and the thousand-year spirit wood, Han Zhangxiang should be able to refine the high grade magic weapon.

"The thousand-year-old Fire Attribute wood spirit bamboo? Sorry, it has been sold out, only a 700-year-old golden flame wood."

While talking, Liu Xue took it out A three-foot-long golden wood with some red lines on the surface of the wood, emitting a wave of heat.

Tianbaolou has more than 1,000 years of spirit Wood Spirit bamboo, but as soon as it arrives, it is sold to the big customers and Great Influence, so that the profit is higher.



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