
  Chapter 602 Fire Turtle Daoist Zhao Yuanliang

Han Changming frowned, this piece of golden flame wood is too small, , But the water attribute is mostly used in the offshore materials, and the Fire Attribute spirit wood of high age is indeed rare.

"Can there be a fourth rank Earth Attribute refining material? For example, cotton soil crystal?"

Han Changming asked.

Liu Xue shook his head straight and said: "No, there are a few pieces of glazed marble. The fourth rank material of Earth Attribute is too rare."

The glazed marble is of the fourth rank. Water Attribute refining materials are expensive. Many Water Attribute high grade magic weapons use glazed marble. It is not how rare this material is, but this material is a commonly used fourth rank refining material.

Han Changming pondered for a moment. He spent 200,000 Spirit Stone and bought two glass marbles and a golden flame wood. The price of the fourth rank refining materials is too expensive, which is also a high grade magic weapon. One of the reasons for the high price.

Leaving Tianbaolou, Han Changming strolled down the street.

After time it takes to drink a cup of tea, he unconsciously came to the bluestone square where the loose cultivator was set up, and he walked and looked at the merchandise myriad on the stall.

"The thousand-year spirit bamboo? Change to the fourth rank monster core? Your requirement is too high."

"That is, we will use a middle grade magic weapon to exchange for your thousand-year spirit bamboo It’s more than enough."

"hmph, don’t have what the old man wants, so don’t waste your thoughts."

······   A fierce quarrel came from A lot of cultivators were onlookers from the booth in front.

"Millennium Spirit Bamboo!"

Han Changming moved quickly on his heart.

The stall owner is an azure robe elder who is over half a hundred years old. The azure robe elder has big eyes, a ruddy complexion, and a long beard. Look at his breath, he is a Core Formation late cultivator.

There are a lot of things on the booth. Han Changming's gaze falls on a beautiful red brocade box. Inside the brocade box are three pieces of red light glittering spirit bamboos, and each piece of spirit bamboo has a fist. Rough, exuding a wave of heat.

A few steps away, Han Changming could feel a slight heat.

Next to the brocade box, there is an azure wooden token with a line of small characters written on it-Thousand-year fire bamboo, replace it with the inner core of the fourth rank ink cloud beast or the thousand-year spiritual medicine of the Water Attribute.

Millennium Spirit Bamboo is the fourth rank refining material, which can be used to refine high grade magic weapons.

Han Changming showed an interesting expression on his face, squeezed it up, and sound transmission asked: "How about using the third rank medicine pill to exchange with your Excellency?"

"third rank medicine pill? Medicine pill that cures lightning strikes is good, it must be middle grade medicine pill, and the number is not small."

The azure robe old man's tone is indifferent.

Han Changming was about to take out the medicine pill, a man with some vicissitudes of life suddenly sounded: "The inner core of the fourth rank ink cloud beast? I changed it."

tone barely fell , A red robed old man of full of energy squeezed up. The red robed old man had a round face and big eyes, a short stature, and the fat on his waist layered on top of each other, like a ball, his robe was embroidered The pattern of a red tortoise is obviously some kind of logo.

"Is the Tortoise Daoist of Tortoise Island. I heard that he is a third rank Pill Refinement Master. He is proficient in Pill Refinement Technique and can refine middle grade medicine pill."

Someone recognized the identity of the red robed old man.

"Fire Turtle Island!"

Han Changming squinted his eyes. Fire Turtle Island is an Immortal Sect with less than a thousand years of inheritance. The position of the rudder is exactly like a fiery-red one. Tortoise is named Huo Turtle Island. There are as many as twelve Core Formation cultivators. The Island Lord of Huo Turtle Island will be named Fire Turtle Daoist, which is a status symbol.

He has heard of the Tortoise Daoist. This person is a third-rank Pill Refinement Master who can refine middle grade medicine pill, but he has a strange temperament and is not easy to get along with.

The fire turtle daoist took out a blue wooden box and handed it to the azure robe elder.

azure robe The old man did not take the blue wooden box, said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Li, old man Zhao Yuanliang, finally saw you, this Zhao has something to ask for, I wonder if Fellow Daoist Li Convenient to move?"

Seeing this, the numerous cultivators understand that Zhao Yuanliang used the thousand-year-old spirit bamboo to ignite the fire turtle daoist. The most likely to be the fire turtle daoist pill concocting.

The fire turtle daoist narrowed his eyes, pondered for a moment, and agreed.

"Fellow Daoist, you look at my medicine pill first."

Han Changming took out an azure porcelain bottle and handed it to Zhao Yuanliang.

Zhao Yuanliang is about to take over the porcelain vase, the tortoise daoist is lightly snorted, said with a sneer: "It's only a third rank medicine pill, the old man is not impossible to refine."

Hearing this, Zhao Yuanliang hesitated for a moment, retracted his palm, and said: "Sorry, this Zhao has something to do with Fellow Daoist Li, we will not exchange it for the time being."

He put away the things on the booth and brought The fire turtle daoist left.

Han Changming was a little disappointed, but didn't say anything, only that he had no relationship with Thousand-Year Fire Bamboo.

He wandered around the square, did not see anything to his liking, and left Bluestone Square.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Han Changming returned to Jinhu Pavilion, and Ye Xin had already returned.

Han Benzhi is not here, Liu Weiwei is chatting with Ye Xin.

"Weiwei, why are you alone? Benzhi!"

Han Changming asked casually. If he guessed correctly, Han Benzhi was mostly going to talk about business.

"Father, Husband is secluded cultivation, he intends to hit the Foundation Establishment Late Stage."

Liu Weiwei said with a smile.

Han Changming knows that Han Benzhi will not take the initiative to secluded cultivation, it must be Liu Weiwei's supervision, but he can see through it.

Liu Weiwei remembered something and said: "By the way, Dad, Qianli Shuangxian wanted to see you and said that there was something to discuss, but they didn't say anything."

There are many Core Formation cultivators who want to meet with Han Changming, but it depends on whether Han Changming is available.

"Did Li Shuangxian?"

Han Changming helped them refine medicine pill, this time came home, mostly to ask Han Changming to help pill concocting.

"Can you contact them? Ask them to gather at Haoran Tower tonight."

Han Changming instructed, Qianli Shuangxian's strength is not weak, there are many friends All the way, Han Changming also wants to deepen his friendship with them.

Liu Weiwei complied, took out the communication disk and contacted Qianli Shuangxian.

After a while, she put away the communication tray and said, "Father, Senior Lin agreed. He said he must be on time for the appointment."

Han Changming nodded, said: "I know Now, go ahead!"

Liu Weiwei bowed her body and stepped back.

"Husband, why have you been there for such a long time? Everything is done away?"

Ye Xin asked, and handed Han Changming a cup of steaming spirit tea.

Han Changming took the spirit tea and took a sip, and said, "It's all taken care of. I bought two glass marbles, a fourth rank animal skin, and a golden flame wood. How about you!"

The biggest purpose of their trip is to buy materials for refining Life-Source Magical Treasure for their children. They just got a lot of money.

"I also disposed of things and bought a few pieces of Jinxinyu. I have asked many shops, and none of them have the fourth rank Earth Attribute refining material."

Ye Xin said that with a regretful expression on his face at the end, the fourth rank material of Earth Attribute is too rare.

"It's okay, there is not only one way to collect materials."

Han Changming disagrees, comforted.

After a few chats, the two went back to the house for cultivation.

At the time of Hai, the sky darkened, and the streets were crowded like weaving, brightly lit, and constant shouting, which was very lively.

Han Changming and Ye Xin appeared at the door of Haoran Building, and many cultivators entered and exited.

"Senior Han, Senior Ye, you finally arrived, Shopkeeper Liu has booked a private room, and two seniors have arrived."

A smart azure clothes Xiao Si walked over quickly and said with a smile on his face.

Liu Weiwei and Han Benzhi often talk about business with people in Haoran Building. Han Changming is somewhat famous, and the azure clothes sister has naturally seen the portrait of Han Changming.

"Lead the way!"

Han Changming nodded, instructed.

They followed azure clothes to a private room on the third floor. The door of the private room was open. Lin Youzhi and Su Qing were sitting in it chatting.

"Fellow Daoist Lin, Mrs. Lin, you came early."

Han Changming cup one fist in the other hand said, they have arrived early, didn't expect Lin Youzhi and Su Qing arrived earlier.

"Fellow Daoist Han, Mrs. Han, long time no see."

Lin Youzhi said with a smile.

"We don't know what you like to eat, Fellow Daoist Han, do whatever you want to eat, don’t be polite to us."

Su Qing’s tone is warm, for decades Previously, they were introduced by Azure Lotus Fairy and asked Han Changming to help refine Passion Pill.

Han Changming ordered a pot of spirit tea and two plates of dim sum, and started chatting.

It didn't take long for the azure clothes boy to walk in with spirit tea and snacks, put down his things, and quit, closing the door by the way.

Lin Youzhi gave Su Qing a wink. Su Qing understood, took out a pale-gold jade box, and said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Han, I heard that Linglang got married. This is a third The inner core of the rank golden eyes beast, be careful, not respectful."

Han Changming slightly smiled, under the golden jade box, said: "Then I will accept it for the children."


With the inner core of the third rank golden eyes beast, Han Changming can continue to cultivation golden eyes real pupils. He is looking forward to the day when golden eyes real pupils cultivation Great Accomplishment.

After chatting for a big one hour, Lin Youzhi started talking about business: "Fellow Daoist Han, we want to buy a few middle grade medicine pills for healing from you. The price is good."

He and Su Qing both showed expectation on their faces. They went to Haoran City to do errands and asked their friends about Han Changming's ability.

Han Changming took out middle grade medicine pill at exchange meetings many times, and Core Formation cultivator came to ask for medicine, his status exceeded Qianli Shuangxian's expectation.

Han Changming is not surprised, Ye Xin smiled knowingly, took out a blue wooden box, and pushed it in front of Lin Youzhi, said with a faint smile: "These are three Jin Lu Dan, all of which are middle grade medicine pill. , The healing effect is not bad."

Lin Youzhi opened the blue wooden box and his eyes shined. Middle grade Healing Medicine Pill is rarely seen in the market, and can only be seen on auction, and the number is not large. .

"I'm looking for the high-age Fire Attribute spiritual bamboo and spiritual wood recently, do you have a way out?"

Han Changming and Yan Yueshen asked, looking at Lin Youzhi and Su Qing.

"The old Fire Attribute spirit bamboo spirit wood?"

Lin Youzhi face revealed a pondering look, after thinking about it, said: "We know a Fellow Daoist, he may There is a high-year Fire Attribute Lingzhu, let's talk to him."

"He is looking for Pill Refinement Master to help with pill concocting recently, we should be able to convince him."

Su Qing added that she took out an azure jade box and handed it to Han Changming, and said: "These are two third-rank high grade Fire Attribute monster cores. What does Fellow Daoist Han think?"

Two third-rank high-grade monster cores are more valuable than three middle-grade Jinludan, but they don’t understand pill concocting. For them, monster cores are just a kind of material.

Han Changming nodded, agreed to the transaction.

Su Qing beamed with joy, and accepted three Jin Lu Dan.

Han Changming asked them about some materials and asked them to pay attention to it. Lin Youzhi and Su Qing agreed.

After chatting for a big one hour, Lin Youzhi and Su Qing left, and Han Changming and Ye Xin returned to Jinhu Pavilion.

Han Changming walked into a guest room and took out the materials to refine the golden eyes liquid.

Seven days passed quickly.

Han Changming sat cross-legged on a yellow futon, his eyes wrapped in a ball of golden light.

He is cultivating golden eyes true pupils, a pupil technique, he can discover the traps set by evil cultivator, golden eyes true pupils are indispensable.

After a while, a sound transmission talisman flew in.

Han Changming's eyes slowly returned to normal, the golden light dissipated, he crushed the sound transmission talisman, Ye Xin's voice suddenly sounded: "Husband, Fellow Daoist Lin, they brought a fellow Daoist Zhao came over, saying that he wanted something important."

Han Changming opened the door and walked out. Ye Xin, Lin Youzhi, Su Qing, and an azure robe old man with a square face and big eyes were watching Have tea and chat.

Seeing the old azure robe, Han Changming's eyes flashed with surprise. The old azure robe is not someone else, it is Zhao Yuanliang. Didn't he go with the fire turtle daoist? Isn't the fire turtle daoist refining the medicine pill he wants?   Han Changming changed his face that day, and Zhao Yuanliang did not recognize him.

"Fellow Daoist Han, let me introduce to you, this is Fellow Daoist Zhao."

Lin Youzhi was introduced with enthusiasm.

"old man Zhao Yuanliang, I have met Fellow Daoist Han, and I have heard of the name Fellow Daoist Han for a long time, and finally I have seen Daoist." Concocting, but the asking price of the fire turtle daoist is too high, and he may not be able to refine the medicine pill he wants. He is naturally unwilling to make a deal with the fire turtle daoist.

trying to find anyone or anything in a crisis, he has no other choice. Hearing that the fire tortoise daoist is proficient in the Pill Refinement Technique, he tried to find a way to lead the fire tortoise daoist. Zhao Yuanliang did not have the opportunity to contact the Lingxiao daoist. , And there is no ability to ask Lingxiao daoist to help pill concocting.

Han Changming nodded, sat down.

"Fellow Daoist Han, Fellow Daoist Zhao has a high-year Fire Attribute spirit bamboo in his hands. He asks someone to help with pill concocting, you can talk to him slowly!"

Lin Interested in sending Han Changming sound transmission.

Ye Xin smiled and said: "Fellow Daoist Lin, Mrs. Lin, let’s go to the backyard to talk."

She took Lin Youzhi and Su Qing and left, letting Han Changming and Zhao Yuanliang is alone.

"Fellow Daoist Han, I heard Fellow Daoist Lin say that you are proficient in Alchemy Technique, I would like to ask you to help pill concocting, look at this Pill Recipe."

Zhao Yuanliang took out one An azure jade slip, hand it to Han Changming.

Han Changming Divine Consciousness swept away, frowned, and said: "Seven-Colors Pill! This medicine pill is highly toxic, and it is an unstoppable temptation for poison insects, but it lacks a few flavors. Adjuvants, the Pill Recipe you gave me is not complete!"

"Fellow Daoist Han is good. From the Pill Recipe, it can be seen that there are a few adjuvants missing. This Zhao provides three materials, which must be Refining a middle grade Seven-Colors Pill, if the refining fails, you have to pay for this Zhao Spirit Stone, how?"

Zhao Yuanliang said solemnly, generally speaking, and Pill Refinement Master does not need to compensate for refining failures. , He has an urgent need.

"If I can refine the middle grade Seven-Colors Pill, I will give you the reward?"

Han Changming faintly smiled and said, it’s no wonder that Zhao Yuanliang can’t agree with Huoguidaoist .


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