
  Chapter 603 resigns to the promise of Zhao Yuanliang    Zhao Yuanliang nodded and said: "Listen to Fellow Daoist Lin, Fellow Daoist Han wants those thousands of years of spirit bamboo. If a middle grade Seven-Colors Pill is made, those thousands of years of spirit bamboo will belong to Fellow Daoist Han. Apart from this, I will give another third-rank high grade Thunder Attribute monster core, this payment is rich enough!"

The value he took out is more than 300,000 yuan, and this payment is indeed very rich. If it weren’t for Lin Youzhi to say that the Han Changming alchemy level is very high, He will not come to the door either.

"You are not afraid that I will accept the materials and will not be able to hand over the middle grade Seven-Colors Pill?"

Han Changming curiously asked.

"Of course I am worried. I will give three materials to Fellow Daoist Han. You will give me five middle grade medicine pills. If you can't refine them, those five medicine pills will belong to me, not this. Zhao is stingy, but I really need middle grade Seven-Colors Pill."

Zhao Yuanliang's tone is sincere.

To tell the truth, his request is indeed excessive. He can refine the third rank Pill Refinement Master of the middle grade medicine pill.

"Fellow Daoist Zhao, I'm sorry, this Han is so talented and shallow, so I can’t help you."

Han Changming declined gently. What a joke, others would not ask Han Changming to pill concocting. If you dare to make such a request, Zhao Yuanliang made it clear that it is a loose cultivator, otherwise you don't need to ask him for help.

Zhao Yuanliang suddenly became anxious, and quickly said: "Fellow Daoist Han, the old man said that life is a bit straightforward, don’t mind, so be it! If you can refine Seven-Colors Pill, after it’s done, I You can promise to do one thing for you. As long as you speak up, I will do it. I, this Zhao, will do what he says."

"Do one thing for me? Anything will do?"

Han Changming faint smile.

Zhao Yuanliang solemnly nodded, and said: "Yes, everything is OK, a gentleman says nothing, it’s hard to chase a horse."

Han Changming pondered for a moment, and said: "Look at you Fellow Daoist Lin introduced, I’ll help you once, give me the materials and the complete Pill Recipe, and get medicine pill one month later."

"One month so long?"

Zhao Yuanliang is frowned. As far as he knows, it won’t take long to make one medicine pill, and it will only take three heats for three materials.

He saw Han Changming's expression of displeasure, he quickly agreed, took out an azure storage bag, and handed it to Han Changming.

Han Changming took out an azure porcelain bottle and handed it to Zhao Yuanliang.

They checked each other's items, and after confirming that there was nothing wrong with the things, they both showed satisfied expressions on their faces at the same time.

"Fellow Daoist Han, don't bother the old man, the medicine pill is refined, you send someone to inform the old man."

Zhao Yuanliang got up and left.

After a while, Ye Xin, Lin Youzhi and Su Qing came up.

"Fellow Daoist Han, Fellow Daoist Zhao speaks relatively straightforwardly, but he has an excellent reputation and he must do what he says. It is precisely because of his heavy commitment that he offended the Azure Bamboo layman of the three immortal islands. You don't have to take refuge in the Zhengdao League."

Lin Youzhi explained.

Han Changming has heard of Azure Bamboo layman. This person is a loose cultivator of Nascent Soul Early Stage. After entering the Nascent Soul Stage, he established the sect and has hundreds of disciplines.

"Fellow Daoist Lin, how did Fellow Daoist Zhao offend the Azure Bamboo layman?"

Han Changming curiously asked.

Lin Youzhi smiled bitterly and said: "He killed the dísciple of the Azure Bamboo layman. It is said that it was the request of his benefactor. He must do what he said, and he values ​​his promise, otherwise I would not recommend it to Fellow Daoist Han. ."

"Kill the dísciple of Nascent Soul Cultivator? You are too courageous!"

Han Changming was a little surprised. In order to keep his promise, Zhao Yuanliang actually dared to kill the dísciple of Nascent Soul Cultivator. No wonder Zhao Yuanliang dared to pack the ticket just now.

If you help this person, it is equivalent to an extra Core Formation Stage fighter, but considering the existence of Azure Bamboo layman, Han Changming does not plan to have too much contact with Zhao Yuanliang.

"Fellow Daoist Han, don’t worry, the Azure Bamboo layman is at odds with Ling Xiao daoist, Han Fairy Maiden Yue, etc., and he fought a lot in his early years, otherwise we would not recommend it to you. That is to make you trouble. If you are worried about Azure Bamboo's revenge, you can also refuse Fellow Daoist Zhao."

Su Qing said sincerely.

"I see, many thanks to remind."

Han Changming nodded, even if Zhao Yuanliang offends the Azure Bamboo layman, it has nothing to do with him. He and Zhao Yuanliang are just making a deal, but not Help Zhao Yuanliang to fight against Azure Bamboo layman. Besides, he regularly provides offerings to Lingxiao daoist, and Lingxiao daoist is not compatible with Azure Bamboo layman. It is even more impossible to sit and watch Azure Bamboo layman against Han Changming.

To put it bluntly, he doesn't think there is any big problem with pill concocting Zhao Yuanliang, as long as he doesn't admit it.

After a few small chats, Lin Youzhi and Su Qing left.

"Husband, do you really want to refine Seven-Colors Pill for Fellow Daoist Zhao?"

Ye Xin's eyes are a little worried, indirectly for some rewards Betrayed a Nascent Soul Cultivator, this is a shame.

"It's just pill concocting, it's nothing, I will send someone to trade, without proof, who can prove that I pill concocting for him?"

Han Changming's tone is full of confidence, thousands of years With the addition of Fire Attribute’s fourth rank animal skins, Han Zhangxiang should be able to refine Han Benfu’s high grade magic weapon.

Being a parent only knows the kindness of his parents. For Han Benfu's future path, Han Changming intends to help Zhao Yuanliang pill concocting.

He came to the hut in the backyard of the Golden Gourd Pavilion, took out the Green Flame Incinerator, and prepared for pill concocting.

After sitting meditation time it takes to drink a cup of tea, Han Changming took out a blue jade slip and placed it on the center of his brow.

After a while, he took down the jade slip, took out the material, and started pill concocting.

Han Changming punched a secret art into the blue flame incinerator. With a muffled sound of "pu chi", an azure flame emerged out of thin air, wrapping the bottom of the blue flame incinerator.

The preheating is almost complete, he throws the materials into the alchemic furnace one after another.

It didn't take long for a faint medicinal fragrance to diffuse.

······In    a secluded courtyard, an azure clothed youth with ordinary facial features is reporting to a chubby middle-aged man, the middle-aged man body Wear blue daoist robe, round face and small eyes.

"Branch Lord, Zhao Yuanliang has been in contact with the third rank Pill Refinement Master recently. He has just left the Jinhu Pavilion. I wonder if Han Changming has agreed to his request."

azure clothed youth Bowed and said.

"It doesn't matter who promises to help him pill concocting. The important thing is that the treasure must fall into the hands of the door. With that treasure, it will be much easier for the master to enter the depths of the funeral ruins to find treasure."

middle-aged man said with a sneer.

"Yes, your subordinates obey, Branch Lord, why not disguise Zhao Yuanliang? Wouldn't it be more convenient?"

azure clothed youth is full of curiosity, Foundation Establishment cultivator has mastered disguise The technique is the same with little difference.

"It's probably to let his great-great-granddaughter escape! This old bastard has only one descendant. If he escapes easily, we will go after his great-great-granddaughter."

middle-aged man said disapprovingly.

From their conversation, it can be known that Zhao Yuanliang has a rare treasure that can enter the depths of the funeral ruins to hunt for treasure, and Nascent Soul Cultivator also wants to get that rare treasure.

"Okay, you just need to send someone to stare at him. This is the site of the Righteous Dao League. The Lingxiao Daoist of the Righteous Dao League has grudges with the master. Please be careful not to reveal your identity."

middle-aged man warned repeatedly.

azure clothed youth complied, bow and leave.

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