
  Chapter 605 Liu Feng    Ye Xue smiled, Sharp-Spirit Peacock seemed to have received Ye Xue’s Order, unfold Lingyu, and release a faint five-color aura, which does not seem to be abnormal.

"It has mastered a divine ability that isolates Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi. The duration is not long and the scope is not large. This divine ability is a bit tasteless, and it can’t be used in normal fighting unless you go to Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi. It only works in places with relatively large fluctuations. Its flying speed is quite fast."

Ye Xue said in a regretful tone. After Sharp-Spirit Peacock was promoted to the third rank, he also flew. The speed is faster, and the divine ability to isolate Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi is not usually used.

"Nor say that, every kind of spirit bird has its unique purpose, and it is good to use it to escape."

Han Changming said with a smile, if Sharp- Spirit Peacock is promoted to the fourth rank and must have more powerful divine ability.

Ye Xue nodded, said: "That’s right, Husband, Benfu is also out, she is already in the middle of Core Formation."

Han Benfu is Dual Spiritual Roots, cultivation speed is relatively fast, has caught up with Ye Xin Ye Xue.

Han Changming is not surprised. To be honest, Han Benfu’s cultivation speed is considered slow. If he is in the cultivation Great Sect, it is estimated that Han Benfu will be in the late stage of Core Formation.

"Yes, Ben Fu is more upbeat."

Han Changming has a gratified expression on his face. Han Benfu is so good, and Han Changming is the happiest person. .

After a few small chats, Ye Xue left.

Sharp-Spirit Peacock emits clear peacocks, flapping its wings constantly, as if longing for something.

A clear "gu gu" sound sounded, and a golden crow fell from the sky and landed in front of Han Changming. It was the Golden Crow.

The size of Golden Crow Golden Crow is twice as big as before, but it is still a little different from Sharp-Spirit Peacock.

It keeps screaming "gu gu" and seems to be asking for something from Han Changming.

Han Changming took out two middle grade animal breeding pills and fed them.

Sharp-Spirit Peacock let out a cheerful cry, flew to the canopy, and its feathers spread out.

Golden pupil Fire Sparrow not to be outdone, spraying out a golden flame, falling on the ground, suddenly exploding a huge pit as large as several feet.

Han Changming hurriedly stopped the Golden Crow, this guy's demon fire is more powerful, if it is left alone, the spirit plant here will be burned out.

He released Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion, Thunder Rhinoceros and Stoneman, allowing them to move freely.

The colorful phoenix spirit butterfly and the spirit eater stayed in the Vermilion Bird space all the time, and they were not used in normal fighting.

Back at the residence, Han Changming saw Han Benfu was talking to Ye Xin Ye Xue.

"Father, are you back? I'm in the middle of Core Formation."

Han Benfu saw Han Changming, overjoyed, and quickly moved towards Han Changming. Come.

"Yes, I will be more diligent in my cultivation in the future. Don't slack off. I have obtained some refining materials. Please patriarch to refine the Life-Source Magical Treasure for you. I hope patriarch can refine a high grade magic weapon. "

Han Changming said in a petting tone.

Ye Xin smiled knowingly and admonished: "Benfu, your father took a certain risk in order to get the right refining materials, so don't let your father live up to his expectations."

"I see, madam, one day, I will be better than my father."

Han Benfu promised by patting his chest, his face full of confidence.

Han Changming took out a red storage bag and handed it to Han Benfu, instructed: "This is the refining material we collected. You take it to patriarch. Please patriarch to help you refine a Life- Source Magical Treasure!"

"Understood, Dad, I will go to patriarch now."

Han Benfu agreed, took the red storage bag and left.

Han Changming walked into the basement, sat cross-legged, took out the golden eyes clear liquid, and smeared it on the eyes.

He closed his eyes, and his eyes lit up with a faint golden light. He was in the cultivation pupil technique.

······   Purple Moon Island, a secluded small courtyard with blue tiles.

Han Zhangxiang is talking to Han Benfu. A piece of red animal skin and three pieces of red spirit bamboo are placed on the azure stone table next to him.

"Fourth rank animal skins, thousand-year fire bamboo, Changming is so great, the old man must refine the high grade magic weapon for you."

Han Zhangxiang patted his chest to guarantee Road, full of confidence.

Han Benfu smiled and thanked him: "Then trouble patriarch."

"No effort at all, Benfu, Ben Yong and Changying enter the Core Formation Stage. Our family needs more third-rank medicine pills. You work hard and share some pressure for your father. He can’t be busy alone."

Han Zhangxiang warned repeatedly.

Han Benfu nodded, agreed.

······   Haoran City, Haoran Tower.

In a private room on the fourth floor, Han Changyan is talking to an azure robe elder who is over 60 years old.

Han Changyan is now Foundation Establishment Late Stage. He is mainly responsible for inquiring about news, collecting all kinds of useful information and reporting to the elders, and also helping to find cultivation resources.

"Fellow Daoist Han, let me think about it again. This matter is very important. I am unable to help Lord. I must discuss with our patriarch."

azure robe Said.

"No problem, you can give me an answer after discussing it. If this matter is facilitated, in addition to the agreed price, there is also a high grade Foundation Establishment Pill. This is for you personally, your eldest grandson aptitude No, with the high grade Foundation Establishment Pill, it is not a problem to enter the Foundation Establishment Stage."

Han Changyan's tone is full of temptation.

azure robe surnamed Liu Zongping, he was born in a Cultivation Family, Liu Family inheritance for a thousand years, there were five Core Formation cultivators during the flourishing period, and two beast tides broke out in the open sea, both on the territory of the Righteous League. Liu Family suffered heavy losses. The only Core Formation cultivator died in a large beast wave. The Liu Family cultivator suffered most of the casualties, and only a part of the cultivator survived.

After the large-scale animal tide, Liu Family’s Foundation Establishment cultivator only had five people, and there was no Core Formation cultivator. Liu Family became a vassal of other forces, relying on the shop left by the ancestors to barely maintain the operation of the family , But the original site has shrunk, the number of personnel has been sharply reduced, and the income has been drastically reduced. Liu Family has been struggling to make ends meet.

Han Changyan met Liu Zongping by chance. He was generous and occasionally took out the middle grade medicine pill. Once he came and went, the two got acquainted.

At a reception, Liu Zongping said that Liu Family had a third-rank high-grade Fire Attribute turtle shell, which is the best material for refining defense magic weapons.

He wants to buy that turtle shell at a high price. Han Zhangxiang has been looking for high-end turtle shells to refine the defense magic weapon.

"High grade Foundation Establishment Pill? Really?"

Liu Zongping's breathing became rapid. Most of his relatives died in the large-scale animal tide, only the grandson survived. Unfortunately, the eldest grandson is the fourth spirit root.

His life essence is short, and he has not mastered a skill. Not to mention the high grade Foundation Establishment Pill, the ordinary Foundation Establishment Pill can't get it.

Han Changyan smiled confidently and said proudly: "My ninth brother is the third rank Pill Refinement Master, what do you think!"

There is a medicine pill in hand, he inquires about news or acquisitions Cultivation resources are more convenient.

"Okay, I will try my best to persuade patriarch."

Liu Zongping agreed.

Han Changyan smiled confidently, raised his teacup to clink with Liu Zongping, and said, "Happy cooperation."

After chatting for a while, Han Changyan and Liu Zongping left Haoran Tower.

A young man in black shirt with swords and eyebrows walked towards him in stride. The young man in black shirt was burly and hugged two beautiful female cultivators. The young man in black shirt had the cultivation base of Foundation Establishment Late Stage.

Han Changyan noticed that Liu Zongping's eyebrows showed a touch of disgust.

After the black-shirted youth went away, Han Changyan curiously asked: "Fellow Daoist Liu, do you know them?"

Han Changyan is mainly responsible for collecting information on Core Formation cultivator and Nascent Soul Cultivator , Haoran City has a large flow of people, and he doesn't know the black shirt youth.

"Liu Feng, a descendant of Black and White Impermanence, he brought two concubines to our store to buy things, even if you don’t buy them, his concubines still slander us for bad things. Humph, if our Old Ancestor is still there, how dare he impudent."

Liu Zongping looked angrily.

Han Changyan nodded with a smile, did not say anything.

The two went back to their homes and disappeared in the crowded crowd.

······In   a secluded courtyard, Liu Zhanyuan is talking to Zheng Jiaojiao.

"We have done what the Island Lord ordered us. Let's go back and return to the Island Lord!"

Liu Zhanyuan said with a smile.

Penglai Island is at odds with the Righteous Alliance, and the two sides have not yet broken their faces. If it is necessary to purchase cultivation resources, both sides will send a Core Formation cultivator.

Zheng Jiaojiao nodded said: "Feng'er said he will stay for a while, let's go back first! Don't delay the birthday of the Island Lord."

"He stayed here to do it. Huh? He also has romantic debts here?" Liu Zhanyuan frowned and said, Liu Feng is their only descendant. The higher the cultivation base, the more difficult the immortal cultivator. After years of hard work, they spent a lot of money. Cultivation resources, Zheng Jiaojiao gave birth to Liu Feng, they are very fond of Liu Feng, Liu Feng is more lustful, and there are groups of wives and concubines.

Liu Feng has a lot of romantic debts on Penglai Island, which has caused a lot of trouble. This time he followed them to the site of the Zhengdao League to avoid the limelight.

"That's not true. He provokes the granddaughter of the Old Sun ghost. You don't know the temper of the Old Sun ghost. He doesn't dare to go back for the time being. Let him stay here! As long as he doesn't leave. Haoran City, there will be no danger, we can send a few people to follow him next to him."

Zheng Jiaojiao said disapprovingly.

Hearing this, Liu Zhanyuan's face eased and said, "Okay! With the opportunity of the Island Lord’s birthday, let’s make peace with the Old Sun ghost and let him marry Old Sun ghost’s granddaughter. "

He took out a black communication disk and entered a secret art, said solemnly: "Zhao Yang, you guys will follow the wind from today, don't let him leave Haoran City, you know? "

"Yes, master."

A calm man's voice came from the communication tray.

Liu Zhanyuan put away the communication tray and left Haoran City with Zheng Jiaojiao.

I slapped myself... Hey, let’s update!            

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