
  Chapter 606 The high grade magic weapon Huoyan Banner

From spring to autumn, two years have passed. It's almost gone.

Purple Moon Island, a secret room.

Han Zhangxiang sat cross-legged on a red futon, with a red cauldron wrapped in flames in front of him. The temperature in the room was frighteningly high.

After a while, when the Han Zhangxiang secret art was collected, the flame suddenly collapsed, the top cover flew up, and a red light flew out, which was a command flag with a big palm.

The red light on the surface of Lingqi is volatile, emitting a strong Fire Attribute fluctuation, which is a high grade magic weapon.

On the flagpole, three small characters "Huoyan Flag" can be seen vaguely. This is the Life-Source Magical Treasure refined by Han Zhangxiang for Han Benfu.

To tell the truth, he originally wanted to refine a magic weapon. After all, there are a lot of materials. However, due to the level of the refining tool, he cannot refine a magic weapon, but can only refine a high grade magic weapon. .

The refining of the set of magic weapons is very difficult, and Han Zhangxiang has not yet reached this level of refining.

"Finally refined."

Han Zhangxiang muttered to himself, this is the second high grade magic weapon he refined. Over time, he can refine The third and fourth are listed.

He was beckoned with one hand, the Huoyan flag flew towards him, landed on his hand, and shook it lightly. Numerous red talisman texts suddenly appeared on the flag surface, and billowing flames swept out and emitted There was a blazing high temperature, and the indoor temperature rose sharply.

"It seems that the formidable power is not low, Benfu should like it."

Han Zhangxiang put away the Huoyan flag and went out.

Half a quarter of an hour later, he came to the outside of a secluded valley in Qinghudao, within the valley was enveloped by a red mist, he sent a sound transmission talisman.

Before long, the red mist rolled violently, and Han Benfu walked out quickly, with a thick smile on his face.

"patriarch, please come in soon."

Han Benfu invited Han Zhangxiang in. There is a small courtyard with red tiles in the valley.

Walking into the yard, oncoming is a red attic with carved beams and painted buildings. On the left hand side is three acres of green and red spiritual bamboo. A simple red bamboo building is located in the middle of the bamboo forest. A group of red bees collect nectar from the three-and-a-half-acre red spirit flower.

In the center of the yard is a cobblestone path, dividing the yard into two.

The Fire Spiritual Qi here is abundant, Han Benfu is here for cultivation, and the cultivation speed is relatively fast.

Han Changming spent huge sums of money to buy dozens of century-old green fire bamboos and hundreds of bamboos of more than fifty years of spirit bamboo, and let Ye Xin arrange the Jiugong Locking Array to assist Han Benfu's cultivation.

Han Benfu took Han Zhangxiang to the red bamboo building, took out the tea leaves and tea set to make tea. Soon, a pot of steaming spirit tea was ready.

"patriarch, please."

Han Benfu poured a cup of spirit tea for Han Zhangxiang and handed it to Han Zhangxiang with both hands.

Han Zhangxiang nodded, took the teacup, drank it, and a burst of heat rose in his abdomen.

"Yes, Benfu, do you like this Huoyan flag?"

Han Zhangxiang gave a compliment, took out the Huoyan flag, and handed it to Han Benfu.

"High grade magic weapon!"

Han Benfu's eyes were bright, and his expression was a bit excited. A high grade magic weapon cost 600,000 yuan to start.

"I originally wanted to refine a set, but limited to the level of the refiner, I can only refine one piece. The materials obtained by Changming are better, and I will get the appropriate refiner materials in the future and be promoted. Being Spirit Treasure is not a problem either."

Han Zhangxiang slowly said.

"Many thanks patriarch, hard patriarch, you have a few more glasses."

Han Benfu thanked him and picked up the teapot to pour tea to Han Zhangxiang.

"How's your father and them doing? How about Ben Yong, Duan Rong, Maofeng and others!"

Han Zhangxiang was drinking tea and chatting about the family.

"Father and aunt are secluded cultivation, mother is refining third rank talisman, Second Brother is also secluded cultivation, Duan Rong and the others have gone to sea to hunt demonic beasts, and they haven't come back yet."

Han Benfu said truthfully.

After the marriage between Han Family and Zhou family, the strength has been enhanced a lot. In addition, the thigh of Lingxiao Daoist has no power to fight against Han Family, strictly speaking, Han Family does not control important cultivation resources, so naturally there is no The forces are working against the Han Family, and whoever does things that have no interest.

Han Zhangxiang comforted nodded, said: "That's good, I plan to retreat and attack the late Core Formation, Benfu, you are optimistic about the family, there is nothing particularly important, don't disturb my cultivation."

In the past few decades, he has been busy refining tools, and the cultivation base is still stopped in the middle stage of Core Formation. Han Benfu, Ye Xin and Ye Xue have all advanced into the middle stage of Core Formation, and Han Changming has advanced into the latter stage of Core Formation. Up.

If Han Zhangxiang didn’t spend a lot of time refining magic weapons, he might have already entered the late Core Formation stage, but he has no regrets. With his current level of refining, earning Spirit Stone would be much easier, yes. It is a good thing for him personally and for his family.

Han Benfu nodded and said: "Know, patriarch, you can cultivation at ease! The family has us! You have worked hard for many years, and you should be cultivated. It's time for us to share some pressure for you."

The younger generation of the family has grown up, and the older Core Formation cultivators such as Han Zhangxiang can relax.

Han Zhangxiang smiled knowingly and agreed.

After chatting for a while, Han Zhangxiang left and returned to Purple Moon Island cultivation.

······On    a large desert island with hundreds of li or so, more than 20 full-body blue sea lions fell on the beach. They either had no heads or were cut into two. Half, blood dyed redd the ground.

Fifteen cultivators including Han Duanrong are dealing with demonic beast corpses. There are five Foundation Establishment cultivators and ten Qi Refinement Cultivators.

Han Family has more than 30 people in the Foundation Establishment cultivator outside the sea. Some are in Haoran City, some stay in Purple Moon Island and Qinghu Island, and some go out to travel.

Han Duanrong is mainly responsible for leading the team to hunt and kill the demonic beast. She has been cultivation to the Foundation Establishment Middle Stage, not far from the Foundation Establishment Late Stage.

"Someone is here."

Han Duanrong frowned and said, moved towards looking high.

& A black shadow appeared in the distant sky, quickly moved towards here and flew.

It didn’t take long for Han Duanrong to see the true face of the black shadow. It was a black vulture that was riddled with scars. The left wing was a bit unnatural. A large number of feathers fell off. This is a black vulture. Demon bird of Second Rank high grade.

Han Duanrong raised right hand, a thick azure vine flew out and went straight to the black vulture.

The azure vines have adults with thick arms and the surface is covered with azure sharp thorns.

The black vulture doubled wings fiercely, and dozens of gray wind blades flew out, hitting the azure vines one after another, and there was a dull sound of "ding-ding".

Han Duanrong's wrist flicked, and the azure thorns on the surface of the azure vine shot out, and some of the thorns hit the black vulture.

The black vulture made a stern bird song, and its speed was greatly reduced. Taking this opportunity, the azure vine entangled the black vulture's claws and threw it to the ground.

With a muffled sound, the ground was smashed into a big hole, and the dust was flying.

The black vulture kept flapping its wings, letting out one after another gust of wind, trying to escape, but all this was in vain. Two azure mist flying knives came and cut off its head. .

An azure light appeared in the distant sky. It didn’t take long for the azure light to stop. It was an azure mist scroll. Five men and two women stood on the azure scroll. The leader was Black. and White Impermanence Liu Feng, the only descendant.

Liu Feng stayed in Haoran City for two years, and three Foundation Establishment cultivators personally protected him. He has been safe and sound. Not long ago, Black and White Impermanence sent people to call, and the trouble was resolved and he returned to Penglai Island. .

On the road, I encountered a group of Second Rank demon birds. Liu Feng took the initiative to kill them, but the Second Rank high grade demon birds ran away and they chased here.

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