
  Chapter 607 Colorful Glazed Stone

"In the wind, I have seen Fellow Daoists, I don’t know what Fairy is called "

Liu Feng said politely, his eyes quickly passing over Han Duanrong.

He is a lecher, but he is not foolish. He is crazy on the territory of Penglai Island, and Black and White Impermanence protects him. In the realm of the Righteous Alliance, he still dare not go crazy.

"Little girl Han Duanrong, this is Fellow Daoist Liu's prey, and I will give it back to you."

Han Duanrong shook his wrist, and the black vulture moved towards Liu Feng and flew away.

"Fairy is your kind, just a Second Rank spirit bird, give it to Fairy!"

Liu Feng disapproved, his sleeves flicked, and a gust of wind suddenly blew up. The vulture blew back to Han Duanrong's side, a large amount of sand was blown up by the violent wind, two sea lions were blown over by the violent wind.

Han Maofeng lightly exclaimed, moved towards the sea lion’s belly, and saw a fist-sized stone, the stone crystal clear and near-transparent, the surface is colorful, resembles nature itself, exuding a burst of colorful aura.

"Young Master, colorful glazed stone, this is the fourth rank refining material!"

A guard gave Liu Feng a sound transmission.

Liu Feng narrowed his eyes, his eyes became fiery.

There is a kind of strange beast called colorful beast living in the deep sea. This kind of demonic beast feeds on coral reefs and various metal veins. The colorful beasts above the fourth rank will excrete a kind of excretion called colorful glazed stone. Objects are also a rare refining material. Refined into magic weapons can increase the toughness of the magic weapons and indirectly increase the formidable power of the magic weapons. This material is used in the refining of high grade Flying Sword flying knives.

The colorful glazed stone in front of us, if it is put up for auction at auction, it can be sold at a high price of 300,000 yuan. There is a market and priceless. The colorful glazed stone is not an ordinary fourth rank material, so it is very rare. The mixing device materials.

Some Low Rank Monster Beasts like to eat luminous things and will swallow colorful glazed stones. This probability is too low.

"Fairy Han, give you this Second Rank demon bird's corpse, and give me the ore, how about it?"

Liu Feng said with a smile, he is Black and White The only descendant of Impermanence, he has made friends with many descendants of high-rank cultivator, experienced and knowledgeable, and his eyesight is not comparable to that of ordinary Foundation Establishment cultivator.

The Tiansha daoist of Penglai Island has been looking for the colorful glazed stone. If this item is offered, it will be favored by the Tiansha daoist, which will be of great benefit to his path.

Han Duanrong willow brows wrinkle, shook her head and said: "Sorry, your things are yours, my things are mine."

She is not stupid, she doesn't know that piece The origin of the ore, but the other party suddenly changed her words. She felt strange. She instinctively told her that this ore was definitely not ordinary. How could an ore that can emit colorful auras be an ordinary refining material.

Liu Feng frowned and said with a smile: "Let’s do it! Fairy Han, I will buy this ore from you with 30,000 Spirit Stones, and the corpse of the demon bird will also be given to you. It will work! "

"Sorry, I don't sell it."

Han Duanrong remained unmoved, his face full of vigilance.

Han Maofeng walked forward quickly, dug out the colorful glazed stone from the belly of the sea lion, and put it away.

"Fairy Han, Black and White Impermanence are my parents, please give me some thin noodles, I will give you 50,000 Spirit Stone, how about?"

Liu Feng suppressed his anger and moved out of Black and White Impermanence. He couldn't figure out the details of the other party, and he didn't dare to kill him.

"We are the children of Purple Moon Island Han Family. It will be my grandfather's birthday in a while. I am going to take this ore as a birthday gift, and I am forgiven for my fate."

After leaving home, many cultivators know that Purple Moon Island has a third rank Pill Refinement Master who is proficient in pill concocting.

Han Changming doesn't have a road number yet, and Han Duanrong reports that he is the granddaughter of Han Changming.

Liu Feng is not familiar with the forces of the Righteous League at all. He stayed in Haoran City for a few years, mainly looking for flowers and asking Liu, he knew that Nascent Soul Cultivator was in charge.

"Young Master, Purple Moon Island Han Family has a lot of influence in the Righteous League. Although there is no Nascent Soul Cultivator in charge, the Han Family has a third-rank Pill Refinement Master with a relatively high alchemy level. The Han Family is similar to Zhou. Family marriage, let's forget it!"

The guard gave Liu Feng a sound transmission.

Liu Feng's face was gloomy and uncertain, and he hesitated.

His gaze fell on Han Duanrong’s graceful figure, complexion turned cold, Tiansha Daoist's longevity is approaching, if you offer colorful colored glaze stones, you will definitely be valued by Tiansha Daoist, and by then, offend What is a third rank Pill Refinement Master? at worst does not come to the territory of the righteous alliance.

"Fairy Han, I am willing to bid 70,000 Spirit Stone, how about making friends?"

Liu Feng's voice increased.

Han Duanrong remained unmoved and shook his head straight: "Sorry, I'm sorry."

"Well then! Let's say goodbye...

Before he finished speaking, his sleeves flicked, and several dazzling azure lights flew out. After one blur, they suddenly turned into hundreds of about one chi long azure wind blades, covering the heavens, shielding the sun, and went straight Han Duanrong and others are here.

"Not good, enemy attack, everyone be careful. "

Han Duanrong, Yurong changed drastically, and promptly reminded her that she didn't expect Liu Feng to dare to kill her. It seemed that that piece of ore was not an ordinary thing, it might be a material for the fourth rank refining. The Spirit Stone is worth hundreds of thousands.

She quickly took out the small azure shield with a big palm on her face. The small azure shield rose in the wind and stood in front of her.

Han Maofeng and others took action one after another. To resist, their reaction is not slow.

There was a muffled noise of fried beans, and the dense azure wind blade hit the ground, suddenly exploding huge pits, and the ground was pitted, as if it had been plowed.

The sky suddenly darkened, and a huge black peak appeared on their heads without warning, and fell head-on.

In the eyes of Han Duanrong and others, the black peak is Crushers, if they are hit by the black mountain, their life will be gone.

Han Duanrong threw out a handful of azure light sparkling seeds and dropped them on the ground. The seeds put down roots germinated and quickly grew into Dozens of two people hug thick azure vines. The surface of the azure vines is covered with sharp thorns. Dozens of azure vines are like steel guns, facing the black mountain.

Han Maoyao waved a white flag. , Released a rolling chill, and hit the black peak.

The black peak was supported by dozens of azure vines and could not hit the ground.

Liu Feng’s guards attacked Han Duan one after another. Rong and others, Liu Feng's body is covered with a blue, red and blue spiritual cover, holding a pale-gold talisman in his hand, and the golden talisman has a golden sword pattern on the surface, which is a talisman treasure.

This is the site of the Righteous Dao League. He intends to do it quickly to urge the talisman treasure to destroy the enemy.

Han Duanrong also has the talisman treasure, but her cultivation base is lower than that of Liu Feng to activate the talisman. Treasure must be longer than Liu Feng.

"Maofeng, Maoyao, stop them, don't let them disturb me. "

Han Duanrong instructed, flipped his hand to take out a golden-bright and dazzling talisman, the golden talisman exudes an astonishing Spiritual Qi fluctuation.

third rank talisman golden light cut Demon charm, equivalent to Core Formation Early-Stage cultivator full strength attack, one 110 thousand Spirit Stone, a one-time use product, this is Liu Weiwei bought for her to save her life.

She said nothing, Directly took out the golden light demon slashing talisman.

As soon as talisman left his hand, a dazzling golden light burst out, which suddenly turned into a three-foot-long golden light blade. As soon as the golden light blade appeared, it occupied The vision of Liu Feng and others is like a golden full moon, exuding unparalleled pressure, and straight to them.

Liu Feng frowned, where is the golden full moon, but He didn't dare to care about the sickle of life. He turned his hand and took out a piece of azure mist talisman, which is also a third rank talisman.

A piece of talisman treasure can be used multiple times, and the third rank talisman is for one-time use. He didn’t expect Han Duanrong to have a third rank talisman. Even if Han Duanrong took out third rank talisman, there was nothing terrifying. Liu Feng also had a third rank talisman.

He quickly took out azure talisman and said With a muffled sound, the talisman burst open, and a half-moon-shaped azure giant blade emerged out of thin air and greeted it.

The azure giants collided with the golden light blades, bursting apart one after another, generating a powerful gas. The waves, the calm sea exploded, splashing waves of hundreds zhang or so high, dozens of ancient trees were pulled up by the roots by the powerful air waves, turned into dust and smoke.

Han Duanrong interrupted the casting, Liu Feng naturally couldn't activate the talisman treasure. The cold glow in his eyes was full, and he turned his hand and took out an azu again. The talisman of re mist is another azure talisman.

At this moment, a weird roar sounded, and the dense spell aura hit the face.

Han Duanrong and others did not know when they took out Puppet Beast and controlled Puppet Beast against the enemy.

Liu Feng frowned, planning to take out Magical Artifact to resist, a loud bell rang, and they felt their heads buzzing, as if someone was knocking their heads with a heavy object, and they couldn't stand firmly.

Absorbing Soul Bell, this Magical Artifact helped Han Changming kill many powerful enemies. After he was promoted to the Core Formation Stage, he passed it to Han Benfu. Han Benfu’s Core Formation was given to Han Benyong and Han Benyong. Core Formation was given to Han Duanrong.

Boom! After   a huge explosion sounded, the intensive spell aura flooded Liu Feng and others, and a scream was vaguely heard.

A dazzling azure light lit up, and a giant blade of azure mist flew out without warning, like a sickle for life, and came straight to Han Duanrong and others.

Han Duanrong saw the azure giant blade, inwardly shouted bad in his heart, and hurriedly shouted loudly: "Not good, run away."

She pinched her secret art, dozens of pieces. The azure vines quickly gathered together and woven into an azure high wall full of thorns, blocking in front of you.

The azure giant blade was cut on the azure high wall, just like cutting melons and vegetables, the azure high wall burst open, a mournful scream sounded, Han Maofeng, Han Maoyao and others were cut in two by the azure giant blade Half, falling in a pool of blood, their faces were full of unwillingness.

More than a dozen Puppet Beasts were also smashed by the azure giant blade and turned into a pile of broken copper and iron.

The azure giant blade rammed and slashed on top of a towering mountain. With a loud noise, most of the hill fell, divided into two, and the cut was extremely smooth.

Han Duanrong's reaction was quicker, and he escaped, and was scared into a cold sweat.

Seeing the dead clansman, her heart was filled with grief, and her face was full of grief and anger.

"Asshole, kill me clansman, I fight with you."

Han Duanrong took out a golden light shining talisman, golden talisman burst out one after another, thousands of pieces The slender golden light flew out and went straight to the opposite side.

At the same time, her mana was madly injected into Absorbing Soul Bell, and loud bells rang.

The dense golden light immersed in the spell’s aura, and there was a painful scream. Several corpses landed from a high altitude, and a blue escape light flew out and went straight to the sky. The flash disappeared into the sky.

The black peak shrank quickly, turned into a palm-size, and fell to the ground.

This time fighting, Han Family killed ten people in battle, Foundation Establishment cultivator killed three people, Qi Refinement repaired seven people killed in battle, suffered heavy losses, destroyed six enemies, unfortunately, was escaped by one person. , She didn't dare to stay long, let clansman put away all the corpses and belongings, Yu Qi left here.

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