
  Chapter 609 Pill Refining Convention   Lingxiao Tower, fifth floor, Azure Lotus Fairy is talking to Shen Qinghuan Saying something.

"Fellow Daoist Han's clansman killed Liu Feng? Is this true?" Shen Qinghuan frowned and said, everyone knew that Han Family was covered by Lingxiao Daoist, his first reaction was Someone has planted it for no reason, why did Han Family cultivator kill Liu Feng?

"I don’t know, even if it’s true, it’s nothing. Black and White Impermanence did not kill the people of our righteous alliance in the early years."

Azure Lotus Fairy said disapprovingly. She doesn't care about true or false.

At this moment, a faint sound of footsteps came from downstairs, and Azure Lotus Fairy and Shen Qinghuan stopped talking.

Han Changming walked up, his face solemn.

The impact of this incident is too great, he must ask Ling Xiao daoist to come forward, otherwise Black and White Impermanence will stare at them in the dark, and will retaliate against them at any time. This is too troublesome and is not good for the family. Offshore development.

"Fellow Daoist Han, you came so fast! It was not for that news!" Shen Qinghuan saw Han Changming and said in surprise.

Han Changming solemnly nodded, said: "I want to see Lingxiao Daoist in an urgent matter, and I hope Fellow Daoist Shen and Fairy Wang can help."

In order to solve this problem, he Preparing to bleed heavily.

"The master is upstairs now, Fellow Daoist Han, you wait a moment, I will report to the master."

Azure Lotus Fairy promised to come down, moved towards the sixth floor and walked.

"Fellow Daoist Han, what the hell is going on?"

Shen Qinghuan asked.

Han Changming sighed, and briefly talked about what happened. He did not hide the existence of the colorful colored glaze stone, which could not be concealed at all.

"In this case, Liu Feng should be killed, but the master still has to make a decision on this matter. As long as you take control, the master master should help you."

Shen Qinghuan comforted.

At this moment, Azure Lotus Fairy walked down, made a please gesture, and said: "Fellow Daoist Han, the master is pleased."

Han Changming complied, Daoist Step moved towards the sixth floor.

When he came to the sixth floor, he saw Lingxiao daoist tasting tea. Lingxiao daoist had no expression on his face, and he could not see the happiness or anger.

"Junior Han Changming, pay homage to daoist."

Han Changming bowed his head and looked extremely respectful.

Although the Lingxiao daoist is the backer of the Han Family, this does not mean that the Lingxiao daoist must wipe the ass for the Han Family, otherwise other vassals will follow suit and make trouble every day, and the Lingxiao daoist simply cannot manage it.

"Colorful glazed stone, it's no wonder that kid wants to murder to seize the treasures, but the old ghost is offering a huge reward for finding this."

Ling Xiao daoist lightly said with a smile .

Han Changming quickly took out an azure jade box and handed it to Ling Xiao daoist, sincerely said: "Please also senior for help, our Han Family is grateful?"

He took out five An azure jade box with an 800-year-old spiritual medicine in each.

Lingxiao daoist opened the jade box and took out the colorful colored glaze stone with a satisfied expression on his face.

"This incident is not a major event, but Black and White Impermanence is a capable man of the old ghost of the gods, your descendants kill their descendants, maybe the old ghost of the gods Come forward, the trouble is not small."

Ling Xiao daoist frowned and said.

Han Changming heart shivered with cold hurriedly said: "senior but driven, we Han Family must obey."

He needs the help of Lingxiao daoist now, so he has to bow his head.

"The old man does not need your family to be in the forefront. The HSBC Chamber of Commerce in Sifang Island will hold a Pill Refining Convention and convene the third rank Pill Refinement Master to participate. Your alchemy level is not bad. Run with the old man. Come on! If you can get the ranking, the old man forgive Black and White Impermanence for not going to the righteous alliance to kill people and overstock."

Ling Xiao daoist's voice is heavy.

"Pill Refining Convention?"

Han Changming was taken aback for a moment, why didn't he hear about it.

Is there any lucrative reward for ranking? Even Lingxiao Daoist is so fancy? He has spent so many years outside the sea and has not heard that Sifang Island will host the Pill Refining Convention!

"Tell you the truth! This Pill Refining Convention is organized by the Nangong Family of Zhongtian continent. It is intended to gather friends through literature. The rewards are very generous. Only the Pill Refinement Master who can refine the imported medicine pill Not everyone can participate. This event is also beneficial to you. What do you think?"

The language of Ling Xiao daoist is mild, and the Nangong Family is paid very well, and he is also very rewarding. Heartbeat.

Han Changming thought it over, nodded and said: "Junior would like to follow senior to Sifang Island, but Junior’s family..."

Lingxiao daoist knows Han Changming "You can rest assured, I will let Qinghuan take care of your family more. No matter how long the hands of the old ghost of the gods, we will not be able to reach our righteous alliance. You can rest assured that you can go back and prepare. One month later, the old man will pass Purple Moon Island. If you want to bring Junior to meet the world, you can bring it. This time Pill Refining Convention, there will be many third rank Pill Refinement Masters participating."

"Yes, senior."

Han Changming agreed and bowed back.

On the fifth floor, he chatted with Shen Qinghuan and left.

After time it takes to drink a cup of tea, Han Changming came to Jinhu Pavilion, Liu Weiwei was greeting the guests, and Han Benzhi had not yet left.

He strode into the backyard, and not long after, Liu Weiwei followed in.

"Father, market city rumors, our family killed Black and White Impermanence, is this true?"

Liu Weiwei said nervously, Black and White Impermanence is notorious, If they provoke them, trouble will be inevitable in the future.

"It's true. From today on, you don't leave the market city privately, and don't go there alone, easy to dodge the spear in the open, hard to avoid a stab in the dark."


Han Changming solemnly warned repeatedly.

"I see, dad, what the hell is going on?"

Liu Weiwei couldn't help but inquire about the reason, except for this, their activities would be restricted.

Han Changming briefly talked about what happened, Liu Weiwei was dumbfounded, her face pale.

She absolutely did not expect that it was Han Duanrong who killed Liu Feng.

Han Duanrong didn't do anything wrong, he just fought back, but it was a pity that he escaped by himself.

"Remember, you and Benzhi must never leave the market city, and don't go to hidden places alone."

Han Changming warned repeatedly, he I'm worried about Black and White Impermanence's insidious tricks.

Liu Weiwei nodded quickly, and her mood became very heavy.

Han Changming exhorted a few words and left the Golden Gourd Pavilion.

After time it takes to drink a cup of tea, he appeared at the gate of Jinjiao Pavilion. There were many cultivators coming in and out, which seemed very lively.

Han Changming walked in, just as Han Wenbin walked down the stairs.

"Fellow Daoist Han, why are you here? Please upstairs."

Han Wenbin made a gesture of please and invited Han Changming to the third floor, and Han Wenyue was there The third floor.

After a few cups of tea were over, Han Changming started talking about business: "Fellow Daoist Han, I'm here this time, I have something to ask for."

"Fellow Daoist Han, please say, As long as we can help, we will never refuse."

Han Wenbin's tone is sincere, and he vaguely guessed Han Changming's intention.

"Our family has encountered some troubles. If my relatives are in trouble and ask you for help, please help me. I am grateful."

Han Changming cup one fist In the other hand, he told Liu Weiwei that if you are in trouble, you can ask Han Wenbin for help first, and then you can go to Shen Qinghuan.

Shen Qinghuan is an outsider after all. At the critical moment, Han Changming still trusts Han Wenbin. After all, Han Wenbin is very likely to share the same sect with them.

Han Wenbin was taken aback for a moment. Hearing Han Changming's tone, it seemed like he was explaining the funeral.

"Fellow Daoist Han, do you have any other requests?"

Han Wenyue asked strangely.

"No, I hope I can't use it, hey, I really don't know where to start this matter."

Han Changming sighed, his face full of sadness.

He pondered for a moment, and briefly talked about what happened.

For no reason, Jinjiao Island Han Family was impossible to help him, after all, it involved Nascent Soul Cultivator.

"So to speak, this Liu Feng should be killed, but even so, Black and White Impermanence knows this, I guess it will not let you Han Family go, please be careful! We will take care of it. Your relatives in Haoran City."

Han Wenbin solemnly promised that he can't resolve this grievance, but it is no problem to provide some help appropriately.

"Then many thanks."

Han Changming thanked him, and after a few small chats, he left.

After half a month, Han Changming returned to Qinghudao. He told Ye Xin and Ye Xue what happened.

"Pill Refining Convention? I have never heard of it, Husband, I think you want to go and get a good ranking. The higher your alchemy level, the more cultivators will help us in the future. Lost and helpless, this is a great time for us to make friends."

Ye Xin suggested that she is full of confidence in Han Changming's Pill Refinement Technique.

"Husband, let me run with you!"

Ye Xue took the initiative to ask.

Han Changming pondered for a moment, and said, "I’ll take a trip with Benfu! You stay in Qinghudao and arrange two more sets of Formation, especially Transmission Formation. If something goes wrong, our clansman can also send away."

To take precautions, Han Changming has already figured out a way out.

The impact of this incident is too great, he dare not care, if he is not careful, the Han Family will be destroyed.

Han Zhangxiang and Han Debiao are secluded cultivation, Han Benyong and Han Changying have been promoted to the Core Formation Stage for a short time, Ye Xin and Ye Xue are the main battle strengths, this time Pill Refining Convention will have a lot of Pill With the participation of Refinement Master, Han Benfu can make more Pill Refinement Masters to pave the way for her future.

Ye Xin and Ye Xue have no opinion, so they agree.

"By the way, how is Duan Rong?"

Han Changming asked about Han Duanrong's current situation. Han Duanrong is not feeling well after such a big incident.

"Benfu has been with her, she is much better now."

Ye Xin said truthfully, after this happened, Han Family did not send anyone out to sea to hunt demonic beasts.

Han Changming sighed in relief, he was afraid that Han Duanrong would not be able to get out of the shadow. It was not the shadow of murder, but the incident had a significant impact on the family.

After a few small chats, Han Changming came to the outside of a secluded valley and sent a sound transmission talisman.

It didn't take long for Han Duanrong and Han Benfu to walk out. They hadn't seen each other for more than a month, and Han Duanrong became a lot haggard.

Han Maofeng and others died, she was extremely sad, but what made her blame herself was the trouble this incident caused to the family.

The family did not encounter any major setbacks in the open sea. Now because of her, the family provokes a high-rank cultivator backed by Nascent Soul Cultivator.

"Father, how is it? Is this done?"

Han Benfu asked nervously, why didn't she know the impact of this matter.

"I have already told the Lingxiao daoist, and the Lingxiao daoist said that this is not our fault. If Black and White Impermanence dared to make trouble in the righteous alliance, I would never spare them lightly, but be cautious. For the sake of Duan Rong, don't tell the story about it, don't leave Qinghudao for a short time, you know?"

Han Changming said softly.

Hearing these words, Han Benfu and Han Duanrong sighed in relief by chance, and the stone hanging in their hearts was put down.

"I see, Dad (grandfather)."

Han Benfu and Han Duanrong agreed in unison.

"Benfu, Sifang Island holds the Pill Refining Convention. It is said to be held by the Nangong Family of Zhongtian continent. There are many Pill Refinement Masters participating. Please come with me! Know a few more Pill Refinement It’s good for the Master, it doesn’t hurt to make more friends."

Han Changming said with a smile.

"Pill Refining Convention?"

Han Benfu was a little tempted, she thought about it, and said, "Father, take Duan Rong! Just take it for relaxation."

Han Changming nodded, said: "Okay, Duan Rong, let's go together too! You guys prepare, and we will leave in half a month."

Han Benfu and Han Duanrong agreed to come down. There was a thick smile on his face.

Back to the residence, Han Changming sat cross-legged on the futon, closed his eyes and rested, meditating and adjusting his breath.

After a while, he opened his eyes, took out the blue flame incinerator and the pill concocting material, and started pill concocting.

He wants to increase his alchemy level as much as possible, and strive to show his skills in the Pill Refining Convention.

If he has achieved great results at the Pill Refining Convention, Black and White Impermanence will be afraid of even if he wants to retaliate against Han Family.

With a pinch of his secret art, a secret art hit the top of the blue flame incinerator. There was a muffled sound. An azure flame emerged out of thin air, wrapping the bottom of the pill furnace, and the temperature in the room rose suddenly.

After a while, Han Changming threw the pill concocting materials into the alchemic furnace one after another, and covered the cauldron lid.

A faint medicinal fragrance wafted out, and Han Changming fixed his eyes on the alchemic furnace.

The time of half a month passed quickly.

Han Changming sits cross-legged on a yellow futon, with a lot of bottles, pots and utensils beside him, empty inside, the blue flame burning furnace is placed in front of him, the billowing flame envelops the blue flame The incinerating furnace, the temperature is scary, and the air is filled with a strong fragrance of medicine.

With a pinch of Han Changming secret art, the flames suddenly dissipated, and the cauldron lid flew up automatically and landed steadily on the ground.

He walked forward quickly, and there were seven pale-gold pills inside. It was Jinludan. Each Jinludan had a pill pattern, which was obviously a middle grade medicine pill.

Han Changming’s eyes were full of joy. The middle grade Golden Root he used to take out was purified with Supreme Unity Spirit Transformation Gourd, and now the middle grade Golden Root in the Blue Flame Burning Furnace was refined by him. If it is purified with Supreme Unity Spirit Transformation Gourd, it can be purified to high grade.

Supreme Unity Spirit Transformation Gourd can upgrade medicine pill to a small level, it can only be purified once, not unlimited purification.

Refining low grade medicine pill, which can be refined into middle grade, and refining middle grade medicine pill, which can be refined into high grade.

A sound transmission talisman flew in, Han Changming crushed the sound transmission talisman, Ye Xin's voice suddenly sounded: "Husband, Lingxiao daoist and Azure Lotus Fairy are here, they are in the Chamber."


Han Changming put away the alchemic furnace and medicine pill and went out.

Coming to the Chamber, Han Changming saw Lingxiao Daoist drinking tea, and a dozen cultivators such as Azure Lotus Fairy and Han Benfu stood aside.

Lingxiao daoist sniffed the medicinal smell on Han Changming's body, with approving expression on his face, and said: "It's getting late, let's go!"

He took out An azure flying boat, into a secret art, the size of the azure flying boat skyrocketed.

More than a dozen cultivators including Lingxiao daoist, Azure Lotus Fairy, Han Changming, Han Benfu and Han Duanrong stepped up one after another, and Lingxiao daoist also brought some apprentices there.


With the daoist of Lingxiao falling down, the azure flying boat broke through the air and flew out of Qinghu Island.

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