
  Chapter 610 Sifang Island

Penglai Island, a secluded courtyard.

Liu Zhanyuan and Zheng Jiaojiao sat on the stone bench, their eyes gloomy.

A blue clothes youth of medium build knelt aside, looking terrified.

"Are you sure they are the children of Purple Moon Island Han Family? Didn't you admit the wrong person?"

Liu Zhanyuan's voice was low and his eyes were full of murderous aura.

Liu Feng actually died at the hands of the Purple Moon Island Han Family children. They were sad and a little skeptical.

Purple Moon Island Han Family has a small reputation in the Right Path League, mainly Purple Moon Island has produced a Han Changming, Han Changming is proficient in Pill Refinement Technique, and once accepted the guidance of Lingxiao daoist.

"They exposed themselves, It shouldn't be wrong, the subordinates painted her portrait, as long as you hold the portrait to identify it, you can definitely identify it."

blue clothes Youth took out a blue jade slip and handed it to Liu Zhanyuan cautiously.

On his way back, he spread the news that Liu Feng died at the hands of the Han Family son, but this was only his one-sided word.

Liu Zhanyuan took over the jade slip, and Divine Consciousness swept away frowned.

"We know, from today, you don't leave Penglai Island. Stay on the island for a good cultivation. Feng'er's death has nothing to do with you. If you pass the news back, it is already fine. "

Liu Zhanyuan said warmly.

blue clothes youth sighed in relief, he was really worried that Liu Zhanyuan would kill him directly, after all, Liu Feng died in battle.

As soon as he left with his front foot, Zheng Jiaojiao burst into a powerful breath, and the floor in the courtyard was shattered.

"No matter who killed Feng'er, a debt of blood must be paid in blood."

Zheng Jiaojiao was full of murderous aura, they finally got Liu Feng This descendant was afraid of melting in his mouth, holding it in his hand for fear of falling, no matter whether Liu Feng did it or not, they would never give up who killed Liu Feng anyway.

"Send someone to check first, don’t be used as a tool."

Liu Zhanyuan said solemnly, murder pays his life, as long as Liu Feng is really by Purple Moon Island He was killed by Han Family's children, he would never let Han Family go.

Behind Han Changming is Ling Xiao daoist, Liu Zhanyuan dare not go crazy and must investigate clearly.

"If it is really done by the Han Family children! Behind the Han Family is Ling Xiao daoist, shall we report to the daoist? Ask him to come forward?"

Zheng Jiao Jiao hesitated and said, a Purple Moon Island Han Family is nothing terrifying, they are afraid of Ling Xiao daoist.

"Killing pays for life, if Purple Moon Island Han Family did it, naturally, we would take revenge for Feng'er. We can't go to the righteous alliance's territory for activities. We don't need to report this matter to the daoist. Let's do it well. Just take care of the daoist for the Tiansha daoist."

Liu Zhanyuan’s voice is heavy, it is not that he does not want to tell the Tiansha daoist. In their opinion, the son was killed. This is a big thing, in Tiansha In the eyes of daoist, a Foundation Establishment cultivator is dead.

They have to work harder to handle the errands, and the daoist will naturally stand out for them.

Zheng Jiaojiao frowned: "How do we avenge Feng'er? It is too much influence to come out in person."

The vengeance of murder is absolutely irreconcilable, and revenge is necessary. If they come out in person, It's easy to involve Lingxiao daoist and Tiansha daoist, which is not a good thing.

"If you have money, you can spur ghosts. As long as you are willing to spend the Spirit Stone, if your own expert is willing to take action, first send someone to the Zhengdao League to investigate!"

Liu Zhanyuan's face Dignified, if it weren't for fear of Lingxiao daoist, he would like to immediately kill Purple Moon Island and destroy Han Family. If they really do, they may not be able to destroy Han Family easily. After all, Han Family is not weak.

······    A stretch of the endless blue Sea Territory, an azure light glittering flying boat quickly passes over the sea at a very fast speed.

Lingxiao daoist stands at the forefront, Azure Lotus Fairy, Han Changming, Han Benfu stand behind Lingxiao daoist, Han Duanrong and more than a dozen Foundation Establishment cultivators stand behind, saying nothing send.

It has been more than half a year, and they have not yet reached Sifang Island. It seems that the territory controlled by Human Race in the open sea is very large.

Along the way, Ling Xiao daoist gave advice on Han Changming Alchemy Technique, and the questions that had plagued Han Changming for a long time were solved, and Han Changming benefited a lot.

Regardless of the purpose of the Lingxiao daoist, he pointed out that Han Changming pill concocting is a fact, and Han Changming is grateful.

"Calculate the time, we are about to reach Sifang Island, you all have to perform well and strive to get the ranking."

Ling Xiao daoist instructed, with a stern tone.

To be honest, he is more optimistic about Han Changming. Azure Lotus Fairy can refine the imported medicine pill, but the success rate is not high. Unlike Han Changming, he refines the success rate of the middle grade medicine pill. It is relatively high, and you can know it from the fact that he took out a lot of middle grade medicine pills.

Ling Xiao daoist once thought about accepting Han Changming as a dísciple, but he thought about it again and again, and he gave up this idea.

Han Changming is already Core Formation. Even if he joins Lingxiao daoist, he does not have a strong sense of belonging to Lingxiao daoist. Azure Lotus Fairy's alchemy level is indeed not as good as Han Changming, but she is Ling Xiao Daoist looked at the discipline taught by her grown-up, and she has a strong sense of belonging to Lingxiao Daoist.

Loyalty is more important than ability. This is also something that every high-rank cultivator must consider when receiving dísciple. Generally speaking, the greater the gap between master and dísciple’s cultivation base, the better. This is conducive to cultivating loyalty. The master can't help dísciple too much, and his loyalty is not high.

"Yes, master (Senior Ling)."

Azure Lotus Fairy and Han Changming agreed in unison.

A deafening thunder sounded, and a group of dazzling silver lightning suddenly appeared in the sky in the distance, which was very conspicuous.

Han Changming squinted his eyes, his eyes lit up for a burst of golden light, and he moved towards the distant sky.

He is now urging the golden eyes real pupil, and he can easily see things thirty miles away.

He could clearly see that a man covered in dirt was overwhelmed by silver lightning.

"Hey, it's him."

Han Changming's eyes returned to normal, and his eyes flashed with surprise.

A ray of light flew out of the silver lightning, quickly moved towards their location and flew.

Lingxiao daoist frowned, the secret art pinch, the azure flying boat suddenly stopped.

It didn't take long for them to see the real face of Escape. They were a man covered in dirt, and it was Cheng Guangbei.

After decades of absence, Cheng Guangbei has entered the middle stage of Core Formation.

After leaving immortal island, Cheng Guangbei worried that Han Changming would kill a witness to silence them, hid secluded cultivation, and practiced hard for decades. He finally reached the middle stage of Core Formation from cultivation.

Cheng Guangbei saw Han Changming and others. He was taken aback for a moment. A sharp bird's song came from behind him. He was taken aback and hurriedly shouted: "Fellow Daoist Han! Help."

"Little Friend Han? Do you know him?"

Ling Xiao daoist asked casually.

"This is an old acquaintance of Junior. I didn't expect him to be chased by monsters."

Han Changming replied honestly.

A three-foot-large silver giant eagle appeared in the sky, surrounded by electric light, and its claws were golden. This is a third-rank high grade golden-clawed thunder eagle.

The Golden Claw Thunder Eagle feels the strong spiritual pressure of the Lingxiao Daoist, so he dare not approach it and hovering in the sky.

"Thunder Attribute demon bird! This is rare."

Ling Xiao daoist showed an interesting expression on his face. As soon as he lifted his right hand, a red light shot out, one After blurring, it disappeared.

A red light suddenly lit up on the top of the golden claw thunder eagle's head, and a Little Pagoda with red light circling appeared. After the tower was lit up with countless red talisman texts, it instantly expanded to hundreds zhang or so High, covering the heavens, shielding the sun, exudes endless pressure, and the sea surface reflects a burst of red light, as if it has become a fire sea.

The thunder sounded loudly, and the golden claw thunder carving wings fiercely, disappeared in a burst of ear-piercing thunder.

"Thunder Escaping Technique! Interesting."

Ling Xiao daoist chuckled, and pinched the secret art, and the red giant tower suddenly disappeared.

A silver light suddenly lit up outside of hundred zhang or so, and the golden claw thunder carving suddenly appeared.


Ling Xiao daoist shouting loudly, Cheng Guangbei's head buzzed, and he couldn't stand still. Han Duanrong and other Foundation Establishment cultivators were soft and paralyzed. Sitting down, Han Benfu and Azure Lotus Fairy's bodies swayed, Han Changming looked as usual.

A red light suddenly lit up on the golden claw mine sculpture's head, and the red giant tower appeared, spraying out a red colorful shield to hold the golden claw mine sculpture, and put it in.

The whole process was like passing clouds and flowing water, and the Golden Claw Thunder Eagle did not react.

Ling Xiao’s daoist secret art pinched, the red giant tower shrank quickly, turning into a red light and disappeared in his sleeves.

From when he shot, to when he took away the Golden Claw Thunder Eagle, it took less than three breaths.

Cheng Guangbei hadn't reacted yet, dizzy, his body swayed from left to right, barely letting himself fall.

"Cheng Fellow Daoist, this is Lingxiao Daoist."

Han Changming started introduced.

He didn't expect that Lingxiao daoist had mastered a divine ability of sound roar. It seems that Alchemy Technique, Lingxiao daoist's divine ability is not weak.

"Junior Cheng Guangbei, thank Senior for helping me, senior great kindness, Junior is grateful."

Cheng Guangbei bowed and bowed quickly, thanking him.

"Monster Race is our common enemy, we still have things to do, please ask for more blessings!"

A pinch of the daoist secret art of Lingxiao, the azure flying boat flies away Rising, it turned into an azure rainbow and broke through the sky, and soon disappeared into the sky.

Cheng Guangbei lightly sighed in relief, and finally let go of his hanging heart.

He moved towards a deserted island not far away and flew away to heal his injuries.

5 days later, the azure flying boat stopped abruptly, and there was a vast sea of ​​white fog in front of which the naked eye could not see the situation inside.

Han Benfu used spiritual eyes technique, but was blocked by some kind of restriction, unable to see clearly the situation in the sea of ​​white fog.

Han Changming urged the golden eyes to make a real pupil, and saw a huge island, faintly discernible, but it was not real.

Sifang Island’s guard island formation is definitely not ordinary, it can make golden eyes really helpless.

It is rumored that HSBC Chamber of Commerce has a Divine Transformation cultivator, maybe it is Rank 5 Array.

Lingxiao daoist secret art With a pinch, a dazzling azure light emerges from the azure flying boat, moved towards the white sea of ​​fog, and the speed is not fast.

After entering the sea of ​​white fog, all around is a vast expanse of whiteness, and nothing else can be seen.

Before long, a bright light appeared in front of them, and a square island appeared in their sight.

The island is a thousand li or so long from east to west, and a thousand li or so wide from north to south. It is like a huge piece of land floating on the sea. The island’s buildings stand in great numbers, and you can see a lot of banners and streets. The crowd is surging, and the traffic is busy, and it looks very lively.

This island is Sifang Island, the nest of HSBC Chamber of Commerce.

In the center of Sifang Island is a round bluestone square with more than a dozen large shops. Looking down from the sky, Sifang Island is like a huge gossip.

Han Changming discovered that Sifang Island had not built a city, and there were a lot of azure stone bricks on the ground.

A hundred miles away from Sifang Island, three small islands surround Sifang Island, forming a guarding position.

As soon as the azure flying boat approaches Sifang Island for ten miles, the speed slows down, which seems to have touched some kind of prohibition.

It didn't take long for the azure flying boat to land on Sifang Island. The street was spacious and clean, and the houses were neatly arranged.

They stepped down from the azure flying boat one after another, and Ling Xiao daoist put away the azure flying boat.

Han Duanrong came to Sifang Island for the first time, and looked curiously towards the shops on the left and right sides. She thought that Haoran City was already prosperous enough. Didn't expect Sifang Island to be more prosperous. Several brilliant magic weapons are placed on the shelves of the weapon shop.

There are many strange-looking Spirit Beast spirit birds in the iron cage in the Spirit Beast store, and all kinds of weird things are placed on the shelves of the raw material store.

They haven't gotten far, a team of cultivators came heading up, headed by Sun Jiaming.

Sun Jiaming walked over quickly, bowed, and respectfully said: "Junior is visiting Senior Ling, the teacher is entertaining the guests, and I can’t go away temporarily, so Junior will arrange a place for Ling Daoist."


"It's okay, Little Friend Sun will lead the way! The old man will go to Lingshi later for a while."

Ling Xiao daoist said mildly.

Sun Jiaming complied, leading the way, Lingxiao daoist follow closely from behind.

Half a quarter of an hour later, Sun Jiaming took them into an extremely large manor, with gardens, water pavilions and rockery corridors everywhere, and Spiritual Qi was abundant.

"Okay, you go back and come back! The old man is not the first time to come to Sifang Island, so don't bother you."

Ling Xiao daoist waved his sleeve and told Sun Jiaming to retreat Up.

The manor is very large, with five independent small courtyards with blue tiles. It is not a problem to live in a hundred and eighty people. There is also a separate pill concocting room.

Lingxiao daoist lives in a secluded small courtyard with red tiles, a red attic with carved and jade columns is located in the courtyard, and Han Changming, Han Benfu and Han Duanrong live in a three-story building. Attic, next to the residence of Lingxiao Daoist.

"You can move around freely, but don't leave Sifang Island without authorization, and don't easily conflict with other cultivators."

Ling Xiao daoist warned repeatedly.

Azure Lotus Fairy and others agreed and dispersed.

Azure Lotus Fairy, Han Changming, Han Benfu and Han Duanrong strolled on the spacious and clean streets, watching as they walked.

It is the first time for the three of Han Changming to come to Sifang Island. Azure Lotus Fairy has been there several times. She introduced Han Changming to the three of Sifang Island.

Unlike other market cities, Sifang Island does not have a place for loose cultivator stalls.

"Sifang Island often flows out of products from Zhongtian continent. Merchants can make a large amount of Spirit Stone by reselling them. However, there may be accidents due to long distances."

Azure Lotus Fairy slowly said.

"Zhongtian continent products? Where can I buy them? Please also Fairy Wang to lead the way."

Han Changming said politely, he plans to buy a few more huge might magic weapons or The huge might of talisman, as a killing move.

Azure Lotus Fairy smiled nodded, and walked with Han Changming moved towards market city.

"Fairy Wang, Fellow Daoist Han, what a coincidence! You are here to participate in the Pill Refining Convention!"

A somewhat pleased woman's voice suddenly sounded.

Han Changming and Azure Lotus Fairy looked along the source of the sound and saw Nangong Yue Hua.

I have started to get in touch with the cultivator of Zhongtian continent extensively. Han Duanrong, Liu Feng, and Black and White Impermanence are arranged, not for the purpose of setting up a baby.

      (End of this chapter)

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