
  Chapter 611 is not drunk, scattered people and Song Qingqing    This Pill Refining Convention is organized by Nangong Family. I mainly want to take this opportunity to get acquainted with the Pill Refinement Master with a high level of alchemy. Han Changming and Azure Lotus Fairy are not low in the level of alchemy.

"Fairy Maiden Nangong, long time no see."

Han Changming smiled and greeted him. After decades of absence, Nangong Yue Hua's breath became stronger.

"I haven't seen you for a while, Elder Sister Nangong's cultivation base has improved a lot. Congratulations!"

The tone of Azure Lotus Fairy is very warm, regardless of her being a Lingxiao daoist dísciple, Nangong Yuehua is higher than her in terms of identity.

Nangong Yue Hua nodded, said with a smile: "You are here to participate in the Pill Refining Convention! Many Pill Refinement Masters have come, and I know you will come."

Azure Lotus Fairy smiled and said: "I heard that your Nangong Family is hosting the Pill Refining Convention. Fellow Daoist Han and I came here to discuss and exchange ideas with other Fellow Daoists."

" Entertain a few friends, they are also Pill Refinement Masters. If the two Fellow Daoists don’t mind, let’s go with the little girl!" Nangong Yue said with a warm tone, her eyes fell on On Han Benfu and Han Duanrong, curiously asked: "These two are..."

"This is the daughter and granddaughter of Lai Xia, Ben Fu and Duan Rong, this is me I told you Fairy Maiden Nangong."

Han Changming spoke introduced.

"There are so many lively people, let's go together! We all like lively."

Nangong Yue Hua said enthusiastically.

"Many thanks to Senior Nangong's kindness, Junior is the first time to visit Sifang Island, so I can just stroll around on my own."


"Let's do it! I will let Little Friend Han stroll around, and let you get familiar with Sifang Island."

Nangong Yue Hua called an azure clothed youth in his early twenties , Let him take Han Duanrong to visit Sifang Island.

Han Changming instructed Han Duanrong not to leave Sifang Island, and went back to his residence to rest when he was tired.

Han Duanrong agreed and left with azure clothed youth.

The four of Nangong Yue Hua crossed several streets and came to the residential area. There are various mansions here, there are no shops, and the flow of people is relatively small.

Not long after, Nangong Yue Hua stopped at the entrance of an extremely large mansion. On a lacquered plaque, the two golden characters "Nangong" were written, and some golden butterflies were engraved on the exquisite stone pillar. There are two azure stone lions about one zhang high at the door. The door is open and there are two Foundation Establishment cultivators guarding the door.

Nangong Yue Hua led the way, and the Foundation Establishment cultivator did not block it either.

There are many exotic flowers and rare herbs growing in the mansion. There are many red leaves scattered on the ground. A stream runs through the mansion. The stream washes the pebbles in the riverbed, and you can see dozens of brocades. When the carp is chasing me in the stream, there are waves of water.

Crossing a white stone arch bridge, they walked into a secluded small courtyard with blue tiles, a green vine lying on the wall, an azure stone pavilion located in the center of the courtyard, Nangong Yue Peak and two Core Formation The cultivator is tasting tea and chatting.

A burly middle-aged man with a square face and big eyes, wearing an azure daoist robe, long beard, dishevelled hair, and a strong smell of alcohol.

An azure robe old woman with a rosy face, the old woman is wearing a red robe, and her eyes are a little muddy.

Both of them are the cultivation base in the later stage of Core Formation, and the aura of middle-aged man is stronger.

"Hey, it's Fairy Wang, these two are..."

middle-aged man lightly exclaimed, his eyes are on Han Changming and Han Benfu .

Azure Lotus Fairy, as the dísciple of the Lingxiao daoist, they naturally know each other.

"Let me introduce, these two are Fellow Daoist He and Mrs. Liu."

Nangong Yuefeng was introduced with enthusiasm.

"Under Han Changming, this is Han Benfu, the daughter of this Han."

Han Changming introduced.

The middle-aged man is well-known in the open sea. This person is proficient in the Pill Refinement Technique. He especially likes to drink. He is not drunk after a thousand cups. The outside world calls him a person who is not drunk.

Budrunk Sanren is ranked 16th on the Hidden Dragon List, but this person's whereabouts are secretive, and he has not been seen all the year round. Han Changming did not expect to see Budrunk Sanren here.

As for the azure robe old woman, Han Changming doesn’t know him anymore. It’s not surprising. There are many strange people and strangers in the sea. Some of the cultivators are idle cloud wild cranes. They rarely show up, knowing that they exist. There are not many cultivators.

Not drunk and scattered people and azure robe old woman nodded, look as usual.

They don't know Han Changming, let alone Han Changming. Han Changming is a small reputation in the Right Path League, but in Sifang Island, few people know Han Changming.

"Fifth brother, I brought what you wanted."

Nangong Yue Hua said while taking out a beautiful azure jug, a tempting wine The incense drifted away.

Not drunk and scattered people swallowed, with an intoxicated expression on his face, he quickly picked up his teacup and said, "Fairy Maiden Nangong, pour a cup for He Mou to try."

Nangong Yue Hua poured him a glass. The drink was azure and exuded a strong fragrance. The first smell resembled a floral fragrance. After careful identification, it was a bit similar to sandalwood, which was very strange.

Not drunk and scattered people drank a sip, eyes brightened, said with a smile: "Good wine, Fairy Maiden Nangong, what kind of spirit wine is this?"

"Quinweed, This is the spirit wine produced by the Zhongtian continent Shangguan Aristocratic Family. Shangguan Aristocratic Family is famous for its winemaking. The spirit wines produced by their family are excellent and the sales are very good."

Nangong Yue Hua He explained with a smile, and poured a glass for each of the four Han Changming.

Han Changming expression moved, after taking a sip, a pungent taste quickly spread in the mouth after drinking the drink, one after another heat rose in his abdomen, and the heat moved in his body, wherever he went, The whole body is warm.

After a while, Han Changming felt the warmth disappeared, refreshed, full of energy.

"Shangguan Aristocratic Family! I heard that the rewards of this time Pill Refining Convention are very generous. Is there any spiritual wine?" Looking at the hip flask in Nangong Yue Hua's hand.

Nangong Yue Hua poured him another glass of spirit wine, and said: "The third place rewards a pot of fourth rank spirit wine, clear heart brew, this spirit wine can increase the chance of infant birth and weaken the formidable power of Heart Demon. "

It was the first time that Han Changming and others had heard of the spirit wine that could increase the chance of having a baby.

"A spirit wine that can increase the chance of having a baby?"

There was an incredible expression on the face of the azure robe old woman.

Nangong Yue Feng slightly smiled, saying: "Shangguan Aristocratic Family inheritance has been tens of thousands of years, the inheritance is long, there are all kinds of spirit wines, heal lightning strikes, repair Divine Soul, improve mana, etc., there are many kinds , But if it’s the effect, medicine pill is better."

The effect of drinking spirit wine can only be achieved. Drinking a small amount will not achieve the effect. The more precious spirit wine, the more precious the brewing materials. Only Great Influence will brew it. Ordinary cultivator is better to buy medicine pill.

"Lingjiu? I brewed a kind of Lingjiu by myself, and the taste is not bad."

While talking, Han Changming took out a beautiful golden jug with a It is mellow and fragrant.

He poured a glass for everyone, and everyone was not welcome.

"Yes, good wine, didn't expect Fellow Daoist Han not only proficient in Pill Refinement Technique, but also knows how to make wine."

Nangong Yue Feng said with a smile.

Han Changming naturally knows that this is a polite remark, indifferently smiled.

"This wine is good, it can increase mana, but it does not have much effect on He. The following cultivator in the later stage of Core Formation has a better effect."

Not drunk and scattered people objectively commented. .

The seven of them drank and chatted, chatted together, and exchanged Pill Refinement Technique by the way.

While chatting, Han Changming learned that both drunk people and azure robe old women can make middle grade medicine pills, but the success rate is not high.

They were a little surprised to learn that Han Changming could also refine the medicine pill.

"Fellow Daoist Nangong, this time pill concocting is initiated by your Nangong Family. What medicine pill is refining? You can tell us a little bit, and we should prepare for it too."

The tone is sincere and not drunk.

"Yes! Fellow Daoist Nangong, I can’t reveal the Pill Recipe. It’s okay to talk about the effect of medicine pill."

Azure Lotus Fairy echoed, if you know what to refine in advance Effective medicine pill, they can prepare in advance.

Nangong Yue peaked for a moment and said, “It’s the Healing Medicine Pill. The Pill Recipe and the alchemic furnace are provided by our Nangong Family. There are three materials for each person. The alchemic furnace is a magic weapon. Pill concocting in public to ensure fairness and justice. , You can bring your own spiritual water and potion tools, or you can prepare things like Jingshenxiang."

The five Han Changming secretly nodded, ready to go back and prepare for the ranking.

"Fellow Daoist Nangong, do you Nangong Family send someone to participate in the Pill Refining Convention?"

Azure Lotus Fairy curiously asked.

Nangong Yue Feng shook his head and said: "We don't send anyone to participate, but we just want to see the Fellow Daoists' alchemy level. By the way, make friends, that's all."

In other words, the five Han Changming people sighed in relief by chance, and the Nangong Family does not send anyone to participate in the Pill Refining Convention. They want to get a ranking, as long as they are better than other Pill Refinement Masters.

"By the way, we also collect Pill Recipe, and the ancient recipe also accepts it. The price is negotiable, and priceless and unique rare treasure."

Nangong Yue said politely, Nangong Family There are many purposes for holding the Pill Refining Convention. One is to make friends with the Pill Refinement Master with a superb algorithm level; the other is to take this opportunity to expand the influence of the Nangong Family in the open sea; and the third is to take this opportunity to collect priceless and unique rare treasure, especially ancient Pill Recipe .

The materials of the ancient Pill Recipe are mostly extinct. It’s good to find a few. It’s difficult to get all the materials. However, the ancient Pill Recipe has high research value. Most of the new medicine pill in the cultivation world are Based on the ancient Pill Recipe.

"priceless and unique rare treasure? Fairy Maiden Nangong, can you recognize the origin of this item?"

While talking about this item, he took out a piece of dark treasure Pass the iron sheet to Nangong Yue Hua.

Han Changming's face was as usual, and he was surprised. He also had a black iron piece, which seemed to contain some kind of information.

Nangong Yue Hua took the black iron sheet and observed carefully, her jade lips lightly opened.

She talked with sound transmission with Buzuo Sanren, and Han Changming and others did not know the content of their conversation.

"Fairy Wang, Mrs. Liu, Fellow Daoist Han, Fairy Han, you guys talk slowly, I will talk to Fellow Daoist He about something."

Nangong Yue Hua said hello , Follow Buzui Sanren moved towards another courtyard.

The five of Han Changming continued to chat, Nangong Yuefeng suddenly took out a pale-gold disc, entered a secret art, and his face showed a touch of joy.

"The four Fellow Daoist sit for a while, and a friend below is here, and is outside."

Nangong Yue Feng guilty, got up and left, Han Changming sat in four Waiting in the stone pavilion.

After a while, Nangong Yue Hua and Budrunk Sanren came back.

Nangong Yue Hua looks as usual, not drunk and ecstatic, there seems to be something happy.

If Han Changming didn’t guess wrong, the piece of iron taken out by the Budrunner has been sold to Nangong Yue Hua. It seems that the black piece of iron is not a normal thing, so I don’t know if it’s the same as Han Changming. The black iron piece in my hand is of the same material.

"Hey, where did my fifth brother go?"

Nangong Yue Hua was lightly exclaimed, with a face full of confusion.

"Fellow Daoist Nangong said that his friend arrived, and he went out to greet him."

Azure Lotus Fairy explained.

"Haha, sorry, wait for the Fellow Daoists."

Nangong Yue's voice suddenly sounded, and he walked over quickly.

A girl in a blue skirt who doesn’t use pink and daisy is following Nangong Yuehua. The girl in the blue skirt has delicate features, curved eyebrows, apricot eyes and wavy skin. She has a pair of pretty daughter in a humble family. appearance.

"I would like to introduce to you, this is Fairy Song, one of Ten Thousand Magics Sect's eighteen masters. She is proficient in Pill Refinement Technique. She is also here to participate in this Pill Refining Convention."

Nangong Yue pointed to the introduced girl in the green skirt with a smile on his face.

"One of the eighteen masters!"

Han Changming and Han Benfu were shocked, and their faces remained as usual.

They did not expect that they would be able to encounter the elite disciple of Ten Thousand Magics Sect here.

The girl in the green skirt gave a bow and said politely: "Little girl Song Qingqing has seen Fellow Daoists."

Han Changming and others did not dare to neglect, and they reported to their homes one after another.

Azure Lotus Fairy smiled and said: "Fairy Song participated in this Pill Refining Convention. It seems that Fairy Song is the first name."

"Fairy Wang is overpraised, Xiao My sister just learned some fur. I was also invited by Fellow Daoist Nangong to participate in the Pill Refining Convention. I dare not say that I won the first name."

Song Qingqing moderately said, giving people an approachable feeling.

"The Song Family from Fairy Song is famous for Pill Refinement Technique, and it is the final disciple of Ten Thousand Magics Sect Sect Master. If Fairy Song can't get the first name, I really don't know who can get the first. Name."

Azure Lotus Fairy complimented that, as the dísciple of the Lingxiao daoist, she often dealt with Great Influence, and she naturally knew the details of Song Qingqing.

Song Qingqing was born in the Song Family of the cultivation big clan. There is Nascent Soul Cultivator in the clan, and he worships under the door of Ten Thousand Magics Sect Sect Master. He is one of the eighteen masters of Ten Thousand Magics Sect. Physically, Song Qingqing will be eye-catching wherever he goes.

To put it bluntly, Song Qingqing is Heaven's Proud Daughter.

"Fairy Wang joked, cultivation world hidden dragons and crouching tigers, the little girl just learned some fur, she didn't dare to be arrogant and conceited."

Song Qingqing said disapprovingly.

She participated in the Pill Refining Convention this time and she came first. If it weren’t for the Pill Refining Convention organized by the Nangong Family, she would not come to participate in the Pill Refining Convention, apart from this. It is also a high-level arrangement of Ten Thousand Magics Sect, which is a kind of training.

When the geniuses of Great Influence grow up to a certain realm, they will follow Sect Elder to go out to practice, which is also the time when they start to become famous.

It would be meaningless for her to participate in this time Pill Refining Convention if it were not for the first name.

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