
  Chapter 618 Official Introduction   An azure Sea Territory, an azure flying boat skimming high in the sky quickly , Very fast.

Ling Xiao Daoist and others are standing on the azure flying boat, Han Changming and Azure Lotus Fairy are exchanging Alchemy Technique, Han Benfu interjects from time to time.

A huge explosion suddenly sounded, Han Changming was startled, stopped talking, and looked towards the source of the sound.

Several evacuations quickly moved towards they flew, extremely fast.

Han Changming's Divine Consciousness sensed that a digital Foundation Establishment cultivator flew towards them, behind them, followed by a third rank low grade monster bird.

This situation is very common in the open sea. The powerful immortal cultivator hunts the demonic beast, and the weak immortal cultivator is hunted by the demonic beast. Weak are prey to the strong.

"Benfu, you don't have much experience in fighting techniques, so come and deal with it!"

Lingxiao daoist said to Han Benfu, love the house and Wu, Lingxiao daoist will take Han Changming After in as a disciple, I took more care of Han Benfu.

Han Benfu was previously responsible for leading the team to hunt demonic beasts, but what she hunted was the Second Rank demonic beast. After entering the Core Formation Stage, Han Benfu has not hunted the third rank demonic beast. Not proficient in mastering one's own divine ability.

"Yes, Master."

Han Benfu complied, right hand turns, a red light glittering ball appeared in her hand, she moved the red ball forward one Toss, break into a secret art.

The red ball slid around high in the sky, and suddenly there were countless scarlet fires. The three scarlet fires could not breathe. The dense scarlet fires turned into a group of several ten zhang big scarlet fire clouds, emitting Blazing high temperature.

Han Benfu's secret art pinch, the scarlet fire cloud violently rolls and turns into a ten zhang or so scarlet peacock.

The scarlet peacock uttered a clear and loud chirping sound, opened its mouth and swallowed the red bead, and its body surface burst out with dazzling red light, and its size skyrocketed.

With a light flap of its wings, it blew a gust of hot wind and went straight to the sky.

At this time, Han Duanrong also saw the true face of several escapes. There were three Foundation Establishment cultivators, two men and one woman, led by a middle-aged man of medium build. There is a golden bird pattern on the sleeves of their three people, which seems to represent something.

A black strange bird with its wings spread out and more than five big is chasing closely. The black strange bird has a long and slender mouth, like a black sword, shining with cold light and tail feathers. Shorter, with a golden crown on the head.

"Are you the children of Jinpeng Island Li Family?"

Azure Lotus Fairy recognized the origins of the three people. Jinpeng Island Li Family is an affiliate of the three immortal islands, inheritance three thousand For many years, Nascent Soul Cultivator has been in charge, experts as common as the clouds.

"Senior help, we are the children of Jinpeng Island's Li Family. Our entire group went to sea to hunt demonic beasts. We accidentally encountered a few third-rank monster birds. Other clansman dispersed with us. I guess bode ill rather than well."

The voice of the middle-aged man was panicked.

"Okay, let's go! We count your good luck when you meet us. As for your other clansman, let them ask for their own blessings."

Lingxiao Daoist's tone is indifferent , He has no friendship with Li Family Old Ancestor, and it is already very good to save three Foundation Establishment cultivators.

The middle-aged man quickly thanked him and left with clansman.

The black strange bird made a sharp neighing sound, its wings fiercely flapped, and a gray hurricane swept out towards the scarlet peacock.

With loud rumbling noises, the scarlet peacock collided with the gray hurricane, and the gray hurricane was strangled. The scarlet peacock made a sharp and extremely sharp chirping sound, flapping its wings, and pounced on the black strange bird.

The black strange bird reacted very quickly. While releasing gray wind blades, it flapped its wings to avoid colliding with the scarlet peacock.

Suddenly a huge rumbling sound came from high above, a cloud of thousands zhang big scarlet fire suddenly appeared high above, shining the sea water into red, and the nearby temperature suddenly increased.

Han Benfu's secret art pinch, scarlet fire cloud rolls violently like boiling water, and the big scarlet raindrops pouring down.

The black strange bird reacted very quickly, but the scarlet raindrops were too much, and it was inevitable. The dense scarlet raindrops fell on its body, which suddenly turned into a billowing flame, enveloping the black strange bird .

It made a sound of mournful scream, and it flew back and forth quickly. It hadn't flew far, Han Benfu's secret art changed, and the scarlet fire cloud suddenly turned into a ten zhang or so high The scarlet volcano, floating in the sky, has not yet fallen, giving a powerful oppression.

Han Benfu's finger lightly tapped the black strange bird, and the scarlet volcano slammed down its head. There was a huge rumbling sound wherever it passed, and the void oscillated and twisted.

The black strange bird was about to avoid, and the scarlet peacock pounced on its face, blocking its way.

Boom!    After a loud noise, the black strange bird was hit by the scarlet volcano, and the billowing flames submerged the black strange bird. It made a very painful neigh and kept flapping its wings to extinguish the flames on its body, but it was useless. .

Han Benfu's sleeves flicked, and a red light flew out, cutting off the head of the black strange bird, and the headless body quickly fell into the sea.

Han Duanrong took out an azure net bag and picked up the body of the black strange bird.

"Yes, it seems that you have been fighting with the demonic beast before, and have rich experience in fighting methods."

Ling Xiao daoist praised.

"Master is overpraised, it's my father who taught me well."

Han Benfu modestly said.

Lingxiao daoist nodded, secret art pinched, the azure flying boat suddenly lit up the dazzling azure light, speeding up the escape, and it didn't take long for them to disappear into the sky.

A deserted island outside several hundred li, an underground cave.

A tall and thin middle-aged man is lying on the ground. His facial features are distorted, as if he is suffering from some kind of pain. There is a golden bird on his sleeve.

There was a festered corpse not far away, it was the corpse of Zhao Tuozi.

Two hours later, the facial features of the middle-aged man returned to normal, his eyes were gloomy and uncertain.

"Jinpeng Island Li Family, fortunately, Foundation Establishment cultivator broke into here, otherwise I really want the soul flew away and scattered."

The middle-aged man said to himself Saying, he is Zhao Tuozi.

Lu Yunjie bought and murdered him. The killer cast some kind of spell, which caused Zhao Tuozi’s fleshy body to be destroyed. He had to Primordial Spirit Leaving the Body. It happened that a Jinpeng Island cultivator broke into his hiding place. Was body possession by Zhao Tuozi.

Immortal cultivator body After possession of others, it takes some time to cultivate.

Zhao Tuozi couldn't take care of so much. He walked quickly to his corpse, took some belongings from the storage bag, and hurriedly left here.

He wants to feign death, let the enemy think that he is really dead, and then find a chance to avenge him.

Two days later, a fat middle-aged man and a young woman in a green skirt appeared over the deserted island. The middle-aged man held an azure disc in his hand, and the disc was engraved all over. The mysterious rune also has an azure pointer on it.

"Under the ground, walk, go down and take a look."

The middle-aged man took out a yellow shining flag, flew around them and suddenly turned It was a thick yellow light curtain, which wrapped the two of them.

Under the envelope of the yellow light curtain, the two escaped into the ground and disappeared.

It didn't take long for them to appear in a simple underground cave with a decomposing corpse lying on the ground.

The young woman in a green skirt raised right hand, a burst of air-splitting sound, several wind blades of azure mist shot out, smashing the corpse, exuding a stench, you can see a pile of rotten There are maggots crawling in the flesh.

"His Primordial Spirit should have not had time to get out of the body, it has collapsed."

While talking, the middle-aged man took off the storage bag from the corpse, Divine Consciousness. sweep.

"There are a lot of things, there are a lot of third rank medicine pills, and a low grade alchemic furnace. Zhao Tuozi should be dead, otherwise he will not abandon his alchemic furnace."

middle-aged man sighed in relief.

"The corpse is badly decomposed, so it's not easy to have a relationship!"

The young woman in a green skirt frowned and said.

"The alchemic furnace can also prove his identity, didn't expect that he can run so far, hey, he is not dead under my spell."

middle-aged man said with a sneer, look of ridicule all over his face.

They checked carefully, and after confirming that there was no problem, they burned the body and left the place.

······   After half a year, the daoist entire group of Lingxiao returned to Haoran City.

"Changming, you have a good rest first, and the apprenticeship ceremony will be held three days later, and you will formally worship the old man." Ling Xiao daoist said in a gentle tone.

Han Changming agreed repeatedly and left with Han Benfu and Han Duanrong.

When he came to the Golden Gourd Pavilion, Han Duanrong told Han Benzhi and Liu Weiwei the news that Han Changming had worshipped under the daoist of Lingxiao. They were pleasantly surprised.

In this way, the development of Han Family will be smoother, and it is not a major event for Han Duanrong to kill Liu Feng.

If Black and White Impermanence insists on taking revenge, it is to confront the Lingxiao daoist, which will cause serious consequences.

"Very good, there is Lingxiao Daoist, no one dares to bully our Han Family anymore, we can also get a lot of convenience in doing business."

Han Benzhi said excitedly. In the past, Lingxiao Daoist was their backer, but the relationship was not very close. Now Han Changming worships Lingxiao Daoist, and the relationship has become much closer.

Under the big tree, it’s good to enjoy the shade, and it will be much easier for them to do business in the future.

"You still need to be hard when you strike iron. The purpose of approving the Lingxiao daoist for your father is to learn the Alchemy Technique. You must not mess around under the name of the Lingxiao daoist, and you must abide by the rules in everything."

Han Changming's tone was severe. His apprenticeship with Ling Xiao daoist mainly wanted to learn Alchemy Technique, apart from this, and also wanted to take this opportunity to resolve the disaster caused by Han Duanrong.

If it weren't for this, he wouldn't worship Ling Xiao daoist.

"Father's lesson is that you still need to be hard when you strike iron. We will strictly discipline ourselves in the future and will not discredit Dad."

Liu Weiwei agreed.

Han Benfu smiled slightly and said, "Anyway, this is also a good thing. When Dad officially gets started, you will spread the news. Let’s not do bad things under the name of Lingxiao Daoist. , But it’s okay to enjoy some convenience."

Han Changming nodded, after a few words, he moved towards the backyard.

Walking into the wood house in the backyard, Han Changming took out the golden jade box and the black iron sheet, his face was thinking.

This time the trip to Sifang Island, Han Changming has gained a lot. In addition to worshiping Lingxiao Daoist and getting a high grade defensive magic weapon, he has even more value for the golden jade box and black iron plate. Know more.

It’s not clear what the black iron sheet is. It may record some kind of secret technique, or it may be a map of a certain site. It may be written in words, but he doesn’t know what it is, it may be It is Monster Race text.

Monster Race has its own text. Human Race doesn’t know much about Monster Race’s text. Han Changming comes from a small family and naturally does not have Monster Race text.

There must be a treasure inside the golden jade box. To be honest, the conditions of Nangong Yue Peak are very attractive, and the Spirit Treasure plus the infant spiritual object is really hard to refuse.

Han Changming played carefully for a while and put away these two things.

He slapped the Spirit Beast Bag, and the Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion flew out. It revolved around Han Changming, with a low neighing sound in his mouth, and the tail spurs kept wagging.

Han Changming laughed, took out a beautiful jade box, took out a multi-colored poison sac, and threw it to Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion.

Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion is unceremonious, spraying a purple colorful shield into the poison sac, swallowing it into the mouth, and making a cheerful hissing sound.

This is the poison sac of the fourth rank demonic beast, which is of great benefit to its advancement.

In recent years, Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion has not swallowed the poisonous weed sac, but it still stays in the third rank middle grade. After swallowing the poison sac of this fourth rank demonic beast, maybe it can be promoted to the fourth rank.

After a while, Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion became groggy and motionless on the ground. Han Changming tried to communicate with Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion, but it didn't respond.

Han Changming observed carefully and found that it fell asleep. It should be to digest the poison contained in the poison sac.

He put Purple Heavenly Flying Scorpion into the Spirit Beast Bag, sit cross-legged, and meditate.

Three days passed quickly.

Three days later, a manor with a very large area.

An azure attic with an open door, Lingxiao Daoist sits on a jade chair, Azure Lotus Fairy and Shen Qinghuan stand aside, with solemn expressions.

Han Changming stood in front of the Lingxiao daoist with a respectful look.

"dísciple Han Changming, see the Master."

Han Changming gave a dísciple to the Lingxiao daoist, holding a cup of scented spirit tea in both hands, and handed it to the Lingxiao daoist.

Lingxiao daoist satisfied nodded, took the teacup, took a sip of tea, and said pleasantly: "From now on, you are the third disciple of the old man. Let me introduce you, this is your Senior Brother Shen and Senior Sister Wang are teachers no Sect, no Faction. They don’t have so many rules. However, there are three points that must be observed to be the dísciple of old man. First, the Revered Master should do it again; second, not to kill innocent people indiscriminately; third , Do not deceive men and women, any illegal activities under the banner of being a teacher, once discovered by the teacher, will be severely punished."

"Yes, dísciple understands."

Han Changming With full promise, Ling Xiao Daoist became a force of its own, with simple interpersonal relationships and not so many rules, which was much better than Immortal Sect.

"Of course, if someone dares to bully you, it means not giving face to the teacher, the teacher, the preacher and the karma to solve the confusion, your alchemy talent is not low, but you can't be arrogant and complacent, you need to work harder. Cultivation is the root, supplemented by Pill Dao. Don’t put the cart before the horse. If you encounter any problems that cannot be solved in the cultivation, you can ask your teacher for advice."

Ling Xiao daoist slowly said.

Han Changming repeatedly agreed. With Ling Xiao daoist this remark, he can rest assured.

"Congratulations master, I accepted Junior Brother Han."

"Congratulations master, Junior Brother Han, we will be the same sect in the future."

Shen Qing Huan and Azure Lotus Fairy congratulated each other, with thick smiles on their faces.

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