
  Chapter 619 The Plan of Lu Yunjie    Han Changming slightly smiled, arching his hand: "I will invite Senior Brother in the future Take good care of Shen and Senior Sister Wang."

"You should cultivation well, and don't slack off, especially Changming. Your alchemy talent is very high, but you have to understand that the cultivation base is the root. Don't over indulge in pile concocting. "

Ling Xiao daoist earnest and well-meant advised warned repeatedly.

Han Changming and the three of them agreed in unison, in a respectful tone.

Lingxiao daoist right hand turns, red light flashed, a red light shuttle appears in the hand, the surface of the red shuttle runs indefinitely, obviously it is a middle grade magic weapon. See the two small characters "Fire Cloud".

"This middle grade Flying Magical Treasure Huo Yunsuo is an apprenticeship given to you by your teacher, please accept it!" Shuttle handed it to Han Changming.

"Junior Brother Han, when I worshipped under the master, there was no middle grade Flying Magical Treasure." Shen Qinghuan said in an enviable tone.

"Yes! Master, you are very good to Junior Brother Han."

Azure Lotus Fairy echoed, with a happy expression on his face.

Ling Xiao daoist chuckled lightly and explained: "It sounds like I treat you less badly as a teacher. Changming's alchemy talent is relatively high, so it should be the same for him to treat him favorably as a teacher."

Han Changming's eyes were full of joy, and he quickly thanked him: "Many thanks to the master, dísciple will definitely increase cultivation in the future."

"Your foundation is a bit weak, you should follow it first. The teacher will study for a while, don’t think that you will be complacent when you get second in the Pill Refining Convention, Sea of ​​Learning, No Horizon."

Ling Xiao daoist instructed.

Han Changming agreed, he couldn't ask for it!

After Ling Xiao daoist drinks Han Changming and leaves, Shen Qinghuan and Azure Lotus Fairy are left.

"Wang Junior Sister, it seems that the master likes Junior Brother Han very much."

Shen Qing teased with a smile.

"Junior Brother Han's alchemy talent is higher than mine. The master also hopes that Junior Brother Han will have higher attainments in Pill Dao!"

Analyzed by Azure Lotus Fairy, she understood Ling Xiao daoist's mood, although Ling Xiao daoist likes Han Changming very much, she is not jealous at all.

Ling Xiao is really her master in name. She is similar to her daughter. Their master and disciple love is so profound that outsiders cannot understand.

Han Changming followed Lingxiao daoist into a courtyard covering an area of ​​about one mu. A cobblestone bluestone pathway is located in the center of the courtyard, with a lot of exotic flowers and rare herbs planted on both sides, a group of golden Spirit butterfly dancing lightly and gracefully in the sea of ​​flowers.

At the end of the bluestone pathway is a two-story red loft. The layout of the loft is simple. They walked into the basement. The basement is not big, with hundreds of zhang or so large, and a large number of inscribed on the stone wall The red formation mark, three mini dragon heads are inlaid on the stone wall, and the mouth of the mini dragon heads is aimed at the Lingxiao furnace.

There are two red futons on the ground, as well as some bottles, and there is a faint smell in the air.

The temperature here is very high, like falling into a volcano.

Han Changming's foundation is weak. Ling Xiao daoist intends to give Han Changming some guidance, so that his knowledge will be more solid, and he will lay a solid foundation for refining high-grade pill in the future.

Ling Xiao daoist took out a red jade slip, handed it to Han Changming, and said: "This is the pill concocting experience for the teacher. You should keep it first, and then watch it slowly when you have time."

He really cultivated Han Changming as a successor. The greater the ability of the discipline, the greater the reputation of the master.

Han Changming took a deep breath, gratefully said: "Many thanks master, dísciple must work hard on Pill Dao."

"By the way, master, you can now practice Do you make a high-grade pill?"

Han Changming suddenly thought of something, curiously asked.

"The third rank medicine pill can produce high grade, but the pill success rate is not high. Grade 4 Medicine Pill can only produce middle grade."

Ling Xiao Daoist told the truth that it is very difficult to refine high-grade pill medicine. He asked him to refine a new medicine pill. Three materials can produce middle grade medicine pill, but high-grade pill medicine cannot be refined.

His pill success rate for refining high-grade pill medicine is not high, but he can indeed refining high-grade pill medicine. On this alone, he stands proudly in the open sea.

"Let me say that the master's alchemy talent is the highest, and those Great Sect Pill Refinement Masters are also only this."

Han Changming complimented, he said sincerely In other words, Ling Xiao daoist no Sect, no Faction, entered the Nascent Soul Stage as a loose cultivator, and is well-known offshore for the Pill Refinement Technique.

"The innate talent is certainly important, but the hard work of the day after tomorrow is more important, speaking of which, as a teacher, I can live today, thanks to Pill Dao inheritance and Lingxiao furnace who got an ancient cultivator from the Funeral Ruins. , Otherwise I won’t have today as a teacher."

Ling Xiao daoist slowly said, with a look of reminiscence on his face.

Back then, he was just an ordinary Core Formation cultivator. He was a friend of his, went to the funeral ruins to hunt for treasures, and got the ancient cultivator's Pill Dao inheritance and the Lingxiao furnace. Since then, He began to learn pill concocting, and his fame spread slowly. After he entered the Nascent Soul Stage, he joined the Righteous League and became one of the top leaders of the Righteous League.

"Buried Fairy Ruins! Are there really many treasures there?"

Han Changming curiously asked.

Lingxiao daoist nodded and said: "There are indeed many treasures, but treasures are not so easy to take. Back then, the seven of us entered the funeral ruins, and we only left the funeral ruins alive as a teacher, and the other six were all Died in the funeral ruins, treasure hunting on the periphery is relatively safe, deep in the funeral ruins is full of dangers, there are many powerful prohibitions, if you can break into the depths, you really have a chance to get treasures."

"Okay." Now, with your strength, you cannot go to the burial ruins. If you are not careful, you will die without a burial site. Come on, you continue to pill concocting, and guide you for a period of time for your teacher. I hope you can refine in the future. If you give out high-grade pill medicine, then you will have to be a teacher."

Ling Xiao daoist was unwilling to talk more about this topic, and quickly changed the topic.

He took out the pill concocting materials and Pill Recipe, and gave them to Han Changming, who asked Han Changming to pill concocting. He observed and commented afterwards.

Han Changming sit cross-legged, close your eyes and rest your mind.

Half a quarter of an hour later, he opened his eyes and put an azure jade slip on his forehead.

Not long after, Han Changming took off the jade slip and punched a secret art into each of the three dragon heads. The three dragon heads spewed out a fist-thick scarlet flame, and the three scarlet flames converged. At the bottom of the Lingxiao Furnace, billowing flames flooded most of the Lingxiao Furnace.

Soon, the Lingxiao furnace was burned into crimson by flames.

Han Changming throws the materials into the alchemic furnace one after another, and covers the cauldron lid.

It didn't take long for a faint medicinal fragrance to diffuse.

Ling Xiao daoist stood in the corner and said nothing.

······   Qinghudao, a courtyard covering a very wide area.

Ye Xin and Ye Xue are sitting in the stone pavilion chatting, Han Changming has been away for more than a year and has not returned.

A faint sound of footsteps sounded, and Han Benfu and Han Duanrong walked in.

They stayed in Haoran City for a short time, and then returned to Qinghu Island, mainly to report safety to Ye Xin Ye Xue.

"Mother, mother, we are back."

Han Benfu's face was beaming, Han Duanrong killed Liu Feng, the impact of this incident is not small, but Han Changming bows Under Lingxiao Daoist, this matter is not a problem.

"Benfu, Duan Rong, you finally came back, Benfu, where is your father!"

Ye Xue asked about the whereabouts of Han Changming.

"Father is at Master’s and will not come back in a short time. He asked us to come back to report our safety, so that you don’t worry."

Hearing the word "Master", Ye Xin Confused with Ye Xue, when did Han Benfu have an extra teacher?

Han Benfu briefly explained what happened, Ye Xin and Ye Xue suddenly realized.

"It turns out that this is the case. Black and White Impermanence is afraid of the existence of the Lingxiao daoist, but for the sake of caution, Duan Rong should not go out alone. Be careful."

Ye Xin warned Repeatedly, Han Changming pays homage to the daoist of Lingxiao, which can be regarded as a solution to Han Family's worries.

"Yes, grandmother, grandson took it down."

Han Duanrong agreed.

"Okay, you have worked hard all the way, go back and rest!"

Ye Xin told them to go back, Han Benfu and Han Duanrong responded and turned to leave.

"Very good, Husband worships Lingxiao daoist, our family will develop more smoothly."

Ye Xue is full of joy.

"We still need our own hard work to strike iron. It is better to rely on ourselves. Lingxiao Daoist accepts Husband as a disciple. It is also the Husband's alchemy talent. We can't put all our hopes on Lingxiao Daoist. Let's You have to work hard. You are the biggest backer."

Ye Xin's tone is heavy. She doesn't think that Han Changming is under the daoist of Lingxiao. Everything will go smoothly for Han Family, and everything will be beneficial. There are disadvantages.

"What the elder sister said, I was overjoyed, I went back to cultivated, I must refine the third rank talisman."

Ye Xue's face is full of seriousness At present, she can refine the third rank talisman, and the success rate is not high. In addition to the lack of guidance from a famous teacher, the talisman is also an important reason.

Magical Treasure Level Other talisman pens are very rare, mainly because there are not many high-end Talisman Masters. After all, talisman are mostly disposable items.

If you want to do well, you must first sharpen your tools. With a good talisman, the success rate of Ye Xue's talisman will also increase.

Ye Xin can now arrange a variety of third rank formations. In contrast, Ye Xue, her chances of refining third rank talisman are still very low.

Ye Xin nodded, said: "I will work hard. We must work hard to go further on the immortal path."

The better Han Changming is, the better Ye Xin is. To work hard, she doesn't want to make vases, nor does she want to make vases.

The two sisters have very different personalities. Ye Xin is really strong and independent, Ye Xue is gentle and considerate, without any independent opinions, respecting the old and cherish the young.

······    Penglai Island, a palace of gold and jade in glorious splendor, the gates are open, the great hall is a little gloomy, and the large stone pillar is carved with a lot of hideous ghosts. The stone walls on the left and right sides are carved with patterns of various exotic animals.

Lu Yunjie sat on the main seat with an indifferent expression.

Chen Yanchuan stood aside with a flat face. He has been promoted to the Core Formation Stage and is responsible for Lu Yunjie.

"Young Master, the people in the Dark Moon Palace reported that they have killed Zhao Tuozi, and Zhao Tuozi's alchemic furnace is in the storage bag."

Chen Yanchuan used a kind to please Said in the voice of Zhao Tuozi and Lu Yunjie were at odds, and the two had a deep personal grievance.

"hmph, against me, this is the end."

Lu Yunjie coldly said, he suddenly thought of something, and then said: "Right, you just said, Pill Refining Convention The second fellow, Fellow Daoist Han, is the one you offended before?"

"It’s true, the subordinates have seen with their own eyes, this person has already worshipped under the door of Lingxiao Daoist, with his alchemy talent, It’s probably only a matter of time before this person enters the Nascent Soul Stage. By then, it will be difficult to deal with."

Chen Yanchuan said cautiously, he regretted letting Han Changming run away. Nascent Soul Stage, Chen Yanchuan is in trouble if he wants to settle accounts with him.

Lu Yunjie complexion turned cold, said: "Do you think I am a three-year-old child? I have no holidays with him, I have come forward to resolve your grievances, he is impossible to hold this matter, I warn You, don’t do it against him behind my back, otherwise I can’t forgive you and return the Dark Moon Order to me."

He has a principle, try not to have a cultivator of the same level as much as possible, once you have a cultivator of the same level. , Then find a way to kill the other party without leaving any future troubles.

After all, Chen Yanchuan had a private grudge with Han Changming, and Lu Yunjie had no grudges with Han Changming. He would not hire a murderer to kill Han Changming for Chen Yanchuan. He was not as stupid as that.

Zhao Tuozi had a private grievance with Lu Yunjie. Both of them saw that each other was not pleasing to the eye. When Zhao Tuozi left Penglai Island, Lu Yunjie hired and murdered Zhao Tuozi.

Chen Yanchuan shuddered, even claiming to be, and took out a square token with a look of dismay.

If you want to do business with the Dark Moon Palace, you must have a Dark Moon Order, otherwise the Dark Moon Palace will not accept business.

He returned the Dark Moon Order to Lu Yunjie, and Lu Yunjie put away the Dark Moon Order, instructed: "Well, you go down! Don't run around in the near future, Zhao Tuozi's affairs must not be spread."

Chen Yanchuan even claimed to be, and bowed back.

Not long after, Liu Zhanyuan and Zheng Jiaojiao walked in. They bowed and said in unison:    "Subordinates, see Young Master."

Lu Yunjie looked towards him. Liu Zhanyuan and Zheng Jiaojiao solemnly asked: "I heard that your only descendant died at the hands of the Purple Moon Island Han Family children?"

"The subordinates are not sure, they have sent someone to investigate. , But the journey is far away, so we can't verify it temporarily."

Liu Zhanyuan said truthfully.

"Nangong Family held the Pill Refining Convention, and the Fellow Daoist Han of Purple Moon Island won the second place, and he was under the name of Ling Xiao daoist. Whether it was done by Han Family or not, you are not allowed to look for it Han Family’s trouble."

Lu Yunjie instructed.

After hearing this, Liu Zhanyuan and Zheng Jiaojiao were surprised and unwilling.

The only heir was killed, how could they be willing.

"You were born and died for your grandfather. The credit is not small. We will not turn a blind eye to this matter. However, Fellow Daoist Han has already worshipped Lingxiao Daoist. This person has a relatively high alchemy talent and great potential. Therefore, If you want revenge, then work hard to cultivation and enter the Nascent Soul Stage in the future. You can kill him with complete confidence and start again. To revenge now is to bring about one's own destruction. I am doing it for your good, not for your own sake. Understand?"

Lu Yunjie said solemnly, Liu Zhanyuan and Zheng Jiaojiao did a lot of things for the Tiansha daoist, and the credit is not small. If he forbids them to take revenge, it seems unkind.

His remark is well-founded, and it is also out of self-interest.

If Black and White Impermanence advances to the Nascent Soul Stage earlier than Han Changming and Black and White Impermanence seeks revenge, Lu Yunjie will naturally not stop it. If Han Changming enters the Nascent Soul Stage earlier, Black and White Impermanence seeks revenge. It is bring about one's own destruction.

"Yes, my subordinates understand that, many thanks Young Master for your point."

Liu Zhanyuan and Zheng Jiaojiao agreed, if Han Changming apprentices Ling Xiao daoist, they would be true Dare to deal with Purple Moon Island Han Family.

"If I remember correctly, it won’t take long before the funeral ruins will open. Go back and prepare! Don’t delay grandfather’s major event."

Lu Yunjie instructed, Zheng Jiaojiao and Liu Zhanyuan responded with mouthfuls and turned to leave.

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