
  Chapter 620 Hidden Dragon List 25th name   Jinpeng Island, Li Family.

A tall and thin middle-aged man is reporting to an azure robe elder who is over sixty years old in a golden attic with carved and jade columns.

azure robe The old man’s cheeks are thin and as thin as a bamboo pole. Looking at the great magic power fluctuations it exudes, he is obviously a late-stage Core Formation cultivator.

"Yunfeng, this time is really dangerous. Fortunately, you are fine, but it is a pity that your big brother failed to survive the demonic beast."

The old man azure robe sighed. , A face full of love.

His name is Li Xuangang, and Li Yunfeng is his descendant.

Li Family cultivator went to Sifang Island to purchase goods. On the way home, he encountered many third-rank monster birds. He suffered heavy casualties. One of Li Xuangang's more important descendants died.

Li Xuangang didn't know at all, it was not Li Yunfeng who stood in front of him, but Zhao Tuozi.

Zhao Tuozi was destroyed by a powerful enemy and lost his fleshy body. Fortunately, he came across a Li Family cultivator, Primordial Spirit Leaving the Body possessed Li Family cultivator's fleshy body. After a change, Zhao Tuozi became Li Yunfeng. .

"Thanks to the talisman given by my grandfather, grandson was able to survive this disaster. If it weren't for the Third Brother to cover me, I am afraid I would not be able to survive."

Zhao Tuozi showed his face. Regret look.

"You are already the Foundation Establishment Late Stage, don't run around, rest assured of cultivation, I will provide you with the Core Formation spiritual object for you to hit the Core Formation Stage."

Li Xuangang is instructed, and his life essence is not much. Before he died during meditation, it would be great if Li Yunfeng could be promoted to the Core Formation Stage.

"Yes, grandfather."

Zhao Tuozi agreed, and withdrew with excitement.

After a while, he returned to his residence with a playful expression on his face.

"Lu Yunjie, I am not afraid that I will not have firewood if I stay in the green hills. You will wait for me. If I don't retaliate, I will not be a man."

Zhao Tuozi said to himself . The eyes are full of cold light.

It is only a matter of time before he restores the Core Formation Stage cultivation base. With his superb alchemy level, it is not difficult for him to stand out among Li Family's many Core Formation cultivators.

If there is a chance, he will look for Lu Yunjie to get angry.

······The   years have passed, and four years have passed quickly.

Haoran City, a secret room.

Han Changming sat cross-legged on the futon, staring at the Lingxiao furnace wrapped in flames in front of him, with bloodshot eyes.

There are a large number of bottles and cans beside him, empty inside.

Ling Xiao daoist stood aside, saying nothing, his eyes full of admiration.

After a while, the medicinal aroma in the room became rich.

As soon as Han Changming secret art was collected, the three dragon heads no longer spewed flames, and the flames that had flooded the Lingxiao furnace suddenly disappeared.

He punched a secret art into the Lingxiao furnace, the cauldron lid of the Lingxiao furnace flew up, and looked forward, there were eighteen pale-gold pills in it, and each pill had a pill. Pattern.


Han Changming was overjoyed and sighed in relief.

Lingxiao daoist provided materials and carefully pointed out Han Changming.

Han Changming’s alchemy level has improved very quickly. This time, he produced eighteen middle grade medicine pills from a medicine pill. It must be placed in the past. He could not practice a medicine pill at all. Make eighteen middle grade medicine pills.

Ling Xiao daoist saw the eighteen middle grade medicine pills in the alchemic furnace, his face was relieved, and said: "Yes, your current alchemy level is much higher than four years ago. "

"Thanks to the master's guidance, otherwise dísciple would not have made such a big improvement."

Han Changming gratefully said, what he said was the truth.

At first, Han Changming was still a little nervous, worried that Ling Xiao daoist would see him out, but after getting along for a long time, he found that Ling Xiao daoist cared about his pill concocting technique and pill success rate , And then relax.

The Water Spiritual Qi he took out was relatively abundant, and it hadn't reached a terrifying level, so it didn't attract the attention of Ling Xiao daoist.

"The old man did not misunderstand the wrong person. In time, you will really surpass the old man and refining the high grade Grade 4 Medicine Pill."

Ling Xiao daoist is full of pride , The greater Han Changming's accomplishment is, the light on his master's face.

"Cultivation base is the foundation, you should also cultivate well, wait for your cultivation to Core Formation Great Perfection, the teacher will provide you with the infant spiritual object, all you have to do is to increase the cultivation, Pill Dao is just an auxiliary tool for us to seek the truth. No matter how high the alchemy level is, the cultivation base can't keep up. It's empty talk."

Ling Xiao daoist is full of concern, Han Changming is diligent and studious, he can teach Han Changming There is not much left, what he can do is to provide Han Changming with a spiritual object of knot infants.

Han Changming bowed his bow and looked excited: "Master is great, dísciple is nothing in return."

A spiritual object worth millions of Spirit Stone, this kindness is too good It's heavy.

Ling Xiao daoist gratified nodded, said: "You call me master, this is what I should do. The greater your achievements in Pill Dao, the happier you are as a teacher."

He exhorted a few words and asked Han Changming to go back to rest.

Leaving the residence of Lingxiao daoist, Han Changming appeared on the bustling street.

Haoran City is the same as before, and the streets are full of people.

"Fellow Daoist Han, long time no see."

A somewhat familiar man's voice suddenly sounded.

Han Changming looked along the source of the sound and saw Zhu Mingming.

In order to develop a site and become a vassal of the Han Family, the Zhu Family became famous, and the Han Family became stronger and stronger, and Zhu Family also benefited.

Zhu Mingming has been promoted to the Core Formation Stage and became the Zhu Family first Core Formation cultivator. Zhu Zijie's Core Formation failed and failed to enter the Core Formation Stage.

Zhu Mingming used two Core Formation spiritual objects to impact the Core Formation Stage, low grade Golden Core, and he is already very satisfied.

"Fellow Daoist Zhu, congratulations!"

Han Changming was taken aback first, but quickly reacted and congratulated him with a smile.

"Fellow Daoist Han, I want to talk to you about something, is it convenient for you?"

Zhu Mingming said sincerely, looking forward to it.

Han Changming is not what it used to be, the best dísciple of the Lingxiao daoist, who beat the group in the Pill Refining Convention, and ranked second, second only to Ten Thousand Magics Sect Song Qingqing.

Han Changming is now the well-known third rank Pill Refinement Master of Haoran City. I don’t know how many people want to please Han Changming.

"Convenient, please Fellow Daoist Zhu."

Han Changming slightly smiled, agree.

Zhu Mingming sighed in relief in his heart, and the smile on his face deepened. Lead the way.

Half a quarter of an hour later, the two appeared at the entrance of Haoran Tower. As soon as they walked into Haoran Tower, they immediately attracted the attention of other cultivators.

Many cultivators look at Han Changming, admiring, admiring, and curious, their looks are different.

Zhu Mingming asked for a private room and had a tea ceremony with Han Changming.

After chatting for a while, Zhu Mingming took out a beautiful golden jade box, pushed it in front of Han Changming, and said, "Fellow Daoist Han, this is a rune pen obtained by Zhu Family from the underground auction. See if you like it.”

After Zhu Mingming entered the Core Formation Stage, the Zhu Family was flourishing. In the open sea, a Core Formation cultivator was not enough. Zhu Family wanted to obtain the Core Formation spiritual. object can only participate in the auction, but the competition is fierce.

Han Family’s Core Formation cultivator keeps increasing. Han Changming is proficient in Pill Refinement Technique. Needless to say, Han Family must have a Core Formation spiritual object.

Zhu Mingming wants to exchange Core Formation spiritual object with Han Family. The Core Formation spiritual object refined by Han Changming is undoubtedly more reassuring.


Han Changming thoughts move, opened the golden jade box, and a burst of soft blue light flew out.

The blue light dissipated, revealing a blue jade pen. The barrel is about one chi long and is engraved with two small characters "Liu Li". The brush hair is light blue. This is a low grade magic weapon. .

Ye Xue is the master of Talisman. With this colored glaze pen, her level of talisman making will improve even faster.

"No merit is not rewarded, Fellow Daoist Zhu, what you want, but it doesn’t hurt to say it."

Han Changming said in a gentle tone. In fact, with him With current status and alchemy level, getting a Magical Treasure Level other talisman is not a problem.

Zhu Mingming took out a pale red jade box and handed it to Han Changming.

Han Changming opened the jade box. There were two red monster cores inside. He recognized them at a glance. They were two third rank monster cores.

"I want to change a Core Formation spiritual object, what does Fellow Daoist Han think?"

Zhu Mingming said sincerely, the value he took out is more than a copy Core Formation spiritual object, but he knew very well that Han Changming did not necessarily agree to the exchange, and the initiative was in the hands of Han Changming.

With Han Changming's current rank and status, there is no shortage of more than 100,000 Spirit Stones at all.

The same kind of medicine pill, which is refined by Han Changming himself and sold on the market, he must choose the medicine pill refined by Han Changming.

"No problem, you will suffer too much in exchange like this, let's do it! Give me some third rank animal skins or other things. I will give you two Core Formation spiritual objects. After all, we are in-laws, help It should be one hand."

Han Changming said with a smile, Han Benxian married the children of Zhu Family, Zhu Family and Han Family are related by marriage.

There is more help than others. Since the two are in-laws, Han Changming doesn't mind helping Zhu Family. After all, Han Family doesn't suffer.

Zhu Mingming's eyes brightened, and he promised to exchange this time. The focus is not on the Core Formation spiritual object, but on Han Changming's attitude.

He wants to take this opportunity to get closer to Han Family.

Han Changming slightly smiled, saying: "Two months later, you go to Qinghudao, I will personally give you the Core Formation spiritual object."

"Many thanks. , Fellow Daoist Han, I will use tea instead of wine and toast you a cup."

Zhu Mingming held up the teacup and toasted Han Changming.

Han Changming didn't show up, so he hurriedly responded.

"Fellow Daoist Han, you are now famous, and your fame is almost reaching the Inland Sea."

Zhu Mingming said in an enviable tone.

"renowned? What do you mean? I have been pill concocting for several years, and I don't know what happened outside."

Han Changming was confused.

"No wonder, you are now ranked 25th in the Hidden Dragon List. Congratulations!"

Zhu Mingming’s warm tone can be ranked as the Core Formation cultivator of the Hidden Dragon List. There is a high chance of entering the Nascent Soul Stage.

From a certain perspective, being selected as the Core Formation cultivator of the Hidden Dragon List is to be recognized by the Great Cultivator.

"Isn't the 25th name of Hidden Dragon List Jinzhu Lay? Even if he has an accident or is promoted to the Nascent Soul Stage, it should be Haoyue Sanren to replace him!"

Han Changming Weiwei For a moment, Jinzhu Jushi is a loose cultivator with extraordinary strength.

"He went to the Xianxu to hunt for treasures, was seriously injured and died. In the first two years, his died during meditation Cave Mansion was discovered. In order to fight for treasure, the group beat you to death. It was later confirmed. It was the Jinzhu layman's died during meditation Cave Mansion. I heard that there is a map of the burial celestial ruins. I don’t know who fell on it."

Zhu Mingming explained.

Generally speaking, after the death of Jinzhu, the cultivator behind him all increased by one, but there are exceptions. Han Changming ranked 25th with his superb alchemy level and the dísciple of Lingxiao Daoist.

Han Changming's face showed a suddenly realized expression. To be honest, he doesn't care about the ranking of Hidden Dragon List, just a false name.

Jinzhujushi is ranked 25th in the Hidden Dragon List as a loose cultivator. His strength is certainly not weak. He didn’t expect him to find any advantage in the Funeral Ruins. The name Funeral Ruins did not make a mistake. .

After a few small chats, Han Changming left.

A quarter of an hour later, Han Changming stood at the gate of a gold and jade in glorious splendor palace, browsing slightly wrinkle.

A lacquered gold square plaque hung above the palace gate with the three silver characters "Golden Gourd Palace" written on it, which is very conspicuous.

Han Changming suspects that he has come to the wrong place. The Golden Gourd Pavilion has become the Golden Gourd Palace?

"Father, why are you here."

A familiar woman's voice suddenly sounded.

Han Changming looked along the voice and saw Liu Weiwei approaching him.

"Father, thanks to you, our family's medicine pill is very popular, so I will expand the store and the Golden Gourd Pavilion has been changed to Golden Gourd Palace."

Liu Weiwei explained According to the news, after the news that Han Changming won second place at the Pill Refining Convention, medicine pill sold by Han Family became more and more popular. Liu Weiwei seized the opportunity to expand the store, mainly selling medicine pill, but also Puppet Beast and Formation.

Now medicine pill is one of the important sources of income for Han Family, and Puppet Beast is the second.

Han Changming nodded, under the leadership of Liu Weiwei, Han Changming walked into the Golden Gourd Palace.

The floor of the Golden Gourd Palace is made of azure stone bricks. The great hall is spacious and bright. Behind the long azure counter are rows of tall shelves with a large number of porcelain bottles. Dozens of cultivators are buying medicine pill, most of them Qi Refinement Cultivator.

"I want two bottles of Qi Refinement Pill."

"I want three bottles of Qi Refinement Pill."

"Bring me two bottles of Yellow Bud Pill." "

······   Han Changming looked at the cultivator crowded in front of the counter to buy medicine pill, his face was delighted.

The better the family develops, the happier he is.

"Senior Han is here."

I don't know who shouted, many cultivators moved towards Han Changming one after another, they looked excited and excited.

Han Changming didn't say anything, and strode towards upstairs.

The layout on the second floor is elegant, with some landscape paintings hanging on the walls, and a lot of porcelain vases on the shelves. Most of the guests on the second floor are Foundation Establishment cultivator.

The third floor mainly sells Puppet Beast and also purchases various cultivation resources.

Han Changming came to the fifth floor, Han Benfu was talking to Han Benzhi.

"Father, you are out."

Han Benfu smiled when he saw Han Changming, with two dimples on his face.

After the expansion of the Golden Gourd Pavilion, Han Benfu took up the heavy responsibility and was responsible for refining the third rank medicine pill.

Han Benzhi is already the Foundation Establishment Late Stage, he sees Han Changming and quickly stands up.

"Yes, I have entered the Foundation Establishment Late Stage."

Han Changming's eyes fell on Han Benzhi and praised.

Han Benzhi smiled and said: "I will work harder in cultivation."

He can be promoted to the Foundation Establishment Late Stage, he still depends on medicine pill to pile up, he is really not That piece of material.

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