
  Chapter 621 Instructs Han Wenqing on pill concocting (seeking subscription for monthly pass)    Han Changming knows well , He looked at Han Benfu and asked: "Benfu, what about the clan?"

"Everything is fine, father, you are now a celebrity in the Righteous League. There are often Core Formation cultivator visit seeking pills. ."

At the end, Han Benfu was full of pride.

"Yes! Dad, you are now ranked 25th in the Hidden Dragon List. If you are promoted to the Nascent Soul Stage, there will be more cultivators for seeking medicine and medicine."

Han Benzhi echoed Tao, look excited.

Because of Han Changming's relationship, many businesses are willing to cooperate with Han Family, and even female cultivators frequently show favor to Han Benzhi.

Han Benzhi's thoughts are all on Liu Weiwei, but there is no room for concubines.

"You still need to be hard when you strike iron, and you must also work hard. Don't always put your hope on others, you are the biggest backer."

Han Changming sternly taught. .

The three of Han Benfu claimed to be so and agreed.

"By the way, Dad, Fairy Han from Jinjiao Island is currently in Haoran City. She said she has something to ask you. She has been waiting for you for several years."

Fu remembered something and said.

Han Changming knows Han Wenqing’s intentions, instructed: "You contact Fairy Han and say that you will ask her to come to the Golden Gourd Palace in three days, and you will have a good rest for your father for a few days."

Han Benfu agreed, took out the communication tray and contacted Han Wenqing. Liu Weiwei took Han Changming to the seventh floor.

There are four independent stone chambers on the seventh floor. As soon as Han Changming walked up, he saw Han Changying walk out of a stone chamber with a disappointed expression on his face.

After Han Changying entered the Core Formation Stage, he began to refine magic weapons.

Refining magic weapons requires third-rank materials. The third-rank materials are expensive. Han Changming became famous in one fell swoop. Relying on medicine pill and Han Family’s income surged, he was able to have a large number of Spirit Stones to purchase refining materials. For Han Changying refiner, apart from this, Han Changying communicates with other Core Formation cultivator, the other party will inquire about Han Changming's situation.

To be honest, Han Changming's popularity has skyrocketed, and most of the clansman in the Han Family have benefited.

"Five sisters, long time no see."

Han Changming smiled and said hello. After Han Changying is promoted to the Core Formation Stage, Han Zhangxiang's pressure will be much less.

"Brother Nine, can you figure it out? Fellow Daoist often asks me about your whereabouts. By the way, Brother Nine, are you inconvenient lately? I introduce a few people to you and they admire Your name, I want to get acquainted with you."

Han Changying’s eyes are full of expectations. If you can introduce Han Changming to her friends, Han Changying will interact with them in the future, and there will be more The right to speak.

Han Changming didn't refuse either. After agreeing, he didn't mind making more friends with him.

Hearing this, Han Changying beamed with joy and said: "Okay, it's a deal, you should be busy first, tell me when you have time."

Han Changming will go. Enter a stone chamber with an open door. The stone chamber is no more than ten zhang or so. The stone wall is engraved with a large number of fire runes, and there is a red futon on the ground.

He sat down on the red futon, closed his eyes and rested, meditating and adjusting his breath.

······   Golden Jiao Pavilion, fifth floor.

Han Wenqing, Han Wenbin and Han Wenyue are talking about something, Han Wenqing has a faint smile on her face.

After contacting Han Changming on Sifang Island last time, Han Wenqing asked Han Changming to advise her on pill concocting. Han Changming only said that he considered it. Before giving her an answer, Han Changming left Sifang Island.

"I brought two middle grade animal breeding pills. I hope Fellow Daoist Han can point me to pill concocting."

Han Wenqing said seriously, in order to let Han Changming point him to the pill. Concocting, she brought a lot of good things, apart from this, she is based in Haoran City, just hope Han Changming can point her to pill concocting.

"The last time we rescued his clansman, based on what I know about Fellow Daoist Han, he should be able to give some advice to Jiumei, but to be honest, we still underestimate him. His alchemy talent is far It is above our expectations."

Han Wenbin's expression is solemn. He had made friends with Han Changming and felt that Han Changming has potential. He didn't expect that Han Changming's potential is not ordinary. big.

"Changming Changming, the name is good, but if you don't ming, you have amaze the world with a single brilliant feat, Third Brother, Jiumei, do you think he will share the same sect with ours? "

Han Wenyue's face is a bit weird. Han Changming became famous at the Pill Refining Convention, and his name moved overseas.

They sent additional staff to investigate the origins of Han Changming and have a clearer understanding of the Bottle Gourd Island Han Family.

"There is no evidence, don’t misidentify relatives, but then again, I feel that Fellow Daoist Han is special to us. Their family is in trouble, so they asked Third Brother to help look after his clansman, and he got Pill Refining. After the second place in Convention, he was the first to meet and talk with us, apart from this, he also mentioned to us that Ten Thousand Magics Sect has nine dragons."

Han Wenqing's eyes are full of confusion. To be honest, if Han Changming really shares the same sect with their same sect, that would be the best.

Unfortunately, without conclusive evidence, they will not misidentify relatives.

"If I remember correctly, Fairy, one of the three overseas immortals, has a Spirit Treasure Spirit Mirror, which is said to be able to determine whether the two cultivators are related or not, apart from this, some secrets The technique can also detect whether the two cultivators are related, but the difficulty of casting the technique is relatively high. If you can cast this technique casually, we would have been killed by Ten Thousand Magics Sect a long time ago."

Korean Bin slowly said.

"It's not that a family doesn't enter the house. If we and him are really from the same ancestor, I think we will meet each other."

Han Wenqing’s eyes are firm, The tone is generous and powerful.

Three days passed quickly.

Han Wenqing arrived at the gate of the Golden Gourd Palace on time, and Han Benfu had been waiting for a long time.

"Fairy Han, my father has been waiting for a long time, please go upstairs."

Han Benfuqian full of smiles, invited Han Wenqing into the Golden Gourd Palace.

Coming to the fifth floor, Han Wenqing saw Han Changming sitting on a chair with a tea set made of purple clay pots on the tea table next to it.

"Fairy Han, long time no see, please sit down."

Han Changming asked Han Wenqing to sit down and poured her a cup of steaming spirit tea.

Han Benfu withdrew wisely, leaving Han Wenqing and Han Changming alone.

Han Wenqing chatted while drinking tea.

With a few cups of tea in her abdomen, Han Wenqing started talking about business: "Fellow Daoist Han, how are you thinking about guiding the younger sister's pill concocting?"

She took out one azure jade box, pushed it in front of Han Changming.

Han Changming opened the jade box and took a look. There were two middle grade animal breeding pills in it, and there was a touch of joy in his eyes.

Using the Supreme Unity Spirit Transformation Gourd, he can purify the low grade animal pill into middle grade. Now these two middle grade animal pill can be purified into high-grade pill by using the Supreme Unity Spirit Transformation Gourd. Medicine is only one grade different, and medicine efficacy is very different.

"Be careful, it's no respect."

Han Wenqing said politely.

Han Changming pondered for a moment, and said: "If it's someone else, this Han would not be willing to give pointers. It would not sound good to spread out, but Fellow Daoist Han has a great kindness to our family, that's fine! I'll be with Fairy Han. Let’s talk about Pill Refinement Technique. As for how much you can learn, it depends on your ability. It lasts for three months."

He doesn’t mind giving more pointers to Han Wenqing for a while, but he wants to take this opportunity, Deepen the relationship with the Han Family of Jinjiao Island.

He intends to point Han Wenqing on several occasions, which will help deepen the relationship between them.

"Three months?"

Han Wenqing was a little disappointed. She had hoped for one year, but she changed her mind, but she can’t learn it once, so you can ask Han Changming for advice. Times, more times, the friendship naturally deepened.

"No problem, it's a deal."

Han Wenqing thought about this and agreed.

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