
  Chapter 627 Invitation from Liang Youshan

"The 25th name of the Hidden Dragon List, under the daoist of Lingxiao, you The chance for him is really not small!"

Lin Xuan muttered to himself, with a cold expression on his face.

At this moment, he suddenly took out a light azure disc from his arms, punched in a secret art, and a line of text appeared on the disc.

Lin Xuan's eyes swept away, frowned, put away the dish, and went out.

Golden Gourd Palace, seventh floor.

In a secret room, Han Benfu is sitting on a red futon, with the green gourd tripod in front of him, a crimson flame envelops the green gourd tripod, and a faint smell of smell permeates the room.

Han Benfu's eyes are fixed on the green gourd tripod, brow beaded with sweat, and his eyes are bloodshot.

After a while, the fragrance in the room became more and more intense.

As soon as Han Benfu’s secret art was closed, the flames dissipated, she walked forward quickly and opened the cauldron lid to see that there were five pale-gold pills inside, each with a red pattern on the surface. .

"Middle grade Vajra Bone Tempering Pill, I succeeded."

Han Benfuxin joyfully said that she has concentrated on pill concocting these years, and her alchemy level has improved very quickly. The success rate of the middle grade medicine pill continues to increase.

Not long ago, the family gathered the materials for refining Vajra Bone Tempering Pill. Han Benfu started refining Vajra Bone Tempering Pill, but failed two furnaces and successfully refined five middle grade Vajra Bone Tempering Pill.

"If Fifth Uncle sees these five Vajra Bone Tempering Pills, he must be very happy."

Han Benfu said to himself, Han Debiao takes more care of him, Vajra Bone Tempering Pill can strengthen the fleshy body. Currently, there is only one body cultivator in the clan, Han Debiao.

······   Purple Moon Island, a certain secret room suddenly heard a loud noise, and the earth shook violently.

In the secret room, Han Debiao's face is full of red light, his figure is getting stronger and stronger, his body exudes an amazing baleful aura, his aura is much stronger than before.

After decades of penance, Han Debiao successfully advanced to the late stage of Core Formation. This cultivation speed is fast. Who will let him have a nephew who can refine middle grade medicine pill.

Most Core Formation cultivators have been promoted from the middle stage of Core Formation to the later stage of Core Formation, which can take hundreds of years or more.

The higher the realm, the slower the progress of the cultivation and the longer it takes. This is common sense in the cultivation world.

Han Debiao went out. He came to the Monkey Valley where the Great Golden Back Ape lives. Within the valley is shaded by green trees. You can see hundreds of spiritual peach trees, each one. There are dozens of red spirit peaches hanging on them, and there is a strong smell in the air.

There were a lot of fallen leaves and petals scattered on the ground. The Dali Golden-backed Ape was lying under a peach tree, its eyes closed tightly, and it seemed to fall into a deep sleep.

The Dali Golden-backed Ape has been promoted to the third rank middle grade. Han Debiao has only one Spirit Beast, which makes it easier to raise.

Han Debiao chuckled slightly, he picked off a peach and ate it.

Soon, a peach was eaten up, leaving only the core.

He threw the core out and smashed it on the body of the Dali Golden-backed Ape, said with a smile: "Don't pretend to be asleep, every time I come to see you, I pretend to be asleep."

The Dali Golden Back Ape slowly opened its eyes. It seemed to understand Han Debiao's words, and bowed its head with a guilty conscience.

"Come on, you have a move with me, take me a punch, and let me see how powerful my punch is."

Han Debiao instructed, with a look of excitement.

The vigorous golden-backed ape let out a sharp roar, and his furry palm slapped his chest.

a man and a beast walked out of the Monkey Valley, a dazzling yellow light appeared on the surface of the Dali Golden Back Ape, and a thick layer of yellow soil armor emerged out of thin air, wrapping its right fist, It waved its right fist and smashed it at Han Debiao, wherever the giant fist passed, there was a piercing sound.

Han Debiao's right fist greeted him with a cloud of black glow.

When the two fists collided, a powerful wave of air was generated, the ground burst open, and a hundred zhang or so long and half-foot deep crack appeared, and several boulders as high as one person suddenly burst open. Come, turn into powder, smoke billowing.

The Dali Golden-backed Ape let out a miserable roar, his stature retreated, and he quit for seven steps before he stopped.

The strength of the Great Golden Back Ape mainly depends on its grade, but there are not so many Heaven and Earth Treasures for it to take. Unlike Han Debiao, he can take the spirit pill and marvelous medicine of Body Refinement. Improve Strength of Fleshly Body.

"Yes, the effect of Vajra Bone Tempering Pill refined by Changming is beyond my expectation. I don't know if he still has Vajra Bone Tempering Pill."

Han Debiao Talking to himself, with a smile on his face.

A ray of light flew from a distance, and it was Han Benxian.

Han Benxian is responsible for the management of Purple Moon Island's general affairs. Under normal circumstances, he will not disturb Han Debiao cultivation.

"My sage, what happened?"

Han Debiao asked casually.

"Fifth Uncle, Senior Liang from Liulidao Liang Family is here. She named you by name? She said she wanted to discuss it with you."

Han Benxian said truthfully, Liang Youshan came to the door suddenly and said that she was looking for Han Debiao to discuss.

Han Debiao was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly reacted. Liang Youshan had discussed with him many times and had not won. She didn't expect that she still thought about it.

"I see, go ahead!"

Han Debiao nodded, slammed his right foot on the ground, turning into a black light and walked away.

Liang Youshan floats high in the sky and has not been seen for decades. Liang Youshan is still in the middle stage of Core Formation.

She spent a lot of money to buy a set of middle grade magic weapons. She can’t wait to come to Purple Moon Island and want to compete with Han Debiao.

Han Debiao flew over, he cupped his hands and said: "Liang Fairy, long time no see."

"You are in the late stage of Core Formation."

Liang Youshan was stunned, with an incredible expression on her face.

Han Debiao's cultivation speed is too fast! She immediately thought of Han Changming, and she was relieved. There is a nephew who is proficient in Pill Refinement Technique, and Han Debiao's cultivation speed is hard to slow down.

"That's okay, otherwise it seems that I am incapable of victory."

Liang Youshan said excitedly, she patted the storage bag on her waist, and a piercing sword cry sounded. Three flying swords with red light circulating are flying out. Each flying sword is exactly the same in size and style. It is a middle grade magic weapon.

"A complete set of Flying Sword!"

Han Debiao's eyes flashed with surprise and an expression of interest appeared on his face.

"Fellow Daoist Han, I am here to visit this time, and I specifically ask you for advice."

Liang Youshan said with some excitement, fighting intent is monstrous.

"This Han's cultivation base is higher than you, so let's do it! One move will determine the outcome."

Han Debiao suggested that with his current strength, fight for a long time against Liang Youshan. unfair.

At this time, Han Benxian also flew over. He was watching from a distance, not daring to get too close.

"Okay, then one move will determine the winner."

Liang Youshan agreed, and with a pinch of sword art, three red Flying Swords made a piercing sword cry and burst out. With a dazzling red light, a scarlet flame suddenly appeared on the blade, and the temperature nearby suddenly rose.


With Liang Youshan falling down, the three red Flying Swords chased high in the sky, merged into one, turned into a round of scarlet ten zhang in diameter, and the sun radiated A terrifying temperature.

The scarlet sun went straight to Han Debiao with a burst of sound.

Wherever it passes, the void trembles and twists, a large amount of sea water volatilizes, and the sea water is reflected as red.

Han Debiao's expression remained as usual. Scarlet's scorching sun was not yet close. An unbearable heat wave hit his face, and there was a tingling pain all over his body, as if his skin was about to tear apart.

Numerous black spirit patterns emerged on his body, which looked like living creatures, twisted and deformed, and black light flashed. A thick black chain mail emerged out of thin air, protecting his chest, and his hands were covered. A burst of black light enveloped.

I saw him take a step forward, and his right fist quickly made a shatter void, making a piercing sound, facing the scarlet sun.

The black fist collided with the scarlet sun and was instantly overwhelmed by the scarlet sun.

Han Benxian's heart touched his throat, but soon, he was happy again.

The scarlet sun burst open suddenly, the billowing flames suddenly dissipated, and a red light glittering giant sword appeared.

Some blood stains can be vaguely seen on the surface of Han Debiao's right fist, but it is not a major problem. A layer of black light envelops Han Debiao's fist.

Liang Youshan was stunned. She is a set of Flying Sword, so what can't help Han Debiao?    Naturally, she didn't know that Han Debiao took a lot of middle grade Vajra Bone Tempering Pill, Strength of Fleshly Body, and even the Great Golden Back Ape was ashamed of being inferior.

Of course, this is just a discussion. If you fight with life and death, Liang Youshan still has a chance to hurt Han Debiao.

With a muffled sound of "knock", the red giant sword flew out, turned into three red flying swords halfway, and flew back to Liang Youshan's side.

Liang Youshan's expression is extremely complicated. In the first battle decades ago, Han Debiao was only slightly better. After decades, she could clearly notice that the gap between her and Han Debiao was getting bigger and bigger.

"You let me win, Liang Fairy."

Han Debiao said politely, his eyes full of joy.

If you take a lot of high grade Vajra Bone Tempering Pill, I don’t know if he can resist the attack of high grade magic weapon.

"The skills are not as good as others, I am convinced that I lost, didn't expect to see it for decades, Fellow Daoist Han's divine ability is stronger than before."

Liang Youshan said resolutely , If you lose, you lose. There is nothing to say. She wins and can afford to lose.

"Liang Fairy, we haven't seen each other for many years, let's go to the island for a comment!"

Han Debiao made a please gesture. said with a faint smile.

Liang Youshan agreed, put away the Flying Sword, and followed Han Debiao to Han Debiao's residence.

After a few cups of tea were over, Liang Youshan started talking about the business: "Fellow Daoist Han, let’s tell you, my little sister is here this time and ask for something."

" What's the matter? Please also ask Fairy to make it clear."

Han Debiao's expression is as usual. If he guessed correctly, Liang Youshan mostly came to ask for medicine.

He thought about it carefully and shook his head to reject this speculation. If it is for medicine, can Liang Youshan go directly to Han Changming?

"We Liang Family found an ancient cultivator Cave Mansion, where there is a third-rank high-grade monster guardian. This beast is not difficult to deal with. The trouble is, there is an invincible place. , Immortal cultivator can’t exert its full strength in the land of dead souls. The restriction on body cultivator is smaller there. I would like to ask you to help, get rid of the prohibition. Treasure will get six or four points."

Liang Youshan said slowly, with a sincere tone.

If it is a general prohibition, Liang Family has already cracked it, and there is no need to ask Han Debiao to do it.

"The land of the unreliable? But it is the ten most dangerous land of the cultivation world, without the slightest Spiritual Qi, the strength of the immortal cultivator is severely restricted."

Han Debiao frowned, The Land of Absolute Spirit is an area without Spiritual Qi. In this kind of place, the immortal cultivator with great divine ability will be severely restricted, except for the body cultivator.

No wonder Liang Youshan wants to ask Han Debiao to do it. The body cultivator of Core Formation Stage is rare in the open sea.

Han Debiao is a little tempted. He is a body cultivator and strong as an ox. He can also help.

"What kind of cultivator's Cave Mansion is that? Any clues?"

Han Debiao asked.

"I don't know, we just got two magic weapons from the periphery, at least the Core Formation cultivator's died during meditation Cave Mansion, or the Nascent Soul Cultivator's died during meditation Cave Mansion."

Liang Youshan said truthfully, Liang Zhange happened to be away from home, even if he was on Liuli Island, in the Land of Absolute Soul, Liang Zhange's strength would be severely restricted.

"How many Fellow Daoist are there?"

Han Debiao then asked.

"If you want to, plus my cousins, there are four people in total. We tried many people to deal with the evil creature before. We never thought that its strength was not weak. My two comrades died. In its hands."

At the end, Liang Youshan looked sad.

There is no other way. In the Land of Unstoppable Spirits, the strength of most immortal cultivators is severely restricted. Then, the fleshy body of Demon Beast is powerful. ban.

In addition to the strength of Han Debiao, Liang Family also has the idea of ​​deepening the relationship between the two.

Han Changming's alchemy talent is there, and it's only a matter of time before he enters the Nascent Soul Stage.

"Let's do it! Let me think about it and give you an answer in a few days, how about it?"

Han Debiao said after a long time of thinking.

"No problem, you take your time to think carefully, I am impossible to lie to you, and there is no need to lie to you."

Liang Youshan agreed.

Han Debiao naturally knows this. Liang Family and Han Family have private education and there is no conflict of interest. Han Changming apprentices Ling Xiao daoist, Han and Liang’s cooperation has become closer, Liang Family does not Reasons for murdering Han Debiao.

He arranged a place for Liang Youshan, then went to Han Zhangxiang's place, and sent a sound transmission talisman.

He wanted to hunt for treasure. It was a windfall. It would be a pity not to go. He just wanted to say hello to Han Zhangxiang, not asking about Han Zhangxiang's attitude.

The big one hour has passed, and Han Zhangxiang hasn't come out yet, it seems that he hasn't gone out yet.

Han Debiao frowned, he came to Qinghu Island and sent a sound transmission talisman to Han Changming.

He waited for the big one hour in Qinghudao, and the three of Han Changming and his wife did not show up. It seems that they are all cultivation.

"Are you all secluded cultivation? Forget it, let me run it myself! Just tell them."

Han Debiao groaned for a while and sent a sound transmission Talisman, briefly talked about what happened.

Back to Purple Moon Island, Han Debiao called Han Benxian and told Han Benxian what happened.

"Fifth Uncle, it's not too late for you to wait for patriarch or Jiushu to leave the customs, and then go hunting for treasure, you are too dangerous to be in the past."

Han Benxian suggested.

Han Debiao waved his hand, and said nonchalantly: "Liang Fairy is not a bad guy. They and I can solve the third rank demonic beast. It won't be dangerous. That's the thing. When patriarch or Changming leaves the customs, you can tell them where I am going, and I will be back soon."

As long as no, if you encounter the fourth rank demonic beast or strong prohibition, there will be no problem.

Early in the morning of the second day, Han Debiao and Liang Youshan left Purple Moon Island and turned into two escape lights moved towards Liuli Island and flew away.

每一位clansman 的成长轨迹是不一样的,靠家族没错,但impossible 什么都靠家族,            

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